Truly ridiculous statements an 80 year old made...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Now before I start let me share this substantiation because as most of you know I strongly believe in NOT my opinion being shared but comments that expand on experts comments. And so read these statements made by Donald Trump almost all made before he was President! Read them and then compare with these statements and most importantly... whose's comments affected Americans directly?
Guarantee to raise the price of gas...
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

“no more drilling...there is no more drilling...I haven’t formed any new drilling.”
Biden had signed an executive order that suspended new lease sales soon after taking office in 2021."
Guarantee to INCREASE ILLEGAL immigrants
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

The move is another step toward unwinding one of Donald Trump’s signature initiatives
There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration, No. 1,"
“We will not recognize any nation having a sphere of influence.

Joe Biden: "I like Babies better than People" Hey JOE when do babies become "people"???

Biden administration announces new EV investments, including from Uber, Zipcar​

Biden's goal is for 50% of all new vehicle sold to be electric by 2030.
NOW this is not a quote BUT A GOAL by Biden! Think about it! ZERO money for new power plants! Zero!
Look at this google search "Does Biden's new EV investments include building power plants?"
Now here it seems is a very short analysis of the BIGGEST PROBLEM that Biden's plan has and DOESN'T ADDRESS!!!
To provide 50% of all cars being EVs by 2030... $5,117,980,000,000
Where will that money come from? the 129 million American households will have a higher electric bill WHILE having blackouts
reducing the USE of EVS... Right now total electricity generated by USA power plants is 4,165,030,000,000 kWh per year !
Screen Shot 2023-04-19 at 4.03.13 PM.png
This year, Democratic 2020 hopefuls such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) went much further, suggesting the United States should derive all of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030 as part of a $16.3 trillion plan to wean the nation away from fossil fuels
So this 80 year old doesn't seem to understand what fossil fuels do other than gasoline!
200 million barrels of oil is used to make 2 billion tires a year. Rid fossil fuels means where are the tires coming from?
1.4 Billion barrels of oil is used for asphalt of which 94% of roads are asphalt.
How Do Oil Prices Affect My Asphalt Project Budget? | Bituminous Roadways Blog
This year, Democratic 2020 hopefuls such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) went much further, suggesting the United States should derive all of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030 as part of a $16.3 trillion plan to wean the nation away from fossil fuels
So this 80 year old doesn't seem to understand what fossil fuels do other than gasoline!
200 million barrels of oil is used to make 2 billion tires a year. Rid fossil fuels means where are the tires coming from?
1.4 Billion barrels of oil is used for asphalt of which 94% of roads are asphalt.
View attachment 777806 How Do Oil Prices Affect My Asphalt Project Budget? | Bituminous Roadways Blog

You need new material Gramps. This stuff is old, and irrelevant.
You need new material Gramps. This stuff is old, and irrelevant.
What "stuff is old and irrelevant"?

This is the plan Biden has presented today. So if you are saying what Biden is offering is "old and irrelevant"... I agree!
So explain to me and evidently to Biden's administration this question: Where will the electricity come from to meet this goal?

In 2021, Biden set a goal for 50% of new passenger vehicles sold to have zero emissions by 2030

The total ADDITIONAL electricity that the utility companies will need to meet the demand that 50% of the The U.S. auto industry sold nearly 2.86 million cars in 2022. So 50% of 2.86 million is 1.43 million per year or by 2030 or 7 years from now OR 10,010,000 EVs.
If 10,010,000 EVs travel the average of 14,263 miles per year or 142,772,630,000 miles per year.
An average Tesla electric car uses around 34 kWh of electricity per 100 miles or 0.34 kWh.
Divide 142,772,630,000 miles driven by 10,010,000 cars per year at 0.34kWh/ mile or 419,919,500,000 kWh per year to meet the 50% new EVs.
Today the USA's 11,070 power plants generate 4,165,030,000,000kWh or at 376,244,806kWh generated per year per plant.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
So where will the additional 10% have electricity come from?
BUT the real issue is electric Truck market which is estimated to be 101,499 and grow to 1,067,985 units by 2030 in 7 years.
The average kWh/mile with EV trucks is 2 kWh per mile. Electric truck - Wikipedia
The average truck travels about 25,000 miles per year or 50,656,467,857 101,312,935,714 miles using at 101,312,935,714 kWh.

total electricity needed by cars/trucks EVs by 2030 is 521,232,435,714 kWh another 12% electricity will be needed.
Where will it come from???

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