Trump 2024? 'The Five' makes bold prediction for the future

In 2024 Trump will be

In Russia
In jail
In the ground

Any of those are real possibilities

In the White House is a near impossibility
No one is voting for a weak one term has been talk show host !
This guy has shown his colors and they are not red white or blue ... sad little man !
Trump 2024? 'The Five' makes bold prediction for the future

A majority of GOP voters want President Trump to run again in 2024; 'The Five' react. #FoxNews #TheFive

Of course, this is a fall back plan. He should still win THIS election

Here's the reality- Trump will go down like McCarthy and Nixon, someone that decent Republicans cowered from when they held power, but they couldn't wait to break bad on when they fell from power.
The likely outcome for 2024 imho, will be that weak ass establishment Republicans will tap out, and run a RINO....That’s their M.O.
Any Republican that takes part in 2024 thinking they have a chance to beat the fraud are dumb.


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Trump 2024? 'The Five' makes bold prediction for the future

A majority of GOP voters want President Trump to run again in 2024; 'The Five' react. #FoxNews #TheFive

Of course, this is a fall back plan. He should still win THIS election

Here's the reality- Trump will go down like McCarthy and Nixon, someone that decent Republicans cowered from when they held power, but they couldn't wait to break bad on when they fell from power.

The corrupt ones, yes. Virtually every Democrat politician is corrupt. Sadly, so are many Republicans.
Trump 2024? 'The Five' makes bold prediction for the future

A majority of GOP voters want President Trump to run again in 2024; 'The Five' react. #FoxNews #TheFive

Of course, this is a fall back plan. He should still win THIS election

Actually if you are a Democrat then you should be happy he is going nowhere. He will continue to destroy the Republican Party. This was Trump's high point and he failed. More Republican voters will die off.

Georgia and Arizona are swing states.
Democrats took another point and a half off the Republican margin in Texas.
In 2024 Trump will be

In Russia
In jail
In the ground

Any of those are real possibilities

In the White House is a near impossibility

In your dreams dumbass.

Trump isn't a criminal but I'd bet Biden sure is. Ask China. LOL
Actually if you are a Democrat then you should be happy he is going nowhere. He will continue to destroy the Republican Party
Trump brought more minorities into the party than ever before, and he received more votes than any other incumbent. Trump destroyed nothing. Democrats cheated and stole the election
Actually, the Trump Team tried to steal the election, but it didn't work. All that hard work for nothing! No wonder y'all are so p*ssed. :04:
Actually if you are a Democrat then you should be happy he is going nowhere. He will continue to destroy the Republican Party
Trump brought more minorities into the party than ever before, and he received more votes than any other incumbent. Trump destroyed nothing. Democrats cheated and stole the election
Actually, the Trump Team tried to steal the election, but it didn't work. All that hard work for nothing! No wonder y'all are so p*ssed. :04:

Nah. The Dems already stole the election and there is more than enough evidence to prove it.

Of course being the lefty loon that you are, you will never believe it. Oh and if Biden is made POTUS you will be regretting your vote right along with the rest of us.

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