Trump Causes CNN Boss His Job - Licht GONE For Being Unable To 'Right' The 'Sinking Ship' After 'Trump Town Hall'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

'He Lost The News Room'

Aftet a year of trying to turn around the failubg CNN, CEO Chris Licht is walking away.

'CNN CEO Chris Licht is out after a little more than a year on the job, as he failed to turn around the long-troubled news network. He stepped down effective immediately.'

Licht wanteed a more parisan tone at CNN instead of the Left Liberal network it had become, but the staff wanted no part of it.

'Licht made it clear he wanted to "tamp down spectacle" that was rampant during the Jeff Zucker era. He toned down the use of the network’s breaking news graphics, fired left-leaning figures like John Harwood and Brian Stelter, and reached out to Republican lawmakers who had been alienated by the prior regime's approach. But liberal staffers who craved the Zucker-era partisan tone never embraced Licht.'
'He was regularly attacked by liberal media critics and his tenure was plagued with internal leaks from CNN staffers. He was also forced to make difficult choices, such as axing the costly CNN+ streaming service, a widely panned product that puzzled onlookers and insiders from the start, and undertake company-ordered layoffs.'

'Some of Licht’s biggest wounds were self-inflicted, though.

Licht, who was known as a wunderkind producer who helped create MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" and revitalized CBS’ morning program, then announced that CNN’s morning show would be "re-imagined." He eventually built an AM show around host Don Lemon


'CNN’s ratings were dreadful under Licht, and he was regularly criticized for attempting to fix daytime programming simply by re-arranging existing anchors. The "deck chairs on the Titanic" analogy was used by just about every media columnist in America at some point during his time on the job.

Licht's Liberal 'Bud Light' moment for his newsroom / staff where he lost them was the 'Trump Town Hall'.

Trump was prepared, more so than the host. He dominated the Town Hall, mocked the host for / on numerous questions / issues, and had the guests laughing at the host while embracing Trump - NOT the look the left leaning hard-liners wanted.

The performance was not all Licht's fault, but having Trump on CNN and making Trump look good at CNN's expense turned the newsroom against Licht.

Funny, CNN has been trying to destroy Trump for years with their hard-line leftist bias, but Trump seems to have taken down CNN ... fir now - the rating continue to drop and a 2nd CEO is gone.

During his Presidrncy ... and some beyond ... Trump seemed to be the source of CNN's hifhest ratings in years, as CNN was Trump news (attacks) 24/7. They could gave called it the 'TNN'.

Ted Turner, original creator / founder of CNN, was recently asked what he thought about CNN today and its declining numbers - he said it was disappointing, a train wreck.

After this FAILED experiment at attempting to be a REAL unbiased News Network its mot clear where CNN goes from here. I'm.bettibg it returns to its Left Extreme Leaning biased Conservative/Trump-hating roots.

We'll see.

View attachment 792550
'He Lost The News Room'

Aftet a year of trying to turn around the failubg CNN, CEO Chris Licht is walking away.

'CNN CEO Chris Licht is out after a little more than a year on the job, as he failed to turn around the long-troubled news network. He stepped down effective immediately.'

Licht wanteed a more parisan tone at CNN instead of the Left Liberal network it had become, but the staff wanted no part of it.

'Licht made it clear he wanted to "tamp down spectacle" that was rampant during the Jeff Zucker era. He toned down the use of the network’s breaking news graphics, fired left-leaning figures like John Harwood and Brian Stelter, and reached out to Republican lawmakers who had been alienated by the prior regime's approach. But liberal staffers who craved the Zucker-era partisan tone never embraced Licht.'
'He was regularly attacked by liberal media critics and his tenure was plagued with internal leaks from CNN staffers. He was also forced to make difficult choices, such as axing the costly CNN+ streaming service, a widely panned product that puzzled onlookers and insiders from the start, and undertake company-ordered layoffs.'

'Some of Licht’s biggest wounds were self-inflicted, though.

Licht, who was known as a wunderkind producer who helped create MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" and revitalized CBS’ morning program, then announced that CNN’s morning show would be "re-imagined." He eventually built an AM show around host Don Lemon


'CNN’s ratings were dreadful under Licht, and he was regularly criticized for attempting to fix daytime programming simply by re-arranging existing anchors. The "deck chairs on the Titanic" analogy was used by just about every media columnist in America at some point during his time on the job.

Licht's Liberal 'Bud Light' moment for his newsroom / staff where he lost them was the 'Trump Town Hall'.

Trump was prepared, more so than the host. He dominated the Town Hall, mocked the host for / on numerous questions / issues, and had the guests laughing at the host while embracing Trump - NOT the look the left leaning hard-liners wanted.

The performance was not all Licht's fault, but having Trump on CNN and making Trump look good at CNN's expense turned the newsroom against Licht.

Funny, CNN has been trying to destroy Trump for years with their hard-line leftist bias, but Trump seems to have taken down CNN ... fir now - the rating continue to drop and a 2nd CEO is gone.

During his Presidrncy ... and some beyond ... Trump seemed to be the source of CNN's hifhest ratings in years, as CNN was Trump news (attacks) 24/7. They could gave called it the 'TNN'.

Ted Turner, original creator / founder of CNN, was recently asked what he thought about CNN today and its declining numbers - he said it was disappointing, a train wreck.

After this FAILED experiment at attempting to be a REAL unbiased News Network its mot clear where CNN goes from here. I'm.bettibg it returns to its Left Extreme Leaning biased Conservative/Trump-hating roots.

We'll see.

Licht is gone because his ultimate goal was to make CNN into Fox News using the guise of "journalism" as a cover. He wanted the viewership and money that Fox is/was making. He gave a free TV pulpit to a man who came within a few hours of successfully pulling off the first coup in this country's history....and his staff rightly turned on him. CNN was doing just fine playing the center. Sure, you're not going to pander to and get foaming at the mouth true believers, but you'll get the people interested in news.
Licht is gone because his ultimate goal was to make CNN into Fox News using the guise of "journalism" as a cover. He wanted the viewership and money that Fox is/was making. He gave a free TV pulpit to a man who came within a few hours of successfully pulling off the first coup in this country's history....and his staff rightly turned on him. CNN was doing just fine playing the center. Sure, you're not going to pander to and get foaming at the mouth true believers, but you'll get the people interested in news.
Didn't get the memo about the brown acid, didja? :auiqs.jpg:
Licht is gone because his ultimate goal was to make CNN into Fox News using the guise of "journalism" as a cover. He wanted the viewership and money that Fox is/was making. He gave a free TV pulpit to a man who came within a few hours of successfully pulling off the first coup in this country's history....and his staff rightly turned on him. CNN was doing just fine playing the center. Sure, you're not going to pander to and get foaming at the mouth true believers, but you'll get the people interested in news.
"A few hours"? Seriously? There was no threat of that happening.

CNN is a partisan, biased talking head opinion outlet and Licht tried to bring it back toward the center. The staff refused, so they'll keep going further left now without him. Don't expect a return to high ratings any time soon.
CNN is a partisan, biased talking head opinion outlet and Licht tried to bring it back toward the center. The staff refused, so they'll keep going further left now without him. Don't expect a return to high ratings any time soon.

Not if turning towards the center means accepting fake news about COVID, stolen elections, Climate change
"A few hours"? Seriously? There was no threat of that happening.

CNN is a partisan, biased talking head opinion outlet and Licht tried to bring it back toward the center. The staff refused, so they'll keep going further left now without him. Don't expect a return to high ratings any time soon.
CNN used to be about as center as it gets. They also had specialty programming that let viewers know what else was going on in the world. Licht didn't like the "opinion" slant...which really didn't make it into CNN's news feed. MSNBC tends to lean left. Fox leans right. CNN was smack in the middle. That is NEVER going to get you sky high ratings. But it does get you advertisers and does attract people interested in news.
View attachment 792550
'He Lost The News Room'

Aftet a year of trying to turn around the failubg CNN, CEO Chris Licht is walking away.

'CNN CEO Chris Licht is out after a little more than a year on the job, as he failed to turn around the long-troubled news network. He stepped down effective immediately.'

Licht wanteed a more parisan tone at CNN instead of the Left Liberal network it had become, but the staff wanted no part of it.

'Licht made it clear he wanted to "tamp down spectacle" that was rampant during the Jeff Zucker era. He toned down the use of the network’s breaking news graphics, fired left-leaning figures like John Harwood and Brian Stelter, and reached out to Republican lawmakers who had been alienated by the prior regime's approach. But liberal staffers who craved the Zucker-era partisan tone never embraced Licht.'
'He was regularly attacked by liberal media critics and his tenure was plagued with internal leaks from CNN staffers. He was also forced to make difficult choices, such as axing the costly CNN+ streaming service, a widely panned product that puzzled onlookers and insiders from the start, and undertake company-ordered layoffs.'

'Some of Licht’s biggest wounds were self-inflicted, though.

Licht, who was known as a wunderkind producer who helped create MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" and revitalized CBS’ morning program, then announced that CNN’s morning show would be "re-imagined." He eventually built an AM show around host Don Lemon


'CNN’s ratings were dreadful under Licht, and he was regularly criticized for attempting to fix daytime programming simply by re-arranging existing anchors. The "deck chairs on the Titanic" analogy was used by just about every media columnist in America at some point during his time on the job.

Licht's Liberal 'Bud Light' moment for his newsroom / staff where he lost them was the 'Trump Town Hall'.

Trump was prepared, more so than the host. He dominated the Town Hall, mocked the host for / on numerous questions / issues, and had the guests laughing at the host while embracing Trump - NOT the look the left leaning hard-liners wanted.

The performance was not all Licht's fault, but having Trump on CNN and making Trump look good at CNN's expense turned the newsroom against Licht.

Funny, CNN has been trying to destroy Trump for years with their hard-line leftist bias, but Trump seems to have taken down CNN ... fir now - the rating continue to drop and a 2nd CEO is gone.

During his Presidrncy ... and some beyond ... Trump seemed to be the source of CNN's hifhest ratings in years, as CNN was Trump news (attacks) 24/7. They could gave called it the 'TNN'.

Ted Turner, original creator / founder of CNN, was recently asked what he thought about CNN today and its declining numbers - he said it was disappointing, a train wreck.

After this FAILED experiment at attempting to be a REAL unbiased News Network its mot clear where CNN goes from here. I'm.bettibg it returns to its Left Extreme Leaning biased Conservative/Trump-hating roots.

We'll see.

LOL. I admire him for taking on a sinking ship, but that shitstain of a network is circling the drain.

They're literally nothing without Donald Trump.

Can’t say I’m shocked CNN won’t get turned around unless there is a major purge from top to bottom. The mindset has to change until that happens it will be the same old CNN:

CNN and MSNBC got their ratings running Trump stories
Can you believe what Trump just said?

Once Biden won, their audience disappeared.

Now that Trump is back, their ratings will return
Sucking up to Trump will not help their ratings
I hope he at leadt wakked away with a HUGE pre-negotiated severance package.


Years ago I watched a story unfold on TV over the course of just 3 days.

I can't remember which company it was, but it was one of the Huuuge well-known companies at the time ... but they were hemorrhaging money, stocks were falling - having serious trouble. So they reached out to some BIG, successful, well-known at the time CEO and convinced him to come work for them to try to turn things around.

ON A FRIDAY afternoon this guy held a press conference, surprisingly covered by a lot of major media, and he declared he and the company had negotiated a deal and that he was going to look over all their financial documents, strategies, operations, etc... over the weekend to see if he could help turn their company around.

THAT NEXT MONDAY he held another press conference.

In that press conference he announced that after he had thoroughly looked over all the company's data he had decided he COULD NOT help them and was resigning effective IMMEDIATELY.

FOR 3 DAYS OF WORK this cat walked away with MILLIONS of dollars in cash, stock, and other compensation that had been negotiated for him to come in / be hired.

With piss-poor judgement/lawyers, etc... making deals like this, NO WONDER this company was hemorrhaging cash and having financial trouble.

This CEO, though, was set for life (he already was) because of the deal he negotiated for 3 days of work.


Who knows - maybe the lesson the company learned from that (if they learned) helped turn the company around ... or not.

President Trump got chucky todd fired too.... these propaganda networks can't survive without sucking the Donald's unit.

Apparently it's just not very interesting discussing what color shit the stuttering fuck left in his bed sheets each morning.

stolen election asterisk.jpg
President Trump got chucky todd fired too.... these propaganda networks can't survive without sucking the Donald's unit.

Apparently it's just not very interesting discussing what color shit the stuttering fuck left in his bed sheets each morning.

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306-232. That's not an asterisk. That's a full on beat down! :auiqs.jpg:

Now..asterisks for the guy who was impeached twice???? :) ....sure.

I think Licht got fired for that May 10 show in which Trump was said to "steamroll CNN"

Really, it was just Trump being Trump and... best CNN show ever!

and the dude gets fired.. because he wanted to bring CNN around to a more.. "central" way or what have you

No good deed will go unpunished... :(

so why didn't he fire this ho?
Not if turning towards the center means accepting fake news about COVID, stolen elections, Climate change
No, turning towards the center means to stop picking stories based on the favorable light they cast on democrat causes, stop writing headlines designed to cast a favorable light on democrat causes, and to stop editorializing when you claim to be reporting. That's what they're resisting because they want to craft a narrative, not report a story.
View attachment 792550
'He Lost The News Room'

Aftet a year of trying to turn around the failubg CNN, CEO Chris Licht is walking away.

'CNN CEO Chris Licht is out after a little more than a year on the job, as he failed to turn around the long-troubled news network. He stepped down effective immediately.'

Licht wanteed a more parisan tone at CNN instead of the Left Liberal network it had become, but the staff wanted no part of it.

'Licht made it clear he wanted to "tamp down spectacle" that was rampant during the Jeff Zucker era. He toned down the use of the network’s breaking news graphics, fired left-leaning figures like John Harwood and Brian Stelter, and reached out to Republican lawmakers who had been alienated by the prior regime's approach. But liberal staffers who craved the Zucker-era partisan tone never embraced Licht.'
'He was regularly attacked by liberal media critics and his tenure was plagued with internal leaks from CNN staffers. He was also forced to make difficult choices, such as axing the costly CNN+ streaming service, a widely panned product that puzzled onlookers and insiders from the start, and undertake company-ordered layoffs.'

'Some of Licht’s biggest wounds were self-inflicted, though.

Licht, who was known as a wunderkind producer who helped create MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" and revitalized CBS’ morning program, then announced that CNN’s morning show would be "re-imagined." He eventually built an AM show around host Don Lemon


'CNN’s ratings were dreadful under Licht, and he was regularly criticized for attempting to fix daytime programming simply by re-arranging existing anchors. The "deck chairs on the Titanic" analogy was used by just about every media columnist in America at some point during his time on the job.

Licht's Liberal 'Bud Light' moment for his newsroom / staff where he lost them was the 'Trump Town Hall'.

Trump was prepared, more so than the host. He dominated the Town Hall, mocked the host for / on numerous questions / issues, and had the guests laughing at the host while embracing Trump - NOT the look the left leaning hard-liners wanted.

The performance was not all Licht's fault, but having Trump on CNN and making Trump look good at CNN's expense turned the newsroom against Licht.

Funny, CNN has been trying to destroy Trump for years with their hard-line leftist bias, but Trump seems to have taken down CNN ... fir now - the rating continue to drop and a 2nd CEO is gone.

During his Presidrncy ... and some beyond ... Trump seemed to be the source of CNN's hifhest ratings in years, as CNN was Trump news (attacks) 24/7. They could gave called it the 'TNN'.

Ted Turner, original creator / founder of CNN, was recently asked what he thought about CNN today and its declining numbers - he said it was disappointing, a train wreck.

After this FAILED experiment at attempting to be a REAL unbiased News Network its mot clear where CNN goes from here. I'm.bettibg it returns to its Left Extreme Leaning biased Conservative/Trump-hating roots.

We'll see.

Trump has gotten so toxic and lies so much that news outlets pay the price for inviting a liar to their airwaves.

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