Trump Ignored Historic Achievement: President Trump's Pre-Pandemic Economic Success Blew Past EVERY Other President...Ever


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Fake News media propaganda-pushing arm of the Democratic Party can refused to report it, Liberals can deny reality, and snowflakes can attempt to spin it, but it is pointless, futile, and only ends back up in their =faces, like spitting in the wind - The Trump Economic Policies and the HISTORIC SUCCESSES achieved can NOT be denied!

"The Census Bureau reported that real median household income grew to $68,703 in 2019, an impressive 6.8% increase over 2018. It was the largest one-year increase in median income on record going back to 1967. It was also 45 percent more growth in a single year ($4,379) than Obama/Biden produced in their entire 8 years in office ($3,021).

As was the case throughout Trump’s first three years, the economic benefits were widespread. While the overall growth rate was 6.8%, real median income grew by an even greater 7.9% for Black Americans, 7.1% for Hispanic Americans, and 10.6% for Asian Americans. All record highs as were the new income levels for each of these groups.

As for talking points about how the Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich, well, they were false. As incomes grew in 2019, the poverty rate plummeted 1.3 percentage points to a 60 year low of 10.5%. This was the LARGEST REDUCTIONIN POVERTY IN OVER 50 YEARS. It lifted over 4.1 million people out of poverty, the largest yearly decrease since 1966. Just for comparison purposes, over the Obama/Biden era, the number of people living in poverty increased by 787,000.

While the overall poverty rate declined 1.3 percentage points, Black poverty fell by 2.0 percentage points, Hispanic poverty fell by 1.8, and Asian poverty fell by 2.8. According to the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) “the poverty rate fell to an all-time record low for every race and ethnic group in 2019.”

Child poverty decreased to 14.4 percent, the lowest child poverty rate observed since 1973 and down from 18 percent at the end of the Obama/Biden era. The best family welfare program truly is a job."

"Over the Trump administration’s first three years, between 2016 and 2019, real median household income increased 9.2% while the economy lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty. That’s the largest 3-year poverty reduction for the start of any presidency since the initial drop in 1964 when the War on Poverty began."
The left:

"Since 2016, the economy has lifted 1.2 million black Americans out of poverty, the largest reduction on record for the first 3 years of any presidency."

Joe Biden came up with a 'cute' SLOGAN in an attempt to convince blacks that he and the Democratic party were the party of blacks, who had their best interests at heart...but a 'cute' SLOGAN is the best Joe Biden and the Democrats have been able to do in about a CENTURY for blacks!

Records...statistics...facts...evidence proves Trump's ACTIONS in just 3 years helped / benefitted black Americans more than not just Barry in 8 years but ANY President EVER!

No wonder the fake news media won't report it and snowflakes are spinning the hell out of it and lying about it.

...and the TRUTH shall set them free!
The Fake News media propaganda-pushing arm of the Democratic Party can refused to report it, Liberals can deny reality, and snowflakes can attempt to spin it, but it is pointless, futile, and only ends back up in their =faces, like spitting in the wind - The Trump Economic Policies and the HISTORIC SUCCESSES achieved can NOT be denied!

"The Census Bureau reported that real median household income grew to $68,703 in 2019, an impressive 6.8% increase over 2018. It was the largest one-year increase in median income on record going back to 1967. It was also 45 percent more growth in a single year ($4,379) than Obama/Biden produced in their entire 8 years in office ($3,021).

As was the case throughout Trump’s first three years, the economic benefits were widespread. While the overall growth rate was 6.8%, real median income grew by an even greater 7.9% for Black Americans, 7.1% for Hispanic Americans, and 10.6% for Asian Americans. All record highs as were the new income levels for each of these groups.

As for talking points about how the Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich, well, they were false. As incomes grew in 2019, the poverty rate plummeted 1.3 percentage points to a 60 year low of 10.5%. This was the LARGEST REDUCTIONIN POVERTY IN OVER 50 YEARS. It lifted over 4.1 million people out of poverty, the largest yearly decrease since 1966. Just for comparison purposes, over the Obama/Biden era, the number of people living in poverty increased by 787,000.

While the overall poverty rate declined 1.3 percentage points, Black poverty fell by 2.0 percentage points, Hispanic poverty fell by 1.8, and Asian poverty fell by 2.8. According to the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) “the poverty rate fell to an all-time record low for every race and ethnic group in 2019.”

Child poverty decreased to 14.4 percent, the lowest child poverty rate observed since 1973 and down from 18 percent at the end of the Obama/Biden era. The best family welfare program truly is a job."

alternate facts..gotta love' em
"These pre-pandemic numbers show the potential for all Americans of President Trump’s pro-growth policies, particularly in comparison to the stagnation of the Obama/Biden era’s big government policies."

As the facts /statistics prove, in only 3 years President Trump CRUSHED it, achieving economic success not seen in DECADES, in many cases EVER, by ANY President....and that is with the constant conspiracy, sedition, obstruction, undermining, FISA Court crime-facilitated illegal spying, coup attempts, and admitted 1st ever politically partisan Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.

We are left with only the ability to imagine how much more success this President could have achieved and how much more this nation, Americans could have benefitted if only the Democrats, Democratic Party and snowflakes would have worked with and supported the President instead of engaging in treason and worked only for their own benefit.
Even COVID-19 had to have help from the Democrats, who have worked to sabotage our economy during the pandemic, to set-back the President's economic success to this extent.

China created the virus and unleashed it to the world. Democrats have been their willing accomplice to harm the US economy in hopes of regaining personal / party power!
Why is it that Republicans always cherry pick the window where their performance is measured?

With Bush it was...
He kept us safe AFTER 9-11
He had a great economy BEFORE the 2008 economic collapse

Now, with Trump we get...
He had a great economy BEFORE COVID
The Fake News media propaganda-pushing arm of the Democratic Party can refused to report it, Liberals can deny reality, and snowflakes can attempt to spin it, but it is pointless, futile, and only ends back up in their =faces, like spitting in the wind - The Trump Economic Policies and the HISTORIC SUCCESSES achieved can NOT be denied!

"The Census Bureau reported that real median household income grew to $68,703 in 2019, an impressive 6.8% increase over 2018. It was the largest one-year increase in median income on record going back to 1967. It was also 45 percent more growth in a single year ($4,379) than Obama/Biden produced in their entire 8 years in office ($3,021).

As was the case throughout Trump’s first three years, the economic benefits were widespread. While the overall growth rate was 6.8%, real median income grew by an even greater 7.9% for Black Americans, 7.1% for Hispanic Americans, and 10.6% for Asian Americans. All record highs as were the new income levels for each of these groups.

As for talking points about how the Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich, well, they were false. As incomes grew in 2019, the poverty rate plummeted 1.3 percentage points to a 60 year low of 10.5%. This was the LARGEST REDUCTIONIN POVERTY IN OVER 50 YEARS. It lifted over 4.1 million people out of poverty, the largest yearly decrease since 1966. Just for comparison purposes, over the Obama/Biden era, the number of people living in poverty increased by 787,000.

While the overall poverty rate declined 1.3 percentage points, Black poverty fell by 2.0 percentage points, Hispanic poverty fell by 1.8, and Asian poverty fell by 2.8. According to the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) “the poverty rate fell to an all-time record low for every race and ethnic group in 2019.”

Child poverty decreased to 14.4 percent, the lowest child poverty rate observed since 1973 and down from 18 percent at the end of the Obama/Biden era. The best family welfare program truly is a job."

alternate facts..gotta love' em

It's all you have.
Repubtards always push unsustainable deficit bubble JOB KILLING crash!!!

EVERY Republican President in US History CAUSED JOB KILLING RECESSIONS or DEPRESSION = terms served!!! Trump's economy was slowing since 2018, now we are in a full blown Depression!!!

Democrat Presidents RARELY cause recession (1 in 70+ years) & NEVER depression. Democrat Presidents usually deliver Good Economy, Jobs, Healthcare, Opportunity, Education, GDP growth with lower Deficits, Inflation Theft, Crime Rates, Mass Murders.
Even COVID-19 had to have help from the Democrats, who have worked to sabotage our economy during the pandemic, to set-back the President's economic success to this extent.

China created the virus and unleashed it to the world. Democrats have been their willing accomplice to harm the US economy in hopes of regaining personal / party power!
They've harmed the economy on purpose, and they've killed people. Also on purpose.
Guess my question would be if you made under 100 thousand last year after you worked hard & retired or are still working hard are your property taxes lower? are your insurance rates lower or are you getting better coverage, and no hassle claims? are grocery's costing less, utility's costs the same or going down? why do you think your doing better as a member of the working middle class? know all those who claim to be rich on this board are doing great. how about most of us? just holding our own,, going backward, or also doing just great?
Why is it that Republicans always cherry pick the window where their performance is measured?

With Bush it was...
He kept us safe AFTER 9-11
He had a great economy BEFORE the 2008 economic collapse

Now, with Trump we get...
He had a great economy BEFORE COVID
We can all stir the message to our sides. Under W. Bush he came into office after the stock market crash of the spring of 2000. When Clinton was President. The economy was affected. He gave tax cuts/breaks and asked the people to spend. Remember? Then 9/11 happened. But the Baby Boomers whose spending peaked during the 1990's, slowed down as they were getting ready to retire. No mention by the media about that. And he warned about the housing problem. If we took an earlier hit then it would not have been as bad. We gave out mortgages to people who never paid much back in their lives. Millions of people who played by the rules and were stuck with family responsibilities took a beating on that.
Why is it that Republicans always cherry pick the window where their performance is measured?

With Bush it was...
He kept us safe AFTER 9-11
He had a great economy BEFORE the 2008 economic collapse

Now, with Trump we get...
He had a great economy BEFORE COVID
We can all stir the message to our sides. Under W. Bush he came into office after the stock market crash of the spring of 2000. When Clinton was President. The economy was affected. He gave tax cuts/breaks and asked the people to spend. Remember? Then 9/11 happened. But the Baby Boomers whose spending peaked during the 1990's, slowed down as they were getting ready to retire. No mention by the media about that. And he warned about the housing problem. If we took an earlier hit then it would not have been as bad. We gave out mortgages to people who never paid much back in their lives. Millions of people who played by the rules and were stuck with family responsibilities took a beating on that.

You are evaluated on your entire term as President

You don’t get to say count the good stuff and ignore the bad stuff
Why is it that Republicans always cherry pick the window where their performance is measured?

With Bush it was...
He kept us safe AFTER 9-11
He had a great economy BEFORE the 2008 economic collapse

Now, with Trump we get...
He had a great economy BEFORE COVID
We can all stir the message to our sides. Under W. Bush he came into office after the stock market crash of the spring of 2000. When Clinton was President. The economy was affected. He gave tax cuts/breaks and asked the people to spend. Remember? Then 9/11 happened. But the Baby Boomers whose spending peaked during the 1990's, slowed down as they were getting ready to retire. No mention by the media about that. And he warned about the housing problem. If we took an earlier hit then it would not have been as bad. We gave out mortgages to people who never paid much back in their lives. Millions of people who played by the rules and were stuck with family responsibilities took a beating on that.

You are evaluated on your entire term as President

You don’t get to say count the good stuff and ignore the bad stuff
You don't get to give the previous guy credit for the good stuff the current guy does, nor do you get to blame the current guy for bad stuff the previous guy did.

I'll give you a few moments to come to terms with that reality before I start laughing at you again.

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