Trump calls on Omar to resign over remarks condemned as anti semtic


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Trump calls on Omar to resign over remarks condemned as anti-Semitic

President Trump on Tuesday called on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) to resign for comments on Israel that were criticized as anti-Semitic.

LMAO I hope this anti american pos loon is made to step down . GET HER HER OUT NOW THIS IS A TRAITOR ANTI AMERICAN TWIT!!

YOU ARE FIRED, go back to your nation marry your brother have kids and leave our freedom alone you are not ever allowed to do what you do in your home country so don't come here and try to make us like your shit hole got it it won't ever work.

America is going to be harder to take down than you dumb asses even realize. We are not panzy ass Europe . ( Yet lol )
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Trump's tweets:

Trump calls on Omar to resign over remarks condemned as anti-Semitic

President Trump on Tuesday called on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) to resign for comments on Israel that were criticized as anti-Semitic.

LMAO I hope this anti american pos loon is made to step down . GET HER HER OUT NOW THIS IS A TRAITOR ANTI AMERICAN TWIT!!

YOU ARE FIRED, go back to your nation marry your brother have kids and leave our freedom alone you are not ever allowed to do what you do in your home country so don't come here and try to make us like your shit hole got it it won't ever work.

America is going to be harder to take down than you dumb asses even realize. We are not panzy ass Europe . ( Yet lol )
Trump's on the right track. Keep pointing our the lunacy of the Dems and point out it is no longer just a fringe.
Do the political parties get funding from AIPAC ?
No, AIPAC makes no political donations or endorsements. It simply provides venues through which politicians can show their constituents where they stand on issues concerning Israel. The overwelming majority of Americans support Israel, so the overwhelming majority of American politicians support Israel.

Gallup Poll. Feb. 1-5, 2017. N=1,035 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4

"Next, I'd like your overall opinion of some foreign countries. ... What is your overall opinion of Israel? Is it very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable?"

71% favorable

27% unfavorable

Part of me wonders if he is so far out of it he doesnt have a clue what he is saying.
He is giving a signal to a certain group and then denying he gave it. Same with David Duke. Only total idiots believe him at face value.
It's easy. Democrats support ISIS, illegals and are anti-Semetic.
ISIS have many Saudis, don't they?
Sure. They have Somalis and all kinds of Muslims, a\s do the Dems. Get it?
Part of me wonders if he is so far out of it he doesnt have a clue what he is saying.
He is giving a signal to a certain group and then denying he gave it. Same with David Duke. Only total idiots believe him at face value.
It's easy. Democrats support ISIS, illegals and are anti-Semetic.
ISIS have many Saudis, don't they?
Sure. They have Somalis and all kinds of Muslims, a\s do the Dems. Get it?
Part of me wonders if he is so far out of it he doesnt have a clue what he is saying.
He is giving a signal to a certain group and then denying he gave it. Same with David Duke. Only total idiots believe him at face value.
It's easy. Democrats support ISIS, illegals and are anti-Semetic.
ISIS have many Saudis, don't they?
Sure. They have Somalis and all kinds of Muslims, a\s do the Dems. Get it?
And this means what? Trump supports ISIS like the Democrats?
What's wrong with Steve King?

He's a typical Republican Right Winger.

Almost all of them share the same values.

And the one's that don't look very confused indeed.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.

Built it on the back of minorities.

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