Trump jokes about Russia; desperate liberals screeching to try to make people believe he meant it

Yeap, the MSM did it. They managed to change the focus of their useful idiots from WHAT was in the email, to WHO is responsible for getting it.

The democrats must have a good laugh at how stupid their voting base actually is.
Thing is, his "jokes" show a man who does not think before he speaks. If he wants people to know when he is serious and when he is joking the jokes should be at least a little funny. His jokes seem to be nothing but mean jabs that are only amusing to mean people.
Actually, they are truthful jabs, that are funny to normal, reasonable people.

Inevitably, the Democrats are the ones whining and complaining about them.
It's sleazy politics, the only kind Trump has. Normal reasonable people do not think foreign espionage is anything to laugh about. For someone overly concerned with security he is sort nonchalant about this.
For some reason.
The joke was about Hillary, not spying. Do you need the coloring book version?
Put it any way you like, it's still nothing a fair and righteous man would even joke about. Trump is a sleaze and he is happy to win even with the assistance of foreign espionage directed at our election. I know you will shoot back something about Hillary and you may even be correct but is not Trump supposed to be better? My point here is that an honorable man would not want to win this way and would not react gleefully to it.
blah, blah, sob, sob, sob, sniffle, boo hoo...
Why is the left upset about this? Those emails were supposed to be private. Maybe the dems have let the truth out by mistake? Maybe these emails actually weren't private and Hillary broke the law by deleting them?
Yeap, the MSM did it. They managed to change the focus of their useful idiots from WHAT was in the email, to WHO is responsible for getting it.

The democrats must have a good laugh at how stupid their voting base actually is.
They do... It's in the emails too. The Dems base is so stupid they can't' and/or won't read them for themselves... They'll trust the party leaders to be honest, and forthcoming with them just like they did for Bernie. And like good little slaves they'll slurp up every last drop...
Why is the left upset about this? Those emails were supposed to be private. Maybe the dems have let the truth out by mistake? Maybe these emails actually weren't private and Hillary broke the law by deleting them?
National security doesn't matter. Trump cracking a joke about it is a national emergency. I'm calling for a congressional inquiry with lots of libtard theater and grandstanding. Then we can dismiss it all, at that point what difference does it make?
The liberals are doing their usual diversion and lying, trying to make normal people believe that a joke Donald Trump made about Russia hacking Hillary's secret-email server, was something the man had actually meant.

Too bad the liberals can base so little of what they try to tell people, on actual truth. But they know that the more the liberals tell the truth, the worse they look. So they have little choice but to lie, both about themselves, and about their opponents.

Trump's Russia Connections make him an undercover agent?

Panetta Questions Trump's Loyalty to US After Russian Hack Remarks

Trump asks Russia and China to find Hillary's emails

Trump Press Conference Surreal

Donald Trump says he hopes Russia hacked Hillary Clinton’s email

Oliver Darcy on Twitter

Do these strange people realize just how futilely hysterical they look with these things?
Oh. A joke. Ha Ha.

Will he be doing Dead Baby jokes next?

Dead babies? I thought that was the lefts forte.
Yeap, the MSM did it. They managed to change the focus of their useful idiots from WHAT was in the email, to WHO is responsible for getting it.

The democrats must have a good laugh at how stupid their voting base actually is.
They do... It's in the emails too. The Dems base is so stupid they can't' and/or won't read them for themselves... They'll trust the party leaders to be honest, and forthcoming with them just like they did for Bernie. And like good little slaves they'll slurp up every last drop...
The only way they could understand the issue is if someone made a cartoon show for them.
The liberals are doing their usual diversion and lying, trying to make normal people believe that a joke Donald Trump made about Russia hacking Hillary's secret-email server, was something the man had actually meant.

Too bad the liberals can base so little of what they try to tell people, on actual truth. But they know that the more the liberals tell the truth, the worse they look. So they have little choice but to lie, both about themselves, and about their opponents.

Trump's Russia Connections make him an undercover agent?

Panetta Questions Trump's Loyalty to US After Russian Hack Remarks

Trump asks Russia and China to find Hillary's emails

Trump Press Conference Surreal

Donald Trump says he hopes Russia hacked Hillary Clinton’s email

Oliver Darcy on Twitter

Do these strange people realize just how futilely hysterical they look with these things?

Even if he did, who cares.

The left is clearly desperate..

Some days I wonder if Hillary will even carry California? :eek:
The liberals are doing their usual diversion and lying, trying to make normal people believe that a joke Donald Trump made about Russia hacking Hillary's secret-email server, was something the man had actually meant.
If Obama or Hillary made that kind of joke, you'd be calling it treason. Hypocrite
A breathless, nearly apoplectic Chuck Todd played the clip (a few times) and it's pretty clear Trump was just mocking the Democrats.

Todd and his guests were parsing every single word as if it were a freaking State of the Union address.

What Trump actually said barely even makes SENSE.

I'm no fan of The Donald, I don't want him in the White House, but really, folks? You're really going to pretend you think he was serious?
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The press at Trump's press conference were like snapping piranha they were trying to frame questions in the hopes of tripping Trump up so they could spin a sound bite, they failed. Trump kicked the shit out of Obama and the Clinton's. Some of the reporters were popping a gasket and coming unglued. :laugh:

Favorite Trump quote from the presser: Obama is the most ignorant president in our country's history. lol
Yeap, the MSM did it. They managed to change the focus of their useful idiots from WHAT was in the email, to WHO is responsible for getting it.

The democrats must have a good laugh at how stupid their voting base actually is.
What was in there was hardly surprising and heads rolled over it. Now the only mystery is who did this and for what purpose? Amazing how republicans are not the least bit curious.
The liberals are doing their usual diversion and lying, trying to make normal people believe that a joke Donald Trump made about Russia hacking Hillary's secret-email server, was something the man had actually meant.

Too bad the liberals can base so little of what they try to tell people, on actual truth. But they know that the more the liberals tell the truth, the worse they look. So they have little choice but to lie, both about themselves, and about their opponents.

Trump's Russia Connections make him an undercover agent?

Panetta Questions Trump's Loyalty to US After Russian Hack Remarks

Trump asks Russia and China to find Hillary's emails

Trump Press Conference Surreal

Donald Trump says he hopes Russia hacked Hillary Clinton’s email

Oliver Darcy on Twitter

Do these strange people realize just how futilely hysterical they look with these things?
Oh, you can try to play it off like it was a "joke" on his part, and I don't know, maybe you are actually dumb enough to believe that, but those of us living in the real world know he was dead serious.
See? :biggrin:
Why is it Trump is always joking when he says something that is out of line. When Trump is called out for something he said, Trump supporters are very quick to downplay it as he is just joking.

So when is he not joking? Maybe Trump needs to say just kidding after saying something like this so we don't think he's serious.

And who are you again?
The liberals are doing their usual diversion and lying, trying to make normal people believe that a joke Donald Trump made about Russia hacking Hillary's secret-email server, was something the man had actually meant.
If Obama or Hillary made that kind of joke, you'd be calling it treason. Hypocrite
And you'd be defending them...
If he was really joking, but this is about Trump and he doesn't joke; he threatens
A breathless, nearly apoplectic Chuck Todd played the clip (a few times) and it's pretty clear Trump was just mocking the Democrats.

Todd and his guests were parsing every single word as if it were a freaking State of the Union address.

What Trump actually said barely even makes SENSE.

I'm no fan of The Donald, I don't want him in the White House, but really, folks? You're really going to pretend you think he was serious?
I do not think he is serious about anything. Even offhand remarks from a president have a certain gravity that is unique to the office. The man needs to learn this and quit acting so bewildered that even his bullshit can be deadly serious.

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