Waving off the clerics who had come to administer last rites, Voltaire said: “All my life I have ever made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous.’ And God granted it.”
The tale of the thieved emails at the Democratic National Committee is just too good to be true.
The WikiLeaks dump came Friday night. By Sunday, Clinton’s crowd had unleashed the mechanical rabbit, and the press hounds were dutifully chasing it.
The new party line: The Russians did it! Purpose: Change the subject. Redirect the media away from the DNC conspiracy to sabotage Sanders’ campaign. Well, do not the people have “a right to know” of sordid schemes of DNC operatives to sink a presidential campaign? If the Russians were helpful in bringing to the attention of the American people the anti-democratic business being done at the DNC, perhaps the Russians deserve similar recognition.
It's amazing how we are constantly told to 'wait until we have the facts' except for when some spin doctor from the left throws out a theory as an obvious smokescreen and that theory gets even bigger by the minute.
I'd say I'm amazed at the gullibility of people gulping this story down so readily, but that would no longer be true. The blind acceptance of anything and everything told to them has become the hallmark of the left and this situation is just another glaring example of that.