Trump Lashes Out at Georgia Prosecutor


Trump has only himself to blame.
I remember Andrea Mitchell as a radio correspondent for KYW news radio in Philly decades ago. We now know that there were Prog Socialist shills that passed for news journalists. It is tragic. Respecting these people and finding out they were scamming the peasant. And more than that hazing them.
Those "libs" that fester in your noggin cannot substitute for the reality of the vast majority of sworn testimony against the loser coming from conservative Republicans, many of who served in his regime, as well as the informed judgement of conservative legal scholars.

Because Trump conspired to derail the electoral college process, marshaled the Justice Department to bolster his scheme, pressured Georgia officials to undo the election results, and repeatedly lied about fraud allegations, he has been charged with conspiring to derail the electoral college process, marshaling the Justice Department to bolster his scheme, pressuring Georgia officials to undo the election results, and repeatedly lying about fraud allegations.

Trump's bleating, squirming, and hissyfits aside, a jury of his peers will dispassionately assess the documented evidence and sworn testimony against him and his defense attorneys' attempts to refute the charges.

Of course, those who exhibit contempt for the nation's democratic system of self-governance will rage against the system of justice, as well.

They might want to consider a daily cup of tea, a hot buttered scone, and a colonic irrigation to help them cope with reality.

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Otherwise, they might become overly fraught.
You bleat of democracy while advocating attacking every democratic principle…what a fraud you are.
You bleat of democracy while advocating attacking every democratic principle…what a fraud you are.

The department of homeland security says the election was not tampered with.

This whole fiasco is the result of Trump's lies.
The department of homeland security says the election was not tampered with.

This whole fiasco is the result of Trump's lies.
The bureaucracy is corrupted, with leftists. Of course you’d point to them..Because you think pointing to a department filled with libs that conspired against Trump bolsters your claim…it doesn’t…They’re part of the destruction.
No, it's the result of the deep state SWAMP being scared shitless of Trump, and you are their cheerleader.

Deep state is just Trump's paranoia. He has to blame someone for his lies and incompetence. That's typical of losers.

His lies have hurt the GOP and the country. DHS says the election was not stolen.
The bureaucracy is corrupted, with leftists. Of course you’d point to them..Because you think pointing to a department filled with libs that conspired against Trump bolsters your claim…it doesn’t…They’re part of the destruction.

One man one vote, moron.
Deep state is just Trump's paranoia. He has to blame someone for his lies and incompetence. That's typical of losers.

His lies have hurt the GOP and the country. DHS says the election was not stolen.
All this is is the SWAMP'S PARANOIA that their RAPING OF OUR TRESURARY is threatened!!!
There is no pollical agenda.

Trump plays the victim card; don't conservatists get tired of it.
Until Dems are losing, then all bets are off.

The Department of Homeland Security says the election was just fine. Trump is a liar putting the country through expensive hell because he's a loser.
Remember, in 2017 he claimed 3-5 million illegals voted.
You bleat of democracy while advocating attacking every democratic principle…what a fraud you are.
You appear confused. As a patriot, I support both democratic elections and the rule of law.

Conspicuous examples are the 2020 presidential election result as certified by all 50 states and DC, and the judicial process under which individuals charged with crimes based upon credible evidence and sworn testimony have the opportunity to refute those charges before a jury of his peers.

A loser's lies are unacceptable substitutes.

Trump Lashes Out at Georgia Prosecutor​

With his usual false claims and lies.

And personal attackes.

Lies bother me....but I expect all pols to lie (of course Trump's hyperbole makes it tough to sort fantasy from farts), but the personal attacks in politics are way out of hand.

I can't say I won't vote for someone who does it (although that has happened), but I would certainly tell them (or him in this case) what a low-brow jackass he is when he does this.

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