Transgender wrestler wins second straight Texas girls' high school title

Mack Beggs, transgender wrestler, wins Texas girls’ high school title
CYPRESS, Texas — For the second year in a row, a transgender wrestler has won the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound division.

Transgender wrestler wins second straight Texas girls' high school title

LOL be proud trendy's you've proved your love on this one so much so your own kids were sacrificed . Now a tranny can go to school in place of your child because you helped awwww sooo sweet.

All this proves is that people born male are always superior!

Rock on Dims!

Snip away!

From what I hear, women born women are even losing beauty pageants as well.
This is becoming more and more common. Soon women will just give up and stop competing.

Mack Beggs, transgender wrestler, wins Texas girls’ high school title


It's not just spots, women come in second to men in virtually everything.

This is all Bruce Jenner’s fault.
I wouldn't blame it all on him when he obviously is not the only gender confused person on the planet.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The big question is how long until a real female will be able to win a women's only sporting event again?
Considering they are no longer women's only events, probably never. As long as these perverse abominations are permitted to "compete" against real women.
Wait! Is that a white boy whomping on a black gal?

Liberals want a genderless society, so they see no difference.
Yes, but there's an additional element of "white privilege" involved here, isn't there? So, what is better, gender "equality" or racism?
Just think you have a precious daughter. As a little girl she wants to wrestle. You encourage her, spend time and money to make sure she does her best. Then some asshole boy that thinks he is a girl, takes the championship from her. Only in liberal loony land.
There should be a blood test for the transgender wrestler like all sports do. So if in the blood test they discover male hormones, then the transgender should not be allowed to wrestle with women.

Congrats on winning your 2nd straight title, Asclepias.
Its actually the my 3rd title. Man of the Year. I won the first one when I turned 18 but thank you anyway.

“Man” I hear you.
Saly, this type of thing looks to be becoming more common. Last spring, a male identifying as female won 2 events at the Connecticut high school track and field championships. Looking a bit farther down the road, will this end up taking actual female athletes out of the record books? Records set by females competing against other females are in serious jeopardy the longer this continues. That would make the record book a joke.
How about acknowledging that a male transgender will always be stronger, faster, and have more stamina than a female of the same weight class. If a male transgender wants to play with the women, he has to play against women who are bigger to make up for his innate physical superiority. I'm not sure what the mitigation would have to be but I am sure it is doable. maybe the 110 pound transgender has to compete in the 150 pound womans class. Something like that.

How about a separate transgender competition?
This is becoming more and more common. Soon women will just give up and stop competing.

Mack Beggs, transgender wrestler, wins Texas girls’ high school title


The left is doing this? The kid wants to compete with the boys. It's the school that won't allow it, a Texas school at that. Doesn't sound like something the left would do, to me.
Yeah, conservatives call men women and force women’s teams to let them compete just because of their mental disorder.

Hormones are not dope. Testosterone is a male hormone that women also produce. You do realize that men and women both produce male and female hormones right?

I think men produce a lot more of it though. I think that's what makes men, men. Testosterone makes them stronger. A 110 pound male athlete is always going to be stronger than a 110 pound woman athlete. Which means a transgender man is always going to beat a woman in the same weight class when they are athletes.
True. In general thats the rule but I am certain there are exceptions where a female could produce just as much. Should that female be disallowed from competing?

I think you are missing the point. Testosterone is what helps build the male body. Years of testosterone will make mens bones thicker, which makes them stronger. You could take a female and give her all the testosterone in the world and she will still never have the musculature of a man. Which means she will always lose.
That wasnt the point. The ask was to test the participants and if the female had male hormones she be excluded from competition. We worked that out and then it became about t the level of male hormones. Transgenders taking estrogen are going to have less testosterone than a birth female with an overabundance of testosterone. So testing like that wouldnt work either. We would need to use birth certificates.

How about acknowledging that a male transgender will always be stronger, faster, and have more stamina than a female of the same weight class. If a male transgender wants to play with the women, he has to play against women who are bigger to make up for his innate physical superiority. I'm not sure what the mitigation would have to be but I am sure it is doable. maybe the 110 pound transgender has to compete in the 150 pound womans class. Something like that.
How about telling the mentally ill no.
How about acknowledging that a male transgender will always be stronger, faster, and have more stamina than a female of the same weight class. If a male transgender wants to play with the women, he has to play against women who are bigger to make up for his innate physical superiority. I'm not sure what the mitigation would have to be but I am sure it is doable. maybe the 110 pound transgender has to compete in the 150 pound womans class. Something like that.

How about a separate transgender competition?


What's the problem???

Let them compete among their own! end of problem! :wink:
It is obviously essential that a new sporting regulation be made where transgenders can only compete if they have breasts but no penis or testicles.

Or alternatively, the women must have no breasts but have the male sex organs....then may be they would be competing on equal .......................well.....something to that effect!:21:

Why isn't this possible.....everything else is so upside why not LOL :04::disbelief:
This is all Bruce Jenner’s fault.
I wouldn't blame it all on him when he obviously is not the only gender confused person on the planet.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The big question is how long until a real female will be able to win a women's only sporting event again?
Considering they are no longer women's only events, probably never. As long as these perverse abominations are permitted to "compete" against real women.
Which is why in my opinion, the natural born females need to pack up and try to go and do their business somewhere else because that is the only way that they will ever have a real chance again.

God bless you and them always!!!

This is all Bruce Jenner’s fault.
I wouldn't blame it all on him when he obviously is not the only gender confused person on the planet.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The big question is how long until a real female will be able to win a women's only sporting event again?
Considering they are no longer women's only events, probably never. As long as these perverse abominations are permitted to "compete" against real women.
Which is why in my opinion, the natural born females need to pack up and try to go and do their business somewhere else because that is the only way that they will ever have a real chance again.

God bless you and them always!!!


Transgender women against transgender men!


That's the solution.

Their kind against their kind. Seems perfectly fair to me.:thup:

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