Trans Montana Lawmaker Throws Fit and Threatens GOP Colleagues for Wanting to Bar Sex Change Treatments for Children (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Total insanity! These transgenders are a menace to society and young children. Check out this example of one.

Total insanity! These transgenders are a menace to society and young children. Check out this example of one.

Lemme guess, she avoids seeing blood on her/his hands by not bowing her/his head and praying.
The name of this legislator , who represents the Democrat Party, is "Zooey Zephyr".

No shit.

Ms. Zephyr is obviously just trolling the public.
So, not only did people in Montana vote for a Tranny, but one named Zoey Zephyr to boot?

I wonder what the actual Montanans think about the way Californians have moved in and taken over certain areas?

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