"Trans-People", An OP/ED

I know some people just take a stand one way or the other and won't even consider other views, but I will try. Maybe it's time to look at it from the point of view of actual, rare transgender people.

Some people are born as both genders and parents generally choose which sex they should be at a very young age. They either go by which gender the baby seems to be or maybe by whether they wanted a boy or girl. It would be better to wait and let the child decide, but parents think they are protecting them by doing a surgery while the child is very young. How can you not feel sorry for these people when parents choose the wrong gender?

Is the new bathroom law really designed to help transgender people? I never heard any of them protest or demand this. Probably because they already use the bathroom they feel they belong in and they look the part so no one questions anything.

Now, that tiny percent of the population have been thrown into the middle of a controversial issue. A much larger percent of the population, meaning the perverts, have already taken advantage of this. Because of the law, men don't need to appear to be women in order to walk into restrooms or changing rooms. Needless to say, the majority of people are now uncomfortable. Transgenders were dealing with things before and now everyone has to deal with something much more difficult.

Transgenders seemed to prefer to blend in and not bring any attention to themselves. They have now been pushed into the spotlight, which likely won't help a person who is trying to function normally. Does the left think it's good to have people envision the manly pervert when they hear 'transgender?'

Thanks to the perverts who are already availing themselves of the freedom to enter ladies rooms, transgenders have to deal with some ugly baggage as they attempt to become accepted by the population. While before, people were unaware of most peoples' biological gender, now the rule is that we must deal with perverts in order to accept transgender people. When you look at the reality, it's actually quite mean to have forced everyone to deal with the perverts, supposedly for the sake of those who are already struggling with their identity.

So, the law just made it more difficult for transgenders and more uncomfortable for everyone else. Seems the ones most happy about the new arrangement are those who now can follow anyone into the bathroom without worrying about being questioned.

At the very least, the law should require that people look like the gender of the restroom they are using. Allowing rugged looking men, claiming they are feeling "feminine" that day, to enter any restroom is going to cause more and more problems. Having symbols on the door with the half-man, half-women symbols is another way to highlight the fact that some are either confused or transitioning. Really, is that what you call helping people? It emphasizes the confusion and announces that anyone choosing that restroom doesn't know who they are.

Point is that there are genuinely confused people out there and we shouldn't be mean. I can't think of anything more mean than pandering to perverts under the guise of helping this small group. I would think this type of negative image is exactly what they want to get away from.
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There is a small group of people in this country that democrats want to give power/excuses and protection to at the cost of rights to 90% or better of the population.

Thats how societies work. Speeding laws exist because some asshole couldnt handle it. Does that interfere with your ability to speed even tho you are a really good fast driver? Yes.

Let this guy explain it start at the 3 min mark when he talks about the irresponsible 1%

I know others, okay two people truly love your slime ball mother f#cker posting style. Please feel free to display it elsewhere.

WTF? I just responded to your post and told you thats why laws are created. That makes you mad for some reason but your Nepoleon complex has shit to do with me.

I'll post where I please, but I'll be sure to bring a rag for your vagina

Post here all you want. Your foolish f#ckery makes for great laughs.
There is a small group of people in this country that democrats want to give power/excuses and protection to at the cost of rights to 90% or better of the population. We need to be honest with ourselves about that topic and those people.

In truth they are seeking to empower one of the most demented and deluded portions of our population. Can I prove deluded? Yes I can. Walk up to a mirror and drop your pants and see if you have a tab or a slot. If you see a tab but swear its a slot you ARE deluded.

If there was truly honesty in policy and practice for a nation and its people those folks would not be empowered but rather they would be placed quite rightly so in mental hospitals. People who are so openly deluded/deranged and demented are simply not given power.

Democrats are simply using that group of mentally deranged people as a proxy to attack the sanity and security of the larger population. If they truly cared about those people they would be putting them in mental hospitals where they could get treatment for their illness.

If the truth was truly told about democrats there is no greater cruelty than using the mentally ill as fodder for an attack on the sane civilized populace. They ARE sending about three percent of the population that is mentally ill into battle with the majority.

Are far as my argument democrats are using them as fodder? Easy to prove, how many of them hold national office? How many of them hold cabinet positions? So its just another case of what's good for you is not good for them.
As far as war on women? What group LOST privacy and safety and what party did that?


Who's rights are being reduced?

No ones.

I don't know what you guys think goes on in bathroom stalls.
Are we going to need MANDATED co-ed showers and locker rooms before you see the problem? What happen to all those rights of women to have a womens only bathroom?

As far as I'm concerned a trans woman is a woman.
So what's that make a REAL woman? Are you suggesting they are equal?
Why are you so threatened?
I don't feel threatened on the personal level but the idea government can by mandate remove my privacy pisses me off.
There is a small group of people in this country that democrats want to give power/excuses and protection to at the cost of rights to 90% or better of the population.

Thats how societies work. Speeding laws exist because some asshole couldnt handle it. Does that interfere with your ability to speed even tho you are a really good fast driver? Yes.

Let this guy explain it start at the 3 min mark when he talks about the irresponsible 1%

I know others, okay two people truly love your slime ball mother f#cker posting style. Please feel free to display it elsewhere.

WTF? I just responded to your post and told you thats why laws are created. That makes you mad for some reason but your Nepoleon complex has shit to do with me.

I'll post where I please, but I'll be sure to bring a rag for your vagina

Post here all you want. Your foolish f#ckery makes for great laughs.

Great, your whining can be heard for miles.
There is a small group of people in this country that democrats want to give power/excuses and protection to at the cost of rights to 90% or better of the population.

Thats how societies work. Speeding laws exist because some asshole couldnt handle it. Does that interfere with your ability to speed even tho you are a really good fast driver? Yes.

Let this guy explain it start at the 3 min mark when he talks about the irresponsible 1%

I know others, okay two people truly love your slime ball mother f#cker posting style. Please feel free to display it elsewhere.

WTF? I just responded to your post and told you thats why laws are created. That makes you mad for some reason but your Nepoleon complex has shit to do with me.

I'll post where I please, but I'll be sure to bring a rag for your vagina

Post here all you want. Your foolish f#ckery makes for great laughs.

Great, your whining can be heard for miles.

So you would argue that a trans woman is just as good as a natural women? Go ahead and say it.
There is a small group of people in this country that democrats want to give power/excuses and protection to at the cost of rights to 90% or better of the population.

Thats how societies work. Speeding laws exist because some asshole couldnt handle it. Does that interfere with your ability to speed even tho you are a really good fast driver? Yes.

Let this guy explain it start at the 3 min mark when he talks about the irresponsible 1%

I know others, okay two people truly love your slime ball mother f#cker posting style. Please feel free to display it elsewhere.

Every time you get your fat ass handed to you, you try to silence others.

In spite of RWNJ traitor's like you, it's still a mostly free country. If you can't handle dissent and the free exchange of ideas, get the hell out of my country and go where you can admire the govt.

Like Russia, N Korea ... Without liberals protecting you, you wouldn't last 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, stop peeking at people in the bathroom. Pervert.
Thats how societies work. Speeding laws exist because some asshole couldnt handle it. Does that interfere with your ability to speed even tho you are a really good fast driver? Yes.

Let this guy explain it start at the 3 min mark when he talks about the irresponsible 1%

I know others, okay two people truly love your slime ball mother f#cker posting style. Please feel free to display it elsewhere.

WTF? I just responded to your post and told you thats why laws are created. That makes you mad for some reason but your Nepoleon complex has shit to do with me.

I'll post where I please, but I'll be sure to bring a rag for your vagina

Post here all you want. Your foolish f#ckery makes for great laughs.

Great, your whining can be heard for miles.

So you would argue that a trans woman is just as good as a natural women? Go ahead and say it.

What do you care?

It's not like you could ever get either one interested in your 214" waistline.

The point is, it's none of your business.

They've been peeing in public restrooms forever and you were too dumb to know it. Now that you've been told to get hysterical, you've developed a very unhealthy interest in what's going on in the women's bathroom.

Sicko perverts need to mind their own business.
I know others, okay two people truly love your slime ball mother f#cker posting style. Please feel free to display it elsewhere.

WTF? I just responded to your post and told you thats why laws are created. That makes you mad for some reason but your Nepoleon complex has shit to do with me.

I'll post where I please, but I'll be sure to bring a rag for your vagina
Post here all you want. Your foolish f#ckery makes for great laughs.

Great, your whining can be heard for miles.
So you would argue that a trans woman is just as good as a natural women? Go ahead and say it.

What do you care?

It's not like you could ever get either one interested in your 214" waistline.

The point is, it's none of your business.

They've been peeing in public restrooms forever and you were too dumb to know it. Now that you've been told to get hysterical, you've developed a very unhealthy interest in what's going on in the women's bathroom.

Sicko perverts need to mind their own business.
But it's progressives who've drawn attention to it. Cuckservitards are just reacting.
I know others, okay two people truly love your slime ball mother f#cker posting style. Please feel free to display it elsewhere.

WTF? I just responded to your post and told you thats why laws are created. That makes you mad for some reason but your Nepoleon complex has shit to do with me.

I'll post where I please, but I'll be sure to bring a rag for your vagina
Post here all you want. Your foolish f#ckery makes for great laughs.

Great, your whining can be heard for miles.
So you would argue that a trans woman is just as good as a natural women? Go ahead and say it.

What do you care?

It's not like you could ever get either one interested in your 214" waistline.

The point is, it's none of your business.

They've been peeing in public restrooms forever and you were too dumb to know it. Now that you've been told to get hysterical, you've developed a very unhealthy interest in what's going on in the women's bathroom.

Sicko perverts need to mind their own business.
Say it then. YOU support so say it!
Thats how societies work. Speeding laws exist because some asshole couldnt handle it. Does that interfere with your ability to speed even tho you are a really good fast driver? Yes.

Let this guy explain it start at the 3 min mark when he talks about the irresponsible 1%

I know others, okay two people truly love your slime ball mother f#cker posting style. Please feel free to display it elsewhere.

WTF? I just responded to your post and told you thats why laws are created. That makes you mad for some reason but your Nepoleon complex has shit to do with me.

I'll post where I please, but I'll be sure to bring a rag for your vagina

Post here all you want. Your foolish f#ckery makes for great laughs.

Great, your whining can be heard for miles.

So you would argue that a trans woman is just as good as a natural women? Go ahead and say it.

No I wouldn't say that and my point was clear. I even quoted it.

Who cares if you don't consider them women? Great. So what?
I know others, okay two people truly love your slime ball mother f#cker posting style. Please feel free to display it elsewhere.

WTF? I just responded to your post and told you thats why laws are created. That makes you mad for some reason but your Nepoleon complex has shit to do with me.

I'll post where I please, but I'll be sure to bring a rag for your vagina
Post here all you want. Your foolish f#ckery makes for great laughs.

Great, your whining can be heard for miles.
So you would argue that a trans woman is just as good as a natural women? Go ahead and say it.

No I wouldn't say that and my point was clear. I even quoted it.

Who cares if you don't consider them women? Great. So what?
How can you defend the position and NOT make the statement?
I find the statement I would need to make rather easy.
Trans women are NOT real women thus NOT equal to real women.
The Transgender population is about .3%
and for this 99.7% of the rest of us get screwed over.
Tell me how this makes sense!!!
The Transgender population is about .3%
and for this 99.7% of the rest of us get screwed over.
Tell me how this makes sense!!!
It doesn't. You arent being screwd over for them. You are being screwed over for the 1% elite :)

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