"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.

Good luck finding a judge who will entertain the lawsuit.
It's not a judge but a lawyer and there are plenty of lawyers out there who would take a struggling Target patron all the way to easy street. The only way a judge could kill the case is if it was frivolous. A man entering a woman's bathroom isn't a settled issue of law. So, the judge has no choice but to hear the case. If not, appeal...all the way to the US Supreme Court.

If you think invasion of privacy isn't a cause of action, you have no business weighing in on this thread. It is. It is a fact.
Hey Sil this is your big chance! You could become the face of anti-civil-rights like Kim Davis! Go to Target and sue!
No man has the civil right to enter a woman's restroom, gender confused or not.

It depends on the State. Some States do recognize this as a civil right.

Link please
Yet, if you allow pre op transgender males in a woman's restroom, you cannot legally deny any Male from entry. Pedo's and rapists included.

Women's prescriptive rights to segregated hygiene chambers and retreats are more ancient than men wanting to use their hygiene chambers and retreats.

'Prescriptive rights'? You're just making shit up as you along. There is no expectation of privacy nor right to it when washing your hands. Only in stalls.....which are single occupancy.

The 'right' that you insist has been 'violated' neither exists, nor would be violated if it did.

Anymore pseudo-legal gibberish you'd like to make up? Because neither Target nor any other business will give a shit about your new pseudo-legal nonsense anymore than they did your old.

The law falls on the side of the grandfathered rights. There will be no ingress of men into women's bathrooms.

Alas, there's no such right. As there's no presumption of privacy when washing your hands.

Single occupancy and private are two completely different types. I know, I've designed tons of them.

Skylar, take the door off of a typical single stall door, replace your bathroom door with it and see what your family and friends say when they need to pee.

Report back, OK?
Good luck finding a judge who will entertain the lawsuit.
It's not a judge but a lawyer and there are plenty of lawyers out there who would take a struggling Target patron all the way to easy street. The only way a judge could kill the case is if it was frivolous. A man entering a woman's bathroom isn't a settled issue of law. So, the judge has no choice but to hear the case. If not, appeal...all the way to the US Supreme Court.

If you think invasion of privacy isn't a cause of action, you have no business weighing in on this thread. It is. It is a fact.
Hey Sil this is your big chance! You could become the face of anti-civil-rights like Kim Davis! Go to Target and sue!
No man has the civil right to enter a woman's restroom, gender confused or not.

It depends on the State. Some States do recognize this as a civil right.

Do they exclude anyone from using those restrooms?

Thanks in advance.
Target just caved to pressure from the Obama administration and liberal activists. They have announced that any “transgendered” person can use the bathroom in their stores, according to the gender they associate with.



Now in Target stores, men are allowed to use the restroom next to your daughter. Once called perverted, this is now a “civil right.” BREAKING: Target Stores Make MASSIVE Announcement... Parents ARE FURIOUS!

Invasion of privacy is a legal cause of action in most states for a civil suit. I suggest quite simply that women start suing their municipalities or businesses who are brazen enough to allow men in their private retreats for personal hygiene.. Emotional distress is also a cause of action. Willful negligence or intentional negligence are also causes of action. There are probably a half dozen more that result from the allowing of men in a women's bathroom.

And rest assured, under examination for facts, the men in question will be asked to lift their skirts so the jury can *see* if the case has merit...

Sue 'em... If it's good enough for the gays, it's good enough for the straights...

Time to start building third bathrooms in each and every store across the nation and in every public building, or get your asses sued off. Hmm, economic stress might actually cause a confrontation of the farce of self-diagnosed "transgenders". This is where the rubber meets the road folks. :popcorn:

Ban all RW christers from public places , if caught in a public place they should be sent to a mental institution for electroshock therapy , their children removed from their homes
Good luck finding a judge who will entertain the lawsuit.
It's not a judge but a lawyer and there are plenty of lawyers out there who would take a struggling Target patron all the way to easy street. The only way a judge could kill the case is if it was frivolous. A man entering a woman's bathroom isn't a settled issue of law. So, the judge has no choice but to hear the case. If not, appeal...all the way to the US Supreme Court.

If you think invasion of privacy isn't a cause of action, you have no business weighing in on this thread. It is. It is a fact.
Hey Sil this is your big chance! You could become the face of anti-civil-rights like Kim Davis! Go to Target and sue!
No man has the civil right to enter a woman's restroom, gender confused or not.

It depends on the State. Some States do recognize this as a civil right.

Do they exclude anyone from using those restrooms?

Thanks in advance.
They have not hired a single potty police. Unbelievable. You should go to stores in those states and start checking under skirts Pop. It's America's only hope!
It's not a judge but a lawyer and there are plenty of lawyers out there who would take a struggling Target patron all the way to easy street. The only way a judge could kill the case is if it was frivolous. A man entering a woman's bathroom isn't a settled issue of law. So, the judge has no choice but to hear the case. If not, appeal...all the way to the US Supreme Court.

If you think invasion of privacy isn't a cause of action, you have no business weighing in on this thread. It is. It is a fact.
Hey Sil this is your big chance! You could become the face of anti-civil-rights like Kim Davis! Go to Target and sue!
No man has the civil right to enter a woman's restroom, gender confused or not.

It depends on the State. Some States do recognize this as a civil right.

Do they exclude anyone from using those restrooms?

Thanks in advance.
They have not hired a single potty police. Unbelievable. You should go to stores in those states and start checking under skirts Pop. It's America's only hope!

So no answer?

Guess you are just another blowhard.

So let's try this with Mr. Blowhard:

If the state can determine that one male with a penis can be excluded while not excluding another male with a penis, they have redefined the legal reasoning known as "simalarily situated" in such a severe way that Same Sex Marriage bans could again be legal.

Last edited:
Hey Sil this is your big chance! You could become the face of anti-civil-rights like Kim Davis! Go to Target and sue!
No man has the civil right to enter a woman's restroom, gender confused or not.

It depends on the State. Some States do recognize this as a civil right.

Do they exclude anyone from using those restrooms?

Thanks in advance.
They have not hired a single potty police. Unbelievable. You should go to stores in those states and start checking under skirts Pop. It's America's only hope!

So no answer?

Guess you are just another blowhard.

So let's try this with Mr. Blowhard:

If the state can determine that one male with a penis can be excluded while not excluding another male with a penis, they have redefined the legal reasoning known as "simalarily situated" in such a severe way that Same Sex Marriage bans could again be legal.

As you've proven time and time again, you spend way too much time thinking about penis.
Target just caved to pressure from the Obama administration and liberal activists. They have announced that any “transgendered” person can use the bathroom in their stores, according to the gender they associate with.



Now in Target stores, men are allowed to use the restroom next to your daughter. Once called perverted, this is now a “civil right.” BREAKING: Target Stores Make MASSIVE Announcement... Parents ARE FURIOUS!

Invasion of privacy is a legal cause of action in most states for a civil suit. I suggest quite simply that women start suing their municipalities or businesses who are brazen enough to allow men in their private retreats for personal hygiene.. Emotional distress is also a cause of action. Willful negligence or intentional negligence are also causes of action. There are probably a half dozen more that result from the allowing of men in a women's bathroom.

And rest assured, under examination for facts, the men in question will be asked to lift their skirts so the jury can *see* if the case has merit...

Sue 'em... If it's good enough for the gays, it's good enough for the straights...

Time to start building third bathrooms in each and every store across the nation and in every public building, or get your asses sued off. Hmm, economic stress might actually cause a confrontation of the farce of self-diagnosed "transgenders". This is where the rubber meets the road folks. :popcorn:

Ban all RW christers from public places , if caught in a public place they should be sent to a mental institution for electroshock therapy , their children removed from their homes

They are the only one's talking about inspecting genitals of people before they are allowed into a bathroom.

That's pretty twisted.
No man has the civil right to enter a woman's restroom, gender confused or not.

It depends on the State. Some States do recognize this as a civil right.

Do they exclude anyone from using those restrooms?

Thanks in advance.
They have not hired a single potty police. Unbelievable. You should go to stores in those states and start checking under skirts Pop. It's America's only hope!

So no answer?

Guess you are just another blowhard.

So let's try this with Mr. Blowhard:

If the state can determine that one male with a penis can be excluded while not excluding another male with a penis, they have redefined the legal reasoning known as "simalarily situated" in such a severe way that Same Sex Marriage bans could again be legal.

As you've proven time and time again, you spend way too much time thinking about penis.

And another leftist moron shows it should not be allowed near a keyboard.

I'll bet your buddy Slylar is glad you deflected away from answering for his own assertions.

Now run, mommies calling for you. Us adults have things to discuss
It depends on the State. Some States do recognize this as a civil right.

Do they exclude anyone from using those restrooms?

Thanks in advance.
They have not hired a single potty police. Unbelievable. You should go to stores in those states and start checking under skirts Pop. It's America's only hope!

So no answer?

Guess you are just another blowhard.

So let's try this with Mr. Blowhard:

If the state can determine that one male with a penis can be excluded while not excluding another male with a penis, they have redefined the legal reasoning known as "simalarily situated" in such a severe way that Same Sex Marriage bans could again be legal.

As you've proven time and time again, you spend way too much time thinking about penis.

And another leftist moron shows it should not be allowed near a keyboard.

I'll bet your buddy Slylar is glad you deflected away from answering for his own assertions.

Now run, mommies calling for you. Us adults have things to discuss
Yes you have much penis to discuss. Buh bye now.
Target just caved to pressure from the Obama administration and liberal activists. They have announced that any “transgendered” person can use the bathroom in their stores, according to the gender they associate with.



Now in Target stores, men are allowed to use the restroom next to your daughter. Once called perverted, this is now a “civil right.” BREAKING: Target Stores Make MASSIVE Announcement... Parents ARE FURIOUS!

Invasion of privacy is a legal cause of action in most states for a civil suit. I suggest quite simply that women start suing their municipalities or businesses who are brazen enough to allow men in their private retreats for personal hygiene.. Emotional distress is also a cause of action. Willful negligence or intentional negligence are also causes of action. There are probably a half dozen more that result from the allowing of men in a women's bathroom.

And rest assured, under examination for facts, the men in question will be asked to lift their skirts so the jury can *see* if the case has merit...

Sue 'em... If it's good enough for the gays, it's good enough for the straights...

Time to start building third bathrooms in each and every store across the nation and in every public building, or get your asses sued off. Hmm, economic stress might actually cause a confrontation of the farce of self-diagnosed "transgenders". This is where the rubber meets the road folks. :popcorn:

Ban all RW christers from public places , if caught in a public place they should be sent to a mental institution for electroshock therapy , their children removed from their homes

They are the only one's talking about inspecting genitals of people before they are allowed into a bathroom.

That's pretty twisted.

Link to where he said that.

Or run once again
Hey Sil this is your big chance! You could become the face of anti-civil-rights like Kim Davis! Go to Target and sue!
No man has the civil right to enter a woman's restroom, gender confused or not.

It depends on the State. Some States do recognize this as a civil right.

Do they exclude anyone from using those restrooms?

Thanks in advance.
They have not hired a single potty police. Unbelievable. You should go to stores in those states and start checking under skirts Pop. It's America's only hope!

So no answer?

Guess you are just another blowhard.

So let's try this with Mr. Blowhard:

If the state can determine that one male with a penis can be excluded while not excluding another male with a penis, they have redefined the legal reasoning known as "simalarily situated" in such a severe way that Same Sex Marriage bans could again be legal.

So you'll be training kids to peek over and under stall doors to look for penis's......nice.
No man has the civil right to enter a woman's restroom, gender confused or not.

It depends on the State. Some States do recognize this as a civil right.

Do they exclude anyone from using those restrooms?

Thanks in advance.
They have not hired a single potty police. Unbelievable. You should go to stores in those states and start checking under skirts Pop. It's America's only hope!

So no answer?

Guess you are just another blowhard.

So let's try this with Mr. Blowhard:

If the state can determine that one male with a penis can be excluded while not excluding another male with a penis, they have redefined the legal reasoning known as "simalarily situated" in such a severe way that Same Sex Marriage bans could again be legal.

So you'll be training kids to peek over and under stall doors to look for penis's......nice.

I see you avoided the post.

Libs appear to be in denial
Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition
Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition With Over 900,000 Signatures
More than 900,000 people have signed a petition to boycott Target after the company’s announcement last week to allow transgender people to use the bathroom and fitting rooms corresponding with their gender identity, rather than the sex indicated on their birth certificate...“We decided there’s probably a lot of people who wanted to take a stand before Target’s decision started a trend,” AFA President Tim Wildmon told ABC News today. “We found out we were right.”...

SELL....SELL.....SELL!...... :scared1:
Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition
Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition With Over 900,000 Signatures
More than 900,000 people have signed a petition to boycott Target after the company’s announcement last week to allow transgender people to use the bathroom and fitting rooms corresponding with their gender identity, rather than the sex indicated on their birth certificate...“We decided there’s probably a lot of people who wanted to take a stand before Target’s decision started a trend,” AFA President Tim Wildmon told ABC News today. “We found out we were right.”...

SELL....SELL.....SELL!...... :scared1:

Laughing.....Amazon, Comcast, Clorox, Disney and Pepsi are all on the AFA's boycott lists.

It doesn't amount to much.
Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition
Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition With Over 900,000 Signatures
More than 900,000 people have signed a petition to boycott Target after the company’s announcement last week to allow transgender people to use the bathroom and fitting rooms corresponding with their gender identity, rather than the sex indicated on their birth certificate...“We decided there’s probably a lot of people who wanted to take a stand before Target’s decision started a trend,” AFA President Tim Wildmon told ABC News today. “We found out we were right.”...

SELL....SELL.....SELL!...... :scared1:

Laughing.....Amazon, Comcast, Clorox, Disney and Pepsi are all on the AFA's boycott lists.

It doesn't amount to much.
Will in the end. Jesus said in the last days wrong will be right and right will be wrong.. Good luck.
Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition
Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition With Over 900,000 Signatures
More than 900,000 people have signed a petition to boycott Target after the company’s announcement last week to allow transgender people to use the bathroom and fitting rooms corresponding with their gender identity, rather than the sex indicated on their birth certificate...“We decided there’s probably a lot of people who wanted to take a stand before Target’s decision started a trend,” AFA President Tim Wildmon told ABC News today. “We found out we were right.”...

SELL....SELL.....SELL!...... :scared1:

Laughing.....Amazon, Comcast, Clorox, Disney and Pepsi are all on the AFA's boycott lists.

It doesn't amount to much.
Will in the end. Jesus said in the last days wrong will be right and right will be wrong.. Good luck.

How is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition
Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition With Over 900,000 Signatures
More than 900,000 people have signed a petition to boycott Target after the company’s announcement last week to allow transgender people to use the bathroom and fitting rooms corresponding with their gender identity, rather than the sex indicated on their birth certificate...“We decided there’s probably a lot of people who wanted to take a stand before Target’s decision started a trend,” AFA President Tim Wildmon told ABC News today. “We found out we were right.”...

SELL....SELL.....SELL!...... :scared1:

Laughing.....Amazon, Comcast, Clorox, Disney and Pepsi are all on the AFA's boycott lists.

It doesn't amount to much.
Will in the end. Jesus said in the last days wrong will be right and right will be wrong.. Good luck.

How is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Men in men's women in women's, period! Born a man, use men's, born a woman, use women's. Mental delusions don't excuse you.

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