Treat Hunter Biden like Steve Bannon

It doesn't have to contain drugs to be charged with it
Possession of drug paraphernalia is a Class 1 misdemeanor in North Carolina. If convicted of this offense, you could face: Up to 120 days in jail. Discretionary fine.
Is he charged in NC? Will he be charged in NC? Who cares if he is or is not?
Should Hunter be charged with contempt of congress like Steve Bannon was?

Steve Bannon was pardoned by Trump after Bannon stole millions from the rubes for his fake "We Build The Wall" scam.

So if Hunter is to be treated the same, he should be pardoned, yes?
Steve Bannon was pardoned by Trump after Bannon stole millions from the rubes for his fake "We Build The Wall" scam.

So if Hunter is to be treated the same, he should be pardoned, yes?

Damn, I saw a guy twist like that playing basketball last week. He broke three ribs. I hope you're OK, MAGA man.

Psst: KILLLER Trumpatar there dude. Shhhh
Hunter has never been found in possession of drugs
People don’t go to prison for being users
Hunter was using drugs in 2016.

People were being sent to prison for possession of drugs in 2016.


According to Page Six, Hunter had "six stints in rehab for alcoholism and addiction that included a crack binge in 2016." In late 2018, the businessman was suspected of smoking crack cocaine in the VIP section of Archibald's Gentlemen's Club in Washington, DC.

People were being sent to prison in 2016 for possession of drugs.

© 2016 Brian Stauffer for Human Rights Watch

Every 25 seconds in the United States, someone is arrested for the simple act of possessing drugs for their personal use, just as Neal and Nicole were. Around the country, police make more arrests for drug possession than for any other crime. More than one of every nine arrests by state law enforcement is for drug possession, amounting to more than 1.25 million arrests each year. And despite officials’ claims that drug laws are meant to curb drug sales, four times as many people are arrested for possessing drugs as are arrested for selling them.

As a result of these arrests, on any given day at least 137,000 men and women are behind bars in the United States for drug possession, some 48,000 of them in state prisons and 89,000 in jails, most of the latter in pretrial detention. Each day, tens of thousands more are convicted, cycle through jails and prisons, and spend extended periods on probation and parole, often burdened with crippling debt from court-imposed fines and fees. Their criminal records lock them out of jobs, housing, education, welfare assistance, voting, and much more, and subject them to discrimination and stigma. The cost to them and to their families and communities, as well as to the taxpayer, is devastating. Those impacted are disproportionately communities of color and the poor.

Of course Hunter was never caught possessing illegal drugs. Hunter is not a poor black man or woman. Hunter is the son of a high ranking Democratic Politician And therefore is o ove the rule of law.

Hunter also had Secret Service Protection. At times the Secret Service will try to be very helpful to the people they protect.

Once again if I was black I would be pissed at how Hunter Biden is treated. Blacks go to jail while Hunter parties away.


However, Buhle also describes a meeting with a Secret Service agent shortly before Biden became vice-president to Barack Obama, in January 2009.

The agent, she says, explained how “Hunter and the girls will all have a detail assigned to them. Two agents with them 24 hours a day.”


[/i]Buhle says she asked her husband to decline Secret Service coverage.

”But he was unwavering,” she writes. “He was not going to forego Secret Service protection. ‘Kathleen, this is how it has always been. It isn’t personal. In-laws have never had protection,’ he said.”[/i]

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