Trump discusses John Lewis, and I'm just out of adjectives.

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Lewis had a chance to be a statesman. He chose to be black. He is remembered for being black not being a statesman.

The communist democrats were going to be angrily offended no matter what Trump did.
Trump doesn’t know good men so he wouldn’t know John Lewis. Trump knows Stormy Daniels though. And Epstein.

Who says Lewis was a good man??

He was a Govt. leech who sucked off the Govt. tit for decades and accomplished very little.

Trump reached out to him and got rejected. Hell the SOB was all for impeaching Trump and you can bet he was jumping for joy on the collusion bullshit. Just another hack.

As for Daniels. We all know that story and it sure isn't the one in your feeble brain. Oh and as soon as he found out what Epstein was Trump kicked him to the curb. Unlike your pal Clinton who visited Epstein's island many time.
Democrats think that if you so much as accidentally bumped into MLK at any point in your life, you are automatically saint, which is why they make such a big deal about the time he walked across a bridge with him. :cuckoo:

MLK was a great man. He was all for civil rights forthe blacks in this country. He did what he did knowing full well that some racist asshole would probably kill him one day. He was all about peaceful protests. I can still see him making that great speech he made. I have a dream.

Lewis isn't worthy to kiss that mans hand.
MLK led the movement.

John Lewis was on the forefront integrating lunchcounters, Freedom Rides, Marching over the Petus Bridge in Selma

He repeatedly risked his life for Liberty and Justice
Risked his life? Quit exaggerating. :cuckoo:
Many times
He had a skull fracture in Selma
Badly beaten on a Freedom Ride
White people get beaten up by black mobs every day. I dont see you making THEM into heros.

Are those mobs supported by the police or members of the police doing the beating?
Those mobs are supported by the democrat party. You know, the people who pass bills and make laws.

JFK supported the Freedom Rides......He was a Democrat
JFK supported lowering tax rates. His is a long dead breed of Democrat

JFK lowered the upper tax rate to 70 percent. Do you call that low?

JFK along with Reagan and Trump lowered the tax rates because unlike Dem dummies they know lowering the tax rates brings more money into the Fed coffers.

All Dems want to do is raise taxes.
The Impeached criminal traitor Orange Virus loves to put his ignorance on display, just like you. Don't like it? Tough shit.
The only mystery here is whether they realize that Trump's behaviors and their defense of his behaviors represent a direct insult to many millions of Americans.

My assumption is that they don't care, and that as long as they can squeak by in electoral college votes they're happy.

Arrogant, bigoted ignorance.
Republicans walk the racist line.
They know enough not to personally spew racist hate, but they refuse to distance themselves from those who do
Trump doesn’t know good men so he wouldn’t know John Lewis. Trump knows Stormy Daniels though. And Epstein.

Who says Lewis was a good man??

He was a Govt. leech who sucked off the Govt. tit for decades and accomplished very little.

Trump reached out to him and got rejected. Hell the SOB was all for impeaching Trump and you can bet he was jumping for joy on the collusion bullshit. Just another hack.

As for Daniels. We all know that story and it sure isn't the one in your feeble brain. Oh and as soon as he found out what Epstein was Trump kicked him to the curb. Unlike your pal Clinton who visited Epstein's island many time.
Democrats think that if you so much as accidentally bumped into MLK at any point in your life, you are automatically saint, which is why they make such a big deal about the time he walked across a bridge with him. :cuckoo:

MLK was a great man. He was all for civil rights forthe blacks in this country. He did what he did knowing full well that some racist asshole would probably kill him one day. He was all about peaceful protests. I can still see him making that great speech he made. I have a dream.

Lewis isn't worthy to kiss that mans hand.
MLK led the movement.

John Lewis was on the forefront integrating lunchcounters, Freedom Rides, Marching over the Petus Bridge in Selma

He repeatedly risked his life for Liberty and Justice
Risked his life? Quit exaggerating. :cuckoo:
Many times
He had a skull fracture in Selma
Badly beaten on a Freedom Ride
White people get beaten up by black mobs every day. I dont see you making THEM into heros.

Are those mobs supported by the police or members of the police doing the beating?
Those mobs are supported by the democrat party. You know, the people who pass bills and make laws.

JFK supported the Freedom Rides......He was a Democrat
JFK supported lowering tax rates. His is a long dead breed of Democrat

JFK lowered the upper tax rate to 70 percent. Do you call that low?

JFK along with Reagan and Trump lowered the tax rates because unlike Dem dummies they know lowering the tax rates brings more money into the Fed coffers.

All Dems want to do is raise taxes.
As a Democrat, I will support JFKs 70 percent tax rate on the wealthy.....will you?
Trump doesn’t know good men so he wouldn’t know John Lewis. Trump knows Stormy Daniels though. And Epstein.

Who says Lewis was a good man??

He was a Govt. leech who sucked off the Govt. tit for decades and accomplished very little.

Trump reached out to him and got rejected. Hell the SOB was all for impeaching Trump and you can bet he was jumping for joy on the collusion bullshit. Just another hack.

As for Daniels. We all know that story and it sure isn't the one in your feeble brain. Oh and as soon as he found out what Epstein was Trump kicked him to the curb. Unlike your pal Clinton who visited Epstein's island many time.
Democrats think that if you so much as accidentally bumped into MLK at any point in your life, you are automatically saint, which is why they make such a big deal about the time he walked across a bridge with him. :cuckoo:

MLK was a great man. He was all for civil rights forthe blacks in this country. He did what he did knowing full well that some racist asshole would probably kill him one day. He was all about peaceful protests. I can still see him making that great speech he made. I have a dream.

Lewis isn't worthy to kiss that mans hand.
MLK led the movement.

John Lewis was on the forefront integrating lunchcounters, Freedom Rides, Marching over the Petus Bridge in Selma

He repeatedly risked his life for Liberty and Justice
Risked his life? Quit exaggerating. :cuckoo:
Many times
He had a skull fracture in Selma
Badly beaten on a Freedom Ride
White people get beaten up by black mobs every day. I dont see you making THEM into heros.

Are those mobs supported by the police or members of the police doing the beating?
Those mobs are supported by the democrat party. You know, the people who pass bills and make laws.

JFK supported the Freedom Rides......He was a Democrat
JFK supported lowering tax rates. His is a long dead breed of Democrat

I think that he was literally the last Decent Democrat.
Yep, and he was shot by a commie who would be considered a "progressive" today. Oswald was ahead of his time.
Oswald today would be a Rush Limbaugh Republican protesting the excesses of Government

The Democratic Party today is far more akin to Oswald than to Kennedy. Kennedy was a rabid Cold Warrior. He hated Communists.
Trump doesn’t know good men so he wouldn’t know John Lewis. Trump knows Stormy Daniels though. And Epstein.

Who says Lewis was a good man??

He was a Govt. leech who sucked off the Govt. tit for decades and accomplished very little.

Trump reached out to him and got rejected. Hell the SOB was all for impeaching Trump and you can bet he was jumping for joy on the collusion bullshit. Just another hack.

As for Daniels. We all know that story and it sure isn't the one in your feeble brain. Oh and as soon as he found out what Epstein was Trump kicked him to the curb. Unlike your pal Clinton who visited Epstein's island many time.
Democrats think that if you so much as accidentally bumped into MLK at any point in your life, you are automatically saint, which is why they make such a big deal about the time he walked across a bridge with him. :cuckoo:

MLK was a great man. He was all for civil rights forthe blacks in this country. He did what he did knowing full well that some racist asshole would probably kill him one day. He was all about peaceful protests. I can still see him making that great speech he made. I have a dream.

Lewis isn't worthy to kiss that mans hand.
MLK led the movement.

John Lewis was on the forefront integrating lunchcounters, Freedom Rides, Marching over the Petus Bridge in Selma

He repeatedly risked his life for Liberty and Justice
Risked his life? Quit exaggerating. :cuckoo:
Many times
He had a skull fracture in Selma
Badly beaten on a Freedom Ride
White people get beaten up by black mobs every day. I dont see you making THEM into heros.

Are those mobs supported by the police or members of the police doing the beating?
Those mobs are supported by the democrat party. You know, the people who pass bills and make laws.

JFK supported the Freedom Rides......He was a Democrat
JFK supported lowering tax rates. His is a long dead breed of Democrat

I think that he was literally the last Decent Democrat.
Yep, and he was shot by a commie who would be considered a "progressive" today. Oswald was ahead of his time.
Oswald today would be a Rush Limbaugh Republican protesting the excesses of Government

Oswald was the biggest patsy in American history. Anyone who thinks he killed JFK by himself ain't to swift. To many good people saw to much that day to be discounted.

Oh and Oswald was no Rush. He was a Russian lover which Rush is not.
The Impeached criminal traitor Orange Virus loves to put his ignorance on display, just like you. Don't like it? Tough shit.
The only mystery here is whether they realize that Trump's behaviors and their defense of his behaviors represent a direct insult to many millions of Americans.

My assumption is that they don't care, and that as long as they can squeak by in electoral college votes they're happy.

Arrogant, bigoted ignorance.
Republicans walk the racist line.
They know enough not to personally spew racist hate, but they refuse to distance themselves from those who do
I've really tried to avoid going too far on this when it comes to them, but holy crap, Trump's win certainly has made it tougher.

He really emboldened them. At least we know how much more work needs to be done. Thank goodness for freedom of expression.
He couldn't even bring himself to say something nice or decent, not the slightest bit of dignity, not the tiniest amount of respect
You complain endlessly about those qualities you display right here every day
Its amazing to me that democrats would expect Trump to show THEM respect, when they give him nothing but open hostility and disrespect. These people are fucking crazy.

They are used to the Paul Ryan - Mitt Romney type Republicans and their supporters who were just supposed ( and gladly did) to take it.
Fuck that noise those days are over.
The Impeached criminal traitor Orange Virus loves to put his ignorance on display, just like you. Don't like it? Tough shit.
The only mystery here is whether they realize that Trump's behaviors and their defense of his behaviors represent a direct insult to many millions of Americans.

My assumption is that they don't care, and that as long as they can squeak by in electoral college votes they're happy.

Arrogant, bigoted ignorance.
Republicans walk the racist line.
They know enough not to personally spew racist hate, but they refuse to distance themselves from those who do

LMAO and like Lewis wasn't a racist?? You sure are funny.
Trump doesn’t know good men so he wouldn’t know John Lewis. Trump knows Stormy Daniels though. And Epstein.

Who says Lewis was a good man??

He was a Govt. leech who sucked off the Govt. tit for decades and accomplished very little.

Trump reached out to him and got rejected. Hell the SOB was all for impeaching Trump and you can bet he was jumping for joy on the collusion bullshit. Just another hack.

As for Daniels. We all know that story and it sure isn't the one in your feeble brain. Oh and as soon as he found out what Epstein was Trump kicked him to the curb. Unlike your pal Clinton who visited Epstein's island many time.
Democrats think that if you so much as accidentally bumped into MLK at any point in your life, you are automatically saint, which is why they make such a big deal about the time he walked across a bridge with him. :cuckoo:

MLK was a great man. He was all for civil rights forthe blacks in this country. He did what he did knowing full well that some racist asshole would probably kill him one day. He was all about peaceful protests. I can still see him making that great speech he made. I have a dream.

Lewis isn't worthy to kiss that mans hand.
MLK led the movement.

John Lewis was on the forefront integrating lunchcounters, Freedom Rides, Marching over the Petus Bridge in Selma

He repeatedly risked his life for Liberty and Justice
Risked his life? Quit exaggerating. :cuckoo:
Many times
He had a skull fracture in Selma
Badly beaten on a Freedom Ride
White people get beaten up by black mobs every day. I dont see you making THEM into heros.

Are those mobs supported by the police or members of the police doing the beating?
Those mobs are supported by the democrat party. You know, the people who pass bills and make laws.

JFK supported the Freedom Rides......He was a Democrat
JFK supported lowering tax rates. His is a long dead breed of Democrat

JFK lowered the upper tax rate to 70 percent. Do you call that low?

JFK along with Reagan and Trump lowered the tax rates because unlike Dem dummies they know lowering the tax rates brings more money into the Fed coffers.

All Dems want to do is raise taxes.
As a Democrat, I will support JFKs 70 percent tax rate on the wealthy.....will you?

Nope. The wealthy already pay 60% of the Fed taxes paid in this country. I don't think they need to pay more especially when you consider the amount of people who pay NO fed taxes at all yet reap the benefits.

So you don’t support JFKs tax cut

The wealthy pay most the taxes because the control most of the money
Lewis had a chance to be a statesman. He chose to be black. He is remembered for being black not being a statesman.

The communist democrats were going to be angrily offended no matter what Trump did.

He is remembered for being black

Sadly, that actually seems to be a thing.
The Impeached criminal traitor Orange Virus loves to put his ignorance on display, just like you. Don't like it? Tough shit.
The only mystery here is whether they realize that Trump's behaviors and their defense of his behaviors represent a direct insult to many millions of Americans.

My assumption is that they don't care, and that as long as they can squeak by in electoral college votes they're happy.

Arrogant, bigoted ignorance.

Indefensible ignorance. They've given up even trying. They should get on with it and just make 'tough shit' the new campaign slogan.
The Impeached criminal traitor Orange Virus loves to put his ignorance on display, just like you. Don't like it? Tough shit.
The only mystery here is whether they realize that Trump's behaviors and their defense of his behaviors represent a direct insult to many millions of Americans.

My assumption is that they don't care, and that as long as they can squeak by in electoral college votes they're happy.

Arrogant, bigoted ignorance.
Republicans walk the racist line.
They know enough not to personally spew racist hate, but they refuse to distance themselves from those who do

LMAO and like Lewis wasn't a racist?? You sure are funny.

Show where he was a racist
Trump doesn’t know good men so he wouldn’t know John Lewis. Trump knows Stormy Daniels though. And Epstein.

Who says Lewis was a good man??

He was a Govt. leech who sucked off the Govt. tit for decades and accomplished very little.

Trump reached out to him and got rejected. Hell the SOB was all for impeaching Trump and you can bet he was jumping for joy on the collusion bullshit. Just another hack.

As for Daniels. We all know that story and it sure isn't the one in your feeble brain. Oh and as soon as he found out what Epstein was Trump kicked him to the curb. Unlike your pal Clinton who visited Epstein's island many time.
Democrats think that if you so much as accidentally bumped into MLK at any point in your life, you are automatically saint, which is why they make such a big deal about the time he walked across a bridge with him. :cuckoo:

MLK was a great man. He was all for civil rights forthe blacks in this country. He did what he did knowing full well that some racist asshole would probably kill him one day. He was all about peaceful protests. I can still see him making that great speech he made. I have a dream.

Lewis isn't worthy to kiss that mans hand.
MLK led the movement.

John Lewis was on the forefront integrating lunchcounters, Freedom Rides, Marching over the Petus Bridge in Selma

He repeatedly risked his life for Liberty and Justice
Risked his life? Quit exaggerating. :cuckoo:
Many times
He had a skull fracture in Selma
Badly beaten on a Freedom Ride
White people get beaten up by black mobs every day. I dont see you making THEM into heros.

Are those mobs supported by the police or members of the police doing the beating?
Those mobs are supported by the democrat party. You know, the people who pass bills and make laws.

JFK supported the Freedom Rides......He was a Democrat
JFK supported lowering tax rates. His is a long dead breed of Democrat

JFK lowered the upper tax rate to 70 percent. Do you call that low?

JFK along with Reagan and Trump lowered the tax rates because unlike Dem dummies they know lowering the tax rates brings more money into the Fed coffers.

All Dems want to do is raise taxes.
As a Democrat, I will support JFKs 70 percent tax rate on the wealthy.....will you?

Nope. The wealthy already pay 60% of the Fed taxes paid in this country. I don't think they need to pay more especially when you consider the amount of people who pay NO fed taxes at all yet reap the benefits.

So you don’t support JFKs tax cut

I don't support raising taxes on the wealthy since they already pay 60% of the Fed taxes paid in this country.

I do support tax cuts for everyone.
The Impeached criminal traitor Orange Virus loves to put his ignorance on display, just like you. Don't like it? Tough shit.
The only mystery here is whether they realize that Trump's behaviors and their defense of his behaviors represent a direct insult to many millions of Americans.

My assumption is that they don't care, and that as long as they can squeak by in electoral college votes they're happy.

Arrogant, bigoted ignorance.
Republicans walk the racist line.
They know enough not to personally spew racist hate, but they refuse to distance themselves from those who do

LMAO and like Lewis wasn't a racist?? You sure are funny.

Show where he was a racist

Show where he wasn't.
President Trump wasn't invited to Rep. Lewis' funeral. It was the height of good manners for the President not to show.

IMHO, it would have been rude if Trump would ascended the pulpit to eulogize Lewis as a Tremendous American.

I agree and I can relate.

I had a manager / boss (he was white like me) and he was an ass hole. He got in a wreck and messed up his insides. He died several months later. He remained an ass hole to the end.

We were all given the time off to go to his viewing and funeral, if we wanted to. I chose NOT to be a hypocrite. So, I didn't go.

The company tried to doc my pay for not attending, even though it was (supposedly) voluntary.

Trump likely did the same.

Could he have played it better as a politician? Probably so.

However, I (for one) like it that he's a piss poor politician.
The Impeached criminal traitor Orange Virus loves to put his ignorance on display, just like you. Don't like it? Tough shit.
The only mystery here is whether they realize that Trump's behaviors and their defense of his behaviors represent a direct insult to many millions of Americans.

My assumption is that they don't care, and that as long as they can squeak by in electoral college votes they're happy.

Arrogant, bigoted ignorance.
Republicans walk the racist line.
They know enough not to personally spew racist hate, but they refuse to distance themselves from those who do
Demoncraps are the racist idiots, idiot.
Lewis was a piece of shit.

Sorry ass low IQ hate filled piece of shit.

In addition to that the sonofabitch was instrumental in the Democrat Dirty Tricks impeachment of Trump and that makes him a traitor to the country.

Piss on the filthy ass negro.
President Trump wasn't invited to Rep. Lewis' funeral. It was the height of good manners for the President not to show.

IMHO, it would have been rude if Trump would ascended the pulpit to eulogize Lewis as a Tremendous American.

I agree and I can relate.

I had a manager / boss (he was white like me) and he was an ass hole. He got in a wreck and messed up his insides. He died several months later. He remained an ass hole to the end.

We were all given the time off to go to his viewing and funeral, if we wanted to. I chose NOT to be a hypocrite. So, I didn't go.

The company tried to doc my pay for not attending, even though it was (supposedly) voluntary.

Trump likely did the same.

Could he have played it better as a politician? Probably so.

However, I (for one) like it that he's a piss poor politician.

Well you have to consider. He's not a politician at all. The man says what he thinks.
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