Trump kills innocent civilians should be impeached.

Nope, I didn't deflect. I'm sorry I'm not hunting down pictures of hundreds of drone strikes for nor reason what so ever.

Why don't you waste your time and post 100 of Obama's greatest hits if you want.
One picture? Come on. You say Trump killed 100s. Surely you can find one. You’re a partisan hack. You lost this debate. My OP has how many likes? You’re the lone idiot dissenter. Why? You’re a partisan sycophant Biden ass kissing fool.
One picture? Come on. You say Trump killed 100s. Surely you can find one. You’re a partisan hack. You lost this debate. My OP has how many likes? You’re the lone idiot dissenter. Why? You’re a partisan sycophant Biden ass kissing fool.
Sorry, if you don't think Trump launched any drone strikes and you need pictures for proof then you're an imbecile.

Why would I care that the wingnuts on this board are favoriting their latest obsession? It's not important to me how many likes your post gets, apparently it's everything to you.
Sorry, if you don't think Trump launched any drone strikes and you need pictures for proof then you're an imbecile.

Why would I care that the wingnuts on this board are favoriting their latest obsession? It's not important to me how many likes your post gets, apparently it's everything to you.
You calling someone else a wingnut is rich. So you have proof that Trump completely missed his target and killed innocents. Give me a specific date and time. Leftist fool.
You calling someone else a wingnut is rich.
Rich in accuracy, amiright?

So you have proof that Trump completely missed his target and killed innocents. Give me a specific date and time. Leftist fool.

Yes. It was posted already.

Here is a deeper link from the source I provided.

The number of civilians killed by international airstrikes increased about 330 percent from 2016, the last full year of the Obama Administration, to 2019, the most recent year for which there is complete data from the United Nations.
I said where he was aiming for a terrorist and completely missed the targetX you posted generalities. You’re such a buffoon. You lose.

And now this hits. Biden is in trouble.

Everything. That's where Trump was hiding the body count. Did you not read my link?

Anyway, Trump way, way, way outperformed Obama on drone strikes, but you guys don't know that, how come?

Ohhh look, a Nazi is lying again! Another demon just got his horns.

Liar. Trump increased drone strike and civilian casualties.

Your link doesn't support your claim.

It doesn't even suggest that he increased strikes beyond the number Obummer did.

The lefty site simply tries to smear trump with claims that he placed an EO shielding him from reporting civilian casualties.

You Nazis just fling shit and hope that no one reads it.
This would be the mantra from the leftists on this site if Trump did what Biden did.

Instead the likes of Crepitus Dragonlady rightwinger Mac1958 candycorn DrLove surada BlindBoo colfax_m and other partisan Leftists are silent. Crickets….

Why? It was Joe Biden

Hypocrisy 101

Truth over Facts
Buyers Remorse
Embarrassment in Chief
Always a victim.

You’re weak. Only weak people have this mentality.
OP is being purposely stupid. Not unusual.

BBC 2020 regarding drone civilian deaths under Trump is linked below. Has a video and links to pictures. This thread is moronic.

Already posted yet we have zero pictures just generalities. Show me where Trump said he was aiming for a terrorist, missed completely and killed innocents only instead. I ll wait patiently, you hypocrite.
When he ended Obama's rule about reporting deaths from drone strikes. Kind of a preemptive move.
Again the media could have still reported it like it did in this case. It wasn’t Biden you leftist deflecting loon. He was busted by the media and they had pictures. Are you ever not a complete deranged moron?
This would be the mantra from the leftists on this site if Trump did what Biden did.

Instead the likes of Crepitus Dragonlady rightwinger Mac1958 candycorn DrLove surada BlindBoo colfax_m and other partisan Leftists are silent. Crickets….

Why? It was Joe Biden

Hypocrisy 101

Truth over Facts
Buyers Remorse
Embarrassment in Chief

Too many on the Left are certified Moral Narcissists.
So your words fall on deaf ears. It's like a chicken in the butcher shop extolling the evils of the butcher. CHOP!!
It's why their leadership worships the almighty dollar above all else and abortion to them is paramount over personal responsibility in the first place.
It's why they can scream that you need a covid vaccine, while simultaneously opening the border to covid and who knows what other disease.
Extreme hypocrisy come naturally for absolute moral narcissists.

In short, they don't give a flipping fuck what is said about them. All they care about is getting their way....every time. Consequences be damned.
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Trump is the victim and by extension so are you.

Never met such a bunch of whiners who can’t even admit it.
We are all victims based on that definition as our president is a senile old fool. You have never met me. Correct. You’re weird and you put people on ignore, which is the epitome of weak and whiny.
Already posted yet we have zero pictures just generalities. Show me where Trump said he was aiming for a terrorist, missed completely and killed innocents only instead. I ll wait patiently, you hypocrite.
Fuck off. Dead civilian events are easy to find under Trump. Youre just jerking off. Enjoy.

On May 20, an Afghan A-29 warplane supplied by the United States bombed the home of Aminullah Hassanzada in Kunduz, killing his brother, his brother’s 25-year-old wife and their mother, Mr. Hassanzada said. Shortly after the deaths, Mr. Hassanzada said, he started the paperwork and submitted the completed forms three months later.

It took trips to more than a half dozen local and provincial offices, he said, to prove that family members had died. That included reprinting identity cards (destroyed in the bombing) and finding five witnesses to confirm that his loved ones were real.


Fuck off. Dead civilian events are easy to find under Trump. Youre just jerking off. Enjoy.

On May 20, an Afghan A-29 warplane supplied by the United States bombed the home of Aminullah Hassanzada in Kunduz, killing his brother, his brother’s 25-year-old wife and their mother, Mr. Hassanzada said. Shortly after the deaths, Mr. Hassanzada said, he started the paperwork and submitted the completed forms three months later.

It took trips to more than a half dozen local and provincial offices, he said, to prove that family members had died. That included reprinting identity cards (destroyed in the bombing) and finding five witnesses to confirm that his loved ones were real.

View attachment 543428
Not the same as a misfired missile that they tried to cover up. Try again, dumb leftist. How is Walmart? Staying busy?
We are all victims based on that definition as our president is a senile old fool. You have never met me. Correct. You’re weird and you put people on ignore, which is the epitome of weak and whiny.
Sorry, I don’t hear any real criticism here other than an emotional outburst from someone who has the same maturity as Trump.
Sorry, I don’t hear any real criticism here other than an emotional outburst from someone who has the same maturity as Trump.
You put people on ignore because you’re a sensitive wuss. You will never live that down. I do Not put people on ignore. I am anti cancel culture.
I did? Prove it. What did I say? Fuckin' liar.

Fuck you mother fucker. You're the only one lying here. I'll EASILY prove you're a fucking democrat pansy who was all uptight and worried about the attack.

In the following post you were all worried about what the Iranian people thought of what Trump did. Fucking pansy. You never once said "It sure was nice to take out someone who was responsible for so many American lives." No you're a fucking liberal who is only worried about people liking us. FUCK THAT. I don't give a shit about what anyone thinks. You kill a thousand Americans and we blow your ass to bits and FUCK you and your feelings.

And in this post you were even calling killing that son of a bitch "attacking their country and threatening their culture" as if this murderous terrorist was a representation of Iranian people as a whole or Iranian culture. God damn you're a stupid mother fucker. You even said that killing this son of a fucking bitch would embolden the Iranian people against the US. Just like everything else about you, you're wrong about that too. Just fucking admit it, you're a fucking Biden suck up fuck up. You didn't even fucking believe that the Iranian regime forced people to attend his funeral with the threat of imprisonment or death. You're a fucking libtard that is so fucking clueless to the real world you embarrass yourself with your stupidity every fucking time you post. So just fuck off.

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