Trump boom - 2.3% growth for 2017, slowest job growth in 6 years

The OP is bitching about the slow 2.3% GDP but you claim Trump inherited Obama's economy. Ironic?

Trump promised his deregulation would create jobs, and make the economy grow at 4%, 5% maybe even 6%.

No jobs, in fact the rate of job creation under Trump is lower than under Obama. And those great GDP numbers haven't manifested themselves.

The Recession Officially Ended in 2009. Here's How It Happened.

Advance - Government spending propped up the economy, which contracted 1% -- the fourth contraction in a row and the fifth since the recession started in 2007. U.S. car sales are improving, and will further improve in Q3 with the Cash for Clunkers program. Government stimulus is propping up the economy and keeping this recession from turning into a depression.
The economy grew at a 2.6 percent rate to end 2017, the Department of Commerce reported...For all of 2017, GDP growth was 2.3 percent

GDP growth slowed to 2.6 percent to end 2017

Dang! That Trump fella sure turned things around! :rolleyes:
Make sure that you give back

Great dodge, bravo idiot.
If you keep and spend that Tax Break, all you are going to do is help President Trumps economy.

My personal taxes went up because of Trump's tax-cut, but thanks for asking.

Aside from my personal situation, it is true that there will be some economic growth from blowing a 1.5 trillion dollar hole in the budget, just like there is more shit bought when you max out your credit cards...but only until the bills are due, at which point reverse happens - contraction+interest.

Estimates put this additional near-mid term growth in economic activity at around 0.3% GDP annually over the next decade, perhaps more for next year because it is front loaded..but that is in no shape or form a guarantee of better growth next year as there are many other factors in economy.

AND ALL THAT ASIDE - Trumpsters have ALREADY declared Trump Boom in 2017, while the data shows economic growth completely in line with growth over the last 6 years.
Do you really think all of these companies moving manufacturing jobs back home will not affect the economy? Do you think Apple repatriating hundreds of billions of dollars or investing half a trillion dollars in new campuses will have a positive affect on the economy? Progressives have been telling us for years that manufacturing jobs are gone and there not coming back. Well guess what they are coming back in a big way. The things Trump has done could have been done by any of our past Presidents but they didn’t understand what any successful businessman understands. The thing about Trump is he is an outsider, he didn’t come up the political ladder selling his soul to special interests on the way up. He isn’t owned by anyone so he is free to do the right thing and make our country better than it has been in decades. After 4yrs of Trump he will win the next election by overwhelming numbers. There are some that won’t vote for Trump for any reason but they will be such a minority in 3 more years that they won’t matter at all.
The OP is bitching about the slow 2.3% GDP but you claim Trump inherited Obama's economy. Ironic?

Trump promised his deregulation would create jobs, and make the economy grow at 4%, 5% maybe even 6%.

No jobs, in fact the rate of job creation under Trump is lower than under Obama. And those great GDP numbers haven't manifested themselves.

The Recession Officially Ended in 2009. Here's How It Happened.

Advance - Government spending propped up the economy, which contracted 1% -- the fourth contraction in a row and the fifth since the recession started in 2007. U.S. car sales are improving, and will further improve in Q3 with the Cash for Clunkers program. Government stimulus is propping up the economy and keeping this recession from turning into a depression.

What did Trump's economists say GDP growth for 2017 would be? Well, they said it would be 2.3% — exactly what the economy delivered, according to the BEA.

Is this unusual? Perhaps White House economists routinely get GDP growth for the year more or less right. After all, they're highly trained, and they're only trying to making a prediction about the next 12 months.

But it turns out that there was not a single year under President Obama when his economic forecast held up.

Trump Just Did Something Obama Never Could — Deliver On Promised GDP Growth

Trump predicted 2.3% and that's exactly what it was. He can't clean up Obama's mess in 1 year. But he set the economy in the right direction. Lowest unemployment, especially for blacks. Trump is crushing it and Liberals can't stand it. Sucks to have to root for a sluggish economy and no jobs for blacks in order to win the White House back, but that's what Liberals are doing.
Don't really care who you give credit for 3 point more or less growth, what I see is that the super rich own & control more & more of everything, while the majority of the population is treading water or slipping back.

And this is the biggest problem in the country. Not taxes so much as stagnant wages for the working class. The uber wealthy gett more and more while the working class gets less and less.

The solution to this is easy. Learn to do something that has a higher value. Your wage will increase.

Aside from that, the biggest reason wages are not going up, is because the left-wing has demanded more and more expenses on employers.

When you demand that employers cover ever larger amounts of health care for example, every dollar they pay in increased health care benefits, is a dollar they can't pay their employees in wages.

Every dollar they pay in employer side taxes, like Social Security and Unemployment Comp, is a dollar they can't pay to employees.
Employers used to cover 100% of health care. My mother never paid a dime for her insurance.
The "never had a year above 3 percent" is an arbitrary measurement used in conservative propaganda not by economists

Many presidents have had years above 3 percent followed by years of negative growth ( think Bush). Doesn't mean they had strong economies

Obama had steady, if unspectacular growth over eight years. Let's hope Trump does not screw it up
His GDP growth rate was the lowest of any president.
No it wasn't

Nice chart when you fail to mention The Great Obama took office on the verge of a Depression.....a challenge none of the others had
You also neglect FDR and Hoover in your chart

The economy was already on the rebound when Obama took office. I just posted the evidence.

The chart covers postwar presidents, not all presidents.
the 800,000 unemployed in bushes last month proves your point lol

If Trump thinks he can get more than 3% economic growth, he's dreaming

During the presidential campaign, Trump promised growth of 3.5% a year, and sometimes even 4%.

Like I said, sucks to have to root for a slow economy in order to win back the White House. Stocks are soaring, bonus checks are being give out, lowest unemployment in decades and for blacks since 1970, low tax rates and a very respectable economy. I give you credit though, at least you're trying to debate the economy and not pulling the usual Liberal talking points like race and xenophobia.
During the presidential campaign, Trump promised growth of 3.5% a year, and sometimes even 4%.

Like I said, sucks to have to root for a slow economy in order to win back the White House. .

What sucks is that Trump promised much more than he could deliver, and republicans don't care that Trump can't deliver. They're satisfied with the crumbs, and say it's just as good as a filet mignon.
But....but....Trump promised us 4 percent growth

2.3 percent growth is what Trump called "a disaster"

You most not have read the link numnuts.......The last year of Obama was 1.5% GDP growth. Trump increased GDP growth 53% from the last year of Obama. Gawd you Dims are fucking idiots.

Key Quote: "For all of 2017, GDP growth was 2.3 percent, better than the 1.5 percent the year before...."
Don't really care who you give credit for 3 point more or less growth, what I see is that the super rich own & control more & more of everything, while the majority of the population is treading water or slipping back.

And this is the biggest problem in the country. Not taxes so much as stagnant wages for the working class. The uber wealthy gett more and more while the working class gets less and less.

The solution to this is easy. Learn to do something that has a higher value. Your wage will increase.

Aside from that, the biggest reason wages are not going up, is because the left-wing has demanded more and more expenses on employers.

When you demand that employers cover ever larger amounts of health care for example, every dollar they pay in increased health care benefits, is a dollar they can't pay their employees in wages.

Every dollar they pay in employer side taxes, like Social Security and Unemployment Comp, is a dollar they can't pay to employees.
Employers used to cover 100% of health care. My mother never paid a dime for her insurance.
Don't really care who you give credit for 3 point more or less growth, what I see is that the super rich own & control more & more of everything, while the majority of the population is treading water or slipping back.

And this is the biggest problem in the country. Not taxes so much as stagnant wages for the working class. The uber wealthy gett more and more while the working class gets less and less.

The solution to this is easy.the biggest reason wages are not going up, is because the left-wing has demanded more and more expenses on employers. do you say that with a straight face while this has been going on?


You can't, the Raygun tax cuts was the greatest redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top in the history of the world.
Look at the chart, dumbass. Government spending never caused the economy to grow, and it never will.

Ignorant bullshit from a two bit politico.

As ANY economist will tell you, government’s fiscal and monetary policy ABSOLUTELY effects economic activity GDP measures.

For example It is right about impossible to spend 870 Billion into economy (especially recessionary economy) and not see significant near term GDP growth.
But somehow Obama did that.

How far down your asshole did you have to reach to pull out such rediculous fantasy?

Tell me, where do you THINK 870 Billion could disappear to without showing up in GDP numbers? Or do you just thoughtlessly repeat what you heard some other rightwinger assert?

$870 billion spent had to be taken from someone. You don't raise the water level in a bath tub by scooping up water at one end and pouring it in at the other end.

870 billion was financed with debt and not a penny of it is paid up - any other bullshit you want to post?
That doesn't contradict what I said, moron.

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Home prices are getting more expensive. We all know what happened last time that happened, and the banks are hard at it again.

That is the shallowest economics dissection I have ever seen. And I have watched CNN.

Home prices always trend up over time.

"We all know what happened last time"? What an idiot you are. Which last time?
Here's how much the median home value in the U.S. has changed between 1940 and 2000:
  • 1940: $2,938
  • 1950: $7,354
  • 1960: $11,900
  • 1970: $17,000
  • 1980: $47,200
  • 1990: $79,100
  • 2000: $119,600
The average GDP growth during the Obama years was 1.48% per year. Trump's first year was 2.3% or a 55.4% GDP improvement over Obama.
So the truth is that Reagan lowered taxes even though you've been claiming he raised taxes.

Thanks for admitting that, douchebag.

The truth is as the RMS Titanic sank, it also rose out of the water.

Reagan raised taxes more times than he lowered them. And that's the truth Pttttttthhhhhh.
Wrong. One end of the Titanic rose out of the water. The center of gravity continuously moved down after it hit the iceberg. Likewise, Reagan's tax center of gravity was lower at the end of his administratiion than it was at the beginning. Turds like you wouldn't have whined about it otherwise.

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Considering Trump ended his first year at 2.6% compared to Obama's first year at -2.8% I'd say Trump crushed it!

Obama inherited the Bush economy (enough said about how far in the toilet that was)
Trump inherited Obama's economy, which had just gone through the longest sustained private sector job growth in American history.
Obama inherited an economy that was already on the rebound. If he had done nothing, the result would have been better than what he delivered.

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The economy grew at a 2.6 percent rate to end 2017, the Department of Commerce reported...For all of 2017, GDP growth was 2.3 percent

GDP growth slowed to 2.6 percent to end 2017

Dang! That Trump fella sure turned things around! :rolleyes:

2016 growth rate was 1.6%. Pathetic. I do indeed like the turnaround. And look forward to the next 7 years. Barack Hussein was the first president in history to never have a year of growth over 3%. Even poor old Jimmy Carter beat that.
Of course if anyone can beat Reagans 7.26% it will be Trump.

The OP is bitching about the slow 2.3% GDP but you claim Trump inherited Obama's economy. Ironic?

Trump promised his deregulation would create jobs, and make the economy grow at 4%, 5% maybe even 6%.

No jobs, in fact the rate of job creation under Trump is lower than under Obama. And those great GDP numbers haven't manifested themselves.

The Recession Officially Ended in 2009. Here's How It Happened.

Advance - Government spending propped up the economy, which contracted 1% -- the fourth contraction in a row and the fifth since the recession started in 2007. U.S. car sales are improving, and will further improve in Q3 with the Cash for Clunkers program. Government stimulus is propping up the economy and keeping this recession from turning into a depression.
Government spending does not "prop up" an economy. That's a leftwing myth.

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His GDP growth rate was the lowest of any president.
No it wasn't

Nice chart when you fail to mention The Great Obama took office on the verge of a Depression.....a challenge none of the others had
You also neglect FDR and Hoover in your chart

The economy was already on the rebound when Obama took office. I just posted the evidence.

The chart covers postwar presidents, not all presidents.
the 800,000 unemployed in bushes last month proves your point lol
I already posted tbe chart that proves it, moron. GDP growth bottomed out before Obama's inauguration.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
During the presidential campaign, Trump promised growth of 3.5% a year, and sometimes even 4%.

Like I said, sucks to have to root for a slow economy in order to win back the White House. .

What sucks is that Trump promised much more than he could deliver, and republicans don't care that Trump can't deliver. They're satisfied with the crumbs, and say it's just as good as a filet mignon.

But according to you he inherited Obama's economy. We at least agree that Obama's economy sucked.
During the presidential campaign, Trump promised growth of 3.5% a year, and sometimes even 4%.

Like I said, sucks to have to root for a slow economy in order to win back the White House. .

What sucks is that Trump promised much more than he could deliver, and republicans don't care that Trump can't deliver. They're satisfied with the crumbs, and say it's just as good as a filet mignon.

But according to you he inherited Obama's economy. We at least agree that Obama's economy sucked.
78 straight months of 6 digit job gains suck ,,,unemployment under 5% DOW up from 8000 or so to 19k sucks?? IF that's true please tell us how badly the economy sucked that the POS gwb gave Obama

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