Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

When Trump lies about 4 Americans killed because of his incompetence. Then flies to Vegas for the weekend to golf. You can get back to me.

Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.
Lol, Obama mastered the art of lying so well. He doesn't have to open his mouth to do so.
Trump says the sky is clear.
You, there is a cloud in the sky. Your a liar!
Obama lies about the death of 4 Americans.
You, Obama is my Lord and savior.
Obama lies about the cost of your healthcare.
You, Obama I'm gonna be broke. But your my savior.
Obama lies about how you can use your healthcare.
You, I would die for you my savior Obama I don't care.
Lol, you people are mental.
You're a liar. Obama did not lie about the death of 4 Americans. And you won't produce evidence to the contrary.
He said it was called a spontaneous attic caused by a movie. Now tell me what was the reason for bengazi?
View attachment 292475
It certainly wasn't from the lies coming from your post. "Time?" "Planes?" There was no "time for planes." The bi-partisan intelligence report already cleared everyone, and you weren't there. Your just an idiot who knows nothing.
Bullshit, our guys should've been on alert, just for the day it was. Red cross even knew to get their people out. But that's what you get when you have a president that finds out major world events on the eleven o'clock news.
The media kissed Obama's ass. If they reported on him like they did Trump. He would've quit in his first year.
The media is too soft on Trump

If any other President did half the things Trump does, they would have been driven from office
The Muller report proved Trump is the cleanest president in our history. I doubt you would survive an investigation Trump was under for over 2 years. The media lies about him daily.
The Muller report proved he is the most corrupt president in US history.
View attachment 292473
Yet Trump is still your president.
Your post is a lie. Why did you make that shit up? Because you're a liar.
If he found anything at all, he would've prosecuted Trump. But he didn't, I mean Muller even illegally raided Trumps lawyers office.
Let's see one Surrender Monkey lie cost taxpayers an average of $2500 with obozocare, one Trump lie that said tax cut was for the rich brought over $1100 average gain to each tax payer.....please President Trump lie again about the economy and send the stock market over 29 000!!!!
The media is too soft on Trump

If any other President did half the things Trump does, they would have been driven from office
The Muller report proved Trump is the cleanest president in our history. I doubt you would survive an investigation Trump was under for over 2 years. The media lies about him daily.
The Muller report proved he is the most corrupt president in US history.
View attachment 292473
Yet Trump is still your president.
Your post is a lie. Why did you make that shit up? Because you're a liar.
If he found anything at all, he would've prosecuted Trump. But he didn't, I mean Muller even illegally raided Trumps lawyers office.
OMG! You really are too ignorant to be here. Mueller can't prosecute you dumb ass. There is a written opinion that prevents Mueller from doing that. Mueller himself said that. Where in the fuck have you been? Congress can only impeach, then he will be indicted for his crimes once he is out of office.
Hell Trump tells a lie every time he opens his mouth.
Lol, Obama mastered the art of lying so well. He doesn't have to open his mouth to do so.
Trump says the sky is clear.
You, there is a cloud in the sky. Your a liar!
Obama lies about the death of 4 Americans.
You, Obama is my Lord and savior.
Obama lies about the cost of your healthcare.
You, Obama I'm gonna be broke. But your my savior.
Obama lies about how you can use your healthcare.
You, I would die for you my savior Obama I don't care.
Lol, you people are mental.
You're a liar. Obama did not lie about the death of 4 Americans. And you won't produce evidence to the contrary.
He said it was called a spontaneous attic caused by a movie. Now tell me what was the reason for bengazi?
View attachment 292475
It certainly wasn't from the lies coming from your post. "Time?" "Planes?" There was no "time for planes." The bi-partisan intelligence report already cleared everyone, and you weren't there. Your just an idiot who knows nothing.
Bullshit, our guys should've been on alert, just for the day it was. Red cross even knew to get their people out. But that's what you get when you have a president that finds out major world events on the eleven o'clock news.
Take it up with the bi-partisan committee loser. You weren't there. Lol! What an idiot.
The Muller report proved Trump is the cleanest president in our history.
Right...and next year they are going to put his face on the $3.00 bill.
No,that would be Obama. Trump needs to be put on Mt. Rushmore, for the reason. He kept Hillary from being president.
And when they would have inscribed into Mt. Rushmore to "lock her up" now we will replace it with "him." :auiqs.jpg:Because, if Cohen went down for the same crime, the country will demand that Trump does too.
The Muller report proved he is the most corrupt president in US history.
This is a lie.
If it were, you would have produced documentation to the contrary. You didn't. You're a loser.

The fact that the libs never talk about Mueller any more, and there is no chatter on the Ultraliberal networks about "Russian Collusion" any more tells me that the Mueller report was a nothing burger.

Now, its just a load of shit about "whistleblowers" and Ukraine and the Biden Cabal. This Ukraine crapola actually makes less sense. After all,President Trump's fondest dream is to face Biden in next years elections.
Wrong! Mueller was interrupted temporarily with the Ukraine scandal. There is way more than enough to impeach by way of the Mueller report. It will be part of the articles of impeachment.

There aren't going to be "articles of impeachment" voted upon.

Because if there is a vote, there are only two possibilities- (1) they will fail to pass, and Nancy will look like an incompetent boob. Those D's who voted "aye" for it in Trump districts will never live it down.

(2) Nancy will get the 218 votes, and loses all control of the measure. It falls under control of The Turtle, who has promised a full dress trial when the Pencil Necked Geek, Hunter and Sleepy Joe as well as President Zelensky- in addition to Comey, Mueller, Brennan, etc., will all be called to testify openly. It will take months and keep the leading D's off the campaign trail. And in the end, Trump will still be exonerated, right before the election. Sounds like a tremendous theme for the campaign.
The Muller report proved Trump is the cleanest president in our history.
Right...and next year they are going to put his face on the $3.00 bill.
No,that would be Obama. Trump needs to be put on Mt. Rushmore, for the reason. He kept Hillary from being president.
And when they would have inscribed into Mt. Rushmore to "lock her up" now we will replace it with "him." :auiqs.jpg:Because, if Cohen went down for the same crime, the country will demand that Trump does too.

Cohen pleaded guilty to a non-crime, and there is no proof that President Trump committed any crime- except for the word of Cohen, a man doing hard time for being lying, snitching piece of shit.
The Muller report proved Trump is the cleanest president in our history.
Right...and next year they are going to put his face on the $3.00 bill.
No,that would be Obama. Trump needs to be put on Mt. Rushmore, for the reason. He kept Hillary from being president.
And when they would have inscribed into Mt. Rushmore to "lock her up" now we will replace it with "him." :auiqs.jpg:Because, if Cohen went down for the same crime, the country will demand that Trump does too.

Cohen pleaded guilty to a non-crime, and there is no proof that President Trump committed any crime- except for the word of Cohen, a man doing hard time for being lying, snitching piece of shit.
Negative! It is illegal to transfer campaign funds to shut someone up, then not report it to the feds. It's a federal crime. There is no such thing as being convicted of a non-crime you fool. you hate spreaders try and do.

Show me where I was spreading hate.

The economy is better.

I'm all for reducing costs and making our lives better. Unfortunately, much of the left is focused on improving the lives of foreigners that want to live here even to the detriment of Americans like you and I.

If the Democrats would get on board, they and Trump could pass legislation to significantly improve our lives. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party's singular focus is on their own wealth and power and on removing Trump to advance the DNC, rather than advancing you and I.

Trump had the House and Senate and did absolutely nothing about the employers drawing illegals here to work. Nothing.
Explain this:
I-9 Audits and Investigations of Employers Have Nearly Quadrupled in 2018
I-9 Audits and Investigations of Employers Have Nearly Quadrupled in 2018
We got news that Trump sent out some notifications BUT has done nothing about those notifications.
Shwe this to be true.
Compare and contrast the number of I-9 violations prosecuted 2009-2017 and 2017-present.

There has been ZERO started under Trump. There have been a couple that started under Obama.
The Muller report proved Trump is the cleanest president in our history.
Right...and next year they are going to put his face on the $3.00 bill.
No,that would be Obama. Trump needs to be put on Mt. Rushmore, for the reason. He kept Hillary from being president.
And when they would have inscribed into Mt. Rushmore to "lock her up" now we will replace it with "him." :auiqs.jpg:Because, if Cohen went down for the same crime, the country will demand that Trump does too.

Cohen pleaded guilty to a non-crime, and there is no proof that President Trump committed any crime- except for the word of Cohen, a man doing hard time for being lying, snitching piece of shit.
Negative! It is illegal to transfer campaign funds to shut someone up, then not report it to the feds. It's a federal crime. There is no such thing as being convicted of a non-crime you fool.

They weren't campaign funds, they were the President's private funds.

And it had nothing to do with the campaign.
The Muller report proved he is the most corrupt president in US history.
This is a lie.
If it were, you would have produced documentation to the contrary. You didn't. You're a loser.

The fact that the libs never talk about Mueller any more, and there is no chatter on the Ultraliberal networks about "Russian Collusion" any more tells me that the Mueller report was a nothing burger.

Now, its just a load of shit about "whistleblowers" and Ukraine and the Biden Cabal. This Ukraine crapola actually makes less sense. After all,President Trump's fondest dream is to face Biden in next years elections.
Wrong! Mueller was interrupted temporarily with the Ukraine scandal. There is way more than enough to impeach by way of the Mueller report. It will be part of the articles of impeachment.

There aren't going to be "articles of impeachment" voted upon.

Because if there is a vote, there are only two possibilities- (1) they will fail to pass, and Nancy will look like an incompetent boob. Those D's who voted "aye" for it in Trump districts will never live it down.

(2) Nancy will get the 218 votes, and loses all control of the measure. It falls under control of The Turtle, who has promised a full dress trial when the Pencil Necked Geek, Hunter and Sleepy Joe as well as President Zelensky- in addition to Comey, Mueller, Brennan, etc., will all be called to testify openly. It will take months and keep the leading D's off the campaign trail. And in the end, Trump will still be exonerated, right before the election. Sounds like a tremendous theme for the campaign.
Not to me it doesn't. It sounds exactly like elected officials upholding their oath in the face of a corrupt RICO operation in the WH. It restores sanity, dignity, self respect, honor, and duty to country in the face of a criminal enterprise. I can't control the other actions of individuals who choose criminality over their country and 250 years fighting for what is right. Through this process, the traitors will be totally exposed.
Right...and next year they are going to put his face on the $3.00 bill.
No,that would be Obama. Trump needs to be put on Mt. Rushmore, for the reason. He kept Hillary from being president.
And when they would have inscribed into Mt. Rushmore to "lock her up" now we will replace it with "him." :auiqs.jpg:Because, if Cohen went down for the same crime, the country will demand that Trump does too.

Cohen pleaded guilty to a non-crime, and there is no proof that President Trump committed any crime- except for the word of Cohen, a man doing hard time for being lying, snitching piece of shit.
Negative! It is illegal to transfer campaign funds to shut someone up, then not report it to the feds. It's a federal crime. There is no such thing as being convicted of a non-crime you fool.

They weren't campaign funds, they were the President's private funds.

And it had nothing to do with the campaign.
I don't care. They weren't reported you idiot. That's a federal crime. Look it up dumb ass.
This is a lie.
If it were, you would have produced documentation to the contrary. You didn't. You're a loser.

The fact that the libs never talk about Mueller any more, and there is no chatter on the Ultraliberal networks about "Russian Collusion" any more tells me that the Mueller report was a nothing burger.

Now, its just a load of shit about "whistleblowers" and Ukraine and the Biden Cabal. This Ukraine crapola actually makes less sense. After all,President Trump's fondest dream is to face Biden in next years elections.
Wrong! Mueller was interrupted temporarily with the Ukraine scandal. There is way more than enough to impeach by way of the Mueller report. It will be part of the articles of impeachment.

There aren't going to be "articles of impeachment" voted upon.

Because if there is a vote, there are only two possibilities- (1) they will fail to pass, and Nancy will look like an incompetent boob. Those D's who voted "aye" for it in Trump districts will never live it down.

(2) Nancy will get the 218 votes, and loses all control of the measure. It falls under control of The Turtle, who has promised a full dress trial when the Pencil Necked Geek, Hunter and Sleepy Joe as well as President Zelensky- in addition to Comey, Mueller, Brennan, etc., will all be called to testify openly. It will take months and keep the leading D's off the campaign trail. And in the end, Trump will still be exonerated, right before the election. Sounds like a tremendous theme for the campaign.
Not to me it doesn't. It sounds exactly like elected officials upholding their oath in the face of a corrupt RICO operation in the WH. It restores sanity, dignity, self respect, honor, and duty to country in the face of a criminal enterprise. I can't control the other actions of individuals who choose criminality over their country and 250 years fighting for what is right. Through this process, the traitors will be totally exposed.

So with you, BWK, its about doing "the right thing", even though doing so means that President Trump will schlong the Democrats again next November and the D's will lose control of both houses of Congress?
No,that would be Obama. Trump needs to be put on Mt. Rushmore, for the reason. He kept Hillary from being president.
And when they would have inscribed into Mt. Rushmore to "lock her up" now we will replace it with "him." :auiqs.jpg:Because, if Cohen went down for the same crime, the country will demand that Trump does too.

Cohen pleaded guilty to a non-crime, and there is no proof that President Trump committed any crime- except for the word of Cohen, a man doing hard time for being lying, snitching piece of shit.
Negative! It is illegal to transfer campaign funds to shut someone up, then not report it to the feds. It's a federal crime. There is no such thing as being convicted of a non-crime you fool.

They weren't campaign funds, they were the President's private funds.

And it had nothing to do with the campaign.
I don't care. They weren't reported you idiot. That's a federal crime. Look it up dumb ass.

Paying Hush Money is legal, BWK.

President Obama paid a quarter mil of Hush Money during the 2008 campaign to keep Rev. Jeremiah "GD America" Wright quiet. Perfectly legal, BTW, and 100% verified by the Religious Left Bigwig himself.
If it were, you would have produced documentation to the contrary. You didn't. You're a loser.

The fact that the libs never talk about Mueller any more, and there is no chatter on the Ultraliberal networks about "Russian Collusion" any more tells me that the Mueller report was a nothing burger.

Now, its just a load of shit about "whistleblowers" and Ukraine and the Biden Cabal. This Ukraine crapola actually makes less sense. After all,President Trump's fondest dream is to face Biden in next years elections.
Wrong! Mueller was interrupted temporarily with the Ukraine scandal. There is way more than enough to impeach by way of the Mueller report. It will be part of the articles of impeachment.

There aren't going to be "articles of impeachment" voted upon.

Because if there is a vote, there are only two possibilities- (1) they will fail to pass, and Nancy will look like an incompetent boob. Those D's who voted "aye" for it in Trump districts will never live it down.

(2) Nancy will get the 218 votes, and loses all control of the measure. It falls under control of The Turtle, who has promised a full dress trial when the Pencil Necked Geek, Hunter and Sleepy Joe as well as President Zelensky- in addition to Comey, Mueller, Brennan, etc., will all be called to testify openly. It will take months and keep the leading D's off the campaign trail. And in the end, Trump will still be exonerated, right before the election. Sounds like a tremendous theme for the campaign.
Not to me it doesn't. It sounds exactly like elected officials upholding their oath in the face of a corrupt RICO operation in the WH. It restores sanity, dignity, self respect, honor, and duty to country in the face of a criminal enterprise. I can't control the other actions of individuals who choose criminality over their country and 250 years fighting for what is right. Through this process, the traitors will be totally exposed.

So with you, BWK, its about doing "the right thing", even though doing so means that President Trump will schlong the Democrats again next November and the D's will lose control of both houses of Congress?
If we as a country do not do what is right and legal, then we are worth shit. I thought that's what Republicans claimed they always ran on? Lol! Not any more. They support criminals now. Color me surprised.

It's not just what is right. It's also about being legal. If you don't support that, then you're nothing but a complicit criminal with the rest.
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And when they would have inscribed into Mt. Rushmore to "lock her up" now we will replace it with "him." :auiqs.jpg:Because, if Cohen went down for the same crime, the country will demand that Trump does too.

Cohen pleaded guilty to a non-crime, and there is no proof that President Trump committed any crime- except for the word of Cohen, a man doing hard time for being lying, snitching piece of shit.
Negative! It is illegal to transfer campaign funds to shut someone up, then not report it to the feds. It's a federal crime. There is no such thing as being convicted of a non-crime you fool.

They weren't campaign funds, they were the President's private funds.

And it had nothing to do with the campaign.
I don't care. They weren't reported you idiot. That's a federal crime. Look it up dumb ass.

Paying Hush Money is legal, BWK.

President Obama paid a quarter mil of Hush Money during the 2008 campaign to keep Rev. Jeremiah "GD America" Wright quiet. Perfectly legal, BTW, and 100% verified by the Religious Left Bigwig himself.
Damn you're dense. Was it reported? No! That makes it a federal crime. Look it up dumb ass. Stop making a total idiot of yourself.
Cohen pleaded guilty to a non-crime, and there is no proof that President Trump committed any crime- except for the word of Cohen, a man doing hard time for being lying, snitching piece of shit.
Negative! It is illegal to transfer campaign funds to shut someone up, then not report it to the feds. It's a federal crime. There is no such thing as being convicted of a non-crime you fool.

They weren't campaign funds, they were the President's private funds.

And it had nothing to do with the campaign.
I don't care. They weren't reported you idiot. That's a federal crime. Look it up dumb ass.

Paying Hush Money is legal, BWK.

President Obama paid a quarter mil of Hush Money during the 2008 campaign to keep Rev. Jeremiah "GD America" Wright quiet. Perfectly legal, BTW, and 100% verified by the Religious Left Bigwig himself.
Damn you're dense. Was it reported? No! That makes it a federal crime. Look it up dumb ass. Stop making a total idiot of yourself.

It wasn't reported, because in the opinion of Trump's lawyer, it wasn't part of the campaign.
And when they would have inscribed into Mt. Rushmore to "lock her up" now we will replace it with "him." :auiqs.jpg:Because, if Cohen went down for the same crime, the country will demand that Trump does too.

Cohen pleaded guilty to a non-crime, and there is no proof that President Trump committed any crime- except for the word of Cohen, a man doing hard time for being lying, snitching piece of shit.
Negative! It is illegal to transfer campaign funds to shut someone up, then not report it to the feds. It's a federal crime. There is no such thing as being convicted of a non-crime you fool.

They weren't campaign funds, they were the President's private funds.

And it had nothing to do with the campaign.
I don't care. They weren't reported you idiot. That's a federal crime. Look it up dumb ass.

Paying Hush Money is legal, BWK.

President Obama paid a quarter mil of Hush Money during the 2008 campaign to keep Rev. Jeremiah "GD America" Wright quiet. Perfectly legal, BTW, and 100% verified by the Religious Left Bigwig himself.
Negative! It is illegal to transfer campaign funds to shut someone up, then not report it to the feds. It's a federal crime. There is no such thing as being convicted of a non-crime you fool.

They weren't campaign funds, they were the President's private funds.

And it had nothing to do with the campaign.
I don't care. They weren't reported you idiot. That's a federal crime. Look it up dumb ass.

Paying Hush Money is legal, BWK.

President Obama paid a quarter mil of Hush Money during the 2008 campaign to keep Rev. Jeremiah "GD America" Wright quiet. Perfectly legal, BTW, and 100% verified by the Religious Left Bigwig himself.
Damn you're dense. Was it reported? No! That makes it a federal crime. Look it up dumb ass. Stop making a total idiot of yourself.

It wasn't reported, because in the opinion of Trump's lawyer, it wasn't part of the campaign.
And his lawyer is where? :auiqs.jpg:Stop being an uninformed idiot. Besides, once Cohen talked, then he was bad. But before that, Trump said you will have to talk to my lawyer Michael. You really can't make this shit up.

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