Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6

Intent as you want to see it.

If I were to say I love my wife and someone wants to spin it....that person can easily say my INTENT was to say I hate black people. Why? Because my wife is white.....and If I say I love a white woman then I must dislike black women.

Its how it works and if you don't get it, there is nothing I can do about it.
Intent as you want to see it.

If I were to say I love my wife and someone wants to spin it....that person can easily say my INTENT was to say I hate black people. Why? Because my wife is white.....and If I say I love a white woman then I must dislike black women.

Its how it works and if you don't get it, there is nothing I can do about it.
Intent as to what the plaintiffs wants to present to the Jury. Mitch McConnell didn't spin a thing when he placed practical and moral blame on the Trumpybear.
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Most likely they would call those convicted to testify they believed Trump was instructing them to do what they did.

Trump's word doesn't mean much.

Nobody is responsible for what another believes except the person that believes it.

If I tell you I was really hurting for money, and you rob a bank to try and get me that money I need, I'm not liable for what you thought or did. They won't arrest me, they'll arrest you.
Most likely they would call those convicted to testify they believed Trump was instructing them to do what they did.

Trump's word doesn't mean much.
Well yeah we all know that, but being put under oath means consequences for lying. Why didn't he heed the words of nearly all his advisors and call his MAGAMOB off. Because he wanted it to continue?
It has nothing to do with it. The other two likely don't have anything near that kind of money, only Donald does.

A lot of wealthy people would sooner just pay up instead of going through proceedings and end up costing them more money in the long run. What they don't understand is Trump is not like other wealthy people. He will fight you until his last breath regardless how much it will cost him. I hope these losers end up dead broke for the rest of their lives paying legal fees.

Most lawsuits like this include documents that state that the lawyers only get paid if they win. So there are probably no legal fees for the one suing. She has nothing to lose. Only the lawyer loses his time and money invested if it gets thrown out.
Intent of what? Intent needs to be proven. You can't imprison or sue somebody for exercising their constitutional rights. I don't even know if a court will hear this case because it's so ridiculous.

Intentional dereliction of duty, failing to protect Congress and the Constitutional process he was undermining during his final "Hail Mary" bid to illegally and unconstitutionally stay in office.
Most lawsuits like this include documents that state that the lawyers only get paid if they win. So there are probably no legal fees for the one suing. She has nothing to lose. Only the lawyer loses his time and money invested if it gets thrown out.

It could be, but the OP put up a paywall link so I didn't read the story. Usually lawyers that work under a contingency are the bottom of the barrel, especially one that would take such a long shot case like this. He (she) will have nothing compared to the lawyers Trump could afford. And......after this is all over, Trump is liable to counter sue, and then it will cost her an arm and a leg for a defense lawyer.
Intentional dereliction of duty, failing to protect Congress and the Constitutional process he was undermining during his final "Hail Mary" bid to illegally and unconstitutionally stay in office.

All he did was hold a rally. That's it. That's all he's responsible for. He tried to protect the Congress. He offered to have the National Guard there from sunrise. They refused his offer.
Intentional dereliction of duty, failing to protect Congress and the Constitutional process he was undermining during his final "Hail Mary" bid to illegally and unconstitutionally stay in office.

Offering NG troops that were declined by the Mayor absolves Trump of "failure to protect congress."

Not to mention, that responsibility is solely the job of Pissloser, not Trump.
Intent as to what the plaintiffs wants to present to the Jury. Mitch McConnell didn't spin a thing when he placed practical and moral blame on the Trumpybear.
Intent in a court of law must be supported by factual evidence.

Seeing as you childishly refer to Trump as Trumpybear gives me reason to decide to no longer debate an adolescent.

OK, posters 'lantern' & 'Godboy'....let's, for sake of debate, agree that Trump will likely be dropped from the suit under some sort of immunity shield.

But then, we are left with a couple of other defendants....Tanios & Khater.
Do you think they have immunity here?
Would you wanna be in their shoes?

ps....personally, I think it is a sound move for the plaintiff's lawyer to rope Trump's name into this civil suit. It'll get attention. It amplifies it's resonance to the court. It can't hurt the plaintiff...even if Trump is dropped quickly. Tanios & Khater remain. And so does the equity in their homes. The garnishment of their wages. And any future leins on property that is eligible for such. The plaintiff's lawyer is playing a sound hand. IMHO
There is no situation imagineable that would allow a family to sue over a stroke. Youre living in fantasy land. Furthermore, they will be counter sued for attornies fees for filing a frivilous lawsuit.
There is no situation imagineable that would allow a family to sue over a stroke. Youre living in fantasy land. Furthermore, they will be counter sued for attornies fees for filing a frivilous lawsuit.
It was a stroke. A stroke is never the result of a previous experience. It is a cardiovascular issue. Sorry her husband passed, but it was not at all related to the event of Jan 6th.

Now, if he had a heart attack during the incident....that would be different. It would be hard to prove it wasnt related. But he didnt. He had a stroke several days later

Sadly, the Jan 6th commission he jaded her and now she will lose all she has as she will be counter sued for expenses by the defendant.
They should sue Pelosi, McConnell, and Ray Epps. Pelosi turned down the National Guard. This is all about greed and it should be dismissed.

WASHINGTON — The longtime partner of a Capitol Police officer who died after the Jan. 6 attack sued former President Donald J. Trump and two Capitol rioters on Thursday, arguing that his death was a “direct and foreseeable consequence” of their roles in the mob violence that day.

The suit, filed in Federal District Court for the District of Columbia just before the second anniversary of the attack, seeks at least $10 million in damages each from Mr. Trump and two men accused of assaulting the officer, Brian D. Sicknick, with chemical spray on Jan. 6, George Tanios and Julian Elie Khater. Mr. Khater pleaded guilty in the assault, and Mr. Tanios pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges.

“The horrific events of Jan. 6, 2021, including Officer Sicknick’s tragic, wrongful death, were a direct and foreseeable consequence of the defendants’ unlawful actions,” the suit said, adding that “the defendants are responsible for the injury and destruction that followed.”

Officer Sicknick died the day after the attack, but the Washington medical examiner ruled that it was from natural causes — multiple strokes that occurred hours after the mob confrontation — and prosecutors shied away from linking his death to the assault. But the medical examiner also said that “all that transpired played a role in his condition,” and the Capitol Police consider his death a “line of duty” fatality.
Another TDS thread.
Intent in a court of law must be supported by factual evidence.

Seeing as you childishly refer to Trump as Trumpybear gives me reason to decide to no longer debate an adolescent.
You know Trump made his mark by using pet names to demean everyone of his opponents. He and all his fans think very highly of his skill. I love you Trumpybear fans, it is truly awesome to find a Trumpenweenies who whines about me, or anyone really,using pet names for the Poor Pitiful Trumpenfurher. Thanks for that daylong laugh.
You know Trump made his mark by using pet names to demean everyone of his opponents. He and all his fans think very highly of his skill. I love you Trumpybear fans, it is truly awesome to find a Trumpenweenies who whines about me, or anyone really,using pet names for the Poor Pitiful Trumpenfurher. Thanks for that daylong laugh.
Howler monkey making up 6th grade names for people. Howl on monkey.
All he did was hold a rally. That's it. That's all he's responsible for. He tried to protect the Congress. He offered to have the National Guard there from sunrise. They refused his offer.

Offering NG troops that were declined by the Mayor absolves Trump

Did he tell any of them his plan to send his MAGAMOB off to the Capitol or that he planned to join the MOB in the march on the Capitol? Mitch summed up perfectly who was responsible and why. I bet they play that clip if it gets to trial too.

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