Trump has not fixed our immigration problem.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
He has merely stemmed the bleeding. No meaningful legislation has been passed. Very little wall has been built.

Yes, Mexico has made some concessions that have helped but those could end up being as temporary as the Trump presidency.

This is not a diss on Trumps efforts so don't think I'm down on him. I'm just a realist and I recognize that a temporary victory is no real victory at all.

We need a willing congress to truly get done what must be done to make this problem a thing of the past. At this point we're just putting bandaids on an open wound.
He has merely stemmed the bleeding. No meaningful legislation has been passed. Very little wall has been built.

Yes, Mexico has made some concessions that have helped but those could end up being as temporary as the Trump presidency.

This is not a diss on Trumps efforts so don't think I'm down on him. I'm just a realist and I recognize that a temporary victory is no real victory at all.

We need a willing congress to truly get done what must be done to make this problem a thing of the past. At this point we're just putting bandaids on an open wound.
But he sure has TRIED. He's gotten absolutely NO help from Congress regarding this problem.
He has merely stemmed the bleeding. No meaningful legislation has been passed. Very little wall has been built.

Yes, Mexico has made some concessions that have helped but those could end up being as temporary as the Trump presidency.

This is not a diss on Trumps efforts so don't think I'm down on him. I'm just a realist and I recognize that a temporary victory is no real victory at all.

We need a willing congress to truly get done what must be done to make this problem a thing of the past. At this point we're just putting bandaids on an open wound.
Sure but he is doing what he can with a House that may as well being a hostile foreign army dug into trenches taking pot shots at him. He can't do an executive order for everything.
He has merely stemmed the bleeding. No meaningful legislation has been passed. Very little wall has been built.

Yes, Mexico has made some concessions that have helped but those could end up being as temporary as the Trump presidency.

This is not a diss on Trumps efforts so don't think I'm down on him. I'm just a realist and I recognize that a temporary victory is no real victory at all.

We need a willing congress to truly get done what must be done to make this problem a thing of the past. At this point we're just putting bandaids on an open wound.

While true, his changing the standard that asylum seekers cannot pass through another country first is actually a bit intriguing.
He failed to make a deal with his own party when they controlled both houses on Congress for two years. A guy who actually wrote a book called "The Art of the Deal". :dunno:
He has merely stemmed the bleeding. No meaningful legislation has been passed. Very little wall has been built.

Yes, Mexico has made some concessions that have helped but those could end up being as temporary as the Trump presidency.

This is not a diss on Trumps efforts so don't think I'm down on him. I'm just a realist and I recognize that a temporary victory is no real victory at all.

We need a willing congress to truly get done what must be done to make this problem a thing of the past. At this point we're just putting bandaids on an open wound.

I fear the worse is yet to come...I have a real bad feeling that he’s going to mishandle the DACA issue when SCOTUS rules and hands it off to him.
That should happen in the spring...should he piss off his ‘base’ he may really fuck himself for November.
He failed to make a deal with his own party when they controlled both houses on Congress for two years. A guy who actually wrote a book called "The Art of the Deal". :dunno:

Those beaner lovers in North Mexico...John McShitstain and Jeff Fake weren’t going to side with good real Americans.
He has merely stemmed the bleeding. No meaningful legislation has been passed. Very little wall has been built.

Yes, Mexico has made some concessions that have helped but those could end up being as temporary as the Trump presidency.

This is not a diss on Trumps efforts so don't think I'm down on him. I'm just a realist and I recognize that a temporary victory is no real victory at all.

We need a willing congress to truly get done what must be done to make this problem a thing of the past. At this point we're just putting bandaids on an open wound.

Voters disapprove of Trump's border and immigration policies.
He failed to make a deal with his own party when they controlled both houses on Congress for two years. A guy who actually wrote a book called "The Art of the Deal". :dunno:

Those beaner lovers in North Mexico...John McShitstain and Jeff Fake weren’t going to side with good real Americans.

You people are not good real Americans. Racists and neo-nazis are not good.
He never had a realistic plan.

He just fed you guys exactly what you wanted to hear with a catchy campaign slogan.
He has merely stemmed the bleeding. No meaningful legislation has been passed. Very little wall has been built.

Yes, Mexico has made some concessions that have helped but those could end up being as temporary as the Trump presidency.

This is not a diss on Trumps efforts so don't think I'm down on him. I'm just a realist and I recognize that a temporary victory is no real victory at all.

We need a willing congress to truly get done what must be done to make this problem a thing of the past. At this point we're just putting bandaids on an open wound.
You voted for chaos. Your cause won't exist anymore after Trump is gone. You blew your load on one of the most despicable men in American history.
He has merely stemmed the bleeding. No meaningful legislation has been passed. Very little wall has been built.

Yes, Mexico has made some concessions that have helped but those could end up being as temporary as the Trump presidency.

This is not a diss on Trumps efforts so don't think I'm down on him. I'm just a realist and I recognize that a temporary victory is no real victory at all.

We need a willing congress to truly get done what must be done to make this problem a thing of the past. At this point we're just putting bandaids on an open wound.
You voted for chaos. Your cause won't exist anymore after Trump is gone. You blew your load on one of the most despicable men in American history.
We’ll try to elect a choir boy for you next time
He has merely stemmed the bleeding. No meaningful legislation has been passed. Very little wall has been built.

Yes, Mexico has made some concessions that have helped but those could end up being as temporary as the Trump presidency.

This is not a diss on Trumps efforts so don't think I'm down on him. I'm just a realist and I recognize that a temporary victory is no real victory at all.

We need a willing congress to truly get done what must be done to make this problem a thing of the past. At this point we're just putting bandaids on an open wound.

It should be noted that the bleeding is basically back to where it was prior to Trump's election victory.
He has merely stemmed the bleeding. No meaningful legislation has been passed. Very little wall has been built.

Yes, Mexico has made some concessions that have helped but those could end up being as temporary as the Trump presidency.

This is not a diss on Trumps efforts so don't think I'm down on him. I'm just a realist and I recognize that a temporary victory is no real victory at all.

We need a willing congress to truly get done what must be done to make this problem a thing of the past. At this point we're just putting bandaids on an open wound.
Three years in he's done three light years more than any of his predecessors.
He is not getting support from congress but he is still building the wall and boarder patrol locked up more illegals then ever.

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He is not getting support from congress but he is still building the wall and boarder patrol locked up more illegals then ever.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you have a link to support the part about the BP?
He has merely stemmed the bleeding. No meaningful legislation has been passed. Very little wall has been built.

Yes, Mexico has made some concessions that have helped but those could end up being as temporary as the Trump presidency.

This is not a diss on Trumps efforts so don't think I'm down on him. I'm just a realist and I recognize that a temporary victory is no real victory at all.

We need a willing congress to truly get done what must be done to make this problem a thing of the past. At this point we're just putting bandaids on an open wound.

1) The immigration problem isn't a crisis. Some redneck's fear that his daughter might date a Mexican is not something any sensible person should worry about.
2) You could fix the immigration "problem" in ten minutes. No Walls. No Legistlation. No sending ICE Jackbooted thugs into neighborhoods hassling people with brown skin. All you need to do is go after the people who hire them, hard.

Of course, then you'd have a problem of certain sectors of the economy that require unskilled, cheap labor collapsing, which is why Trump or anyone else doesn't do it.

Much like abortion, gay rights, and other issues, it's never about "solving" the problem. It's about keeping stupid people like you upset about it so you don't demand solutions to the REAL problems.

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