Trump Didn't Care About Corruption


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost
Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost

List for us all the nations in the world 100% free of corruption? Yea, I thought so. Now tell me why Obama didn't care about all those corrupt countries? We deal with and have relationships with ALL of them. Quit talking out of both sides of your ass on the one hand saying we're too involved in other countries then tell us in the next sentence that Trump didn't care about corruption in some small country half a world away.

Worry about corruption in your own country first.

Worry about the DNC.
Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost

So you’re not voting for him again?

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Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost

Of course. Rump has no need for an actual investigation, since he can and will just make it up, shoot it out of his Twit gun on Fifth Avenue, and his sheep will flock to believe it. He just wanted a yes-man to publicly suck up.
Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost

List for us all the nations in the world 100% free of corruption? Yea, I thought so. Now tell me why Obama didn't care about all those corrupt countries? We deal with and have relationships with ALL of them. Quit talking out of both sides of your ass on the one hand saying we're too involved in other countries then tell us in the next sentence that Trump didn't care about corruption in some small country half a world away.

Worry about corruption in your own country first.

Worry about the DNC.

Ah, Pogo's Law shows up in post TWO. That wuz quick.
Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost

List for us all the nations in the world 100% free of corruption? Yea, I thought so. Now tell me why Obama didn't care about all those corrupt countries? We deal with and have relationships with ALL of them. Quit talking out of both sides of your ass on the one hand saying we're too involved in other countries then tell us in the next sentence that Trump didn't care about corruption in some small country half a world away.

Worry about corruption in your own country first.

Worry about the DNC.
You missed the point all together. The point isn’t that Trump should care about the corruption, it’s that he’s been using that as his excuse for holding the aid. The Dems are making the case that it wasn’t about the corruption it was about the politics. Get it now?
And the Defense Department had certified months prior that corruption in Ukraine was not an issue that should hold up that aid.
even if every thing the left said about trump was true, impeaching over a phone call is really petty.

That make sense to you?

It was a lot more than just a "phone call". That phone call EXPOSED the entire corrupt scheme

If your wife catches you on the phone with your girl she out of line for divorcing you? After's just a "phone call" right?
Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost

List for us all the nations in the world 100% free of corruption? Yea, I thought so. Now tell me why Obama didn't care about all those corrupt countries? We deal with and have relationships with ALL of them. Quit talking out of both sides of your ass on the one hand saying we're too involved in other countries then tell us in the next sentence that Trump didn't care about corruption in some small country half a world away.

Worry about corruption in your own country first.

Worry about the DNC.
You missed the point all together. The point isn’t that Trump should care about the corruption, it’s that he’s been using that as his excuse for holding the aid. The Dems are making the case that it wasn’t about the corruption it was about the politics. Get it now?

I NEVER miss the point, Bub. In case you didn't know:
  1. Trump was following stated policy he set forth in his 2016 campaign on tightening the budget on foreign countries that they must both show a real need for said aid AND hold up their own end to cut the bleeding from this country and to assure that money we give away actually goes to the need we intended.
  2. We are withholding aid to all kinds of countries all over the world right now and for much worse or better or similar reasons or concerns and for much longer than a few weeks but the only one the democrats are concerned about they cherry picked because they thought it threatened one of their best hopefuls for next year!
  3. Trump has actually INCREASED aid to Ukraine over what they ever got from Obama.
  4. The delay Trump set forth was because the money was to be released at the exact same time as a WHOLE NEW PRESIDENT and government was coming to power in Ukraine which Trump wanted to get to know first to be sure what was happening to that money.
  5. Trump's delay actually caused no real delay in the aid to Ukraine and the money and weapons are still right on track with what they had been expected to be getting to the country in the first place!
  6. No one in Trump's administration nor Ukraine was aware of any special pressure or "deal" to do anything untoward for the aid except seemingly a few democrats here who want Trump impeached and to stop his investigation.
  7. The GOP wants answers to questions surrounding Hunter Biden and other things which cast serious concerns for the United States, but for some reason Adam Schiff is absolutely doing everything in his power to block all of the GOP's requests for deposition from these witnesses! Why, if they have nothing to hide or weren't doing anything criminal?
  8. The Democrats continually lead their witnesses, aid those supporting them while scolding and chastising those not forthcoming with the kind of material they want. ITMT, 75% of their preambles contain not factual derivations of known, stated, recorded events but colorful SUPPOSITIONS assigning insidious and scurrilous INTENT behind Trump's actions like the viewer is stupid, before the evidence is even there first to support it, proving that they are not fact hunting to determine if a crime occurred but in fact fishing to justify an impeachment charge they as yet haven't even close to the case to prove.
  9. It is not only not a "HIGH CRIME" to investigate a political party for corruption, but even less a corruption BY THEM if the party being investigated then conveys a UNILATERAL coup to impeach a president for trying to investigate them to STOP said investigation calling it a "conspiracy theory" while blocking all efforts for the accused to make their defense case.
  10. The argument you are attempting to foist upon me like I was born yesterday is to say that right now, any of the candidates running for nomination for the DNC could go out and do anything, and if the United States were to investigate that activity, you would argue that it was for a "political purposes because they might ultimately end up running against Trump?"
Until the depositions and subpoenas for GOP witnesses are answered, the Dems have NO CASE to claim before the American people that Trump's investigation were purely motivated for "political gain" and not criminal, not only because Biden is by no means certain to even end up the DNC nominee, but because in effect, Schiff is claiming the investigation was a bogus conspiracy theory while trying the hands of the GOP and Trump to argue or prove otherwise! And that will never fly in this country. There will eventually be a grand jury and the GOP's witnesses will be COMPELLED to appear and testify just as Mueller did for so many within Trump's campaign, no matter how loosely they were connected or how unrelated to the Russia investigation his charges were.

Wait for it.
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Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost
Sondland is a CIA Operative. This is why Schiffty Schitt contorted the rules, gave the middle finger to precedence and tradition to host this in The Intelligence Committee, instead of the Judiciary, and then refused to allow The Republicans to call a single witness. Everyone of Schiff's so called Witnesses are part of The Deep State, and were part of COUP 1.0, and have continued on managing and carrying out COUP 2.0

It is also why Schiff Illegally Suspended Due Process Rules which all Government Proceedings are required to adhere to.
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Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost
You realize that Due Process was illegally suspended by Adam Schiff, and that The Judiciary Committee is supposed to host this, not THE CIA, or Deep State and their operatives.

This is why Schiff is hosting this in The Intelligence Committee, and not The Judiciary where such things are always done and assurances of DUE PROCESS are guaranteed. Every single witness has ties to The CIA, John Brennan, Clapper and The Obama Defense Department.

All the so called witnesses are Intelligence Operatives that Schummer said were going to go after President Trump, and here we are, with The Rats popping their heads up out of the Garbage Can and doing that very thing, each trying to take a bite out of President Trump, and with DUE Process being suspended, he is not allowed to bite back.
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Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost
You realize that Due Process was illegally suspended by Adam Schiff, and that The Judiciary Committee is supposed to host this, not THE CIA, or Deep State and their operatives.

This is why Schiff is hosting this in The Intelligence Committee. Every single witness has ties to The CIA, John Brennan, Clapper and The Obama Defense Department.

All the so called witnesses are Intelligence Operatives that Schummer said were going to go after President Trump, and here we are, with The Rats popping their heads up out of the Garbage Can and doing that very thing, each trying to take a bite out of President Trump, and with DUE Process being suspended, he is not allowed to bite back.

Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost
You realize that Due Process was illegally suspended by Adam Schiff, and that The Judiciary Committee is supposed to host this, not THE CIA, or Deep State and their operatives.

This is why Schiff is hosting this in The Intelligence Committee. Every single witness has ties to The CIA, John Brennan, Clapper and The Obama Defense Department.

All the so called witnesses are Intelligence Operatives that Schummer said were going to go after President Trump, and here we are, with The Rats popping their heads up out of the Garbage Can and doing that very thing, each trying to take a bite out of President Trump, and with DUE Process being suspended, he is not allowed to bite back.

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Thank you. That is a good illustration.

So here we are today, talking about Russia and Russian Pawns in Ukraine who want to De-Legitimize The US Presidency with Adam Schiff Leading The Charge to De-Legitimize The US Presidency.

Adam Schiff imo is a Russian Puppet.
Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, testified on Wednesday that President Donald Trump cared most that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce an investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and the company that employed his son, not that Ukraine actually conduct the probe.

“He had to announce the investigations,” Sondland said during the House impeachment inquiry, referring to Zelensky. “He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.”

All Trump wanted was the public announcement of an investigation so he could use it politically

Impeachment Testimony Reveals How Little Trump Cared About Corruption In Ukraine | HuffPost

And this says nothing. Just more emotional goo and no substance.
I agree with the OP because of my view that with Trump, it is all about the title and not the job. Still I don't see any impeachable offense here, just others in and around the administration who also hold that sort of belief.
Sondland testified that Trump only cared about a public announcement of an investigation...not the investigation itself.

And guess what?

Since this whole thing blew up?

Ukraine has NOT opened an investigation...because they

A. No longer had to in order to get that aid

B. Had nothing to investigate

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