Trump and the great Washington Riverboat movie.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
What makes Trump so dangerous to Washington is that he is like a professional poker player that sits down at a card table on a riverboat where everyone is cheating, and he is not shy about point it out. In fact, he ran on exposing all the cards the players had up their sleeves. The Washington Riverboat game has been going on for a long time and supporters of the game have all been getting their cut of the take. Trump keeps sounding the alert that the real losers are the middle class whose pockets were robbed by the cheaters to stack their chips. No one in the rigged game wants an honest game, so they are trying to get the sharp new whistle blower out and they will stop at nothing to do it.

Trump won the first game and got elected because the peoples’ suspicions were confirmed, and they were now hip to the fact that the game was rigged. Players like Joe Biden have others working with them to steal money. They use family members and in-laws to collect bribed booty and stash it until their cut is meted out. The local newspaper in the town on the river is in on the scam so it ignores reports of the corruption going on and assists the cheaters in defaming the new player.

The town’s newspaper along with corrupted sheriff’s deputies cobbles together all kinds of fanciful tales about the new player and his connections to outlanders that threaten the Ponzi traditions of the riverboat town. Some of the people are hopping mad at the new player because he is pointing out their stupidity at being cheated and doing nothing about it.

The disturbing sight of a drooling delusional local like Keith Olbermann or a foul-mouthed washed up town celebrity like Robert De Niro, conjures up images of dogs trained to attack Negros in the segregated south during the 1960’s. There is a hateful backlash against the new player because the game and the scheme behind the game is everything to them in their ignorance. Their world of swindles and confidence games is coming unraveled because of the new player and they haunt the streets in salivating derangement unable to come to grips with what was right in front of them all along.

The town is in a frenzy with many saying they do not care if the cheater Biden wins the game because they just hate the new player!

The people are beginning to realize how corrupt elected politicians and Washington is. They sell out the American people to foreign countries to line their own pockets. They break the very laws they pass with immunity while the corrupt DOJ and FBI look the other way and the news media cheers them on.
You Idiot's live in Fantasy Land!!!

Trump Increased Government, Government Control, Government Spending, Deficit's, Debt, China Trade, US - China Trade Deficit, Crime, Business failures, Job Loss, Violent Crime, Mass Shootings, Job Loss, Death & Deficits.
What makes Trump so dangerous to Washington is that he is like a professional poker player that sits down at a card table on a riverboat where everyone is cheating, and he is not shy about point it out. In fact, he ran on exposing all the cards the players had up their sleeves. The Washington Riverboat game has been going on for a long time and supporters of the game have all been getting their cut of the take. Trump keeps sounding the alert that the real losers are the middle class whose pockets were robbed by the cheaters to stack their chips. No one in the rigged game wants an honest game, so they are trying to get the sharp new whistle blower out and they will stop at nothing to do it.

Trump won the first game and got elected because the peoples’ suspicions were confirmed, and they were now hip to the fact that the game was rigged. Players like Joe Biden have others working with them to steal money. They use family members and in-laws to collect bribed booty and stash it until their cut is meted out. The local newspaper in the town on the river is in on the scam so it ignores reports of the corruption going on and assists the cheaters in defaming the new player.

The town’s newspaper along with corrupted sheriff’s deputies cobbles together all kinds of fanciful tales about the new player and his connections to outlanders that threaten the Ponzi traditions of the riverboat town. Some of the people are hopping mad at the new player because he is pointing out their stupidity at being cheated and doing nothing about it.

The disturbing sight of a drooling delusional local like Keith Olbermann or a foul-mouthed washed up town celebrity like Robert De Niro, conjures up images of dogs trained to attack Negros in the segregated south during the 1960’s. There is a hateful backlash against the new player because the game and the scheme behind the game is everything to them in their ignorance. Their world of swindles and confidence games is coming unraveled because of the new player and they haunt the streets in salivating derangement unable to come to grips with what was right in front of them all along.

The town is in a frenzy with many saying they do not care if the cheater Biden wins the game because they just hate the new player!

So well described, and obviously by a true American patriot.
Sounds like that river boat is sinking quick.
You Idiot's live in Fantasy Land!!!

Trump Increased Government, Government Control, Government Spending, Deficit's, Debt, China Trade, US - China Trade Deficit, Crime, Business failures, Job Loss, Violent Crime, Mass Shootings, Job Loss, Death & Deficits.
I despise equally- so, can you point out what your Saints (Demopublicans and Republicrats) have done to thwart, or repeal, or stop what the OP/OT really says?

Personally, I wonder had a Demopublican won the last election would he/she/it have done any differently than "Orange man Bad"? Didn't Demopublicans have the opportunity to counter all you list when the half black guy was anointed with the crown of Sainthood? Would the Queen of Drunk corrupters have better suited your beliefs, i.e., all you pointed out-

I suspect the TDS is due to - well, TDS- in case you hadn't noticed, all you list increases EVERY FUCKING YEAR- no matter who POTUS is or what political stripe is worn- and, as everyone knows, Demopublicans and Republicrats are always for something before they're against something- they're for it when it's their turn and against it (according to sound bites and MSM) when it's the *other* sides turn-

ANYONE who believes differently is willfully blind - the results speak for themselves- EVERY FUCKING YEAR.
You Idiot's live in Fantasy Land!!!

Trump Increased Government, Government Control, Government Spending, Deficit's, Debt, China Trade, US - China Trade Deficit, Crime, Business failures, Job Loss, Violent Crime, Mass Shootings, Job Loss, Death & Deficits.
Lie . Thats what you do . Are you an american or are you a Democrat?
What makes Trump so dangerous to Washington is that he is like a professional poker player that sits down at a card table on a riverboat where everyone is cheating, and he is not shy about point it out. In fact, he ran on exposing all the cards the players had up their sleeves. The Washington Riverboat game has been going on for a long time and supporters of the game have all been getting their cut of the take. Trump keeps sounding the alert that the real losers are the middle class whose pockets were robbed by the cheaters to stack their chips. No one in the rigged game wants an honest game, so they are trying to get the sharp new whistle blower out and they will stop at nothing to do it.

Trump won the first game and got elected because the peoples’ suspicions were confirmed, and they were now hip to the fact that the game was rigged. Players like Joe Biden have others working with them to steal money. They use family members and in-laws to collect bribed booty and stash it until their cut is meted out. The local newspaper in the town on the river is in on the scam so it ignores reports of the corruption going on and assists the cheaters in defaming the new player.

The town’s newspaper along with corrupted sheriff’s deputies cobbles together all kinds of fanciful tales about the new player and his connections to outlanders that threaten the Ponzi traditions of the riverboat town. Some of the people are hopping mad at the new player because he is pointing out their stupidity at being cheated and doing nothing about it.

The disturbing sight of a drooling delusional local like Keith Olbermann or a foul-mouthed washed up town celebrity like Robert De Niro, conjures up images of dogs trained to attack Negros in the segregated south during the 1960’s. There is a hateful backlash against the new player because the game and the scheme behind the game is everything to them in their ignorance. Their world of swindles and confidence games is coming unraveled because of the new player and they haunt the streets in salivating derangement unable to come to grips with what was right in front of them all along.

The town is in a frenzy with many saying they do not care if the cheater Biden wins the game because they just hate the new player!

that was hilarious
The sad part of the riverboat analogy is the depth to which the corruption goes. The FBI has had the Biden laptop for months yet it made a calculated decision to keep it under wraps with the probable intention of deep-sixing it to shield the status quo.

Without the foresight of the repair shop owner to make copies of the hard drive, it would have been his word against the machinery of intelligence platforms aligned against Trump. The ridiculous assertion about Russian disinformation would have held sway into infinity.

Trump exposed the deep state as a real entity not a conspiracy theory and both houses of Congress have a lot of explaining to do which will never occur if he is defeated.
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