Trans Terrorist Manifesto Illustrates Need To Outlaw Transgenderism

The DHS is under the authority of the president....he is the one who appoints the leader of the DHS

Are you saying that Trump is so weak that he can't even control his own administration?

Because I have seen you morons use that same excuse for the people he appointed to run the CDC, CIA, NSA, DOJ, you name it......nothing but excuses....

Even when his own businesses got charged with multiple crimes and his own CFO went to was still excuses being made for Trump....
Dumbshit, Garland is a fucked up little leftard asswipe who is ABUSING the law for partisan political purposes.

Keep that up and it'll come back to you. Guaranteed.

And no one will be crying about it. Except you.
But lumping in "trannies" with a mass shooter is totally cool...because you know, trans people are the greatest threat to America.....

And yes, before you were afraid of the "woke left" -- you morons used that same justification at demonizing a whole race of people...based off nothing but your own fears and fragile insecurities...

Now about Trump's DHS report....would this matter more to dic suckers like you if the group they named were Trannies and blacks instead??

You don't get it.

Leftards are being REMOVED from office. Boudin, Krasner, and that bitch Gardner in St Louis.

They're being REMOVED from office because they are BREAKING THE LAW.
Don't be daft. The redneck attacked the trannie. I was relating a story about a trannie defending himself from an assault by a hate-monger.

What, you think they shouldn't fight back? Good luck with that plan.
What redneck?

WTF are you talking about?
Wars are won based on violence...there hasn't been a single war won that wasn't won with violence...

This is a war against darkies and trannies, basically pure evil.....did giving them rights save us from them? they have too many rights...Christians have no rights...

Back when we could oppress the people who deserved it, America was better...
Leftard victimology. ^^^
Idiots are the ones who agree with me but are too cowardly to own it -- because it would prove me right.....

Was this country not founded on oppressing certain groups to maintain peace and tranquility among the group that matters?

If it was good enough for our most patriotic Americans, why isn't it good enough now??
No! It was not, you fucktard! Blacks have been recognized as real people since before this country even started.

There were a plethora of black slaveowners. Where the fuck do you get your erroneous information from?

The American Revolution started over a black man getting shot. He had friends, and they got pissed off!

I bet your commie fucktard ass doesn't even know his name.
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First, trannies aren't humans...

Trannies are human beings and they have the exact same political rights you do.

But even if you claim they are -- you can outlaw them no matter what they think....

We tried outlawing commies at one point.

How'd that go?

This is what happened with the gays....we were doing a pretty good job of keeping them in check...then we allowed the left to bully Christians into letting gays exist more in the open...and now look where that got us
Who is US? We're talking about dead children here. The rest of your hysteria doesn't matter.
In Penelope's country, they have full auto AK74s with 50 round bernanner clips.
So? I have a computerized 50 BMG Barrett that'll take someone's nose off from half a mile out. No clip needed, one round will suffice.

I don't run around with it though. :p
That is bullshit. Like the kkk, it is an excuse. Take the trannies to trial. The claim that a trannie will not be convicted purely because they are trannies is bullshit.
You'll have to convince the leftard DA.
So when are you going to demand your Republican officials crack down on these blacks??

How are you going to demonize just the trannies and not equally put the focus on the darkies?

I believe Lauren Boebert needs to draft a bill to call for harsher laws targeting these trannies and darkies....will she be brave enough to do it? Or are you too afraid of the woke left?
You have a point there.
Idiots are the ones who agree with me but are too cowardly to own it -- because it would prove me right.....

Was this country not founded on oppressing certain groups to maintain peace and tranquility among the group that matters?

If it was good enough for our most patriotic Americans, why isn't it good enough now??
I understand your logic, but you're using the wrong words.

"Oppress" is not the goal. Control is the goal. If you start oppressing, you're taking it too far and you'll get beaten back.

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