Trump didn't know about porn star payment

  • Why did a veritable newlywed with a "bun in the oven," so to speak, take up with a porn star?
  • Why does a man who did such a thing not be a man about it and own up to having done so? If one is "bad" enough to do the deed, then one must be "bad" enough to own having done it. To do otherwise is cowardly.
Well, at least, if he did take up with the woman while married, it was "before" he was president; Bill Clinton couldn't claim the same thing. Personally though, I don't care how politicians get their jollies, as long as they are working on the policies for which the candidate was voted for. They can be into B&D or, S&M, have assorted fetishes, orgies, no big deal, just tackle the issues that the public voted them in for.
It’s not about the jollies, it’s about the lies and shadiness. Goes to the character of the person and shows how they deal with conflict
Like when your Investment Manager lies to you?
Yeah, if my investment t manager lies to me I fire him and encourage friends and family not to use his/her services
What do investment managers have to do with anything?
Most of them make Trump look like a saint.
I know, when it comes to your money it’s meaningless.
Are you honestly comparing investment managers to the president of the United States? Might want to rethink that argument. You’re on a road to nowhere
Yes, I am.
Ideologues are very selective when it comes to morals.
The President is a representative of our nation. His words and actions go down in our countries history for the rest of time. He isn’t a Money manager and to compare the two positions like you are just shows that you are completely out of touch. Sorry, but it’s true
You’re a hypocrite.
How so?
  • Why did a veritable newlywed with a "bun in the oven," so to speak, take up with a porn star?
  • Why does a man who did such a thing not be a man about it and own up to having done so? If one is "bad" enough to do the deed, then one must be "bad" enough to own having done it. To do otherwise is cowardly.
Well, at least, if he did take up with the woman while married, it was "before" he was president; Bill Clinton couldn't claim the same thing. Personally though, I don't care how politicians get their jollies, as long as they are working on the policies for which the candidate was voted for. They can be into B&D or, S&M, have assorted fetishes, orgies, no big deal, just tackle the issues that the public voted them in for.
It’s not about the jollies, it’s about the lies and shadiness. Goes to the character of the person and shows how they deal with conflict
Like when your Investment Manager lies to you?
Yeah, if my investment t manager lies to me I fire him and encourage friends and family not to use his/her services
Then you don’t have one.
What changed?! Are you kidding? Well he went from a pop icon, sleazy businessman, reality show star, to the president of our country. Did I really need to explain that?
You just described Boogie Nights Bill Clinton. The Republicans were dumb fucks for going after that bullshit. 20 years later, the Democrats are doing the same bullshit.

Most of them make Trump look like a saint.
I know, when it comes to your money it’s meaningless.
Are you honestly comparing investment managers to the president of the United States? Might want to rethink that argument. You’re on a road to nowhere
Yes, I am.
Ideologues are very selective when it comes to morals.
The President is a representative of our nation. His words and actions go down in our countries history for the rest of time. He isn’t a Money manager and to compare the two positions like you are just shows that you are completely out of touch. Sorry, but it’s true
You’re a hypocrite.
How so?
Aren’t Liberals ultra, super conciencous people who never associate with immoral people?
They don’t give a shit when it comes to making money.
The President is a representative of our nation. His words and actions go down in our countries history for the rest of time. He isn’t a Money manager and to compare the two positions like you are just shows that you are completely out of touch. Sorry, but it’s true
You sound like a 1990s Jesus-Nazi Republican.
Is this not the biggest who-gives-a-flying-fuck issue EVER???

Bill "Boogie Nights" Clinton.

Nobody gave a rat fuck about his porn-star ways (nor should they have). Shut the fuck up and quit being hypocrites.

End of Discussion.
I dont give a shit if he is banging porn stars, I’m not surprised, that’s the kind of guy he is. It’s the lies and shadiness coming from him and his spokespeople. How do we trust anything they say about anything? We can’t?
Is this not the biggest who-gives-a-flying-fuck issue EVER???

Bill "Boogie Nights" Clinton.

Nobody gave a rat fuck about his porn-star ways (nor should they have). Shut the fuck up and quit being hypocrites.

End of Discussion.
I dont give a shit if he is banging porn stars, I’m not surprised, that’s the kind of guy he is. It’s the lies and shadiness coming from him and his spokespeople. How do we trust anything they say about anything? We can’t?
So you see, Trump’s really a Democrat.
  • Why did a veritable newlywed with a "bun in the oven," so to speak, take up with a porn star?
  • Why does a man who did such a thing not be a man about it and own up to having done so? If one is "bad" enough to do the deed, then one must be "bad" enough to own having done it. To do otherwise is cowardly.
Well, at least, if he did take up with the woman while married, it was "before" he was president; Bill Clinton couldn't claim the same thing. Personally though, I don't care how politicians get their jollies, as long as they are working on the policies for which the candidate was voted for. They can be into B&D or, S&M, have assorted fetishes, orgies, no big deal, just tackle the issues that the public voted them in for.
It’s not about the jollies, it’s about the lies and shadiness. Goes to the character of the person and shows how they deal with conflict
Like when your Investment Manager lies to you?
Yeah, if my investment t manager lies to me I fire him and encourage friends and family not to use his/her services
Then you don’t have one.
I do have one, a very close family friend. Like I said before you are out of touch and have no clue about what you are talking about.
I dont give a shit if he is banging porn stars, I’m not surprised, that’s the kind of guy he is. It’s the lies and shadiness coming from him and his spokespeople. How do we trust anything they say about anything? We can’t?
Well, how can you tell a politician is lying? His lips are moving.

If you ever trusted a single word coming out of a politicians mouth, you are a fool.

How is Trump any different than any other politician in the history of politics?
Clinton did it - HANG THE FUCKER !!

Trump did it too - NOW THERES A REAL PRESIDENT, LICK HIS FAT ASS !!!!!!!!!!!
What changed?! Are you kidding? Well he went from a pop icon, sleazy businessman, reality show star, to the president of our country. Did I really need to explain that?
You just described Boogie Nights Bill Clinton. The Republicans were dumb fucks for going after that bullshit. 20 years later, the Democrats are doing the same bullshit.

Yeah Billy was slime. So what? Why change the conversation we are talking about trump lying about shit and trying to cover it up. I don’t give a shit about the sex stuff
Clinton did it - HANG THE FUCKER !!

Trump did it too - NOW THERES A REAL PRESIDENT, LICK HIS FAT ASS !!!!!!!!!!!
Just what are you trying to argue here?

Should everybody shut up about a president's personal sex life or should that be an issue? Which is it?
Are you honestly comparing investment managers to the president of the United States? Might want to rethink that argument. You’re on a road to nowhere
Yes, I am.
Ideologues are very selective when it comes to morals.
The President is a representative of our nation. His words and actions go down in our countries history for the rest of time. He isn’t a Money manager and to compare the two positions like you are just shows that you are completely out of touch. Sorry, but it’s true
You’re a hypocrite.
How so?
Aren’t Liberals ultra, super conciencous people who never associate with immoral people?
They don’t give a shit when it comes to making money.
You really aren’t getting it are you? We are talking about the guy that represents our country. Sorry that’s going over your head but you should try to at least understand the arguement because you are just making yourself sound clueless
I dont give a shit if he is banging porn stars, I’m not surprised, that’s the kind of guy he is. It’s the lies and shadiness coming from him and his spokespeople. How do we trust anything they say about anything? We can’t?
Well, how can you tell a politician is lying? His lips are moving.

If you ever trusted a single word coming out of a politicians mouth, you are a fool.

How is Trump any different than any other politician in the history of politics?
He obviously isn’t. And with other politicians I’m going to call out the lies and shadiness, not accept it as the status quo and not make excuses for it because I like their party.
  • Why did a veritable newlywed with a "bun in the oven," so to speak, take up with a porn star?
  • Why does a man who did such a thing not be a man about it and own up to having done so? If one is "bad" enough to do the deed, then one must be "bad" enough to own having done it. To do otherwise is cowardly.
Well, at least, if he did take up with the woman while married, it was "before" he was president; Bill Clinton couldn't claim the same thing. Personally though, I don't care how politicians get their jollies, as long as they are working on the policies for which the candidate was voted for. They can be into B&D or, S&M, have assorted fetishes, orgies, no big deal, just tackle the issues that the public voted them in for.
It’s not about the jollies, it’s about the lies and shadiness. Goes to the character of the person and shows how they deal with conflict
If some male or female is shtupping some tramp, he or she isn't going to announce it to his/her spouse. When I learned of Bill Clinton getting served by Monica Lewinsky, my feeling was the same. It's between him and his wife. It's not a crime, it's a "civil matter." Also, he can't be impeached, tried and convicted on having his fun with a tramp before he was in office. It's irrelevant.
You really aren’t getting it are you? We are talking about the guy that represents our country. Sorry that’s going over your head but you should try to at least understand the arguement because you are just making yourself sound clueless
Well, see. A precedent has already been established regarding lying about one's sex life, as POTUS.

That's the problem. You are pointing fingers at the wrong people.
Clinton did it - HANG THE FUCKER !!

Trump did it too - NOW THERES A REAL PRESIDENT, LICK HIS FAT ASS !!!!!!!!!!!
Just what are you trying to argue here?

Should everybody shut up about a president's personal sex life or should that be an issue? Which is it?

Im not arguing anything - the facts show Trump and his lying ass staff are hoodwinking the country and got busted --

right on cue enter the "but Clinton" dipshits ... but Clinton didnt pay a porn star, or have his lawyer pay a porn star.


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