trump is the great "reputation killer"

trump's immigration policies have FAILED....face it....he is a failing fool....

He demands loyalty but gives none. He says he hires only the best people...but his has had the greatest turnover of an administration....although he heads a criminal regime.

LOL...what immigration policy of Trump's has "FAILED"? Has he been able to get comprehensive immigration reform passed? No but that doesn't change the fact that he's the only President who's willing to tackle that tough issue and do something to fix it! Unlike those who proceeded him...that gave lip service to immigration reform and then did NOTHING!
trump's immigration policies have FAILED....face it....he is a failing fool....

He demands loyalty but gives none. He says he hires only the best people...but his has had the greatest turnover of an administration....although he heads a criminal regime.
trump's immigration policies have FAILED....face it....he is a failing fool....

He demands loyalty but gives none. He says he hires only the best people...but his has had the greatest turnover of an administration....although he heads a criminal regime.
What has failed? This should not be an issue.

Her Miller and Her trump were sure that separating children from their family would the stream of asylum seekers....instead the largest number of border crossershas occurred since 2008....FAILURE!

Cutting aid to central American countries will make matters worse.

North Korea-FAIL
Health Care-FAIL

The economy is the only thing keeping trump's numbers above 40%.....

Herr trump wants to increase family separation...

Trump's support of renewed child separation policy led to collision with Nielsen
trump's immigration policies have FAILED....face it....he is a failing fool....

He demands loyalty but gives none. He says he hires only the best people...but his has had the greatest turnover of an administration....although he heads a criminal regime.

Alt Right stooge who threatens other with his assault weapons signatures....WHERE ARE THE MODS?
trump's immigration policies have FAILED....face it....he is a failing fool....

He demands loyalty but gives none. He says he hires only the best people...but his has had the greatest turnover of an administration....although he heads a criminal regime.

LOL...what immigration policy of Trump's has "FAILED"? Has he been able to get comprehensive immigration reform passed? No but that doesn't change the fact that he's the only President who's willing to tackle that tough issue and do something to fix it! Unlike those who proceeded him...that gave lip service to immigration reform and then did NOTHING!

I guarantee you...if those people on the southern border were lily white....trump would be silent and welcoming them in...but they are not. They are not welcome.


The parallel with 1930's Germany are startling....

Comparisons between US immigration policy and the Nazi period may not be helpful, but they are hard to avoid

It is the task of historians to draw parallels, however uncomfortable. Nazism didn’t immediately descend into fully fledged terror in the Germany of the 1930s, it came in a series of legal and policy shifts. There were those, in Germany as well as in rest of the watching world – who strongly objected from the start to the laws that took away Jewish rights and protections and continued to oppose Hitler and his supporters as the nightmare unfolded. But there were also many people in whom Nazi rhetoric found all-too fertile ground.

A similar dynamic is in operation today. The gradual “othering” of migrants to the US – and, indeed, of refugees in Europe and elsewhere – has the same feeling of an incremental downward spiral in the public’s humanity, and it is here that historians have a duty to draw comparisons rather than simply seeking to police the border between historical events.

Yes, the atrocities of 1930's Germany did not immediately result in deaths and exterminations, but rather through a long and gradual slide into a nationalist view of extremism. That is where trump wants to go. That is the policy many of you want this country to adopt. It is a fearful attempt to reintroduce white rule over a nation struggling for identity...and it will fail. It may take some time, even decades....but it will fail.
trump's immigration policies have FAILED....face it....he is a failing fool....

He demands loyalty but gives none. He says he hires only the best people...but his has had the greatest turnover of an administration....although he heads a criminal regime.

LOL...what immigration policy of Trump's has "FAILED"? Has he been able to get comprehensive immigration reform passed? No but that doesn't change the fact that he's the only President who's willing to tackle that tough issue and do something to fix it! Unlike those who proceeded him...that gave lip service to immigration reform and then did NOTHING!

I guarantee you...if those people on the southern border were lily white....trump would be silent and welcoming them in...but they are not. They are not welcome.


The parallel with 1930's Germany are startling....

Comparisons between US immigration policy and the Nazi period may not be helpful, but they are hard to avoid

It is the task of historians to draw parallels, however uncomfortable. Nazism didn’t immediately descend into fully fledged terror in the Germany of the 1930s, it came in a series of legal and policy shifts. There were those, in Germany as well as in rest of the watching world – who strongly objected from the start to the laws that took away Jewish rights and protections and continued to oppose Hitler and his supporters as the nightmare unfolded. But there were also many people in whom Nazi rhetoric found all-too fertile ground.

A similar dynamic is in operation today. The gradual “othering” of migrants to the US – and, indeed, of refugees in Europe and elsewhere – has the same feeling of an incremental downward spiral in the public’s humanity, and it is here that historians have a duty to draw comparisons rather than simply seeking to police the border between historical events.

Yes, the atrocities of 1930's Germany did not immediately result in deaths and exterminations, but rather through a long and gradual slide into a nationalist view of extremism. That is where trump wants to go. That is the policy many of you want this country to adopt. It is a fearful attempt to reintroduce white rule over a nation struggling for identity...and it will fail. It may take some time, even decades....but it will fail.

Let's see...we've played the racist card! That's not working...well all righty's time to play the "Nazi" card! (eye roll)

You're flailing, Jim...BADLY!
trump's immigration policies have FAILED....face it....he is a failing fool....

He demands loyalty but gives none. He says he hires only the best people...but his has had the greatest turnover of an administration....although he heads a criminal regime.

Alt Right stooge who threatens other with his assault weapons signatures....WHERE ARE THE MODS?

You're "threatened" by that? Seriously? No, SERIOUSLY? God, you're pathetic...
Jeffrey Toobin: Kirstjen Nielsen Will Forever Be Known as the ‘Woman Who Put Children in Cages’

If you do trump's bidding then you end up with mud on your face. Maybe Nielson will be able to stay out of jail....

It wasn't Nielson's policies that have is trump's.
I think Gary Cohn survived intact after he quit when Trump wouldn't condemn Charlottesville, although Ironically he was the one who told Trump middle income tax reduction was dead and he had to go with the .1% plan.

Jeff Sessions is looking pretty good now with Barr being a stooge. I always thought he was a racist old coot who was really harmless.

Imo Mattis came out standing tall. His resignation forced Trump to not let the Kurds be summarily executed by Turkey.

We care about the 330 or so million people who are living in the country legally. The people who are paying taxes to support, feed, educate, and care for these border-crashers (and don't call them IMMIGRANTS! They are NOT IMMIGRANTS!). The people who are sending their kids to schools that have to waste their time teaching the children of border crashers who don't speak English, and will depress the education for everyone around them for as long as they attend. The people whose jobs are taken by border crashers who are willing to work for less, and for whom payroll taxes are an option to their employer.

If you think that sympathy for these border crashers is a winning issue for the misfit who eventually leads the 2020 Democrat ticket, then more power to you. But you need to consider whether you are paying too much attention to the people in your particular echo chamber. It is not reflective of reality. Political or otherwise.
wow really

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