Trump asks his cabinet to submit 5% budget CUTS...

This is a political stunt, nothing more. The main targets of spending can't really be cut through executive action. Unless he's preparing to use the numbers to ask Congress for a reduced budget, this will go nowhere.

Trump lies his ass off and the morons that support him believe him and kiss his butt - they're ignorant, and political protocol means nothing to them. Getting a chubby when they yammer WE WON is all they care about ...
Whatever Trump does, he has to do without the support of any Democrats. Advancing their political agenda is the only thing that matters to them.
It’s why I’m looking forward to seeing democrats lose more seats in November.
Well... that and watching them them ramp up their craziness. :)

From your keyboard to God's in-box.

That would truly be (almost) unprecedented (1934).
This is a political stunt, nothing more. The main targets of spending can't really be cut through executive action. Unless he's preparing to use the numbers to ask Congress for a reduced budget, this will go nowhere.

It’s not through executive order, it’s to give to Congress as a jumping off point.
Whatever Trump does, he has to do without the support of any Democrats. Advancing their political agenda is the only thing that matters to them.
It’s why I’m looking forward to seeing democrats lose more seats in November.
Well... that and watching them them ramp up their craziness. :)

From your keyboard to God's in-box.

That would truly be (almost) unprecedented (1934).
It’ll be another incredible win for Trump. :)

I voted for Trump because I knew he would be better than hillary. What I didn’t expect is how awesome he’s been.
Not only is he making this country great again, it’s looking like he’s dismantling the party that f’ed it up! lol
Will Dims who complained about Trump increasing the deficit support the budget cuts, or will they be strictly partisan when it comes to passing the next budget?

I am afraid they will go with liberal standard of raising spending and raising taxes on “the rich”.

Some subversive on the inside must have told Rump what his "tax cuts" are going to cost. Now he wants them to check the sofa for nickels.
It’s called responsible governing. Too bad it’s only 5% he should have demanded at least 10%.

Here's what "responsible" means:
When you cut taxes or any other kind of income, and you still have expenses, you need to make up the shortfall somewhere. That's what "paying for" a tax cut means.

Of course that's kind of a moot point when the central figure is an orange freak who's never taken responsibility for a damn thing in his life.
Hence the cuts. You really are dumb.
Will Dims who complained about Trump increasing the deficit support the budget cuts, or will they be strictly partisan when it comes to passing the next budget?

I am afraid they will go with liberal standard of raising spending and raising taxes on “the rich”.

That's draconian. Think of all the female, transgender, part 1/1024 Indian, black babies who will suffer.

Edit: Not unborn babies cuz they belong in the dumpster, but I think that is only common sense.
President Donald Trump went to Fort Drum in upstate New York on Monday to sign the nearly $717 billion National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a 2.6 percent military pay raise and could set the stage for creation of a Space Force.


SUCKERS !!!!!!
Won’t happen

You’re right, Dimms love to raise spending and raise taxes, but Trump did ask for a 5% cut across the board.

That did happen.

so how much spending got cut from the military ...

Parrot speak.

I said 5% across the board.

I would love to cut the entire economy by 30%.

Take back all the troops we have in Japan and Germany and end all middle eastern activity. Keep the troops in SoKo for now.

We have been on a war footing for 20 years now, it has to end.

Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of conservative. It’s ok, a lot of people don’t understand.

Republicans aren’t necessarily conservative, but I would vote Republican before I helped elect a socialist.

I’d like it to be illegal to run a budget deficit. Congress can’t spend more than they take in. It needs to be in the Constitution.

Got it? I would cut the entire budget across the board by 30%.

Dimms are so scared to ever talk specifics, it’s fucking weird.
Actually, if not mistaken this was one of Ben Carson's ideas. Just cut about 5% from everything in government at once.

Just thank one of Trump's token negroes.
Since the Dimms started the fucking “War on Poverty”, the poverty rate has not changed.

It’s all they know tax and spend, they are cvnts.

Anyone who is a Dimm or votes Dimm is a useful idiot. They tell you how stupid they think you are.

Did you fools see the tape of Gruber saying the Obama administration lied to voters to get Obamacare passed because voters are fucking morons?

He was telling the truth.
Won’t happen

You’re right, Dimms love to raise spending and raise taxes, but Trump did ask for a 5% cut across the board.

That did happen.

so how much spending got cut from the military ...

Parrot speak.

I said 5% across the board.

I would love to cut the entire economy by 30%.

Take back all the troops we have in Japan and Germany and end all middle eastern activity. Keep the troops in SoKo for now.

We have been on a war footing for 20 years now, it has to end.

Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of conservative. It’s ok, a lot of people don’t understand.

Republicans aren’t necessarily conservative, but I would vote Republican before I helped elect a socialist.

I’d like it to be illegal to run a budget deficit. Congress can’t spend more than they take in. It needs to be in the Constitution.

Got it? I would cut the entire budget across the board by 30%.

Dimms are so scared to ever talk specifics, it’s fucking weird.

BLA BLA BLA SPEAK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Trump is a typical RW politician - throws his pups a bone to keep their little brain busy then steps out of the yard and spends his ass off like a big dog.

the only people Republicans fool is themselves ...
Won’t happen

You’re right, Dimms love to raise spending and raise taxes, but Trump did ask for a 5% cut across the board.

That did happen.

so how much spending got cut from the military ...

Parrot speak.

I said 5% across the board.

I would love to cut the entire economy by 30%.

Take back all the troops we have in Japan and Germany and end all middle eastern activity. Keep the troops in SoKo for now.

We have been on a war footing for 20 years now, it has to end.

Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of conservative. It’s ok, a lot of people don’t understand.

Republicans aren’t necessarily conservative, but I would vote Republican before I helped elect a socialist.

I’d like it to be illegal to run a budget deficit. Congress can’t spend more than they take in. It needs to be in the Constitution.

Got it? I would cut the entire budget across the board by 30%.

Dimms are so scared to ever talk specifics, it’s fucking weird.

BLA BLA BLA SPEAK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Trump is a typical RW politician - throws his pups a bone to keep their little brain busy then steps out of the yard and spends his ass off like a big dog.

the only people Republicans fool is themselves ...

Thanks for the thoughtful response.
Won’t happen

You’re right, Dimms love to raise spending and raise taxes, but Trump did ask for a 5% cut across the board.

That did happen.

so how much spending got cut from the military ...

Parrot speak.

I said 5% across the board.

I would love to cut the entire economy by 30%.

Take back all the troops we have in Japan and Germany and end all middle eastern activity. Keep the troops in SoKo for now.

We have been on a war footing for 20 years now, it has to end.

Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of conservative. It’s ok, a lot of people don’t understand.

Republicans aren’t necessarily conservative, but I would vote Republican before I helped elect a socialist.

I’d like it to be illegal to run a budget deficit. Congress can’t spend more than they take in. It needs to be in the Constitution.

Got it? I would cut the entire budget across the board by 30%.

Dimms are so scared to ever talk specifics, it’s fucking weird.

BLA BLA BLA SPEAK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Trump is a typical RW politician - throws his pups a bone to keep their little brain busy then steps out of the yard and spends his ass off like a big dog.

the only people Republicans fool is themselves ...

What else do you expect from token negroes?

in a city of those who care not about the US, Donald Trump is trying to KEEP THE US SOLVENT.

The period of American WO saw US debt go from $5 tril to $21 tril, and Paul Ryan refused to cut anything during the past two years.

ZIONISTS care not about the US. ZIONISTS STEAL from the US. What is preventing budget cuts from a Republican controlled government is the ZIONIST TRAITOR demographic like Paul Ryan who would prefer to STEAL than actually do something to help the US....
Won’t happen

You’re right, Dimms love to raise spending and raise taxes, but Trump did ask for a 5% cut across the board.

That did happen.

so how much spending got cut from the military ...

Parrot speak.

I said 5% across the board.

I would love to cut the entire economy by 30%.

Take back all the troops we have in Japan and Germany and end all middle eastern activity. Keep the troops in SoKo for now.

We have been on a war footing for 20 years now, it has to end.

Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of conservative. It’s ok, a lot of people don’t understand.

Republicans aren’t necessarily conservative, but I would vote Republican before I helped elect a socialist.

I’d like it to be illegal to run a budget deficit. Congress can’t spend more than they take in. It needs to be in the Constitution.

Got it? I would cut the entire budget across the board by 30%.

Dimms are so scared to ever talk specifics, it’s fucking weird.

BLA BLA BLA SPEAK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Trump is a typical RW politician - throws his pups a bone to keep their little brain busy then steps out of the yard and spends his ass off like a big dog.

the only people Republicans fool is themselves ...

Thanks for the thoughtful response.

Trumps Ttillion dollar deficit didnt come from spending cuts ... figure that one out Gomer
Won’t happen

You’re right, Dimms love to raise spending and raise taxes, but Trump did ask for a 5% cut across the board.

That did happen.

so how much spending got cut from the military ...

Parrot speak.

I said 5% across the board.

I would love to cut the entire economy by 30%.

Take back all the troops we have in Japan and Germany and end all middle eastern activity. Keep the troops in SoKo for now.

We have been on a war footing for 20 years now, it has to end.

Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of conservative. It’s ok, a lot of people don’t understand.

Republicans aren’t necessarily conservative, but I would vote Republican before I helped elect a socialist.

I’d like it to be illegal to run a budget deficit. Congress can’t spend more than they take in. It needs to be in the Constitution.

Got it? I would cut the entire budget across the board by 30%.

Dimms are so scared to ever talk specifics, it’s fucking weird.

BLA BLA BLA SPEAK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Trump is a typical RW politician - throws his pups a bone to keep their little brain busy then steps out of the yard and spends his ass off like a big dog.

the only people Republicans fool is themselves ...

What else do you expect from token negroes?

I expected inane liberal drool, but I thought he might actually be able to form a complete sentence without shitting all over himself.

I was wrong, and I get why Dimm voters are so stupid.

If you mention cutting the budget, they say, WHAT ABOUT THE MILITARY?!!

Then when you say, “Cut that, too”, it fucks them up because all they know is talking points.

Fucking idiots.
You’re right, Dimms love to raise spending and raise taxes, but Trump did ask for a 5% cut across the board.

That did happen.

so how much spending got cut from the military ...

Parrot speak.

I said 5% across the board.

I would love to cut the entire economy by 30%.

Take back all the troops we have in Japan and Germany and end all middle eastern activity. Keep the troops in SoKo for now.

We have been on a war footing for 20 years now, it has to end.

Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of conservative. It’s ok, a lot of people don’t understand.

Republicans aren’t necessarily conservative, but I would vote Republican before I helped elect a socialist.

I’d like it to be illegal to run a budget deficit. Congress can’t spend more than they take in. It needs to be in the Constitution.

Got it? I would cut the entire budget across the board by 30%.

Dimms are so scared to ever talk specifics, it’s fucking weird.

BLA BLA BLA SPEAK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Trump is a typical RW politician - throws his pups a bone to keep their little brain busy then steps out of the yard and spends his ass off like a big dog.

the only people Republicans fool is themselves ...

Thanks for the thoughtful response.

Trumps Ttillion dollar deficit didnt come from spending cuts ... figure that one out Gomer

I don’t support Trumps spending. I am a conservative he is a populist.

You didn’t even read my post.

I voted for Trump over HIllary because I think he is better for the nation, but TRUMP IS NOT A CONSERVATIVE.


Such fucking idiots.

Don’t know the difference between a conservative and a Republican.

How do Dimms walk around outside when it’s raining without drowning.

I will give you a chance, Siete....what is your ideal budget? Lay it out in specific dollars.

Fill in the blanks:

Income: $?
Spending: $?

I’ll go jump in my pool and hold my breath...the Jags are losing anyways.

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