Trump/America Continues To Win: As promised, Pfizer Announzes 90% Successful Virus Vaccine Effectiveness federal dollars went to Pfizer. 0

All they got was a guarantee that the vaccine would be purchased if successful.

If they develop a vaccine, they get $1.95 billion. So they are going to get federal money, using their own R&D money should be the wish for every American. $1.95 billion payoff is a great incentive for developing a vaccine is it not?
Sure it is. But then do you think they wouldn’t have a market for a successful vaccine in a worldwide pandemic?

Then they really didn't need an incentive did they, but they got a guarantee, which is what they wanted.
What right does a TV program that we pay for on cable have to promote Prog politics?

You are free to turn the channel. Furthermore no one is requiring you to purchase cable.

Say Late Night Talk Shows on the major networks. Someone bringing some weapons and blowing them away would be funny. No tragedy.

Fascist Dreams of the Rabid Riggggggght. Fundamentally denying the victims of the right to life, with no due process. The essence of the "Pseudo-Law and Order" crowd.
What we see is so far different then what is spoken. those who listen to you will end up dead. You yourselves do not go into areas of your brother Prog groups. Law and Order is something some say. I am not all of one side or not on this issue. I am in the middle somewhere. And you will not find satisfaction on something that should have been dealt with many decades ago. But somehow came up during election year. You must make restitution for those still alive and screwed over by anyone of the power fiefdoms. Allowing anyone to file a complaint from the past and for it to be investigated. All pensions and benefits must be readjusted to those who have done wrong. You will find this on both sides. And many people and their families were affected by it. Transgressions in our nation are numerous. And by all groups.
You're absolutely right. Never mind that President Trump immediately mobilized every American pharmaceutical company to come up with a vaccine, right after we were hit by the CHICOM virus.
Pfizer wasn't part of Warp Speed. They've been working on their vaccine since March.
Pfizer wanted no part of the Trump project...and took no money to work on this. They partnered with a German company

Once again,

"Pfizer was the only US drug company to not accept money for research and development of the vaccine. They did, however, strike a $1.95 billion contract with the government...

... The pharmaceutical giant did issue a statement clarifying that it is in fact ‘one of various vaccine manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed’"

"Pfizer was among the companies that began working with the Administration beginning in March, followed by an investment of $1.95 billion announced in July to support large-scale manufacturing and distribution of 100 million doses of Pfizer’s vaccine candidate to the American people free of charge. "

Pfizer U-turns at warp speed | Spectator USA
Pfizer took no Federal funds ...agreed to sell their product...that is all

Wrong. The money was already given to Pfizer:

"Operation Warp Speed funding Under the OWS program, the U.S. government has invested about $10 billion in six vaccine candidates. The government has paid AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, and Novavax about $1.2 billion, $1.53 billion, $1.95 billion, and $1.6 billion as part of the OWS program, respectively. "

Operation Warp Speed Has Invested Billions in Potential COVID-19 Vaccines.
From your own link above

The deal was that the Trump administration would give Pfizer $1.95 billion for 100 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine if it was completed by the end of the year. The New York Times described the partnership as ‘part of what the White House calls the Warp Speed project’ in July. Pfizer also said at the time that they did not accept federal funding for research and development because they thought dealing with government contracts would slow down their progress. Declining government funds at that time was thus more strategic than principled. The company, of course, would still feel comfortable sinking its own money into development knowing that the government had agreed to purchase its product regardless of if other vaccines became available in the meantime.

There were NO US Federal funds used in the research and development of the vaccine.

They were given a guarantee of purchase if they developed a vaccine.

That's a no brainer

If I promised to give you $1950 to figure out why I had a drip in my utility room faucet, that would be a pre-paid expenditure. A promissory disbursement is just as good as money already spent.

So yes, Pfizer was operating in conjunction with President Trump's Operation Warp Speed.
Yes, they are being very dishonest, which is not a good look for a company that most of America is going to trust to inject them.
So, again, due to President Trump's working with the medical / pharma / military industries, as promised, there is a COVID-19 vaccine that will be out by the end of this year. The attempt by the snowflakes to give the President any credit for what has been accomplished in record time under his leadership / administration is pathetic as hell.

Were I Trump, for their undermining and fear-mongering, the only way I would give the Democrats (Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Cuomo) the vaccine is if they either A) apologized to the American people, gave credit to the President, and admitted the vaccine is safe, or pay $1 MIILLION each to go towards the purchase / funding of giving the vaccine to Americans for free.
I think they all know that they are lying.
So, again, due to President Trump's working with the medical / pharma / military industries, as promised, there is a COVID-19 vaccine that will be out by the end of this year. The attempt by the snowflakes to give the President any credit for what has been accomplished in record time under his leadership / administration is pathetic as hell.

Were I Trump, for their undermining and fear-mongering, the only way I would give the Democrats (Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Cuomo) the vaccine is if they either A) apologized to the American people, gave credit to the President, and admitted the vaccine is safe, or pay $1 MIILLION each to go towards the purchase / funding of giving the vaccine to Americans for free.
So, again, due to President Trump's working with the medical / pharma / military industries, as promised, there is a COVID-19 vaccine that will be out by the end of this year. The attempt by the snowflakes to give the President any credit for what has been accomplished in record time under his leadership / administration is pathetic as hell.

Were I Trump, for their undermining and fear-mongering, the only way I would give the Democrats (Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Cuomo) the vaccine is if they either A) apologized to the American people, gave credit to the President, and admitted the vaccine is safe, or pay $1 MIILLION each to go towards the purchase / funding of giving the vaccine to Americans for free.

Liar, try spouting facts and not BS memes.

FTA: But it was not accurate for Pfizer to suggest that it is operating entirely apart from Operation Warp Speed; the company has a major agreement to sell at least 100 million doses of its vaccine to the federal government, and Pfizer acknowledged in a Monday statement to CNN that it is in fact "participating" in Operation Warp Speed through this deal.

FTA: Three experts told CNN that this purchase promise may have played an important role in expediting Pfizer's vaccine development process.

FTA:pfizer spokesperson Sharon Castillo provided a statement that said the company is indeed part of Operation Warp Speed.
"Pfizer is one of various vaccine manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed as a supplier of a potential COVID-19 vaccine," Castillo said in an email.

Try being honest for once. The government incentivized the R&D for Pfizer to develop the vaccine.
So, again, due to President Trump's working with the medical / pharma / military industries, as promised, there is a COVID-19 vaccine that will be out by the end of this year. The attempt by the snowflakes to give the President any credit for what has been accomplished in record time under his leadership / administration is pathetic as hell.

Were I Trump, for their undermining and fear-mongering, the only way I would give the Democrats (Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Cuomo) the vaccine is if they either A) apologized to the American people, gave credit to the President, and admitted the vaccine is safe, or pay $1 MIILLION each to go towards the purchase / funding of giving the vaccine to Americans for free.

Liar, try spouting facts and not BS memes.

FTA: But it was not accurate for Pfizer to suggest that it is operating entirely apart from Operation Warp Speed; the company has a major agreement to sell at least 100 million doses of its vaccine to the federal government, and Pfizer acknowledged in a Monday statement to CNN that it is in fact "participating" in Operation Warp Speed through this deal.

FTA: Three experts told CNN that this purchase promise may have played an important role in expediting Pfizer's vaccine development process.

FTA:pfizer spokesperson Sharon Castillo provided a statement that said the company is indeed part of Operation Warp Speed.
"Pfizer is one of various vaccine manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed as a supplier of a potential COVID-19 vaccine," Castillo said in an email.

Try being honest for once. The government incentivized the R&D for Pfizer to develop the vaccine.
No he didn't you pathetic lying fuck.
You fucking liar.

I love you guys. You're fucking hillarious.

Mr Trump indicated that he knew more about the severity of the illness than he had said publicly.
According to a tape of the call, Mr Trump told Mr Woodward in February that the coronavirus was deadlier than the flu.
"It goes through the air," Mr Trump told the author on 7 February.
"That's always tougher than the touch. You don't have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that's how it's passed.
"And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flus."

They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
So, in other words, you would have done nothing different if Trump told you this is serious, kiss your children and brace yourselves.

So what he did was give us light at the end of the tunnel, make us aware our leaders are on top of it and follow CDC guidelines...

Sort of what a smart leader would do.

But that was not good enough.

It's not about people who had enough sense to not listen to the big old orange turdball.

What he did was to whine about how the Democrats were being mean to him again and making up another Hoax with the new virus.

You might consider that a smart move. I don't.
Name calling sort of diminishes the impact of your posts. Just an FYI....

What he did was have daily press briefings for an hour a day informing us of the situation.

I know....Biden will do better. An hour and 5 minute press briefings a day.

Oh please, I tease the poor poor Trumpybear. He's said a lot worse about way better people than getting called a colorful Turdball.

He used the daily press briefing to attack his opponents not to inform the public about the virus.

I believe Biden will delegate authority better that old Trumpybear.
So he had daily briefings on the virus but they were only held so he can hide the virus from the public.

Got it.
Nope, you don't. He didn't inform anyone. He pissed and moaned and whined and complained like the little bitch he is, and then when people didn't like it, he cancelled them.
Curious...what did he NOT say that he should have...and exactly how would that have changed how you handled yourself with COVID?
Is this some kinda sick joke?
What right does a TV program that we pay for on cable have to promote Prog politics?

You are free to turn the channel. Furthermore no one is requiring you to purchase cable.

Say Late Night Talk Shows on the major networks. Someone bringing some weapons and blowing them away would be funny. No tragedy.

Fascist Dreams of the Rabid Riggggggght. Fundamentally denying the victims of the right to life, with no due process. The essence of the "Pseudo-Law and Order" crowd.
What we see is so far different then what is spoken. those who listen to you will end up dead. You yourselves do not go into areas of your brother Prog groups. Law and Order is something some say. I am not all of one side or not on this issue. I am in the middle somewhere. And you will not find satisfaction on something that should have been dealt with many decades ago. But somehow came up during election year. You must make restitution for those still alive and screwed over by anyone of the power fiefdoms. Allowing anyone to file a complaint from the past and for it to be investigated. All pensions and benefits must be readjusted to those who have done wrong. You will find this on both sides. And many people and their families were affected by it. Transgressions in our nation are numerous. And by all groups.

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
So, again, due to President Trump's working with the medical / pharma / military industries, as promised, there is a COVID-19 vaccine that will be out by the end of this year. The attempt by the snowflakes to give the President any credit for what has been accomplished in record time under his leadership / administration is pathetic as hell.

Were I Trump, for their undermining and fear-mongering, the only way I would give the Democrats (Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Cuomo) the vaccine is if they either A) apologized to the American people, gave credit to the President, and admitted the vaccine is safe, or pay $1 MIILLION each to go towards the purchase / funding of giving the vaccine to Americans for free.

Liar, try spouting facts and not BS memes.

FTA: But it was not accurate for Pfizer to suggest that it is operating entirely apart from Operation Warp Speed; the company has a major agreement to sell at least 100 million doses of its vaccine to the federal government, and Pfizer acknowledged in a Monday statement to CNN that it is in fact "participating" in Operation Warp Speed through this deal.

FTA: Three experts told CNN that this purchase promise may have played an important role in expediting Pfizer's vaccine development process.

FTA:pfizer spokesperson Sharon Castillo provided a statement that said the company is indeed part of Operation Warp Speed.
"Pfizer is one of various vaccine manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed as a supplier of a potential COVID-19 vaccine," Castillo said in an email.

Try being honest for once. The government incentivized the R&D for Pfizer to develop the vaccine.

You are not very intelligent or you didn't read the stories, you lied get over it and move on. The $1.9 billion that they are guaranteed was the reason they did the R&D to develop the vaccine, my article has Pfizer admitting they were part of Operation Warp Speed.

Either dispute the CNN article or not, I really don't care. You can continue to lie and deny, it just shows how dumb and ignorant you want to be.
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
So, in other words, you would have done nothing different if Trump told you this is serious, kiss your children and brace yourselves.

So what he did was give us light at the end of the tunnel, make us aware our leaders are on top of it and follow CDC guidelines...

Sort of what a smart leader would do.

But that was not good enough.

It's not about people who had enough sense to not listen to the big old orange turdball.

What he did was to whine about how the Democrats were being mean to him again and making up another Hoax with the new virus.

You might consider that a smart move. I don't.
Name calling sort of diminishes the impact of your posts. Just an FYI....

What he did was have daily press briefings for an hour a day informing us of the situation.

I know....Biden will do better. An hour and 5 minute press briefings a day.

Oh please, I tease the poor poor Trumpybear. He's said a lot worse about way better people than getting called a colorful Turdball.

He used the daily press briefing to attack his opponents not to inform the public about the virus.

I believe Biden will delegate authority better that old Trumpybear.
So he had daily briefings on the virus but they were only held so he can hide the virus from the public.

Got it.
Nope, you don't. He didn't inform anyone. He pissed and moaned and whined and complained like the little bitch he is, and then when people didn't like it, he cancelled them.
Curious...what did he NOT say that he should have...and exactly how would that have changed how you handled yourself with COVID?
Is this some kinda sick joke?
empty response. Basic simple question. What would any of you do if Trump said "this is serious....we all may something"

What would anyone have done differently?
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
So, in other words, you would have done nothing different if Trump told you this is serious, kiss your children and brace yourselves.

So what he did was give us light at the end of the tunnel, make us aware our leaders are on top of it and follow CDC guidelines...

Sort of what a smart leader would do.

But that was not good enough.

It's not about people who had enough sense to not listen to the big old orange turdball.

What he did was to whine about how the Democrats were being mean to him again and making up another Hoax with the new virus.

You might consider that a smart move. I don't.
Name calling sort of diminishes the impact of your posts. Just an FYI....

What he did was have daily press briefings for an hour a day informing us of the situation.

I know....Biden will do better. An hour and 5 minute press briefings a day.

Oh please, I tease the poor poor Trumpybear. He's said a lot worse about way better people than getting called a colorful Turdball.

He used the daily press briefing to attack his opponents not to inform the public about the virus.

I believe Biden will delegate authority better that old Trumpybear.
So he had daily briefings on the virus but they were only held so he can hide the virus from the public.

Got it.
Nope, you don't. He didn't inform anyone. He pissed and moaned and whined and complained like the little bitch he is, and then when people didn't like it, he cancelled them.
Curious...what did he NOT say that he should have...and exactly how would that have changed how you handled yourself with COVID?
Is this some kinda sick joke?
empty response. Basic simple question. What would any of you do if Trump said "this is serious....we all may something"

What would anyone have done differently?

We'll never know how many people would have acted different or how many lives could have been saved, because Trumpybear lied to most all Americans about the virus.
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.

And yet most of the deaths occurred in blue States where the Democrats were in control. Go figure
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
So, in other words, you would have done nothing different if Trump told you this is serious, kiss your children and brace yourselves.

So what he did was give us light at the end of the tunnel, make us aware our leaders are on top of it and follow CDC guidelines...

Sort of what a smart leader would do.

But that was not good enough.

It's not about people who had enough sense to not listen to the big old orange turdball.

What he did was to whine about how the Democrats were being mean to him again and making up another Hoax with the new virus.

You might consider that a smart move. I don't.
Name calling sort of diminishes the impact of your posts. Just an FYI....

What he did was have daily press briefings for an hour a day informing us of the situation.

I know....Biden will do better. An hour and 5 minute press briefings a day.

Oh please, I tease the poor poor Trumpybear. He's said a lot worse about way better people than getting called a colorful Turdball.

He used the daily press briefing to attack his opponents not to inform the public about the virus.

I believe Biden will delegate authority better that old Trumpybear.
So he had daily briefings on the virus but they were only held so he can hide the virus from the public.

Got it.
Nope, you don't. He didn't inform anyone. He pissed and moaned and whined and complained like the little bitch he is, and then when people didn't like it, he cancelled them.
Curious...what did he NOT say that he should have...and exactly how would that have changed how you handled yourself with COVID?
Is this some kinda sick joke?
empty response. Basic simple question. What would any of you do if Trump said "this is serious....we all may something"

What would anyone have done differently?

We'll never know how many people would have acted different or how many lives could have been saved, because Trumpybear lied to most all Americans about the virus.

Yes, in fact Trump created the virus going under cover in a Chinese lab as an intern to unleash it. He jumped out of a plane without a parachute so he didn't draw attention of the Chinese government. Ran to the coast living by saving his urine and using it to cool himself. Then he swamp across the pacific ocean.

One question. Have you ever had a psychological makeup done? You should seriously consider it. Then again, probably you're not really that nuts, you're just a bad person politicizing a virus
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
So, in other words, you would have done nothing different if Trump told you this is serious, kiss your children and brace yourselves.

So what he did was give us light at the end of the tunnel, make us aware our leaders are on top of it and follow CDC guidelines...

Sort of what a smart leader would do.

But that was not good enough.

It's not about people who had enough sense to not listen to the big old orange turdball.

What he did was to whine about how the Democrats were being mean to him again and making up another Hoax with the new virus.

You might consider that a smart move. I don't.
Name calling sort of diminishes the impact of your posts. Just an FYI....

What he did was have daily press briefings for an hour a day informing us of the situation.

I know....Biden will do better. An hour and 5 minute press briefings a day.

Oh please, I tease the poor poor Trumpybear. He's said a lot worse about way better people than getting called a colorful Turdball.

He used the daily press briefing to attack his opponents not to inform the public about the virus.

I believe Biden will delegate authority better that old Trumpybear.
So he had daily briefings on the virus but they were only held so he can hide the virus from the public.

Got it.
Nope, you don't. He didn't inform anyone. He pissed and moaned and whined and complained like the little bitch he is, and then when people didn't like it, he cancelled them.
Curious...what did he NOT say that he should have...and exactly how would that have changed how you handled yourself with COVID?
Is this some kinda sick joke?
empty response. Basic simple question. What would any of you do if Trump said "this is serious....we all may something"

What would anyone have done differently?

We'll never know how many people would have acted different or how many lives could have been saved, because Trumpybear lied to most all Americans about the virus.

But you didn't say HOW they would have acted differently.

In my town....6 foot distancing mandatory and laid out on common place floors. Masks? mandatory. Schools? Closed but this semester open with certain precautions. Gyms? Closed. Restaurants? Outdoor dining only and then 25% indoor capacity. Malls? Closed.

And I am in South Carolina. Certainly not governed by a liberal.

So what would people have done differently if Trump went n the direction of "this is really fucking bad and many of you will lose grandparents, parents and children"?
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
So, in other words, you would have done nothing different if Trump told you this is serious, kiss your children and brace yourselves.

So what he did was give us light at the end of the tunnel, make us aware our leaders are on top of it and follow CDC guidelines...

Sort of what a smart leader would do.

But that was not good enough.

It's not about people who had enough sense to not listen to the big old orange turdball.

What he did was to whine about how the Democrats were being mean to him again and making up another Hoax with the new virus.

You might consider that a smart move. I don't.
Name calling sort of diminishes the impact of your posts. Just an FYI....

What he did was have daily press briefings for an hour a day informing us of the situation.

I know....Biden will do better. An hour and 5 minute press briefings a day.

There is no way Nancy and Chuckles will let Fingers do an hour and 5 min. On live tv. It would be a comedy show.
One week too late. Lol

What about coming up with a vaccine is 'a week too late'? President Trump mobilized the medical industry (including the military) to come up with a vaccine by year's end ... for the sake of Americans' health. Another promise kept! His promise was not conditional based on winning, scumbag.

Pfizer wasn't part of Warp Speed. They've been working on their vaccine since March.

So Phizer didnt take a massive check from Trump?
Are you retarded or just stupid?
One week too late. Lol

What about coming up with a vaccine is 'a week too late'? President Trump mobilized the medical industry (including the military) to come up with a vaccine by year's end ... for the sake of Americans' health. Another promise kept! His promise was not conditional based on winning, scumbag.

Pfizer wasn't part of Warp Speed. They've been working on their vaccine since March.
This is according to CNN.

FTA: Pfizer spokesperson Sharon Castillo provided a statement that said the company is indeed part of Operation Warp Speed.
"Pfizer is one of various vaccine manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed as a supplier of a potential COVID-19 vaccine," Castillo said in an email.
So, again, due to President Trump's working with the medical / pharma / military industries, as promised, there is a COVID-19 vaccine that will be out by the end of this year. The attempt by the snowflakes to give the President any credit for what has been accomplished in record time under his leadership / administration is pathetic as hell.

Were I Trump, for their undermining and fear-mongering, the only way I would give the Democrats (Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Cuomo) the vaccine is if they either A) apologized to the American people, gave credit to the President, and admitted the vaccine is safe, or pay $1 MIILLION each to go towards the purchase / funding of giving the vaccine to Americans for free.

Liar, try spouting facts and not BS memes.

FTA: But it was not accurate for Pfizer to suggest that it is operating entirely apart from Operation Warp Speed; the company has a major agreement to sell at least 100 million doses of its vaccine to the federal government, and Pfizer acknowledged in a Monday statement to CNN that it is in fact "participating" in Operation Warp Speed through this deal.

FTA: Three experts told CNN that this purchase promise may have played an important role in expediting Pfizer's vaccine development process.

FTA:pfizer spokesperson Sharon Castillo provided a statement that said the company is indeed part of Operation Warp Speed.
"Pfizer is one of various vaccine manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed as a supplier of a potential COVID-19 vaccine," Castillo said in an email.

Try being honest for once. The government incentivized the R&D for Pfizer to develop the vaccine.

You are not very intelligent or you didn't read the stories, you lied get over it and move on. The $1.9 billion that they are guaranteed was the reason they did the R&D to develop the vaccine, my article has Pfizer admitting they were part of Operation Warp Speed.

Either dispute the CNN article or not, I really don't care. You can continue to lie and deny, it just shows how dumb and ignorant you want to be.
an agreement to purchase is separate from operation warp speed.

read the cnn article..

It's true that Pfizer, unlike some other pharmaceutical companies, did not accept federal money for research into a coronavirus vaccine. Pfizer, unlike these competitors, is not getting payments up front even before proving its effort has been successful.

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