Trump argues like a five year old

Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
Hillary has enough baggage just from her time In Arkansas to fill the cargo hold of a 757. Trump should get in touch with me if wants the low down on that hateful klunt. What cracks me up is how leftards believe that someone that treats her hired help like shit is going to give a fly fuck about them. Hitlery has and will always be all about her. I haven't heard one word out of her mouth about the criminal central bank or the incredibly unfair trade agreements that USA.INC makes money off of. She IS the establishment puppet and I guaran-fucking-tee you that nothing will improve if she is given the position of CEO of USA.INC. I believe that Trump already knows that we haven't had a Republic since 1933 and that the banking oligarchs have controlled this country since 1871. We are not under the Constitution, we are under the Universal Commercial Code and admiralty law. You can find the corporate entity that is trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body on Dun and Bradstreet...just type in "UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY" in the search engine and click on "District Of Columbia" and you will find a plethora of information. The Supreme Court is even incorporated. We have been soooo lied to about as to what is really going on....makes me sick.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

He will demonstrate how little he knows about the issues

I am TRUMP....people do what I tell them

will not get him very far
That kind of arrogance got your beloved Dear Leader way way too far...well with useful idiots like you.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

He will demonstrate how little he knows about the issues

I am TRUMP....people do what I tell them

will not get him very far
That kind of arrogance got your beloved Dear Leader way way too far...well with useful idiots like you.

But..but...<sob> He did it first
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

I say if Hillary just didn't open her mouth for the whole campaign she would probably still win....

Trump is marginalizing and Hillary is not... Hillary is a center politician with after decades in politics and endless false scandals and accusations has managed to keep it together.

I think the Right will not be able to help themselves this summer and will goto town. This will turn off the the American people in much the way that Benghazi was seen as a witch hunt. Clinton just need to get Trump in a room and ask nice polite questions and watch Trump have a song and dance...

Only the rabid right thinks Hillary is some kind of monster...
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

He will demonstrate how little he knows about the issues

I am TRUMP....people do what I tell them

will not get him very far
Interesting NOTE:

Lefties and other dupes demand that some politicians outline in detail their plans to resolve issues of the day. However, they NEVER demand this of leftist politicians.

Obama won two elections on absurd slogans like the following:
1. "Yes We Can"

2. “Change” versus “More of the Same”

3. "Vote for Change"
4. "Change We Can Believe In"
5. "Our Time for Change"
6. "It's about Time. It's about Change"
7. "Stand for Change"

8. "Organize for Change"
9. “We are the change we’ve been looking for. Change can’t happen without you.”

10. "I’m asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington . I'm asking you to believe in yours."
11. "A leader who can deliver change"
12. "Change in America doesn't start from the top down. It starts from the bottom up."

13. “Obama Momma”

14. "Women for Obama"

15. "Obama for America "

16. "A New Beginning"
17. "Help me take back America "
18. "My President is Black"
19. "Eight [years] is Enough"
20. " America , we cannot turn back. We cannot walk alone."
21. "We must pledge once more to walk into the future."
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

He will demonstrate how little he knows about the issues

I am TRUMP....people do what I tell them

will not get him very far
That kind of arrogance got your beloved Dear Leader way way too far...well with useful idiots like you.

But..but...<sob> He did it first
Well the MSM fawned all over him and you bought the lies and deceptions completely.

Now...the MSM is dumping all over Trump and you are buying the lies and deceptions again.

Do you EVER learn? You are much much too old to be fooled over and over again.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

Trump does not have the level of understanding of the issues that Hillary does

Hillary just has to make sure she does not allow Trump to get her down in the mud like the Republicans did. Just make it clear she is above that level of politics
With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

He will demonstrate how little he knows about the issues

I am TRUMP....people do what I tell them

will not get him very far
That kind of arrogance got your beloved Dear Leader way way too far...well with useful idiots like you.

But..but...<sob> He did it first
Well the MSM fawned all over him and you bought the lies and deceptions completely.

Now...the MSM is dumping all over Trump and you are buying the lies and deceptions again.

Do you EVER learn? You are much much too old to be fooled over and over again.

Donald Trump argues like a five year old

My wife is prettier than your wife
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He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

He will demonstrate how little he knows about the issues

I am TRUMP....people do what I tell them

will not get him very far
That kind of arrogance got your beloved Dear Leader way way too far...well with useful idiots like you.

But..but...<sob> He did it first
Well the MSM fawned all over him and you bought the lies and deceptions completely.

Now...the MSM is dumping all over Trump and you are buying the lies and deceptions again.

Do you EVER learn? You are much much too old to be fooled over and over again.

My wife is prettier than your wife
Doubt it.

My wife looks like this woman...only prettier and with bigger tatas.
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He will demonstrate how little he knows about the issues

I am TRUMP....people do what I tell them

will not get him very far
That kind of arrogance got your beloved Dear Leader way way too far...well with useful idiots like you.

But..but...<sob> He did it first
Well the MSM fawned all over him and you bought the lies and deceptions completely.

Now...the MSM is dumping all over Trump and you are buying the lies and deceptions again.

Do you EVER learn? You are much much too old to be fooled over and over again.

My wife is prettier than your wife
Doubt it.

My wife looks like this women...only prettier and with bigger tatas.
He was pointing to the chldish absurdity of trump behaving in such a way fuckin stepped right in it, ya dip. Shocker!
That kind of arrogance got your beloved Dear Leader way way too far...well with useful idiots like you.

But..but...<sob> He did it first
Well the MSM fawned all over him and you bought the lies and deceptions completely.

Now...the MSM is dumping all over Trump and you are buying the lies and deceptions again.

Do you EVER learn? You are much much too old to be fooled over and over again.

My wife is prettier than your wife
Doubt it.

My wife looks like this women...only prettier and with bigger tatas.
He was pointing to the chldish absurdity of trump behaving in such a way fuckin stepped right in it, ya dip. Shocker!
Geeze...I was merely playing need to find a sense of humor.
Anderson Cooper tells Donald Trump he argues like 'a five-year-old'

Cooper asked Trump about his ongoing feud with rival Ted Cruz, which started after an anti-Trump super PAC circulated a racy image of Trump's wife, Melania. Trump later retweeted an image of Melania next to Cruz's wife, Heidi, in what Cooper called an "unflattering" pose. Trump said he thought the photo of Heidi was "nice," and when pressed by Cooper, said, "I didn't start it."

Cooper responded by telling the Republican frontrunner "with all due respect, that's the argument of a five-year-old,

I saw that last night. I quickly realized why there were none of his “loyalty battalions” on here defending it. About 5 minutes later he said that healthcare was a function of the Federal government…which is exactly what these losers have been bitching about for the past 8 years or so.
Sonny Clark pro universal healthcare now? Youuuuu betchya!
I'm 110% pro "affordable healthcare" for every single U.S. citizen, without exception. We're presently forced to concede to, and abide by, the corrupt healthcare industry, which includes pharmaceuticals, hospitals, labs, clinics, doctors, health insurance companies, and medical technicians. We have no choice other than to seek medical treatment or die.

The necessities of life are food, water, shelter, clothing, and proper healthcare. ( ** transportation has become a necessity when looking at the big picture )

Without exception, the major issue in the healthcare industry is "Price Gouging". It's beyond sensible reasoning to expect the general public to pay $1,800 a day for a tiny filthy hospital room. Hospitals charge $5.00 for a single aspirin. A ten minute conversation with a doctor cost $350, and is considered to be a mere "follow up" office visit, nothing more. A simple blood test consist of 20 or more different tests, and can cost upwards of $2,000. And most of the test are unnecessary. Most of the cost of proper healthcare is nothing more than a scam, a con, and legalized theft.

Regardless of the avenues that must be taken, we need "affordable healthcare", or else continuing down the present path will lead to a national crisis. The government can not afford to continue paying astronomical charges incurred through the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Both programs are infested with fraud and corruption. And, John Q. Public can not continue to pay a major portion of their income for healthcare. Something has to give, and it is vital that it happens sooner rather than later.
But..but...<sob> He did it first
Well the MSM fawned all over him and you bought the lies and deceptions completely.

Now...the MSM is dumping all over Trump and you are buying the lies and deceptions again.

Do you EVER learn? You are much much too old to be fooled over and over again.

My wife is prettier than your wife
Doubt it.

My wife looks like this women...only prettier and with bigger tatas.
He was pointing to the chldish absurdity of trump behaving in such a way fuckin stepped right in it, ya dip. Shocker!
Geeze...I was merely playing need to find a sense of humor.
Oh stoppit, my sense of humor is dollars not sense.
Anderson Cooper tells Donald Trump he argues like 'a five-year-old'

Cooper asked Trump about his ongoing feud with rival Ted Cruz, which started after an anti-Trump super PAC circulated a racy image of Trump's wife, Melania. Trump later retweeted an image of Melania next to Cruz's wife, Heidi, in what Cooper called an "unflattering" pose. Trump said he thought the photo of Heidi was "nice," and when pressed by Cooper, said, "I didn't start it."

Cooper responded by telling the Republican frontrunner "with all due respect, that's the argument of a five-year-old,

I saw that last night. I quickly realized why there were none of his “loyalty battalions” on here defending it. About 5 minutes later he said that healthcare was a function of the Federal government…which is exactly what these losers have been bitching about for the past 8 years or so.
Sonny Clark pro universal healthcare now? Youuuuu betchya!
I'm 110% pro "affordable healthcare" for every single U.S. citizen, without exception. We're presently forced to concede to, and abide by, the corrupt healthcare industry, which includes pharmaceuticals, hospitals, labs, clinics, doctors, health insurance companies, and medical technicians. We have no choice other than to seek medical treatment or die.

The necessities of life are food, water, shelter, clothing, and proper healthcare. ( ** transportation has become a necessity when looking at the big picture )

Without exception, the major issue in the healthcare industry is "Price Gouging". It's beyond sensible reasoning to expect the general public to pay $1,800 a day for a tiny filthy hospital room. Hospitals charge $5.00 for a single aspirin. A ten minute conversation with a doctor cost $350, and is considered to be a mere "follow up" office visit, nothing more. A simple blood test consist of 20 or more different tests, and can cost upwards of $2,000. And most of the test are unnecessary. Most of the cost of proper healthcare is nothing more than a scam, a con, and legalized theft.

Regardless of the avenues that must be taken, we need "affordable healthcare", or else continuing down the present path will lead to a national crisis. The government can not afford to continue paying astronomical charges incurred through the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Both programs are infested with fraud and corruption. And, John Q. Public can not continue to pay a major portion of their income for healthcare. Something has to give, and it is vital that it happens sooner rather than later.
You coulda just said "yupp, got me, im not conservative on the issue of healthcare," and saved the walloftext for anyone who is also gullible enough to vote for don king for president of the united states......and might get some knowledge out of the wall.
Anderson Cooper tells Donald Trump he argues like 'a five-year-old'

Cooper asked Trump about his ongoing feud with rival Ted Cruz, which started after an anti-Trump super PAC circulated a racy image of Trump's wife, Melania. Trump later retweeted an image of Melania next to Cruz's wife, Heidi, in what Cooper called an "unflattering" pose. Trump said he thought the photo of Heidi was "nice," and when pressed by Cooper, said, "I didn't start it."

Cooper responded by telling the Republican frontrunner "with all due respect, that's the argument of a five-year-old,
Of course......That’s what everyone is saying. In concert no less. But then again......everyone gets the same response from Hillary and Obama when they're caught doing something wrong. It's always somebody else did it first.
So Trump is on the same level as rightwinger and most of the other left loons on this forum?

Trump seems to be on the same level as the righties actually. Sadly the Republican Party seems to be filled with mostly dumb racist types. Trump has proven that.
Yep......Trump shoved Michelle Fields to the ground because she's black.:afro:
Trump argues like a five year old...

Watch me make up funny names

Ted Cruz: I'm going to call him Lying Ted
Marco Rubio: I'm going to call him Little Marco because he is so small

Leading candidate of the Republican Party
Anderson Cooper tells Donald Trump he argues like 'a five-year-old'

Cooper asked Trump about his ongoing feud with rival Ted Cruz, which started after an anti-Trump super PAC circulated a racy image of Trump's wife, Melania. Trump later retweeted an image of Melania next to Cruz's wife, Heidi, in what Cooper called an "unflattering" pose. Trump said he thought the photo of Heidi was "nice," and when pressed by Cooper, said, "I didn't start it."

Cooper responded by telling the Republican frontrunner "with all due respect, that's the argument of a five-year-old,

I saw that last night. I quickly realized why there were none of his “loyalty battalions” on here defending it. About 5 minutes later he said that healthcare was a function of the Federal government…which is exactly what these losers have been bitching about for the past 8 years or so.
Sonny Clark pro universal healthcare now? Youuuuu betchya!
I'm 110% pro "affordable healthcare" for every single U.S. citizen, without exception. We're presently forced to concede to, and abide by, the corrupt healthcare industry, which includes pharmaceuticals, hospitals, labs, clinics, doctors, health insurance companies, and medical technicians. We have no choice other than to seek medical treatment or die.

The necessities of life are food, water, shelter, clothing, and proper healthcare. ( ** transportation has become a necessity when looking at the big picture )

Without exception, the major issue in the healthcare industry is "Price Gouging". It's beyond sensible reasoning to expect the general public to pay $1,800 a day for a tiny filthy hospital room. Hospitals charge $5.00 for a single aspirin. A ten minute conversation with a doctor cost $350, and is considered to be a mere "follow up" office visit, nothing more. A simple blood test consist of 20 or more different tests, and can cost upwards of $2,000. And most of the test are unnecessary. Most of the cost of proper healthcare is nothing more than a scam, a con, and legalized theft.

Regardless of the avenues that must be taken, we need "affordable healthcare", or else continuing down the present path will lead to a national crisis. The government can not afford to continue paying astronomical charges incurred through the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Both programs are infested with fraud and corruption. And, John Q. Public can not continue to pay a major portion of their income for healthcare. Something has to give, and it is vital that it happens sooner rather than later.
You coulda just said "yupp, got me, im not conservative on the issue of healthcare," and saved the walloftext for anyone who is also gullible enough to vote for don king for president of the united states......and might get some knowledge out of the wall.
Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me.

Just curious, do you have a problem with explanations when you ask a question, or make a statement about someone?
Yes, I do support Trump, but do not support Don King. Don King is a salesman, promoter, and con artist. He also has ridiculous hair.

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