Trump Hates Being Second To Anyone


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed

Daffy Donald's proposed budget for FY2019 is $4.407 trillion.

That's a taxpayer-busting record. That's a trillion dollars more than any of Obama's yearly spending.

I will make the math simple: Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

The Donald's deficit for FY2019 is a trillion bucks, not counting the off balance sheet spending which will increase the deficit even more.

Daffy Donald loooooooooves spending other people's money. He's doubled the deficit he inherited, he has achieved record spending, and he is well on his way toward shattering Obama's total debt record.

But at least the Dow is performing well, thanks to Trump!

Oh, wait...
Trump is not only spending other people's money, he is spending the money of people who haven't even been born yet.

Since he is spending like there is no tomorrow, maybe he thinks those unborn people won't have to pay it all back with interest?

We aren't even in an economic crisis. Imagine the spending he will do when the economy turns south! :eek-52:
Oh wait..its all about deficit now. Lol.
I've only been talking about deficits and debt and how to balance the budget since I arrived on this forum. So whatever clever point you think you are making...FAIL.

The true hypocrites are people like you who whined about Obama's deficits for eight years and yet have been totally radio silent since January 2017.

Nice try.

Oh wait..its all about deficit now. Lol.
I've only been talking about deficits and debt and how to balance the budget since I arrived on this forum. So whatever clever point you think you are making...FAIL.

The true hypocrites are people like you who whined about Obama's deficits for eight years and yet have been totally radio silent since January 2017.

Nice try.


He'll join the other two pathetic predecessors when he reaches that goal.
Oh wait..its all about deficit now. Lol.
I've only been talking about deficits and debt and how to balance the budget since I arrived on this forum. So whatever clever point you think you are making...FAIL.

The true hypocrites are people like you who whined about Obama's deficits for eight years and yet have been totally radio silent since January 2017.

Nice try.


He'll join the other two pathetic predecessors when he reaches that goal.
While you and the other pseudocons remain hypocritically mum the entire way down.
I don't recall pseudocons waiting until Obama broke Dubya's debt record before they began their whining about his spending.

Nope. Not at all. They started in on Obama immediately.

How DO they stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?
Also from the article...

Interest on the U.S. debt is $363 billion. That's yearly.

Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed

Daffy Donald's proposed budget for FY2019 is $4.407 trillion.

That's a taxpayer-busting record. That's a trillion dollars more than any of Obama's yearly spending.

I will make the math simple: Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

The Donald's deficit for FY2019 is a trillion bucks, not counting the off balance sheet spending which will increase the deficit even more.

Daffy Donald loooooooooves spending other people's money. He's doubled the deficit he inherited, he has achieved record spending, and he is well on his way toward shattering Obama's total debt record.

But at least the Dow is performing well, thanks to Trump!

Oh, wait...

The Orange Virus doesn't even care about the debt: 'I won't be here' when debt explodes. I have no doubt the gaggle of shitheads making up Cult45 are celebrating this.
Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed

Daffy Donald's proposed budget for FY2019 is $4.407 trillion.

That's a taxpayer-busting record. That's a trillion dollars more than any of Obama's yearly spending.

I will make the math simple: Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

The Donald's deficit for FY2019 is a trillion bucks, not counting the off balance sheet spending which will increase the deficit even more.

Daffy Donald loooooooooves spending other people's money. He's doubled the deficit he inherited, he has achieved record spending, and he is well on his way toward shattering Obama's total debt record.

But at least the Dow is performing well, thanks to Trump!

Oh, wait...
Perhaps you and we give presidents too much blame and too much credit on the economy's plight.
So, anyway, tell me where you would cut a trillion out of the budget to balance it?
I would cut all global warming and most environment budget items. I would cut education. I would cut welfare for able bodied Americans. I might even cut benefits for illegal aliens. I would also cut other entitlement programs I cannot think of. And i woiuld cut retirement benefits or pensions for the majority of federal workers and all congressmen.
Oh wait..its all about deficit now. Lol.
I've only been talking about deficits and debt and how to balance the budget since I arrived on this forum. So whatever clever point you think you are making...FAIL.

The true hypocrites are people like you who whined about Obama's deficits for eight years and yet have been totally radio silent since January 2017.

Nice try.


He'll join the other two pathetic predecessors when he reaches that goal.
While you and the other pseudocons remain hypocritically mum the entire way down.

We listened to you pontificate on a fantasy about deficits during O's terms while you didnt utter the slightest little squeal when O was hammering that debt like W.
Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed

Daffy Donald's proposed budget for FY2019 is $4.407 trillion.

That's a taxpayer-busting record. That's a trillion dollars more than any of Obama's yearly spending.

I will make the math simple: Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

The Donald's deficit for FY2019 is a trillion bucks, not counting the off balance sheet spending which will increase the deficit even more.

Daffy Donald loooooooooves spending other people's money. He's doubled the deficit he inherited, he has achieved record spending, and he is well on his way toward shattering Obama's total debt record.

But at least the Dow is performing well, thanks to Trump!

Oh, wait...
Perhaps you and we give presidents too much blame and too much credit on the economy's plight.
So, anyway, tell me where you would cut a trillion out of the budget to balance it?
Glad you asked!

The first thing I would do is ban all tax expenditures. They add up to $1.4 trillion. So with just that one thing, the budget would not only be balanced, we could lower tax rates on EVERYONE. This would have the added benefit of leveling the taxpayer playing field. A tertiary result would be instant campaign finance reform since special interests would no longer have an incentive to bribe our politicians to put all those carve-outs in the tax code for them. Finally, we would all be able to file our taxes on a postcard.

The next thing I would do is raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility age to 70, and index the retirement age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are LIVING longer, we should be WORKING longer.

Balancing the budget and paying off our debt would be easy if we had honest politicians with spines.

But we get the politicians we deserve. We DEMAND they spend above our means. Every last one of us demands it.

You blame the poor. Pathetic.
Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed

Daffy Donald's proposed budget for FY2019 is $4.407 trillion.

That's a taxpayer-busting record. That's a trillion dollars more than any of Obama's yearly spending.

I will make the math simple: Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

The Donald's deficit for FY2019 is a trillion bucks, not counting the off balance sheet spending which will increase the deficit even more.

Daffy Donald loooooooooves spending other people's money. He's doubled the deficit he inherited, he has achieved record spending, and he is well on his way toward shattering Obama's total debt record.

But at least the Dow is performing well, thanks to Trump!

Oh, wait...
Perhaps you and we give presidents too much blame and too much credit on the economy's plight.
So, anyway, tell me where you would cut a trillion out of the budget to balance it?
Glad you asked!

The first thing I would do is ban all tax expenditures. They add up to $1.4 trillion. So with just that one thing, the budget would not only be balanced, we could lower tax rates on EVERYONE. This would have the added benefit of leveling the taxpayer playing field. A tertiary result would be instant campaign finance reform since special interests would no longer have an incentive to bribe our politicians to put all those carve-outs in the tax code for them. Finally, we would all be able to file our taxes on a postcard.

The next thing I would do is raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility age to 70, and index the retirement age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are LIVING longer, we should be WORKING longer.

Balancing the budget and paying off our debt would be easy if we had honest politicians with spines.

But we get the politicians we deserve. We DEMAND they spend above our means. Every last one of us demands it.

You blame the poor. Pathetic.

I do not blame the poor. I am selective as to who we place in our poor category, though, yes.

Overall I think you made some good suggestions. I do not know what you are referring to by "tax ependitures" however? Does this have to do with Trump's tax rate cuts? If so, there is some kind of balance between over taxing and under taxing, the former becoming a form of socialism and disinterest in personal achievements. That ain't good.
But government and politicians are a necessary evil. They can get away with murder and "self-benefiting" and most of them do and have done for, like, forever.
Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed

Daffy Donald's proposed budget for FY2019 is $4.407 trillion.

That's a taxpayer-busting record. That's a trillion dollars more than any of Obama's yearly spending.

I will make the math simple: Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

The Donald's deficit for FY2019 is a trillion bucks, not counting the off balance sheet spending which will increase the deficit even more.

Daffy Donald loooooooooves spending other people's money. He's doubled the deficit he inherited, he has achieved record spending, and he is well on his way toward shattering Obama's total debt record.

But at least the Dow is performing well, thanks to Trump!

Oh, wait...
Perhaps you and we give presidents too much blame and too much credit on the economy's plight.
So, anyway, tell me where you would cut a trillion out of the budget to balance it?
Glad you asked!

The first thing I would do is ban all tax expenditures. They add up to $1.4 trillion. So with just that one thing, the budget would not only be balanced, we could lower tax rates on EVERYONE. This would have the added benefit of leveling the taxpayer playing field. A tertiary result would be instant campaign finance reform since special interests would no longer have an incentive to bribe our politicians to put all those carve-outs in the tax code for them. Finally, we would all be able to file our taxes on a postcard.

The next thing I would do is raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility age to 70, and index the retirement age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are LIVING longer, we should be WORKING longer.

Balancing the budget and paying off our debt would be easy if we had honest politicians with spines.

But we get the politicians we deserve. We DEMAND they spend above our means. Every last one of us demands it.

You blame the poor. Pathetic.

I do not blame the poor. I am selective as to who we place in our poor category, though, yes.

Overall I think you made some good suggestions. I do not know what you are referring to by "tax ependitures" however? Does this have to do with Trump's tax rate cuts? If so, there is some kind of balance between over taxing and under taxing, the former becoming a form of socialism and disinterest in personal achievements. That ain't good.
But government and politicians are a necessary evil. They can get away with murder and "self-benefiting" and most of them do and have done for, like, forever.
Tax expenditures are deductions, credits, and exemptions. They have to be compensated for with higher tax rates and massive borrowing. They also result in an insane system whereby entities earning identical incomes are paying radically different taxes, creating a thoroughly corrupted and unlevel playing field.

Tax expenditures are the biggest government behavioral control program in history. It is also the biggest government market interference in history.
Lefties love this kind of spending but hate the Donald.

Buncha hypocrites.
Again, nice try, but pathetic in its hypocrisy and ignorance.

I have been hammering away about deficits and our debt since arriving on this forum.

Your sideways defense of Trump's spending, all to avoid openly criticizing far worse spending than even Obama did, is the stinkiest kind of hypocrisy.
As you can see, the pseudocons can't do it. They can't bring themselves to say, "Yep, that fucking asshole Trump is a bigger spender than Obama, may he burn in hell."

Yet they started in on Obama on day one.

How DO they stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?
Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed

Daffy Donald's proposed budget for FY2019 is $4.407 trillion.

That's a taxpayer-busting record. That's a trillion dollars more than any of Obama's yearly spending.

I will make the math simple: Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

The Donald's deficit for FY2019 is a trillion bucks, not counting the off balance sheet spending which will increase the deficit even more.

Daffy Donald loooooooooves spending other people's money. He's doubled the deficit he inherited, he has achieved record spending, and he is well on his way toward shattering Obama's total debt record.

But at least the Dow is performing well, thanks to Trump!

Oh, wait...
Perhaps you and we give presidents too much blame and too much credit on the economy's plight.
So, anyway, tell me where you would cut a trillion out of the budget to balance it?
Glad you asked!

The first thing I would do is ban all tax expenditures. They add up to $1.4 trillion. So with just that one thing, the budget would not only be balanced, we could lower tax rates on EVERYONE. This would have the added benefit of leveling the taxpayer playing field. A tertiary result would be instant campaign finance reform since special interests would no longer have an incentive to bribe our politicians to put all those carve-outs in the tax code for them. Finally, we would all be able to file our taxes on a postcard.

The next thing I would do is raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility age to 70, and index the retirement age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are LIVING longer, we should be WORKING longer.

Balancing the budget and paying off our debt would be easy if we had honest politicians with spines.

But we get the politicians we deserve. We DEMAND they spend above our means. Every last one of us demands it.

You blame the poor. Pathetic.

I do not blame the poor. I am selective as to who we place in our poor category, though, yes.

Overall I think you made some good suggestions. I do not know what you are referring to by "tax ependitures" however? Does this have to do with Trump's tax rate cuts? If so, there is some kind of balance between over taxing and under taxing, the former becoming a form of socialism and disinterest in personal achievements. That ain't good.
But government and politicians are a necessary evil. They can get away with murder and "self-benefiting" and most of them do and have done for, like, forever.
Tax expenditures are deductions, credits, and exemptions. They have to be compensated for with higher tax rates and massive borrowing. They also result in an insane system whereby entities earning identical incomes are paying radically different taxes, creating a thoroughly corrupted and unlevel playing field.

Tax expenditures are the biggest government behavioral control program in history. It is also the biggest government market interference in history.

Yes, ok. I always understood this was all going on with our convoluted tax system, I just never referred to it with that phrase. So to sum it one way: major corporations and other financial or influential entities lobby and influence politicians to give them sweetheart tax deals one way or another. And this occurs with both parties and has gone on for scores of years and is likely to continue. So, 1), how can we blame one president for not doing anything about it? And 2), is it even remotely possible any president or congress could make sweeping changes to alter this unfair practice? I doubt it.
I tell you this, and I've said it before.

The pseudocons will suddenly discover the record spending and doubling of our deficits after the Democrats take the House.

"I blame Pelosi!"

They won't be able to stop themselves, even knowing I just called them out ahead of time for it.

They are hard-wired for that kind of hypocrisy. This is the result of long term brainwashing by their propagandists. Willful blindness where necessary, and a slow and deliberate dumbing down over the past two decades.

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