Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

Honestly, this is why I am a Republican now. I was ideal before but now I see you are right. The manual labor jobs are leaving America. I suggest current liberals take my advice and become a Republican personally because our fantasy of a perfect country is just that. A fantasy.

We are never going to solve poverty with a population explosion happening in the poor communities. Poor people need to stop having so many children. People who have kids need to be prepared to help raise those kids and be able to help them so that when they grow up they can be an engineer or pilot or doctor. People who don't want those things should stop breeding.

Anyone who's poor getting gov cheese and didn't vote should get their benefits or entitlements taken away from them. You and I spend all this time and energy arguing for them and they don't even bother to vote? I give up
You can still be a Dem and want those things you want Why become a publican and feel dirty all the time?
Because I'll be damned if I fight and worry about people who don't care enough to even bother voting

Young people don't mind expensive college. If they did they would have voted.

Black people don't mind being poisoned with lead and shot in the back by cops. If they did they would have voted.

Gays must not want to adopt or stay married

Women must not want the choice.

And even if they wanted it bad enough to vote in 2016 they wouldn't bother to show up in 2018. Democrats are losers. I'm sick of siding with idiots and losers. I'd rather join the greedy party and do what's right by me.

I think Americans deserve the gop. Russians may not have a choice in who their leaders are but we chose this. The poor get what they deserve. Don't vote don't matter.
SEALY I'm gonna do what's right by me and my loved ones AND STILL remain a democrat Yes I was disappointed too Worse than that ,,Tears were shed BUT I"LL BE DAMNED if I get close to republicans much less vote for them
I didn't say I'd vote Republican. I'm just telling people who are gonna be fucked by gopanomics I'm actually someone who won't be hurt by it. So black people, don't expect me to argue that you matter when you don't even vote.

And all the women who want pro choice, don't ask me to protest or write letters, you should have voted. Didn't believe Republicans would actually overturn roe v Wade? I told you so. If you were a good citizen you'd be informed. Why are you so stupid and lazy?

Muslims don't cry when we no longer let you go back and forth and bring your relatives here.

Kids don't cry schools too expensive.

Poor people when you lose your obamacare

Gays shouldn't be allowed to marry or adopt. Many of them are Republicans.

Do you understand even if Democrats win a general election the people they help will ruin it all by not showing up to the next midterms.

It's over. It won't happen. Americans worship Kim kardashian and trump. I'm a Republican now.
Sealy all I have to say to you is imo the true nature of a man shows itself when things are the darkest....Think again AND btw all you say is true Hopefully this loss gives them a reason to not ever miss a vote again

Two things.

1. I hope there is a record turnout In 18

2. I will continue voting Democratic. At least I think I will. What if gopanomics works this time? 46 years experience tells me it won't but they have two years to win me over. In the meantime I plan on taunting black people into voting every time a black is unjustly shot. If they want their opinion to matter vote. Every two years. Dont vote dont cry. Or I will laugh at college kids who cry about the cost. Or I will not sign the petition or protest when they overturn roe v wade. Or when poor people lose their healthcare.
You can still be a Dem and want those things you want Why become a publican and feel dirty all the time?
Because I'll be damned if I fight and worry about people who don't care enough to even bother voting

Young people don't mind expensive college. If they did they would have voted.

Black people don't mind being poisoned with lead and shot in the back by cops. If they did they would have voted.

Gays must not want to adopt or stay married

Women must not want the choice.

And even if they wanted it bad enough to vote in 2016 they wouldn't bother to show up in 2018. Democrats are losers. I'm sick of siding with idiots and losers. I'd rather join the greedy party and do what's right by me.

I think Americans deserve the gop. Russians may not have a choice in who their leaders are but we chose this. The poor get what they deserve. Don't vote don't matter.
SEALY I'm gonna do what's right by me and my loved ones AND STILL remain a democrat Yes I was disappointed too Worse than that ,,Tears were shed BUT I"LL BE DAMNED if I get close to republicans much less vote for them
I didn't say I'd vote Republican. I'm just telling people who are gonna be fucked by gopanomics I'm actually someone who won't be hurt by it. So black people, don't expect me to argue that you matter when you don't even vote.

And all the women who want pro choice, don't ask me to protest or write letters, you should have voted. Didn't believe Republicans would actually overturn roe v Wade? I told you so. If you were a good citizen you'd be informed. Why are you so stupid and lazy?

Muslims don't cry when we no longer let you go back and forth and bring your relatives here.

Kids don't cry schools too expensive.

Poor people when you lose your obamacare

Gays shouldn't be allowed to marry or adopt. Many of them are Republicans.

Do you understand even if Democrats win a general election the people they help will ruin it all by not showing up to the next midterms.

It's over. It won't happen. Americans worship Kim kardashian and trump. I'm a Republican now.
Sealy all I have to say to you is imo the true nature of a man shows itself when things are the darkest....Think again AND btw all you say is true Hopefully this loss gives them a reason to not ever miss a vote again

Two things.

1. I hope there is a record turnout In 18

2. I will continue voting Democratic. At least I think I will. What if gopanomics works this time? 46 years experience tells me it won't but they have two years to win me over. In the meantime I plan on taunting black people into voting every time a black is unjustly shot. If they want their opinion to matter vote. Every two years. Dont vote dont cry. Or I will laugh at college kids who cry about the cost. Or I will not sign the petition or protest when they overturn roe v wade. Or when poor people lose their healthcare.
We need a record they have I believe 8 up for re-election dems have 23 or so
But outsiders are going to win any war if you have no defenses. What, you think China is not engaged in a trade war?
China is continually extending its influence around the Far East and Africa. The Chinese would like to see the Americans erect a tariff barrier so that it can get into markets instead of the Americans.

Because obama ran away the past 8 years...

Just a question how are you going to defend yourself from Russi if they decided to invade?

I do not anticipate Russia invading any European Union country anytime soon.
If Trump weakens the NATO as he threatened to do, it is conceivable that Russia will take the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

I hope he takes your country..not a damn thing you can do about it unless you cry for our help.

Russia is the biggest military power on the continent of Europe.

We can not have "Supply Side Economics" and "Free Trade" in place at the same time and not have Revenue and High Unemployment Problems.

Tariffs were originally set up to help protect American industries by Alexander Hamilton, the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, then leader of the new Republican Party, similarly implemented a 44 percent tariff to protect American industries and generate funds for the war and the construction of railroads. After World War II and during the Cold war, the U.S. government began lowering trade barriers and instituting what is known as Free Trade.

Our flawed Free Trade Policies like the NAFTA,CAFTA,_____________fill in the blank are undemocratic and secretive trade regimes like the World Trade Organization make us a non-Sovereign Country.

Shackled with these disadvantages, America is no longer able to compete economically on the world stage. Our nation is gradually allowing Japan, nations in the European Union and emerging economies in China, India and Brazil to overtake the U.S. as the world's lone economic superpower. Eventually, if all remains the same, NAFTA,CAFTA and the WTO will be responsible for America's complete and total economic downfall. The nation is already well on its way, and without wholesale changes to our flawed economic policy, we will certainly find ourselves being the richest Third World Country.

It is beyond me that all Progressive talk show hosts are not telling their listeners that legislation passed and signed by our Presidents lets the Corporations outsource their jobs to Countries with cheap labor because Tariffs (taxes) on all Imports have been removed by our legislators in Washington,DC.

People have to start asking themselves why didn't the Corporations outsource their jobs to Countries with cheap labor from the 1940's though the 1970's and even before this time frame ------------ because we had 40% Tariffs on all Imports making the cost of any goods coming into our Country from cheap labor Countries equal to the price of goods made in the USA.

We need to demand that our Legislators in Washington,DC who we sent their to represent "We the People" implement high Tariffs on all Imports that would create a Demand in the USA putting our Hard Working Americans back to work paying their fair taxes (revenue) and once again being able to stimulate our economy by purchasing durable goods labeled Made in the USA.

Romney and his Bain Capital buddies are right now outsourcing Hard Working American jobs to China paying only .99/hour in labor because they know they can ship those goods back to the USA without paying any tariffs (taxes) at our border because of our flawed Free Trade Policies (passed by our legislators in Washington,DC who know the reason for our revenue and high unemployment problems) thus making their profits zoom while the Hard Working Americans are being hung to dry.

Wake up Washington --------------- we want our jobs BACK NOW ................
I really don't think we want these unskilled jobs done by workers in China or third world countries for $2/hr back in the US. We have one of the most educated and skilled workforce in the world. We don't need any more crappy jobs in this country, we need good jobs, the kind that American workers excel at.

You can protect American workers with tariffs which reduces competition both for for employees and employers. However, there are always retaliations in the form of tariffs or import restrictions on American exports either from the country targeted by the tariffs or it's trading partners. The protection for American workers you may gain by putting tariffs on imports, you may loose by reduced exports.

It is far better to allow each country to do what they can do best, without the government interference. In America we need to capitalize on what we do well for example aircraft and aerospace manufacturing, electrical appliance and component manufacturing, telecommunications, oil and gas drilling, automation, custom manufacturing, software publishing, research and development, etc..
We can not have "Supply Side Economics" and "Free Trade" in place at the same time and not have Revenue and High Unemployment Problems.

Tariffs were originally set up to help protect American industries by Alexander Hamilton, the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, then leader of the new Republican Party, similarly implemented a 44 percent tariff to protect American industries and generate funds for the war and the construction of railroads. After World War II and during the Cold war, the U.S. government began lowering trade barriers and instituting what is known as Free Trade.

Our flawed Free Trade Policies like the NAFTA,CAFTA,_____________fill in the blank are undemocratic and secretive trade regimes like the World Trade Organization make us a non-Sovereign Country.

Shackled with these disadvantages, America is no longer able to compete economically on the world stage. Our nation is gradually allowing Japan, nations in the European Union and emerging economies in China, India and Brazil to overtake the U.S. as the world's lone economic superpower. Eventually, if all remains the same, NAFTA,CAFTA and the WTO will be responsible for America's complete and total economic downfall. The nation is already well on its way, and without wholesale changes to our flawed economic policy, we will certainly find ourselves being the richest Third World Country.

It is beyond me that all Progressive talk show hosts are not telling their listeners that legislation passed and signed by our Presidents lets the Corporations outsource their jobs to Countries with cheap labor because Tariffs (taxes) on all Imports have been removed by our legislators in Washington,DC.

People have to start asking themselves why didn't the Corporations outsource their jobs to Countries with cheap labor from the 1940's though the 1970's and even before this time frame ------------ because we had 40% Tariffs on all Imports making the cost of any goods coming into our Country from cheap labor Countries equal to the price of goods made in the USA.

We need to demand that our Legislators in Washington,DC who we sent their to represent "We the People" implement high Tariffs on all Imports that would create a Demand in the USA putting our Hard Working Americans back to work paying their fair taxes (revenue) and once again being able to stimulate our economy by purchasing durable goods labeled Made in the USA.

Romney and his Bain Capital buddies are right now outsourcing Hard Working American jobs to China paying only .99/hour in labor because they know they can ship those goods back to the USA without paying any tariffs (taxes) at our border because of our flawed Free Trade Policies (passed by our legislators in Washington,DC who know the reason for our revenue and high unemployment problems) thus making their profits zoom while the Hard Working Americans are being hung to dry.

Wake up Washington --------------- we want our jobs BACK NOW ................
I really don't think we want these unskilled jobs done by workers in China or third world countries for $2/hr back in the US. We have one of the most educated and skilled workforce in the world. We don't need any more crappy jobs in this country, we need good jobs, the kind that American workers excel at.

You can protect American workers with tariffs which reduces competition both for for employees and employers. However, there are always retaliations in the form of tariffs or import restrictions on American exports either from the country targeted by the tariffs or it's trading partners. The protection for American workers you may gain by putting tariffs on imports, you may loose by reduced exports.

It is far better to allow each country to do what they can do best, without the government interference. In America we need to capitalize on what we do well for example aircraft and aerospace manufacturing, electrical appliance and component manufacturing, telecommunications, oil and gas drilling, automation, custom manufacturing, software publishing, research and development, etc..
Good thing we elected Trump then....
So an import tariff? Great, have fun with less jobs.

Go state socialism!

Can you explain how protecting American jobs is going to destroy jobs?

Who does that tariff get passed on to?

The CEO and Shareholders.

You see, if ABC company tries to charge too much we won't buy it. And the truth is, a lot of the savings that companies get from doing business in China aren't always passed on to the consumers. Sometimes the executives take all those savings and give themselves bonus'.

And who benefits? A company that's manufacturing inside the USA.

Fact is, this is what Trump won on. He won by talking tariffs. If you don't think the voters will punish the GOP for not delivering, well, you are probably right. The American people are really dumb and have really short memories. They'll forget. If the GOP aren't telling them every day how bad the economy is and how the debt is a problem, they'll forget.

In fact I can't wait for the GOP to pay off the debt in the next 8 years. Or will they just forget about the debt and double it just like every other administration does. My guess is they will.

The consumer always pays.

The hard truth is American labor will never be competitive with the developing world.
Unless you want to abolish MW and pay $1/hr, tariffs will only drive up prices.

I don't mind paying more for goods if it means our economy works. Do you? Pay an extra $500 for a washing machine? Who cares? Pay an extra $1 for a bag of apples? BFD. Pay $3 a gallon instead of $2? Won't break me. Because our economy will be booming with high paying jobs and opportunity.
I care as anyone would on a fixed income. Increasing prices of products without adding any value is never good. In effect, what is happening is the consumer is being forced to subsidizing the creation of jobs by having to pay higher prices. When this happens, businesses looks for ways to eliminate this unnecessary labor cost for example through automation.
Can you explain how protecting American jobs is going to destroy jobs?

Who does that tariff get passed on to?

The CEO and Shareholders.

You see, if ABC company tries to charge too much we won't buy it. And the truth is, a lot of the savings that companies get from doing business in China aren't always passed on to the consumers. Sometimes the executives take all those savings and give themselves bonus'.

And who benefits? A company that's manufacturing inside the USA.

Fact is, this is what Trump won on. He won by talking tariffs. If you don't think the voters will punish the GOP for not delivering, well, you are probably right. The American people are really dumb and have really short memories. They'll forget. If the GOP aren't telling them every day how bad the economy is and how the debt is a problem, they'll forget.

In fact I can't wait for the GOP to pay off the debt in the next 8 years. Or will they just forget about the debt and double it just like every other administration does. My guess is they will.

The consumer always pays.

The hard truth is American labor will never be competitive with the developing world.
Unless you want to abolish MW and pay $1/hr, tariffs will only drive up prices.

I don't mind paying more for goods if it means our economy works. Do you? Pay an extra $500 for a washing machine? Who cares? Pay an extra $1 for a bag of apples? BFD. Pay $3 a gallon instead of $2? Won't break me. Because our economy will be booming with high paying jobs and opportunity.
I care as anyone would on a fixed income. Increasing prices of products without adding any value is never good. In effect, what is happening is the consumer is being forced to subsidizing the creation of jobs by having to pay higher prices. When this happens, businesses looks for ways to eliminate this unnecessary labor cost for example through automation.
Huh? Inflation is the pain for electing democrats....prepare to suffer mightily....
I notice that Trump has yet to move his manufacturing of goods back into the USA...

Very good point. Since Trump hasn't paid a penny in Federal income tax over the last 18 years--maybe he should start paying a 35% tax on every single job he has created overseas, and on every sale he makes from all the hotels and golf courses he has in foreign countries. Then maybe he'll remember what it feels like to pay taxes.

Threatening American Corporations is really not the way to create job growth. A 35% tax on American products, which would be added to the cost of the product, would only make imported foreign products that much more attractive to American consumers. Here is a great article on this, the impacts of Trump's threats and what they really do. Well worth reading.
Trump warns of “retribution” if companies move jobs out of U.S. – The Denver Post

It's dead on arrival in the Republican congress anyway. They would never agree to taxing American corporations 35%. Nor would they agree to foreign tariffs.
I have no problem with that. I produce fine furnishings in Central America and will gladly raise my prices 40% and still give you a product 300% superior to the shit you idiots in North Carolinastan produce.Still for less out of your pocket.
I have no problem with that. I produce fine furnishings in Central America and will gladly raise my prices 40% and still give you a product 300% superior to the shit you idiots in North Carolinastan produce.Still for less out of your pocket.
View attachment 101024

Tried to PM, but im digging that right there. You got a catalog ? Anyway, I dont see how so many can get so hard ofer the prospect of a trade war. Sure, sinch up your belt and pinch pennies, but thats not what Trump promised and if he does it he wont likely have a second term.
Who does that tariff get passed on to?

The CEO and Shareholders.

You see, if ABC company tries to charge too much we won't buy it. And the truth is, a lot of the savings that companies get from doing business in China aren't always passed on to the consumers. Sometimes the executives take all those savings and give themselves bonus'.

And who benefits? A company that's manufacturing inside the USA.

Fact is, this is what Trump won on. He won by talking tariffs. If you don't think the voters will punish the GOP for not delivering, well, you are probably right. The American people are really dumb and have really short memories. They'll forget. If the GOP aren't telling them every day how bad the economy is and how the debt is a problem, they'll forget.

In fact I can't wait for the GOP to pay off the debt in the next 8 years. Or will they just forget about the debt and double it just like every other administration does. My guess is they will.

The consumer always pays.

The hard truth is American labor will never be competitive with the developing world.
Unless you want to abolish MW and pay $1/hr, tariffs will only drive up prices.

I don't mind paying more for goods if it means our economy works. Do you? Pay an extra $500 for a washing machine? Who cares? Pay an extra $1 for a bag of apples? BFD. Pay $3 a gallon instead of $2? Won't break me. Because our economy will be booming with high paying jobs and opportunity.
I care as anyone would on a fixed income. Increasing prices of products without adding any value is never good. In effect, what is happening is the consumer is being forced to subsidizing the creation of jobs by having to pay higher prices. When this happens, businesses looks for ways to eliminate this unnecessary labor cost for example through automation.
Huh? Inflation is the pain for electing democrats....prepare to suffer mightily....
Let the grown ups talk
The CEO and Shareholders.

You see, if ABC company tries to charge too much we won't buy it. And the truth is, a lot of the savings that companies get from doing business in China aren't always passed on to the consumers. Sometimes the executives take all those savings and give themselves bonus'.

And who benefits? A company that's manufacturing inside the USA.

Fact is, this is what Trump won on. He won by talking tariffs. If you don't think the voters will punish the GOP for not delivering, well, you are probably right. The American people are really dumb and have really short memories. They'll forget. If the GOP aren't telling them every day how bad the economy is and how the debt is a problem, they'll forget.

In fact I can't wait for the GOP to pay off the debt in the next 8 years. Or will they just forget about the debt and double it just like every other administration does. My guess is they will.

The consumer always pays.

The hard truth is American labor will never be competitive with the developing world.
Unless you want to abolish MW and pay $1/hr, tariffs will only drive up prices.

I don't mind paying more for goods if it means our economy works. Do you? Pay an extra $500 for a washing machine? Who cares? Pay an extra $1 for a bag of apples? BFD. Pay $3 a gallon instead of $2? Won't break me. Because our economy will be booming with high paying jobs and opportunity.
I care as anyone would on a fixed income. Increasing prices of products without adding any value is never good. In effect, what is happening is the consumer is being forced to subsidizing the creation of jobs by having to pay higher prices. When this happens, businesses looks for ways to eliminate this unnecessary labor cost for example through automation.
Huh? Inflation is the pain for electing democrats....prepare to suffer mightily....
Let the grown ups talk
We are....go back to the kiddie table please....
not a great situation

Considering trump is a liberal


He's no regressive... in fact he's their worst nightmare, literally. They weep after hearing his name, even.
There will be no weeping Norman IF he brings good jobs back to america if the unemployment rate goes down and folks find more money in their paychecks if he keeps us out of conflicts with other nations reduces our debt gets our gdp up to 4% like he said
The floor is all yours Norman your's and chumps
not a great situation

Considering trump is a liberal


He's no regressive... in fact he's their worst nightmare, literally. They weep after hearing his name, even.
There will be no weeping Norman IF he brings good jobs back to america if the unemployment rate goes down and folks find more money in their paychecks if he keeps us out of conflicts with other nations reduces our debt gets our gdp up to 4% like he said
The floor is all yours Norman your's and chumps

The UE wont go down much more, but whats more important is get rid of obama care so the millions of partime jobs created under obozo care become full time.
I have no problem with that. I produce fine furnishings in Central America and will gladly raise my prices 40% and still give you a product 300% superior to the shit you idiots in North Carolinastan produce.Still for less out of your pocket.
View attachment 101024

Tried to PM, but im digging that right there. You got a catalog ? Anyway, I dont see how so many can get so hard ofer the prospect of a trade war. Sure, sinch up your belt and pinch pennies, but thats not what Trump promised and if he does it he wont likely have a second term.
-------------------------------------------------- probably not going to be a trade war , i think the TRUMP is just warning people and business in the USA and around the world . Just scaring those that need to be scared Crixus . imo !!
I have no problem with that. I produce fine furnishings in Central America and will gladly raise my prices 40% and still give you a product 300% superior to the shit you idiots in North Carolinastan produce.Still for less out of your pocket.
View attachment 101024

Tried to PM, but im digging that right there. You got a catalog ? Anyway, I dont see how so many can get so hard ofer the prospect of a trade war. Sure, sinch up your belt and pinch pennies, but thats not what Trump promised and if he does it he wont likely have a second term.
-------------------------------------------------- probably not going to be a trade war , i think the TRUMP is just warning people and business in the USA and around the world . Just scaring those that need to be scared Crixus . imo !!

Exactly he is sending a message to the world that there is a new sheriff in town and his name is not Barney "Obama" fife


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