Trump calls treason and the attempt to destroy the United States our "Heritage".

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Thank God Trump saved us from this!
Why put Hillary's head on Trump's body?
I thought the same thing.
A history lesson on the Confederacy for President Trump

History lesson: Every Confederate officer was guilty of
treason against the United States, specifically of making war on the
United States. Accepting an officer’s commission from the Confederacy
or any state within the Confederacy was “an open confession” to

Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution -- “Treason
against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against
them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'


Can someone with these twisted beliefs really be in a position to decide what is or isn't patriotic?

The only example I can compare would be letting Benedict Arnold write our Declaration of Independence.


Yes, it's funny that these people talk about patriotism, and the left being "un-American" etc, and then go and support the confederacy and fly the flag.

What's interesting is that it was the Democratic (Slavery) Party that inspired seceding from the Union and now they want their history to magically disappear from American history. Not so surprising that they developed and politically control most every ghetto in America though.
You speak as if Lee Atwater's Southern Strategy never happened.
No matter how many times the left wants to make the Confederacy into Treason, factually and historically it was no such thing. You twist history to your own purposes.

That's why the Confederacy must be guarded. The left lies too much.

God Bless Jefferson Davis. Bless and keep Robert E. Lee. Great Americans, both.
No matter how many times the left wants to make the Confederacy into Treason, factually and historically it was no such thing. You twist history to your own purposes.

That's why the Confederacy must be guarded. The left lies too much.

God Bless Jefferson Davis. Bless and keep Robert E. Lee. Great Americans, both.

Oh, wow. It's not treason because... it fulfills the requirements to be treason.

Oh, yeah, it must be fake news, never happened or something.
"Trump calls treason and the attempt to destroy the United States our "Heritage"

The Civil War IS our heritage. All our history is our heritage, the good and the bad. If we attempt to expunge the war that nearly tore our country apart from our History, we risk igniting the same thing all over again.

At it's heart, the Civil War was a violent response to an economic threat to the Southern States. They perceived a distant government dictating to them laws that would destroy their economic base. It should be a lesson to those who attempt to hold on to unconscionable practices to preserve outmoded moral idea AS WELL as a lesson to those who believe they can force a fundamental change onto people without their consent.

Advances in farm technology only years away would have rendered slavery economically nonviable (you don't have to feed, house, or guard a combine harvester). Only hyperbolic rhetoric on both sides forced a war onto America that could have easily been avoided.

Do we REALLY see no lessons to be learned from that conflict?

A history lesson on the Confederacy for President Trump

History lesson: Every Confederate officer was guilty of
treason against the United States, specifically of making war on the
United States. Accepting an officer’s commission from the Confederacy
or any state within the Confederacy was “an open confession” to

Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution -- “Treason
against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against
them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'


Can someone with these twisted beliefs really be in a position to decide what is or isn't patriotic?

The only example I can compare would be letting Benedict Arnold write our Declaration of Independence.

Oh look...the fascists are re-writing history again. 'The world according to snowflakes and Antifa'.

If the Right is so proud of their positions, why do the project their Fascist beliefs onto Anti-Fascists?
A history lesson on the Confederacy for President Trump

History lesson: Every Confederate officer was guilty of
treason against the United States, specifically of making war on the
United States. Accepting an officer’s commission from the Confederacy
or any state within the Confederacy was “an open confession” to

Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution -- “Treason
against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against
them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'


Can someone with these twisted beliefs really be in a position to decide what is or isn't patriotic?

The only example I can compare would be letting Benedict Arnold write our Declaration of Independence.



The war has been over for a hundred and fifty years and all you progressives can think of is reopening old wounds. The soldiers that fought for the Confederacy were granted the status of United States veterans to help bring the country back together after a bloody war. So calling them traitors is simply a progressive attempt to create further divisiveness in our nation at time we all need to pull together.

Get over it!!!!!


Part of reconciliation with the Yankee-ass North was recognition by the cocksucking Yankee bitches, that it was NOT treasonous to secede because the issue of whether membership in the union was voluntary was not well established in law. Also, the Yankee-ass North accepted a walk-away surrender. By accepting Lee's terms, the Yankee-ass Yankee motherfuckers waived the treason issue FOREVER. So, fuck you.

I'm glad the union got back together and all (sort of), but the more you pieces of goose-stepping commie shit get on here and show your ignorance, the more I wish the South would have gone full guerrilla warfare and drug out the war for another 30 motherfucking years, because fuck you worthless idiots.
Why are lefties so hysterical about the President defending the Flag and the National anthem? For the record the Confederate rebels were the opposite of Lincoln republicans which means they were democrats.

Trump isn't defending the flag. He's distracting you from the reasons why these athletes are protesting.

Seriously people. Why do you go bat shit crazy about symbols and disrespect people?

The symbols are meaningless unless you stand up for the things they're supposed to mean. Freedom, equality and justice.
Why are lefties so hysterical about the President defending the Flag and the National anthem? For the record the Confederate rebels were the opposite of Lincoln republicans which means they were democrats.

Trump isn't defending the flag. He's distracting you from the reasons why these athletes are protesting.

Seriously people. Why do you go bat shit crazy about symbols and disrespect people?

The symbols are meaningless unless you stand up for the things they're supposed to mean. Freedom, equality and justice.
The brain damaged savages are protesting because they want blacks to be able to commit crimes without police interference.
No matter how many times the left wants to make the Confederacy into Treason, factually and historically it was no such thing. You twist history to your own purposes.

That's why the Confederacy must be guarded. The left lies too much.

God Bless Jefferson Davis. Bless and keep Robert E. Lee. Great Americans, both.

Oh, wow. It's not treason because... it fulfills the requirements to be treason.

Oh, yeah, it must be fake news, never happened or something.
As a historical fact it wasn't treason and every man in the Confederate army is a US veteran.

Are the California legislators treasonous for voting for secession? Should Jerry Brown be dragged out of Sacramento and hanged?
No matter how many times the left wants to make the Confederacy into Treason, factually and historically it was no such thing. You twist history to your own purposes.

That's why the Confederacy must be guarded. The left lies too much.

God Bless Jefferson Davis. Bless and keep Robert E. Lee. Great Americans, both.

Oh, wow. It's not treason because... it fulfills the requirements to be treason.

Oh, yeah, it must be fake news, never happened or something.
As a historical fact it wasn't treason and every man in the Confederate army is a US veteran.

Are the California legislators treasonous for voting for secession? Should Jerry Brown be dragged out of Sacramento and hanged?


"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"

Did these AMERICAN CITIZENS levy war against the United States?

Quite clearly they did.
No matter how many times the left wants to make the Confederacy into Treason, factually and historically it was no such thing. You twist history to your own purposes.

That's why the Confederacy must be guarded. The left lies too much.

God Bless Jefferson Davis. Bless and keep Robert E. Lee. Great Americans, both.
Wow, and all this time, I thought Robert E. Lee was a traitor who led an army which tried to destroy this country.
And gave us Kushner's emails instead.

Has anyone actually READ what was discussed in any of those emails yet before we all condemn them? Are any of them rated Special Access Only? Or were all of them deleted from the computer already as recipes and yoga classes, wiped clean with Bleach Bit , refused to be turned over to the government, then finally smashed and destroyed by James Comey so that no one could ever get to their actual contents, you know, like any good Democrat?
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Wow, and all this time, I thought Robert E. Lee was a traitor who led an army which tried to destroy this country.
That's because you are an idiot.

The dispute was over the direction of the Union, which was a collection of independent States who formed a group for economic and defense purposes (like the EU). There was nothing in the constitution stating that a State could NOT leave if the ends of the Union were no longer feasible (like right now). It would have been treasonous for Lee to go against Virginia (the real State).
No matter how many times the left wants to make the Confederacy into Treason, factually and historically it was no such thing. You twist history to your own purposes.

That's why the Confederacy must be guarded. The left lies too much.

God Bless Jefferson Davis. Bless and keep Robert E. Lee. Great Americans, both.

Disgraced Losers. They should have learned from General Washington and the South could have earned it's freedom.

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