Trump Has Screwed The Pooch!

actually, you can't cause you have this little dick syndrome have this need to attack a real man ...
dude. Get real. You arenā€™t a real man. And stop worrying about my dick. Itā€™s off limits to you no matter how much you beg.

Meanwhile, in these threads, I tend to support my position. You? Never.
of course, you do losers can't stand the fact that they defend a loser so to save face you talk like this tuff guy ... you can't deal with the fact that he tells so many lies then you can't defend him so you lie too ...
You defend the loser. Brandon. So, GFY.
I just have to say, you sound like a terrible person with these posts.

Just pathetic.
he doesn't know how to debate ... the thinks he's besting you with his pathetic post ... he always hits you with some kind of sexual innuendo ...
dude. Get real. You arenā€™t a real man. And stop worrying about my dick. Itā€™s off limits to you no matter how much you beg.

Meanwhile, in these threads, I tend to support my position. You? Never.
oh I'm now worried about your little dick are ... that's why you post the way you do, the little man syndrome... pathetic little man tiny little dick ... I'm 6'3 so I have no little man syndrome... really you support you position ???? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!! now that's funny.... BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!! my side, hahaha my side, hahaha its ackhng BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!
I am happy to ā€œdefendā€ Trump against the bullshit people like you spout. For fuck sake, Iā€™d even ā€œdefendā€ our scumbag demented President if he were constantly being attacked with the kind of utterly dishonest accusations you turds utilize.

Attacking your manhood is easy. You donā€™t have any.
here's one of your ways supporting trump you said "
I am happy to ā€œdefendā€ Trump against the bullshit people like you spout. For fuck sake, Iā€™d even ā€œdefendā€ our scumbag demented President if he were constantly being attacked with the kind of utterly dishonest accusations you turds utilize.
Attacking your manhood is easy. You donā€™t have any." then in another post you said '
You just confirmed that youā€™re a gutless pussy. Thatā€™s ok. Itā€™s not a secret that youā€™re a gutless pussy. But did you know that you are also posting off topic?

No? You didnā€™t realize that your vapid opinion about me is not the topic of this thread? šŸ˜‚
The unclear topic is supposedly about Trump screwing the pooch. He hasnā€™t". .... what I did was explained how a president has to file paperwork for a classified document... above this statement how you answered my post ... as for being on the topic, it was on topic the poster, not you, posted he said all he has to do is say its declassified ... I explain to him how that happens .... in the above responces are yours responding to my post ... so don't tlell us how you defend trump ... all you do is respond in these little man responces ... you are a sorry excuse for a human being ... we get it you don't know how to debate cause you quit school in the 8 th grade ... your post shows the mentality of a 6th to 8th grad student ...

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