Trump: Have the Coronavirus, Go to Work and recover!

Does anyone remember the Alar scare? The death toll rose daily as the sick in hospitals and nursing homes passed away. The hoax said it was spread by apples. Entire orchards were burned. Harvests were plowed under. Cans and jars of applesauce and Apple juice were sent to overburdened laboratories for alar testing. It was all a hoax. Until now the greatest hoax in American history.

With what has been presented in the case of corona, it might well be another hoax started by the Chinese feeling the bite of Trump's tariffs. Americans are so ignorant big words like pandemic and asymptomatic confuse them.
The prez should not be downplaying a spreading pandemic. Is that so hard.
What does the word pandemic mean to you? What it really means is far different than what's going on in your pointy head. Of course Trump should not be stoking fears and contributing to hysteria.
I’ll put you down in the category of, if you have the coronavirus go to work.
If you are not sick go to work. Do not kill your dog and cat. Do not put your children in the hospital. Accept that you are not sick and go to work.
If you are infected with the coronavirus should you go to work?

Again, he wasn't telling people to do that. he was saying people with a mild case of it may think it's a cold and go about their daily lives.
Yes, that's the problem. It is over twice as contagious as the garden variety flu and because we had trouble getting working test kits in the US, there are probably a lot of folks walking around--and yes, working--who have no idea. Then the bug spreads to someone who is susceptible and gets very very sick.
That's what the problem is. China finally brought this thing under control with draconian quarantine measures. It seems to be the only thing that will work.

I believe Trump's point was that many go to work UNAWARE that they have the virus. He should be encouraging people who show the symptoms to get tested immediately and to stay out of public areas as much as humanly possible until they know for sure they are negative.
What does the word pandemic mean to you? What it really means is far different than what's going on in your pointy head. Of course Trump should not be stoking fears and contributing to hysteria.
I’ll put you down in the category of, if you have the coronavirus go to work.
If you are not sick go to work. Do not kill your dog and cat. Do not put your children in the hospital. Accept that you are not sick and go to work.
If you are infected with the coronavirus should you go to work?

Again, he wasn't telling people to do that. he was saying people with a mild case of it may think it's a cold and go about their daily lives.
Yes, that's the problem. It is over twice as contagious as the garden variety flu and because we had trouble getting working test kits in the US, there are probably a lot of folks walking around--and yes, working--who have no idea. Then the bug spreads to someone who is susceptible and gets very very sick.
That's what the problem is. China finally brought this thing under control with draconian quarantine measures. It seems to be the only thing that will work.

I believe Trump's point was that many go to work UNAWARE that they have the virus. He should be encouraging people who show the symptoms to get tested immediately and to stay out of public areas as much as humanly possible until they know for sure they are negative.

The infection rate isn't entirely known yet, your assumption is based on insufficient data.

China could also have things under control due to asymptomatic people having it, and now being immune.

Do we really want every person who has a sniffle going to their doctor to get tested? Allergy season is also upon us, and would lead to a massive strike to our medical system if everyone panicked and decided to go to their doctor RIGHT NOW.
Nearly all experts have condemned Trump's words, except of course Trumpers on this board who feel Trump can do no wrong. Is it really so hard for Trumpers to admit that Trump was mistaken. LOL. They never can and never will.
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I’ll put you down in the category of, if you have the coronavirus go to work.
If you are not sick go to work. Do not kill your dog and cat. Do not put your children in the hospital. Accept that you are not sick and go to work.
If you are infected with the coronavirus should you go to work?

Again, he wasn't telling people to do that. he was saying people with a mild case of it may think it's a cold and go about their daily lives.
Yes, that's the problem. It is over twice as contagious as the garden variety flu and because we had trouble getting working test kits in the US, there are probably a lot of folks walking around--and yes, working--who have no idea. Then the bug spreads to someone who is susceptible and gets very very sick.
That's what the problem is. China finally brought this thing under control with draconian quarantine measures. It seems to be the only thing that will work.

I believe Trump's point was that many go to work UNAWARE that they have the virus. He should be encouraging people who show the symptoms to get tested immediately and to stay out of public areas as much as humanly possible until they know for sure they are negative.

The infection rate isn't entirely known yet, your assumption is based on insufficient data.

China could also have things under control due to asymptomatic people having it, and now being immune.

Do we really want every person who has a sniffle going to their doctor to get tested? Allergy season is also upon us, and would lead to a massive strike to our medical system if everyone panicked and decided to go to their doctor RIGHT NOW.

what is known that apparently you don't know is you can get it and get over it and get it again, so there goes your immunity theory. You find the link.
Nearly all experts have condemned Trump's words, except of course Trumpers on this board who feel Trump can do no wrong. Is it really so hard for Trumpers to admit that Trump was mistaken. LOL. They never can and never will.


You fucking liar.

You are rapidly replacing JoeB as the one person on this board I truly detest. You make me think of the statement "I would never wish another man dead, but I would read certain obituaries with an extreme sense of satisfaction"
Nearly all experts have condemned Trump's words, except of course Trumpers on this board who feel Trump can do no wrong. Is it really so hard for Trumpers to admit that Trump was mistaken. LOL. They never can and never will.

Are we discussing yesterday's interview? I just want to make sure we are on the same page. I heard the interview and he was definitely very cautious. Or are we discussing statements prior to yesterday. Would you please clarify. And again will you or will you not admit that you twisted my words. ZERO to do with Trump.
This is the extent to which the empty headed worship The State....What's the prez supposed to do, run out and be a one-man pathogen exterminator?
The prez should not be downplaying a spreading pandemic. Is that so hard.
What does the word pandemic mean to you? What it really means is far different than what's going on in your pointy head. Of course Trump should not be stoking fears and contributing to hysteria.
I’ll put you down in the category of, if you have the coronavirus go to work.
If you are not sick go to work. Do not kill your dog and cat. Do not put your children in the hospital. Accept that you are not sick and go to work.
If you are infected with the coronavirus should you go to work?

Ask germaphobe Trump if he would allow his staff
Nearly all experts have condemned Trump's words, except of course Trumpers on this board who feel Trump can do no wrong. Is it really so hard for Trumpers to admit that Trump was mistaken. LOL. They never can and never will.


You fucking liar.

You are rapidly replacing JoeB as the one person on this board I truly detest. You make me think of the statement "I would never wish another man dead, but I would read certain obituaries with an extreme sense of satisfaction"

JoeB is a loon. Hopefully, JohnLaw is not quite that loony.
If you are not sick go to work. Do not kill your dog and cat. Do not put your children in the hospital. Accept that you are not sick and go to work.
If you are infected with the coronavirus should you go to work?

Again, he wasn't telling people to do that. he was saying people with a mild case of it may think it's a cold and go about their daily lives.
Yes, that's the problem. It is over twice as contagious as the garden variety flu and because we had trouble getting working test kits in the US, there are probably a lot of folks walking around--and yes, working--who have no idea. Then the bug spreads to someone who is susceptible and gets very very sick.
That's what the problem is. China finally brought this thing under control with draconian quarantine measures. It seems to be the only thing that will work.

I believe Trump's point was that many go to work UNAWARE that they have the virus. He should be encouraging people who show the symptoms to get tested immediately and to stay out of public areas as much as humanly possible until they know for sure they are negative.

The infection rate isn't entirely known yet, your assumption is based on insufficient data.

China could also have things under control due to asymptomatic people having it, and now being immune.

Do we really want every person who has a sniffle going to their doctor to get tested? Allergy season is also upon us, and would lead to a massive strike to our medical system if everyone panicked and decided to go to their doctor RIGHT NOW.

what is known that apparently you don't know is you can get it and get over it and get it again, so there goes your immunity theory. You find the link.

Wow, that's some claim there.

I looked for links, they mostly ask the question, they don't answer it.

Are you talking about opportunistic secondary infections?

Are you saying the CORV-19 is mutating quickly into another strain, and thus isn't really "re-infecting" those who already have it?

DO you think you will ever tire of repeating rhetoric?
You see a headline, believe it instantly, and repost it here.
It is junk.

Anyone with an IQ above 85 can see he was not telling people to go to work. He was referencing to the number of reported cases and the death rates resulting, and was making a point that the death rate is not accurate because a lot of people will catch it, not go to the doctor and just go on about their lives including going to work and get better and their case won't be counted.
But leave it up to the misinformation superhighway to twist it into something else so gullible people like you will buy it up - every time.
If you wake up with the virus you will most probably have a fever and not be able to go to work.
Here is the portion of the Fox News interview where Trump tells us "hundreds of thousands" of people get better by going to work. It is obvious to any clear thinking person what Trump meant and said. The idiot in chief also takes issues with WHO mortality rate.

“If, you know, we have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by sitting around, or even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better,” Trump said. “And then when you do have a death…you know, all of a sudden it seems like 3 or 4%.”

Donald Trump: Coronavirus Mortality Rate is 'False Number'
Here is the Fox News interview. Not only does Trump tell the world. It is obvious to any clear thinking person what Trump meant and said. The idiot in chief also takes issues with WHO mortality rate.

“If, you know, we have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by sitting around, or even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better,” Trump said. “And then when you do have a death…you know, all of a sudden it seems like 3 or 4%.”

Donald Trump: Coronavirus Mortality Rate is 'False Number'

Fucking liar.

and if there are asymptomatic or mild cases that go unreported, that DOES impact the true mortality rate of infection overall. What we need to know is the mortality rates for specific risk groups, the elderly, those with weak immune systems, and those with heart disease.

Also we need to know the overall rate of secondary infections as well as the secondary infection rates for those in the above risk groups, and then we need to know the mortality of those groups via the virus itself or via the secondary infections.
Here is the Fox News interview. Not only does Trump tell the world. It is obvious to any clear thinking person what Trump meant and said. The idiot in chief also takes issues with WHO mortality rate.

“If, you know, we have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by sitting around, or even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better,” Trump said. “And then when you do have a death…you know, all of a sudden it seems like 3 or 4%.”

Donald Trump: Coronavirus Mortality Rate is 'False Number'

Fucking liar.

and if there are asymptomatic or mild cases that go unreported, that DOES impact the true mortality rate of infection overall. What we need to know is the mortality rates for specific risk groups, the elderly, those with weak immune systems, and those with heart disease.

Also we need to know the overall rate of secondary infections as well as the secondary infection rates for those in the above risk groups, and then we need to know the mortality of those groups via the virus itself or via the secondary infections.[/QUOTE

You really are a Trumptard.

Listen dumbass, I'll put you down as one of the fucking morons that think it is okay for someone to go to work if you are infected with the coronavirus.

You have your head so far up Trump's ass you can't see daylight. It is plain as day on what Trump said and what he continues to say. You are so ignorant that you dispute what is right in front of you. What an idiot. You are not only a idiot but a friggin liar as well.
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Good Lord what a fucking idiot - No wonder corporations are reacting like they are - cancelling meetings, telling people to work from home, etc. The messaging oozing out of this shit-show national nightmare is stunningly awful.

Looks like another dump today. Sad

26,377.82 −713.04 (2.63%)
Mar 5, 10:43 AM EST

Good Lord what a fucking idiot - No wonder corporations are reacting like they are - cancelling meetings, telling people to work from home, etc. The messaging oozing out of this shit-show national nightmare is stunningly awful.

Looks like another dump today. Sad

26,377.82 −713.04 (2.63%)
Mar 5, 10:43 AM EST
Too boot, you have Trumptard morons on this board disputing what Trump actually said. You can't make up their stupidity.
Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Read the last sentence. This is from the CDC. That’s all he was saying. The # of actual cases may be under reported as people may just think they have a bad cold.

Derp - And that's why they shouldn't go to work until they are TESTED. Even if low level symptoms, they can still infect everyone in their workplace. JEEZUS
He really needs to let Pence handle this and go back to trashing Biden.
Or just maybe people need to quit twisting his words to mean something they did not? How about that Old Lady. Want me to twist every word that comes out of your mouth into something other than what you actually said?

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