Trump calls RBG's daughter a liar - TWICE


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Goes after the family now while the body is still warm? What an asshole - Classy Donald ... Real classy! :icon_rolleyes:

President Donald Trump on Monday cast doubt on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that her vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by the winner of November's presidential election, accusing Democratic leaders without evidence of fabricating the statement Ginsburg’s granddaughter provided to POLITICO.​
Clara Spera, Ginsburg's granddaughter and a fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union, told POLITICO that shortly before her death Friday evening, the justice declared that “my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Trump suggested on Monday that Ginsburg's wish may have been the creation of congressional Democrats, an allegation for which he offered no justification or proof.​
“I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” referring to the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate minority leader and the House speaker, respectively.​
“I would be more inclined to the second, OK, you know, that came out of the wind, it sounds so beautiful. But that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff,” he said, adding later: “I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn't.”​
Asked later why he believed the words attributed to Ginsburg might not have actually come from the justice, Trump told reporters her stated position “was just too convenient.“​
“It sounds to me like it would be somebody else. I don't believe — it could be, it could be, and it might not be, too,“ he said without elaborating.​

Goes after the family now while the body is still warm? What an asshole - Classy Donald ... Real classy! :icon_rolleyes:

President Donald Trump on Monday cast doubt on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that her vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by the winner of November's presidential election, accusing Democratic leaders without evidence of fabricating the statement Ginsburg’s granddaughter provided to POLITICO.​
Clara Spera, Ginsburg's granddaughter and a fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union, told POLITICO that shortly before her death Friday evening, the justice declared that “my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Trump suggested on Monday that Ginsburg's wish may have been the creation of congressional Democrats, an allegation for which he offered no justification or proof.​
“I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” referring to the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate minority leader and the House speaker, respectively.​
“I would be more inclined to the second, OK, you know, that came out of the wind, it sounds so beautiful. But that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff,” he said, adding later: “I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn't.”​
Asked later why he believed the words attributed to Ginsburg might not have actually come from the justice, Trump told reporters her stated position “was just too convenient.“​
“It sounds to me like it would be somebody else. I don't believe — it could be, it could be, and it might not be, too,“ he said without elaborating.​

Anyone who’s dying wish is about who fills your job is mentally ill.
If Thomas had died in 2016 saying that, think Obama would not have moved forward?
Goes after the family now while the body is still warm? What an asshole - Classy Donald ... Real classy! :icon_rolleyes:

President Donald Trump on Monday cast doubt on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that her vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by the winner of November's presidential election, accusing Democratic leaders without evidence of fabricating the statement Ginsburg’s granddaughter provided to POLITICO.​
Clara Spera, Ginsburg's granddaughter and a fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union, told POLITICO that shortly before her death Friday evening, the justice declared that “my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Trump suggested on Monday that Ginsburg's wish may have been the creation of congressional Democrats, an allegation for which he offered no justification or proof.​
“I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” referring to the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate minority leader and the House speaker, respectively.​
“I would be more inclined to the second, OK, you know, that came out of the wind, it sounds so beautiful. But that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff,” he said, adding later: “I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn't.”​
Asked later why he believed the words attributed to Ginsburg might not have actually come from the justice, Trump told reporters her stated position “was just too convenient.“​
“It sounds to me like it would be somebody else. I don't believe — it could be, it could be, and it might not be, too,“ he said without elaborating.​

Look RBG could have stepped down at 82 while Obama was still in office...but if liberals are anything they are extremely addicted to power...RBG is just Nancy Pelosi in a black I really don't give a damn what her dying wish was....I can't find "dying wish" in the constitution....
Clara Spera, Ginsburg's granddaughter and a fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union, told POLITICO that shortly before her death Friday evening, the justice declared that “my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Trump suggested on Monday that Ginsburg's wish may have been the creation of congressional Democrats, an allegation for which he offered no justification or proof.

It doesn't matter whether it is true or not.

We're not going to leave the seat that RBG just vacated empty until 2025. It isn't going to happen. Period.
It is an odd statement for a Supreme Court Justice to have as her 'dying wish' a president ignore protocols as laid out, nor do I see what anyone's 'dying wish' has to do with over-riding any law/process. It's absurd.

Ruthie's dying wish. And that's a thing. Who gives a shit what her dying wish was, much less think it is any sort of actual lever or anything else as it pertains to replacing her.

that said, sometimes, a lot of times, Trump needs to know when to STFU. This is so dumb that he doesn't have to say anything and it will die on its own like the meaningless nonsense it is. His addressing it gives it more legitimacy than it deserves.
Goes after the family now while the body is still warm? What an asshole - Classy Donald ... Real classy! :icon_rolleyes:

President Donald Trump on Monday cast doubt on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that her vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by the winner of November's presidential election, accusing Democratic leaders without evidence of fabricating the statement Ginsburg’s granddaughter provided to POLITICO.​
Clara Spera, Ginsburg's granddaughter and a fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union, told POLITICO that shortly before her death Friday evening, the justice declared that “my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Trump suggested on Monday that Ginsburg's wish may have been the creation of congressional Democrats, an allegation for which he offered no justification or proof.​
“I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” referring to the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate minority leader and the House speaker, respectively.​
“I would be more inclined to the second, OK, you know, that came out of the wind, it sounds so beautiful. But that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff,” he said, adding later: “I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn't.”​
Asked later why he believed the words attributed to Ginsburg might not have actually come from the justice, Trump told reporters her stated position “was just too convenient.“​
“It sounds to me like it would be somebody else. I don't believe — it could be, it could be, and it might not be, too,“ he said without elaborating.​

Why would her "dying wish" matter anyway? Fact, NOBODY knows what went on in that room.
Goes after the family now while the body is still warm? What an asshole - Classy Donald ... Real classy! :icon_rolleyes:

President Donald Trump on Monday cast doubt on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that her vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by the winner of November's presidential election, accusing Democratic leaders without evidence of fabricating the statement Ginsburg’s granddaughter provided to POLITICO.​
Clara Spera, Ginsburg's granddaughter and a fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union, told POLITICO that shortly before her death Friday evening, the justice declared that “my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Trump suggested on Monday that Ginsburg's wish may have been the creation of congressional Democrats, an allegation for which he offered no justification or proof.​
“I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” referring to the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate minority leader and the House speaker, respectively.​
“I would be more inclined to the second, OK, you know, that came out of the wind, it sounds so beautiful. But that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff,” he said, adding later: “I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn't.”​
Asked later why he believed the words attributed to Ginsburg might not have actually come from the justice, Trump told reporters her stated position “was just too convenient.“​
“It sounds to me like it would be somebody else. I don't believe — it could be, it could be, and it might not be, too,“ he said without elaborating.​

You snowflakes love to dish out the trash but hate it when its thrown right back at you.
Anyone who’s dying wish is about who fills your job is mentally ill.
If Thomas had died in 2016 saying that, think Obama would not have moved forward?

Clarence died suddenly and unexpectedly. RBG knew her time was up. It would be totally in character for her to have said something like that. The Dems and her daughter colluded to come up with that?

Give me a fuckin' break! :confused-84:
Goes after the family now while the body is still warm? What an asshole - Classy Donald ... Real classy! :icon_rolleyes:

President Donald Trump on Monday cast doubt on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that her vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by the winner of November's presidential election, accusing Democratic leaders without evidence of fabricating the statement Ginsburg’s granddaughter provided to POLITICO.​
Clara Spera, Ginsburg's granddaughter and a fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union, told POLITICO that shortly before her death Friday evening, the justice declared that “my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Trump suggested on Monday that Ginsburg's wish may have been the creation of congressional Democrats, an allegation for which he offered no justification or proof.​
“I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” referring to the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate minority leader and the House speaker, respectively.​
“I would be more inclined to the second, OK, you know, that came out of the wind, it sounds so beautiful. But that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff,” he said, adding later: “I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn't.”​
Asked later why he believed the words attributed to Ginsburg might not have actually come from the justice, Trump told reporters her stated position “was just too convenient.“​
“It sounds to me like it would be somebody else. I don't believe — it could be, it could be, and it might not be, too,“ he said without elaborating.​

Anyone who’s dying wish is about who fills your job is mentally ill.
If Thomas had died in 2016 saying that, think Obama would not have moved forward?
Of course not and Obama would have had all 57 States of Obama lower their flags in Thomas memory and McConnell would have had the Senate vote and confirm Obama choice if Obama did not honor Thomas last wish...

( Let see what Weather response will be after reading that? )
Anyone who’s dying wish is about who fills your job is mentally ill.
If Thomas had died in 2016 saying that, think Obama would not have moved forward?

Clarence died suddenly and unexpectedly. RBG knew her time was up. It would be totally in character for her to have said something like that. The Dems and her daughter colluded to come up with that?

Give me a fuckin' break! :confused-84:
If the daughter/family then decide to make these last private moments public then they should be ready for any pushback they get. Why should the President take constant abuse and not give it right back?
Goes after the family now while the body is still warm? What an asshole - Classy Donald ... Real classy! :icon_rolleyes:

President Donald Trump on Monday cast doubt on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that her vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by the winner of November's presidential election, accusing Democratic leaders without evidence of fabricating the statement Ginsburg’s granddaughter provided to POLITICO.​
Clara Spera, Ginsburg's granddaughter and a fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union, told POLITICO that shortly before her death Friday evening, the justice declared that “my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Trump suggested on Monday that Ginsburg's wish may have been the creation of congressional Democrats, an allegation for which he offered no justification or proof.​
“I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” referring to the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate minority leader and the House speaker, respectively.​
“I would be more inclined to the second, OK, you know, that came out of the wind, it sounds so beautiful. But that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff,” he said, adding later: “I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn't.”​
Asked later why he believed the words attributed to Ginsburg might not have actually come from the justice, Trump told reporters her stated position “was just too convenient.“​
“It sounds to me like it would be somebody else. I don't believe — it could be, it could be, and it might not be, too,“ he said without elaborating.​

Could be true after all you know what they say. It takes one to know one.
Goes after the family now while the body is still warm? What an asshole - Classy Donald ... Real classy! :icon_rolleyes:

President Donald Trump on Monday cast doubt on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that her vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by the winner of November's presidential election, accusing Democratic leaders without evidence of fabricating the statement Ginsburg’s granddaughter provided to POLITICO.​
Clara Spera, Ginsburg's granddaughter and a fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union, told POLITICO that shortly before her death Friday evening, the justice declared that “my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Trump suggested on Monday that Ginsburg's wish may have been the creation of congressional Democrats, an allegation for which he offered no justification or proof.​
“I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” referring to the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate minority leader and the House speaker, respectively.​
“I would be more inclined to the second, OK, you know, that came out of the wind, it sounds so beautiful. But that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff,” he said, adding later: “I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn't.”​
Asked later why he believed the words attributed to Ginsburg might not have actually come from the justice, Trump told reporters her stated position “was just too convenient.“​
“It sounds to me like it would be somebody else. I don't believe — it could be, it could be, and it might not be, too,“ he said without elaborating.​


It wouldn't be a violation but you know that.
Goes after the family now while the body is still warm? What an asshole - Classy Donald ... Real classy! :icon_rolleyes:

President Donald Trump on Monday cast doubt on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that her vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by the winner of November's presidential election, accusing Democratic leaders without evidence of fabricating the statement Ginsburg’s granddaughter provided to POLITICO.​
Clara Spera, Ginsburg's granddaughter and a fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union, told POLITICO that shortly before her death Friday evening, the justice declared that “my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Trump suggested on Monday that Ginsburg's wish may have been the creation of congressional Democrats, an allegation for which he offered no justification or proof.​
“I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” referring to the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate minority leader and the House speaker, respectively.​
“I would be more inclined to the second, OK, you know, that came out of the wind, it sounds so beautiful. But that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff,” he said, adding later: “I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn't.”​
Asked later why he believed the words attributed to Ginsburg might not have actually come from the justice, Trump told reporters her stated position “was just too convenient.“​
“It sounds to me like it would be somebody else. I don't believe — it could be, it could be, and it might not be, too,“ he said without elaborating.​


It wouldn't be a violation but you know that.
Why would her "dying wish" matter anyway? Fact, NOBODY knows what went on in that room.

FACT: Her daughter knows what went on in that room. She was THERE Goober!

FACT: You have NO idea what went on in there, none
Fact: Progs play politics with EVERYTHING
Fact: Her "dying wish" means nothing.
Anyone who’s dying wish is about who fills your job is mentally ill.
If Thomas had died in 2016 saying that, think Obama would not have moved forward?

Clarence died suddenly and unexpectedly. RBG knew her time was up. It would be totally in character for her to have said something like that. The Dems and her daughter colluded to come up with that?

Give me a fuckin' break! :confused-84:
If the daughter/family then decide to make these last private moments public then they should be ready for any pushback they get. Why should the President take constant abuse and not give it right back?

How was that "abuse directed at the pResident"
Poor little Donnie Rich - EVERYBODY'S always pickin' on him.
Matter of fact - Everything is ABOUT him too!

Goes after the family now while the body is still warm? What an asshole - Classy Donald ... Real classy! :icon_rolleyes:

President Donald Trump on Monday cast doubt on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that her vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by the winner of November's presidential election, accusing Democratic leaders without evidence of fabricating the statement Ginsburg’s granddaughter provided to POLITICO.​
Clara Spera, Ginsburg's granddaughter and a fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union, told POLITICO that shortly before her death Friday evening, the justice declared that “my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Trump suggested on Monday that Ginsburg's wish may have been the creation of congressional Democrats, an allegation for which he offered no justification or proof.​
“I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” referring to the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate minority leader and the House speaker, respectively.​
“I would be more inclined to the second, OK, you know, that came out of the wind, it sounds so beautiful. But that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or shifty Schiff,” he said, adding later: “I mean, maybe she did and maybe she didn't.”​
Asked later why he believed the words attributed to Ginsburg might not have actually come from the justice, Trump told reporters her stated position “was just too convenient.“​
“It sounds to me like it would be somebody else. I don't believe — it could be, it could be, and it might not be, too,“ he said without elaborating.​

Me thinks someone is. . . .



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