Trump calls on Omar to resign over remarks condemned as anti semtic

As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.

Built it on the back of minorities.

So, the people who built the house where you dwell should own your house.

No . But the owner shouldn’t be saying “I built this house wh my bare hands “. Cause he didn’t .

Trump has done better for Blacks and Hispanics and Asians and Women than any other President in a generation.

You don't care about those you fly on your disposable banner.

As soon as minority pandering no longer helps advance your unannounced agenda, you will turn off the spigot of alligator tears for them.

You won't tell us your real agenda, will you?

Lie ! He’s done nothing for those groups . Anything good that’s happened to them is by accident and not design .

Take a break Timmy, and wash your cookie down with a quick dose of CNN/MSNBC kool-aid.
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .
So you also believe Jews control the world?
Technically, the trillionaires who control the financial and economic system in most nations are mostly Jewish. If they are of faith I do not know.
lol So do you have statistics to support your views about Jews or are you still relying on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .
So you also believe Jews control the world?

Who said that ?

She basically said that support is Congress is due to DC money . Well duh! That’s how everything works in DC!
No she said Jewish money. First she said support for Israel is bought and when asked who bought it, she said AIPAC. Being an apologist for antisemitism makes you an antisemite.
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance toward the goal of supplanting our Constitution with Sharia law someday.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you loved America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend of our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate and make commonplace and acceptable, that kind of unacceptable behavior.

You are literally trying to coarsen our society to be more like the Middle East, where you are more comfortable fighting.

You are bringing your dirty nastiness to America because we deserve it, you think and because you want to do to us what we did in the M.E.

You want to shit in America.

We all agree that the conventional understanding of White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism.

But you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace in America so you can have an advantage. You have been fighting Jews for 1400 years.

You should not be allowed to bring your fight in our country.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Last edited:
There are too many calls for resignation based on statements not actions. It seems those who are most vehemently anti politically correct are themselves now employing the hammer of political correctness.

She is a newbie. Let’s see if she gets the message and learns. If she doesn’t she may find herself out of a job when her term ends. The voters will make that decision for her.
Built it on the back of minorities.

So, the people who built the house where you dwell should own your house.

No . But the owner shouldn’t be saying “I built this house wh my bare hands “. Cause he didn’t .

Trump has done better for Blacks and Hispanics and Asians and Women than any other President in a generation.

You don't care about those you fly on your disposable banner.

As soon as minority pandering no longer helps advance your unannounced agenda, you will turn off the spigot of alligator tears for them.

You won't tell us your real agenda, will you?
Obama taught the Democrats that if you say the right thing, you don't have to do anything to get elected, but Republicans demand their leaders run on their accomplishments rather than on ideology that produces not results for people.

Lol! That’s rich. Trump accomplished what to be elected ?
In 2016, as a businessman quite a lot and in 2020 as president quite a lot more.
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you lived America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate andaje commonplace and acceptable, so that where we all agree that White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism, you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Funny thing about this. Racism and antisemitism is unacceptable but Islamophobia is. Seems to be all types of hate should be unacceptable.
As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.

Built it on the back of minorities.

So, the people who built the house where you dwell should own your house.

No . But the owner shouldn’t be saying “I built this house wh my bare hands “. Cause he didn’t .

Trump has done better for Blacks and Hispanics and Asians and Women than any other President in a generation.

You don't care about those you fly on your disposable banner.

As soon as minority pandering no longer helps advance your unannounced agenda, you will turn off the spigot of alligator tears for them.

You won't tell us your real agenda, will you?

Lie ! He’s done nothing for those groups . Anything good that’s happened to them is by accident and not design .

Nobody believes you but mental midgets and cross eyed inbreds.
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .
So you also believe Jews control the world?
Technically, the trillionaires who control the financial and economic system in most nations are mostly Jewish. If they are of faith I do not know. They aren’t.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.

Yeah, with stolen land and black slave labor. Funny...
There are too many calls for resignation based on statements not actions. It seems those who are most vehemently anti politically correct are themselves now employing the hammer of political correctness.

She is a newbie. Let’s see if she gets the message and learns. If she doesn’t she may find herself out of a job when her term ends. The voters will make that decision for her.

Screw that newbie shit. Her unapology is proof enough that she wants to see Israel destroyed and abhors the current U.S..
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you lived America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate andaje commonplace and acceptable, so that where we all agree that White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism, you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Funny thing about this. Racism and antisemitism is unacceptable but Islamophobia is. Seems to be all types of hate should be unacceptable.
When you say Islamophobia do you mean disapproval of the widespread intolerance among Muslims of all other religions and cultures and the violence it precipitates?
There are too many calls for resignation based on statements not actions. It seems those who are most vehemently anti politically correct are themselves now employing the hammer of political correctness.

She is a newbie. Let’s see if she gets the message and learns. If she doesn’t she may find herself out of a job when her term ends. The voters will make that decision for her.

Screw that newbie shit. Her unapology is proof enough that she wants to see Israel destroyed and abhors the current U.S..

If so, then she she will have to face her constituency. But I think you are making a lot out of nothing....and that is the goal right?
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you lived America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate andaje commonplace and acceptable, so that where we all agree that White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism, you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Funny thing about this. Racism and antisemitism is unacceptable but Islamophobia is. Seems to be all types of hate should be unacceptable.
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you lived America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate andaje commonplace and acceptable, so that where we all agree that White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism, you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Funny thing about this. Racism and antisemitism is unacceptable but Islamophobia is. Seems to be all types of hate should be unacceptable.

Coyote, I don't care if anyone else watches these two brief videos.

I respectfully ask you to watch them.

Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America

1400 Years of the Real History of Islam in 5 Minutes - Brigitte Gabriel

And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you lived America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate andaje commonplace and acceptable, so that where we all agree that White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism, you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Funny thing about this. Racism and antisemitism is unacceptable but Islamophobia is. Seems to be all types of hate should be unacceptable.
When you say Islamophobia do you mean disapproval of the widespread intolerance among Muslims of all other religions and cultures and the violence it precipitates?

Your post is acceptable and her tweet is not ?
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you lived America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate andaje commonplace and acceptable, so that where we all agree that White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism, you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Funny thing about this. Racism and antisemitism is unacceptable but Islamophobia is. Seems to be all types of hate should be unacceptable.
When you say Islamophobia do you mean disapproval of the widespread intolerance among Muslims of all other religions and cultures and the violence it precipitates?
No I mean a hatred and willingness to believe and propagate and believe anti Muslim conspiracy theories and bigotry. Such as your statement.
This is the same Trump that defended white nationalists in Charlotte chanting "Jews will not replace us"?

And the same Trump supporters whining here who supported THAT?

And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you lived America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate andaje commonplace and acceptable, so that where we all agree that White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism, you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Funny thing about this. Racism and antisemitism is unacceptable but Islamophobia is. Seems to be all types of hate should be unacceptable.

She doesn't represent Islam. She somehow became a Congressional representative IN America!
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you lived America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate andaje commonplace and acceptable, so that where we all agree that White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism, you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Funny thing about this. Racism and antisemitism is unacceptable but Islamophobia is. Seems to be all types of hate should be unacceptable.
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you lived America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate andaje commonplace and acceptable, so that where we all agree that White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism, you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Funny thing about this. Racism and antisemitism is unacceptable but Islamophobia is. Seems to be all types of hate should be unacceptable.

Coyote, I don't care if anyone else watches these two brief videos.

I respectfully ask you to watch them.

Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America

1400 Years of the Real History of Islam in 5 Minutes - Brigitte Gabriel

Consider the source . Muslim brotherhood ? Are you surprised they don’t like America.?
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you lived America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate andaje commonplace and acceptable, so that where we all agree that White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism, you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Funny thing about this. Racism and antisemitism is unacceptable but Islamophobia is. Seems to be all types of hate should be unacceptable.
And the left wanted King gone but don’t have much to say about Omar outrage of convenience is no outrage at all no matter who is doing it.

What Omar said pales compared to Kong’s nonsense .


She gave you a point to try to advance.

You wish to make anti-Semitism a rude thing instead of an unacceptable thing.

If you lived America, you would see that King was chastised and chastened.

It should be a lesson to ALL that this is unacceptable.


But not for you. And I'd guess, most Muslims.

That instead of caring about limiting the downward trend our society, you use the latest example of unacceptable behavior to permit you to extend and prolong and accentuate andaje commonplace and acceptable, so that where we all agree that White Supremacy is abhorrent and unacceptable and so is anti-Semitism, you are working to make anti-Semitism acceptable and commonplace.

You are an enemy of America.

No one should believe you or follow you or find what you say at all reasonable.

You want bad changes for America and every reader here.
Funny thing about this. Racism and antisemitism is unacceptable but Islamophobia is. Seems to be all types of hate should be unacceptable.

Coyote, I don't care if anyone else watches these two brief videos.

I respectfully ask you to watch them.

Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America

1400 Years of the Real History of Islam in 5 Minutes - Brigitte Gabriel

She has her own agenda, and is hardly unbiased. How dare they serve Halal food in a school with a high proportion of Muslims! Really.
Brigitte Gabriel - Wikipedia

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