Trump is Winning on the Wall, the Mueller Probe and His Administration in General


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Trump is showing the RINO Establishment in DC that the public loves a fighter who sticks to his base and fights for them, instead of retreating on everything the Marxist media attacks him on.

First issue, the wall. New Qinnipiac poll shows the majority of Americans now support Trump on the wall issue.

The latest Quinnipiac University Poll finds that the majority of Americans, Republican voters, swing-voters, American men, as well as both college-educated whites and non-college educated whites agree that there is a “security crisis” at the southern border.

In total, 54 percent of Americans agree with President Trump’s assertion that the country’s porous southern border has created a “crisis” of skyrocketing illegal immigration and deadly drug trafficking. About 86 percent of Republican voters agree, as well.

Next win, the Mueller probe and the FBI's handling of the firing of Comey has blown up in the faces of the Libtard Establishment. The NYT story has created more sympathy for Trump and exposed how the FBI leadership wanted to get Trump from the start.

Legal experts and political strategists on both sides of the aisle said the Times‘ report showed the FBI was motivated by revenge for Comey’s firing rather than by any evidence Trump was acting on behalf of Russia.

Mark Penn, a Democrat and former strategist for Bill and Hillary Clinton, wrote in an op-ed on Sunday that the FBI and the Justice Department’s actions “appear to be wholly without justification — and were based instead on politically inspired emotion and hysteria.”

“I didn’t support Donald Trump, and there are lots of things he does I don’t support,” he wrote. “But the idea that he was the Manchurian candidate working for the Russians when he ran on an America First platform is patently ridiculous.”

Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor and senior fellow at the National Review Institute, argued that the only thing the report showed was that the FBI was out to get Trump all along. He wrote on Sunday that the Times‘ report was “clearly intended to be a blockbuster report.”

“But in truth, the only thing the story shows is that the FBI, after over a year of investigation, simply went overt about something that had been true from the first. The investigation commenced during the 2016 campaign by the Obama administration – the Justice Department and the FBI – was always about Donald Trump,” he wrote.

McCarthy argued that the FBI and DOJ had “rationalized” that Trump fired Comey to impede the investigation, and coupled that with a memo that Comey himself wrote and leaked to the media that alleged Trump had tried to impede the investigation into former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn.

Legally, none of this was obstruction. Yet, the FBI and Justice Department settled on this novel and flawed legal theory: Even though the president has constitutional authority to fire subordinates and weigh in on investigations, he may somehow still be prosecuted for obstruction if a prosecutor concludes that his motive was improper,” McCarthy wrote.

“The FBI, hot-headed over the director’s dismissal, concluded that this obstruction theory was a sound enough basis to go overt with the case on Trump they had actually been trying to make for many months,” he wrote.​

And Trumps numbers climbs and Mueller's sinks.

This nationwide survey of 903 adults finds that despite a government shutdown for which the anti-Trump media is blaming President Trump, the president’s job approval rating jumped two points above last month, from 40 percent to 42 percent, with 54 percent saying they disapprove.

Though 54 percent of the public disapproves of how Trump is doing his job, 51 percent agree that “the president’s opponents are using the ongoing special counsel investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion as a way to delegitimize the 2016 election.”

And, according to the pollster, those “opponents” include the media....

“That includes most independents (52%), as well as the vast majority of Republicans (70%). The poll found that almost a third of Democrats (31%) agree with that statement.”

Overall, only 44 percent disagreed.

Raghavan Mayur, president of TechnoMetrica, who directed the poll, said in a statement that a majority of Americans understand that the real goal of the “opposition and the media is to delegitimize the outcome of the 2016 election and remove Trump from office one way or the other.”

On the impeachment front, two-thirds–65 percent–“say any talk of impeaching Trump at this point is premature. Just 33% say it’s not too early.”​

Trump is being attacked on a daily basis by all the media, including many FOX comentators like Shep Smith, but Trump is still WINNING!

roflmao, and the libs are just enraged by it, and that is the icing on the cake!
I have a question for all of you cognitive dissonant trump lovers

If the evidence is so clear and blatant that Obama and Hillary are criminals -- why is Trump and the republicans so ineffective and powerless to investigate them, let alone prosecute them?

Is it because Obama is more powerful than both Trump and the whole republican controlled DOJ, FBI, etc?

Republicans had full control of congress for some years, how come no senate investigations into all of the blatant crimes of Obama?

Are you saying that Obama is so powerful that he can make republicans indict and convict themselves?
I have a question for all of you cognitive dissonant trump lovers

If the evidence is so clear and blatant that Obama and Hillary are criminals -- why is Trump and the republicans so ineffective and powerless to investigate them, let alone prosecute them?

Is it because Obama is more powerful than both Trump and the whole republican controlled DOJ, FBI, etc?

Republicans had full control of congress for some years, how come no senate investigations into all of the blatant crimes of Obama?

Are you saying that Obama is so powerful that he can make republicans indict and convict themselves?
It certainly would appear that many die hard Republicans are part of the deep state....and we had a FBI director directly involved in LYING about Hildebeasts many refresh your vacuous mind..
Trump is showing the RINO Establishment in DC that the public loves a fighter who sticks to his base and fights for them, instead of retreating on everything the Marxist media attacks him on.

First issue, the wall. New Qinnipiac poll shows the majority of Americans now support Trump on the wall issue.

The latest Quinnipiac University Poll finds that the majority of Americans, Republican voters, swing-voters, American men, as well as both college-educated whites and non-college educated whites agree that there is a “security crisis” at the southern border.

In total, 54 percent of Americans agree with President Trump’s assertion that the country’s porous southern border has created a “crisis” of skyrocketing illegal immigration and deadly drug trafficking. About 86 percent of Republican voters agree, as well.

Next win, the Mueller probe and the FBI's handling of the firing of Comey has blown up in the faces of the Libtard Establishment. The NYT story has created more sympathy for Trump and exposed how the FBI leadership wanted to get Trump from the start.

Legal experts and political strategists on both sides of the aisle said the Times‘ report showed the FBI was motivated by revenge for Comey’s firing rather than by any evidence Trump was acting on behalf of Russia.

Mark Penn, a Democrat and former strategist for Bill and Hillary Clinton, wrote in an op-ed on Sunday that the FBI and the Justice Department’s actions “appear to be wholly without justification — and were based instead on politically inspired emotion and hysteria.”

“I didn’t support Donald Trump, and there are lots of things he does I don’t support,” he wrote. “But the idea that he was the Manchurian candidate working for the Russians when he ran on an America First platform is patently ridiculous.”

Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor and senior fellow at the National Review Institute, argued that the only thing the report showed was that the FBI was out to get Trump all along. He wrote on Sunday that the Times‘ report was “clearly intended to be a blockbuster report.”

“But in truth, the only thing the story shows is that the FBI, after over a year of investigation, simply went overt about something that had been true from the first. The investigation commenced during the 2016 campaign by the Obama administration – the Justice Department and the FBI – was always about Donald Trump,” he wrote.

McCarthy argued that the FBI and DOJ had “rationalized” that Trump fired Comey to impede the investigation, and coupled that with a memo that Comey himself wrote and leaked to the media that alleged Trump had tried to impede the investigation into former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn.

Legally, none of this was obstruction. Yet, the FBI and Justice Department settled on this novel and flawed legal theory: Even though the president has constitutional authority to fire subordinates and weigh in on investigations, he may somehow still be prosecuted for obstruction if a prosecutor concludes that his motive was improper,” McCarthy wrote.

“The FBI, hot-headed over the director’s dismissal, concluded that this obstruction theory was a sound enough basis to go overt with the case on Trump they had actually been trying to make for many months,” he wrote.​

And Trumps numbers climbs and Mueller's sinks.

This nationwide survey of 903 adults finds that despite a government shutdown for which the anti-Trump media is blaming President Trump, the president’s job approval rating jumped two points above last month, from 40 percent to 42 percent, with 54 percent saying they disapprove.

Though 54 percent of the public disapproves of how Trump is doing his job, 51 percent agree that “the president’s opponents are using the ongoing special counsel investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion as a way to delegitimize the 2016 election.”

And, according to the pollster, those “opponents” include the media....

“That includes most independents (52%), as well as the vast majority of Republicans (70%). The poll found that almost a third of Democrats (31%) agree with that statement.”

Overall, only 44 percent disagreed.

Raghavan Mayur, president of TechnoMetrica, who directed the poll, said in a statement that a majority of Americans understand that the real goal of the “opposition and the media is to delegitimize the outcome of the 2016 election and remove Trump from office one way or the other.”

On the impeachment front, two-thirds–65 percent–“say any talk of impeaching Trump at this point is premature. Just 33% say it’s not too early.”​

Trump is being attacked on a daily basis by all the media, including many FOX comentators like Shep Smith, but Trump is still WINNING!

roflmao, and the libs are just enraged by it, and that is the icing on the cake!

Have you bothered to read the Quinnipiac poll or did you just read the Breitbart article? The Quinnipiac poll is bad news for Trump and Republicans.

American voters support 63 – 30 percent a Democratic proposal to reopen parts of the government that do not involve border security while negotiating funding for the Wall, according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today. Every party, gender, education, age and racial group supports this idea except Republicans, who are opposed 52 – 39 percent.

Voters oppose 63 – 32 percent shutting down the government to force funding for the Wall, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University National Poll finds. Again, Republicans are the only listed group supporting the shutdown, 67 – 24 percent.

The GOP is losing the battle as 56 percent of American voters say President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress are responsible for the shutdown, while 36 percent say Democrats are responsible.

Voters remain solidly opposed to a wall on the Mexican border, 55 – 43 percent, and reject every argument for the Wall. The 55 – 43 percent opposition compares to 54 – 43 percent opposition in a December 18 survey, just before the partial government shutdown.

American voters are negative in every question about the wall, saying: 
59 – 40 percent that it is not a good use of taxpayer dollars; 
55 – 43 percent that the wall would not make the U.S. safer; 
59 – 40 percent that the wall is not necessary to protect the border; 
52 percent say the wall is against American values as 41 percent say the wall is consistent

President Trump’s TV address to the nation last week was “mostly misleading,” 49 percent of American voters say, while 32 percent say it was “mostly accurate.”

Voters are divided on the response by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer as 38 percent found it “mostly accurate” and 39 percent found it “mostly misleading.”

American voters believed Pelosi/Schumer more than Trump 46 – 36 percent, including 48 – 33 percent among independent voters.

Voters disapprove 65 – 32 percent of President Trump using emergency executive powers to fund the Wall.
By a narrow 49 – 44 percent American voters trust Democrats in Congress more than Trump on the issue of border security.
Voters say 63 – 29 percent that undocumented immigrants are not more likely than American citizens to commit crimes.
American voters say 73 – 16 percent, including 57 – 28 percent among Republicans, that immigration is good for the country.

As to the IDB/TIPP, Investors Business Daily is a strong Trump supporter. Most polls show that voters agree that the Russia investigation is a serious issue and should be thoroughly investigated. This sounds like a poll of right wing loons.
I have a question for all of you cognitive dissonant trump lovers

If the evidence is so clear and blatant that Obama and Hillary are criminals -- why is Trump and the republicans so ineffective and powerless to investigate them, let alone prosecute them?

Is it because Obama is more powerful than both Trump and the whole republican controlled DOJ, FBI, etc?

Republicans had full control of congress for some years, how come no senate investigations into all of the blatant crimes of Obama?

Are you saying that Obama is so powerful that he can make republicans indict and convict themselves?
It certainly would appear that many die hard Republicans are part of the deep state....and we had a FBI director directly involved in LYING about Hildebeasts many refresh your vacuous mind..

Remember when Trump said he fired James Comey because of how he unfairly treated Hillary in the email investigation?? He was lying huh?

But you don't mind lying when its from your cult leader huh?

Even if its thousands of lies, huh?

Trump contradicts himself over reason why he fired Comey
Trump is showing the RINO Establishment in DC that the public loves a fighter who sticks to his base and fights for them, instead of retreating on everything the Marxist media attacks him on.

First issue, the wall. New Qinnipiac poll shows the majority of Americans now support Trump on the wall issue.

The latest Quinnipiac University Poll finds that the majority of Americans, Republican voters, swing-voters, American men, as well as both college-educated whites and non-college educated whites agree that there is a “security crisis” at the southern border.

In total, 54 percent of Americans agree with President Trump’s assertion that the country’s porous southern border has created a “crisis” of skyrocketing illegal immigration and deadly drug trafficking. About 86 percent of Republican voters agree, as well.

Next win, the Mueller probe and the FBI's handling of the firing of Comey has blown up in the faces of the Libtard Establishment. The NYT story has created more sympathy for Trump and exposed how the FBI leadership wanted to get Trump from the start.

Legal experts and political strategists on both sides of the aisle said the Times‘ report showed the FBI was motivated by revenge for Comey’s firing rather than by any evidence Trump was acting on behalf of Russia.

Mark Penn, a Democrat and former strategist for Bill and Hillary Clinton, wrote in an op-ed on Sunday that the FBI and the Justice Department’s actions “appear to be wholly without justification — and were based instead on politically inspired emotion and hysteria.”

“I didn’t support Donald Trump, and there are lots of things he does I don’t support,” he wrote. “But the idea that he was the Manchurian candidate working for the Russians when he ran on an America First platform is patently ridiculous.”

Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor and senior fellow at the National Review Institute, argued that the only thing the report showed was that the FBI was out to get Trump all along. He wrote on Sunday that the Times‘ report was “clearly intended to be a blockbuster report.”

“But in truth, the only thing the story shows is that the FBI, after over a year of investigation, simply went overt about something that had been true from the first. The investigation commenced during the 2016 campaign by the Obama administration – the Justice Department and the FBI – was always about Donald Trump,” he wrote.

McCarthy argued that the FBI and DOJ had “rationalized” that Trump fired Comey to impede the investigation, and coupled that with a memo that Comey himself wrote and leaked to the media that alleged Trump had tried to impede the investigation into former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn.

Legally, none of this was obstruction. Yet, the FBI and Justice Department settled on this novel and flawed legal theory: Even though the president has constitutional authority to fire subordinates and weigh in on investigations, he may somehow still be prosecuted for obstruction if a prosecutor concludes that his motive was improper,” McCarthy wrote.

“The FBI, hot-headed over the director’s dismissal, concluded that this obstruction theory was a sound enough basis to go overt with the case on Trump they had actually been trying to make for many months,” he wrote.​

And Trumps numbers climbs and Mueller's sinks.

This nationwide survey of 903 adults finds that despite a government shutdown for which the anti-Trump media is blaming President Trump, the president’s job approval rating jumped two points above last month, from 40 percent to 42 percent, with 54 percent saying they disapprove.

Though 54 percent of the public disapproves of how Trump is doing his job, 51 percent agree that “the president’s opponents are using the ongoing special counsel investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion as a way to delegitimize the 2016 election.”

And, according to the pollster, those “opponents” include the media....

“That includes most independents (52%), as well as the vast majority of Republicans (70%). The poll found that almost a third of Democrats (31%) agree with that statement.”

Overall, only 44 percent disagreed.

Raghavan Mayur, president of TechnoMetrica, who directed the poll, said in a statement that a majority of Americans understand that the real goal of the “opposition and the media is to delegitimize the outcome of the 2016 election and remove Trump from office one way or the other.”

On the impeachment front, two-thirds–65 percent–“say any talk of impeaching Trump at this point is premature. Just 33% say it’s not too early.”​

Trump is being attacked on a daily basis by all the media, including many FOX comentators like Shep Smith, but Trump is still WINNING!

roflmao, and the libs are just enraged by it, and that is the icing on the cake!

All this poll shows is that there are far more ignorant people than we thought. tRump[ is simply working the crowd to weed out the thinkers and swallow the ignorant.
And the libtards keep talking each other into complete fantasy, roflmao.

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