Trouble in Fulton County? High-Powered Defense Attorneys Move to Withdraw Amid Questions About 2020 Ballots


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
This the case I bring up when people ask for evidence of fraud. Seems like the defense attorneys do not want to lose. A real case with real consequences.

The only way to get rid of election rigging like this is to have a real US AG that cares about our country. Vivek is the only one smart, patriotic and tough enough to get something like that done. Georgia has already proved that they only care about appearances and that their coverup is undetected. I'm afraid corrupt elections may be irreversible at this point, considering the corrupt nature of our government. MAGA
Fulton County poll manager Suzi Voyles was sorting through a large stack of mail-in ballots last November when she noticed something odd: several ballots marked for Joe Biden were extremely similar.
One after another, the votes contained perfectly filled ovals for Biden. What’s more, each of the bubbles boasted an identical white void inside them in the shape of a tiny crescent, indicating they’d been marked with toner ink instead of a pen or pencil, per the Epoch Times.
Voyles also noticed that all of the ballots were printed on different paper than the others she’d counted and none were folded or creased, which is standard for mail-in ballots as they come from envelopes.
“All of them were strangely pristine,” Voyles said. She noted that she’d never seen anything like it in her 20 years monitoring elections in Fulton County.
All but three of the 110 ballots in the stack – which had been labeled “State Farm Arena” – were marked for Biden and appeared to be “identical ballots.”

After Voyles came forward, she was fired as a poll manager by the Fulton County Department of Elections.
“I got the boot for speaking the truth,” she said.
At least three other poll workers observed the same thing.
These election watchdogs have used their sworn affidavits to help convince a state judge to unseal all of the 147,000 mail-in ballots in Fulton and allow for a closer inspection. They argue that potentially tens of thousands may have been manufactured in a race that Biden won by just 12,000 votes.
An election integrity organization has reported that original images of ballots from the November 2020 election have not been available from seventy-four counties in Georgia.
VoterGA, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring election integrity, has obtained certification from 56 counties via Open Records Requests (ORRs) that the state’s voting machine system automatically generated either the majority or all of the images used for result tabulation.
Voter images are essential for election records and must be preserved for a period of 22 months in the federal government and 24 months in the state government, per their respective statutes.

“We have what is almost surely major absentee-ballot fraud in Fulton County involving 10,000 to 20,000 probably false ballots,” claimed Garland Favorito, the lead petitioner in the case and a certified poll watcher.
“We have confirmed that there are five pallets of shrink-wrapped ballots in a county warehouse,” he said.
In addition, there are massive chain-of-custody issues in Georgia related to ballot images.
Seventy-four of Georgia’s counties have not been able to produce original images of ballots from the November 2020 election, according to VoterGA, an election integrity nonprofit organization.
The group received confirmation through Open Records Requests (ORRs) from 56 counties that either most or all of the images that the voting machine system automatically created for tabulating results have been destroyed.
“At least 28 counties admitted having no original images at all and 22 of those counties only had recount images that some claimed are the same as originals,” as reported by non-profit group VoterGA.
The Associated Press did not deny the substance of the reports in a “fact check,” but merely rejected the narrative that the missing ballot images “proved” voter fraud.
They may not “prove” voter fraud, but they do prove an election where voters have ample cause not to trust the results.

Georgia voters, and the American public, need to be able to trust that election officials are doing due diligence to secure elections and providing all voters with transparency.
Transparency has been slow in forthcoming when it comes to the 2020 election. Getting to the bottom of what happened in Georgia during that election would be a significant start.

Donald F. Samuel and Amanda R. Clark, attorneys for Aaron Johnson and Teresa Crawford, have filed a motion to withdraw themselves from the case of Garland Favorito et al v. Alex Wan, et al.​

A key issue in the case are 150,000 Fulton County absentee / mail-in ballots some of which are reportedly without fold creases and which did not appear to be hand marked.​

Sources state that Fulton County has responded that the ballots in question are still under seal, however given the County's poor track record on transparency, the question of the condition, availability and number of retained ballots remains unknown.
These ballots are once again in the spotlight since Harrison Floyd's defense council is seeking to have them unsealed in preparing their defense to answer the charges made by Fani Willis. Floyd is one of 19 defendants including President Trump, indicted by Fani Willis in what many are calling "prosecutorial misconduct."
All hidden (censored) in the big MSM I’m sure?

I wouldnt know as I don’t give them clicks. Many here still tune in FOX or even the R debates on NBC. Big MSM is the enemy. Why help them generate income of phony “NEWS” shows?
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"It now appears there actually was meaningful voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia last November. That is not a conspiracy theory, it's true. From the beginning this show has tried to be fact based when we talk about the 2020 election results. Here's what we know tonight, factually. At least 36 batches of mail-in ballots from the November election were double counted in Fulton County. That's a total of more than 4000 votes. Those numbers come from a group called VoterGA, which along with Bob Cheeley sued to get them. The final tally from the double counts we know about amounts to more than 3300 votes for Joe Biden and 865 votes for Donald Trump," Carlson said. "Now before you dismiss Bob Cheeley and VoterGA as dishonest partisan actors, keep in mind that the strongly left-of-center Atlanta Journal Constitution appears to agree with this, at least an outline. The newspaper reviewed the available digital ballot images independently and concluded hundreds of ballots were improperly duplicated."
You people want evidence. There it is. Fraud and stolen electoral votes. Remember Fulton Country refuses to show anyone the ballot images. The big lie from our government, politicians and media just burst and there is shit all over these liars.

Where is the MSM?
"We're not talking about a couple of ballots here. We're talking about a lot of ballots. At least hundreds of ballots involved. Enough potentially to affect the outcome of the election," he continued, showing video evidence and a presentation by an election expert. "Surveillance footage obtained by VoterGA appears to show large numbers of ballots being scanned multiple times...the question is how many times were those ballots counted? Was each vote counted more than once? Fulton County won't answer that question."

This results is purely scientific and objectively focused on numbers and data. Based on extensive analysis across precincts and counties state voting results, they identified over 40 results of negative voting or outright vote switching across candidates which total over 200,000 votes. Separately they applied machine learning algorithms that are regularly used for anomaly detection of fraud and financial services that flagged over 500 precincts with over 1 Million corresponding votes that exhibited suspicious activities or definitively declared as fraudulent. Watch
video as they go into detailed how this happened and one example shows that Trump had 29,391 votes and Biden had 17,218 votes and minutes later they minus 12,173 votes from Trump and added 12,173 votes for Biden giving a clear exact switch of votes total between candidates and this is important because Trump “lost” by 12,670 Votes.
We have a follow up.
So, why did the two defense attorneys jump ship like that? An IT expert named Kevin Kelton suggests that the county might be gearing up to admit they’ve destroyed the ballots in question. If true, this puts Fulton County in a heap of legal trouble. Destroying evidence during a case often signals guilt. But there’s more at stake here—are we witnessing a coverup?

Investigative journalist Rogan O’Handley shared his insights on what’s truly happening in a post on X:

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Did you know there is an ongoing court case in Fulton County, Georgia (where Atlanta is) since 2021 whose only aim is to inspect 150,000+ mail-in ballots alleged to be fraudulent (no creases from being sent in the mail, perfect black circles, etc)

The judge dismissed it but the appeals court allowed the case to go forward

:itsok:Well, you really have them this time!

Expert Kevin Kelton speculates that the county is preparing to say they have destroyed the ballots in question in the case. If so, Fulton County is in a lot of legal trouble. Destroying evidence amidst a case is an admission of guilt
what makes him an expert?

What are his credentials for being an Expert? What is he an expert in?
What made the attorneys resign?

"The phrase “Justice delayed is justice denied” aptly describes the current situation. Many believe that the defense attorneys have foreseen this unraveling and want no part of it. Hence, they walked away. Now, the question is: Has the judge intentionally delayed the trial to give the other side time for damage control or to devise a ‘Plan B, C, or D’? This sketchy, peculiar behavior is precisely why the majority of Americans have lost trust in our government and our election process."
It looks like we do. Destroying those ballots was illegal and, like was said, is an admission of guilt. Massive fraud uncovered. election changing fraud.
Our federal judges denied there was vote rigging.
Answer my questions first
Why? The ballots have most likely been destroyed. Also he is an accomplished author plus it does not take an expert to see that ballots were not folded and marked perfectly. They have been caught. The fraud in 2020 was obvious.

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