Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.
..and here is the difference between the current Administration's cookie baker political appointee and a Trump advisor who is a highly educated successful business man also knowledgeable in military affairs.
And you can type that bs with a straight face, now can you?
Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.
..and here is the difference between the current Administration's cookie baker political appointee and a Trump advisor who is a highly educated successful business man also knowledgeable in military affairs.
And you can type that bs with a straight face, now can you?
No, actually I am frowning to see what kind of "experts" the current Administration has.
Um, nope. The sanctions due to the Ukrainian Crisis and Crimea are still standing. And have been credited by Russia as having caused the collapse of the Russian Rubble and financial crisis in Russia in 2014 and 2015.

Last week a delegation of French lawmakers has visited Crimea for the second time after Crimea voted for Russia. They were pretty pleased to see happy people in the street and said: "The world has to recognize the will of Crimean people and to lift the sanctions on Russia":

Crimea’s reunification with Russia reflects the will of the majority of the Crimean people, the head of a French delegation visiting the peninsula says. He added that if it had not joined Russia, it could have been turned into a battle zone like east Ukraine.

“The referendum on Crimea’s accession to Russia reflected the will of the people,” Mariani said, adding that, during their visit to the peninsula, the French delegation “got an impression that the decision to reunify with Russia corresponds with the majority opinion” of the Crimean population.
Crimea referendum reflected people’s will – French delegation head
Thierry Mariani: Better to be Crimean Tatar than Russian in Baltics

France and Ukraine have condemned a visit to Crimea by a group of French MPs

French MPs' Crimea visit condemned by France and Ukraine - BBC News

See also:

The parliament in Liguria in northwestern Italy has voted in favor of a resolution to recognize Crimea as part of Russia and lift anti-Russia sanctions. Liguria became the second region to adopt the resolution, with more votes expected in other parts of Italy.

Sanctions against Russia should be lifted as soon as possible, France’s Minister of Foreign Affairs said following a meeting with his Russian counterpart, while insisting that implementation of the Minsk agreements still remain key to the process.
France wants sanctions on Russia lifted soon – foreign minister
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Even more interesting stuff:

Thierry Mariani, a French National Assembly deputy who headed a recent parliamentary delegation to Crimea, refused to answer a question from a Ukrainian journalist at a press conference in Moscow on August 1, calling it a “shitty question.” The journalist had asked Mariani “how much the Russian government paid him” to support Moscow's position on Crimea.

“I don't accept your question. I'm ready to respond to any political questions and any political comments, but your question is, quite frankly, a shitty question, and I won't respond, and I'd like to convey to you my utter contempt,” Mariani said.

“How much do you get paid to ask such questions?," the French MP continued. "The fact that you ask such disgusting questions being here in Russia suggests that Russia is a free country. It is even more disgusting that if we were in Ukraine, I would not have the opportunity to ask such questions there," said the French politician.

French lawmaker responds to Ukrainian journalist about Kremlin pay for his Crimea position: ‘That’s a shitty question.’ — Meduza
French MP responds sharply to question from Ukrainian journalist
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Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Source: Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― Just days before Republicans adopted a new, more Russia-friendly plank into their party platform, one of Donald Trump’s top advisers visited Moscow in July to deliver speeches criticizing decades of U.S. foreign policy.

Global energy investor Carter Page joined Trump’s team in March. Since then, Page has criticized U.S.-Russia policy in a number of public speeches, and repeatedly expressed his hope that a closer relationship between the two nations might be possible with Trump in the White House.

“Washington and other Western capitals have impeded potential progress through their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption, and regime change,” Page said last month during a commencement speech at a Moscow economics graduate school.

Page also suggested the United States should ease economic sanctions imposed on Russia following its 2014 incursion into Ukraine and Crimea, which was condemned in an overwhelming vote in the United Nations. In exchange for sanctions relief, Page said, American companies might be invited to partner with Russian firms to exploit Russia’s oil and gas fields.

Read more: Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Something fucking stinks like shit.
It's even worse:

Did you know Trump has many business ties to Putin? Does he owe him money?
Please explain how Russia is the enemy of the U.S. in a post Cold War world.
Funny how the Right attacked Obama and agreed with Romney when he said Russia is the U.S.’s greatest geopolitical foe, and the Right again agreed with him when Bishop Willard said he was right about Russia when the conflict began in Crimea and Ukraine. Now suddenly to defend Trump's trumpery, suddenly Russia are the good guys and the USA is picking on Russia with "questionable" sanctions.
Please explain how Russia is the enemy of the U.S. in a post Cold War world.
Funny how the Right attacked Obama and agreed with Romney when he said Russia is the U.S.’s greatest geopolitical foe, and the Right again agreed with him when Bishop Willard said he was right about Russia when the conflict began in Crimea and Ukraine. Now suddenly to defend Trump's trumpery, suddenly Russia are the good guys and the USA is picking on Russia with "questionable" sanctions.
First, define how am I on the Right. Second, quote me to condemn Obama for not agreeing with Romney. Third, show me where and when I agreed with Bishop Willard (who the fuckever he is) that anybody was right or wrong about Russia.
You want war for some reason, yet when the U.S. is committed to war you are the first one to protest against the war spitting on soldiers coming home from the war. I want peace and mutually fruitful relationships with all the countries of the world.
You supposed to be the peacenik, what happened?
Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Source: Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― Just days before Republicans adopted a new, more Russia-friendly plank into their party platform, one of Donald Trump’s top advisers visited Moscow in July to deliver speeches criticizing decades of U.S. foreign policy.

Global energy investor Carter Page joined Trump’s team in March. Since then, Page has criticized U.S.-Russia policy in a number of public speeches, and repeatedly expressed his hope that a closer relationship between the two nations might be possible with Trump in the White House.

“Washington and other Western capitals have impeded potential progress through their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption, and regime change,” Page said last month during a commencement speech at a Moscow economics graduate school.

Page also suggested the United States should ease economic sanctions imposed on Russia following its 2014 incursion into Ukraine and Crimea, which was condemned in an overwhelming vote in the United Nations. In exchange for sanctions relief, Page said, American companies might be invited to partner with Russian firms to exploit Russia’s oil and gas fields.

Read more: Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Something fucking stinks like shit.

What are you talking about?

Trump thinks, rightly, that we don't need to be hostile with or to Russia.

He's been clear on that, and with his winning the nomination, the GOP platform reflects that.

This from the political ideology that claims to own patriotism! :2up:
I would guess that you'd be hard pressed to find any experts that doesn't know Putin would love to see Ameeica fail and would be more than happy to hasten our demise.
Why do you hate America?
Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Source: Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― Just days before Republicans adopted a new, more Russia-friendly plank into their party platform, one of Donald Trump’s top advisers visited Moscow in July to deliver speeches criticizing decades of U.S. foreign policy.

Global energy investor Carter Page joined Trump’s team in March. Since then, Page has criticized U.S.-Russia policy in a number of public speeches, and repeatedly expressed his hope that a closer relationship between the two nations might be possible with Trump in the White House.

“Washington and other Western capitals have impeded potential progress through their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption, and regime change,” Page said last month during a commencement speech at a Moscow economics graduate school.

Page also suggested the United States should ease economic sanctions imposed on Russia following its 2014 incursion into Ukraine and Crimea, which was condemned in an overwhelming vote in the United Nations. In exchange for sanctions relief, Page said, American companies might be invited to partner with Russian firms to exploit Russia’s oil and gas fields.

Read more: Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Something fucking stinks like shit.

With Trump lying his ass off about his relationship with Putin. And hacks of the DNC to aid Trump's campaign widely suspected to be Russia. With Trump refusing to release his tax returns.

And Trump's advisor going to Russia just before Trump pushed a pro-Russian agenda. this another 'common sense conservative' move?

Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Source: Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― Just days before Republicans adopted a new, more Russia-friendly plank into their party platform, one of Donald Trump’s top advisers visited Moscow in July to deliver speeches criticizing decades of U.S. foreign policy.

Global energy investor Carter Page joined Trump’s team in March. Since then, Page has criticized U.S.-Russia policy in a number of public speeches, and repeatedly expressed his hope that a closer relationship between the two nations might be possible with Trump in the White House.

“Washington and other Western capitals have impeded potential progress through their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption, and regime change,” Page said last month during a commencement speech at a Moscow economics graduate school.

Page also suggested the United States should ease economic sanctions imposed on Russia following its 2014 incursion into Ukraine and Crimea, which was condemned in an overwhelming vote in the United Nations. In exchange for sanctions relief, Page said, American companies might be invited to partner with Russian firms to exploit Russia’s oil and gas fields.

Read more: Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Something fucking stinks like shit.

What are you talking about?

Trump thinks, rightly, that we don't need to be hostile with or to Russia.

He's been clear on that, and with his winning the nomination, the GOP platform reflects that.

This from the political ideology that claims to own patriotism! :2up:
I would guess that you'd be hard pressed to find any experts that doesn't know Putin would love to see Ameeica fail and would be more than happy to hasten our demise.
Why do you hate America?

Ill Wishing does not an enemy make.
Please explain how Russia is the enemy of the U.S. in a post Cold War world.
Funny how the Right attacked Obama and agreed with Romney when he said Russia is the U.S.’s greatest geopolitical foe, and the Right again agreed with him when Bishop Willard said he was right about Russia when the conflict began in Crimea and Ukraine. Now suddenly to defend Trump's trumpery, suddenly Russia are the good guys and the USA is picking on Russia with "questionable" sanctions.

The GOP establishment has been stuck in the Cold War too.

I've been talking about that since GWBush was sending US forces INTO THE BLACK SEA risking WWIII OVER FUCKING GEORGIA.
Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Source: Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― Just days before Republicans adopted a new, more Russia-friendly plank into their party platform, one of Donald Trump’s top advisers visited Moscow in July to deliver speeches criticizing decades of U.S. foreign policy.

Global energy investor Carter Page joined Trump’s team in March. Since then, Page has criticized U.S.-Russia policy in a number of public speeches, and repeatedly expressed his hope that a closer relationship between the two nations might be possible with Trump in the White House.

“Washington and other Western capitals have impeded potential progress through their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption, and regime change,” Page said last month during a commencement speech at a Moscow economics graduate school.

Page also suggested the United States should ease economic sanctions imposed on Russia following its 2014 incursion into Ukraine and Crimea, which was condemned in an overwhelming vote in the United Nations. In exchange for sanctions relief, Page said, American companies might be invited to partner with Russian firms to exploit Russia’s oil and gas fields.

Read more: Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Something fucking stinks like shit.

What are you talking about?

Trump thinks, rightly, that we don't need to be hostile with or to Russia.

He's been clear on that, and with his winning the nomination, the GOP platform reflects that.

This from the political ideology that claims to own patriotism! :2up:
I would guess that you'd be hard pressed to find any experts that doesn't know Putin would love to see Ameeica fail and would be more than happy to hasten our demise.
Why do you hate America?
The question remains: Why are you so passionate to a foreign country (U.S.) to you? Kiwis love some America, huh?
Why would Putin love to see America fail when the potential of fruitful trading partnership would be beneficial for both countries? How come you people don't bitch about the International Space Station using Russian rockets to send Americans up there? Patriotism has nothing to do with building peaceful relationship with Russia and the rest of the world. It seems more patriotic to me than starting a war sending America's youth to their deaths for nothing.
Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Source: Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― Just days before Republicans adopted a new, more Russia-friendly plank into their party platform, one of Donald Trump’s top advisers visited Moscow in July to deliver speeches criticizing decades of U.S. foreign policy.

Global energy investor Carter Page joined Trump’s team in March. Since then, Page has criticized U.S.-Russia policy in a number of public speeches, and repeatedly expressed his hope that a closer relationship between the two nations might be possible with Trump in the White House.

“Washington and other Western capitals have impeded potential progress through their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption, and regime change,” Page said last month during a commencement speech at a Moscow economics graduate school.

Page also suggested the United States should ease economic sanctions imposed on Russia following its 2014 incursion into Ukraine and Crimea, which was condemned in an overwhelming vote in the United Nations. In exchange for sanctions relief, Page said, American companies might be invited to partner with Russian firms to exploit Russia’s oil and gas fields.

Read more: Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Something fucking stinks like shit.

If you think that stinks, wait until you see this-

This makes an advisor visiting Russia look like good diplomacy. So you watch this movie and you will know exactly what rotten, putrid shit really smells like. Of course we already know that you love the smell of Clinton shit even more than your own farts. If their shit came in a bottle you'd rub it behind your ears.
Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Source: Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― Just days before Republicans adopted a new, more Russia-friendly plank into their party platform, one of Donald Trump’s top advisers visited Moscow in July to deliver speeches criticizing decades of U.S. foreign policy.

Global energy investor Carter Page joined Trump’s team in March. Since then, Page has criticized U.S.-Russia policy in a number of public speeches, and repeatedly expressed his hope that a closer relationship between the two nations might be possible with Trump in the White House.

“Washington and other Western capitals have impeded potential progress through their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption, and regime change,” Page said last month during a commencement speech at a Moscow economics graduate school.

Page also suggested the United States should ease economic sanctions imposed on Russia following its 2014 incursion into Ukraine and Crimea, which was condemned in an overwhelming vote in the United Nations. In exchange for sanctions relief, Page said, American companies might be invited to partner with Russian firms to exploit Russia’s oil and gas fields.

Read more: Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Traveled To Russia Prior To Changes In GOP Platform

Something fucking stinks like shit.

If you think that stinks, wait until you see this-

This makes an advisor visiting Russia look like good diplomacy. So you watch this movie and you will know exactly what rotten, putrid shit really smells like. Of course we already know that you love the smell of Clinton shit even more than your own farts. If their shit came in a bottle you'd rub it behind your ears.

They ignore facts.
(BTW, here is an idea off topic: send a pissgum Christmas gift package to ChrisL.)
For the first time ever a Russian oligarch has a chance to have his very own American president as a lapdog that he can pet while watching his very own television networks and operatives ensuring lack of any real political opposition.

Putin is in empire building business, imagining himself a place in Russian history on par with Peter the Great. NATO counter-balance of course limits his influence and military-backed leverage west of his border and he is working over-time to break up the alliance. Enter the easily manipulated, geo-politically ignorant Trump.

Thanks Republicans - though something tells me that's not the anti-establishment you had in mind.
For the first time ever a Russian oligarch has a chance to have his very own American president as a lapdog that he can pet while watching his very own television networks and operatives ensuring lack of any real political opposition.

Putin is in empire building business, imagining himself a place in Russian history on par with Peter the Great. NATO counter-balance of course limits his influence and military-backed leverage west of his border and he is working over-time to break up the alliance. Enter the easily manipulated, geo-politically ignorant Trump.

Thanks Republicans - though something tells me that's not the anti-establishment you had in mind.
A lot of unfounded accusations and assumptions render your post absolutely meaningless and ridiculously moronic.
Please explain how Russia is the enemy of the U.S. in a post Cold War world.
Funny how the Right attacked Obama and agreed with Romney when he said Russia is the U.S.’s greatest geopolitical foe, and the Right again agreed with him when Bishop Willard said he was right about Russia when the conflict began in Crimea and Ukraine. Now suddenly to defend Trump's trumpery, suddenly Russia are the good guys and the USA is picking on Russia with "questionable" sanctions.

These people have no respect for intellectual consistency - everything is secondary to knee-jerk politicking.

Russia is not the enemy of US, we are too big of a dog to pick a direct fight with, but they are of adversarial mood and looking to stretch their legs and interests westwards at our geo-political expense. Which is not unexpected of course from thinly veiled authoritarian like Putin looking to divert attention from weak economy, but the fact that a major American party candidate is willing to constantly praise him while bashing NATO is nothing short of stunning to witness and even more amazing to see that party be Republicans.
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