
The man has some explaining to do and questions to answer traitor I can't say but by the same token I can't call him a hero either there is a lot we need to know.

And then find the answers. Men do a lot of crazy shit on a war front. I posted this in another thread;

On 18 October 2011 captured IDF tank gunner Gilad Shalit, captured by the Palestinian militant organization Hamas in 2006, was released in exchange for 1027 Palestinian prisoners held in Israel. The released prisoners were responsible for the deaths of 569 Israeli civilians.
My guess, he was turned into a terrorist by the killer Muslims and he will hide this secret until he is awarded a metal where he is supposed to kill the Obama administration. He will chicken out, then run for Senate and win, only to set off a car bomb at the CIA.
You thing they've been so shaken up by the Vet Administration Scandal that they were desperately trying to find something to take it off the headlines, so they brainstomed this ham-handed travesty?

Holy Shit!!!


Didn't it knda take Congress by surprise??:eusa_silenced:

The Obama administration circumvented the 30 day notice, explaining that the opportunity presented itself, and the CIC cannot be expected not to react......


It makes no sense this is the same trade which was asked for 2 and 3 years ago. Why all of a sudden was it so important now? I am not into conspiracy's but to know these are the same 5 Obama wanted to release in 2011, it makes no sense IMO.
Here are the fallen because of HIS CHOICE, they died looking for him to help him:

Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen


Staff Sergeant Kurt Curtiss


2nd Lieutenant Darryn Andrews


Private 1st Class Morris Walker


Private 1st Class Matthew Martinek


Staff Sergeant Michael Murphrey


The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching For Bowe Bergdahl - TIME
OK, so this doesn't prove Bergdahl deserted but certainly adds to the price we paid to "save" him from his captors:

The deal that got Bowe Bergdahl released in exchange for five high-ranking Taliban detainees doesn't sit right with the family of an Army lieutenant killed in an ambush while searching for the missing sergeant.
"He was killed while looking for this deserter," said Andy Andrews, father of 2nd Lt. Darryn Andrews, who died in eastern Afghanistan in September 2009.
"If this guy [Bergdahl] had not gone off post, our son would not have been killed.-

Family of Soldier Slain in Bowe Bergdahl Search Blasts Prisoner Swap - NBC News

Some in his platoon stated he was a deserter. His actions leading up to his leaving his post spoke volumes.

I will trust the guys that served with this traitor any day before I take the word of Chuck Hagel and his bullshit.

He is a traitor and should suffer a traitors fate. PERIOD. End of story.
CaféAuLait;9199511 said:
Sheehan did not give her son for this country, her son gave his life for this country. I feel for gold star and blue star families. But I cringe as I pull into the commissary and see special parking those who lost loved ones- they did not make the decision to serve, they supported, but in the end that soldier made that choice- not the parent or the spouse. To use a special parking spot on the back of my dead son would make me want to vomit.

I don't care if you support Obama or not. Because someone lost a loved one does not give them the right to say whatever they want, it was never 'their choice' but those who are fallen.

Damn you really like to take the bait.


Apparently, some don't appreciate transparency:

Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you



I hope you return the sentiment ... every 48 hrs. :lol:
I'll make it up every time I can rep you. :D
It really does seem as if Republicans are on the side of terrorists. They will scream and defend American born terrorists who attack this country saying their rights have been violated.

But this guy who they know nothing about other than he never attacked this country? They want to hang out to dry. He's an alleged deserter? In the Middle East? Where would he go? Could he have been injured? Mentally ill? It doesn't matter. All they know is they hate Obama.

Jesus Tap Dancing you actually read the garbage that you post!?!?! You are out of your ever loving Nazi mind.....
CaféAuLait;9199607 said:
Didn't it knda take Congress by surprise??:eusa_silenced:

The Obama administration circumvented the 30 day notice, explaining that the opportunity presented itself, and the CIC cannot be expected not to react......


It makes no sense this is the same trade which was asked for 2 and 3 years ago. Why all of a sudden was it so important now? I am not into conspiracy's but to know these are the same 5 Obama wanted to release in 2011, it makes no sense IMO.

This is an interesting point: Obama wanted to clear out Gitmo, and hasn't been able to do it.

Maybe he's counting on prisoner exchanges to fulfill his campaign promise?

As you say, I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, but the possibility that the administration was so stupid as to exchange Taliban Leaders for a deserter ......:eek:
Damn you really like to take the bait.


Apparently, some don't appreciate transparency:

Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you



I hope you return the sentiment ... every 48 hrs. :lol:
I'll make it up every time I can rep you. :D

I don't neg.


It is below me.
OK, so this doesn't prove Bergdahl deserted but certainly adds to the price we paid to "save" him from his captors:

The deal that got Bowe Bergdahl released in exchange for five high-ranking Taliban detainees doesn't sit right with the family of an Army lieutenant killed in an ambush while searching for the missing sergeant.
"He was killed while looking for this deserter," said Andy Andrews, father of 2nd Lt. Darryn Andrews, who died in eastern Afghanistan in September 2009.
"If this guy [Bergdahl] had not gone off post, our son would not have been killed.-

Family of Soldier Slain in Bowe Bergdahl Search Blasts Prisoner Swap - NBC News

Some in his platoon stated he was a deserter. His actions leading up to his leaving his post spoke volumes.

I will trust the guys that served with this traitor any day before I take the word of Chuck Hagel and his bullshit.

He is a traitor and should suffer a traitors fate. PERIOD. End of story.

Not end of story. Half a dozen fine soldiers died looking for Bergdahl and who knows how many were killed as a result of his "capture" and subsequent debriefing by his "captors."
CaféAuLait;9199511 said:
Sheehan did not give her son for this country, her son gave his life for this country. I feel for gold star and blue star families. But I cringe as I pull into the commissary and see special parking those who lost loved ones- they did not make the decision to serve, they supported, but in the end that soldier made that choice- not the parent or the spouse. To use a special parking spot on the back of my dead son would make me want to vomit.

I don't care if you support Obama or not. Because someone lost a loved one does not give them the right to say whatever they want, it was never 'their choice' but those who are fallen.

Damn you really like to take the bait.


Apparently, some don't appreciate transparency:

Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you


Geeeeze, look what happens when I hang around you, Samson. :lol:
New reputation!
Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you too


The timing of this release I find very curious with all the negative press Obama has been getting.
Damn you really like to take the bait.


Apparently, some don't appreciate transparency:

Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you


Geeeeze, look what happens when I hang around you, Samson. :lol:
New reputation!
Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you too


There are 19 states now where you two can consummate your relationship.

Make sure to check yelp before you ask someone for a cake :cool:
Apparently, some don't appreciate transparency:

Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you


Geeeeze, look what happens when I hang around you, Samson. :lol:
New reputation!
Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you too


There are 19 states now where you two can consummate your relationship.

Make sure to check yelp before you ask someone for a cake :cool:

Well, it's a slight improvement over any other example of your rapier-sharp wit that's appeared in the thread.

Baby Steps. Don't trip.
Damn you really like to take the bait.


Apparently, some don't appreciate transparency:

Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you


Geeeeze, look what happens when I hang around you, Samson. :lol:
New reputation!
Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you too


The timing of this release I find very curious with all the negative press Obama has been getting.

I guess I'm next. When the smoke clears a couple of Obama's peeps will resign in disgrace and he will cop a plea. They will get jobs @
Apparently, some don't appreciate transparency:

Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you


Geeeeze, look what happens when I hang around you, Samson. :lol:
New reputation!
Hi, you have received -2397 reputation points from TheOldSchool.
Reputation was given for this post.

fuck you too


There are 19 states now where you two can consummate your relationship.

Make sure to check yelp before you ask someone for a cake :cool:

I share your anger but mine is directed not at the peeps posting honest opinions here but rather at those who consummated this abortion. I hope you will excuse me ... I need to spread some rep around so I can replace that which you took from Meister and Samson. :mad:
Last edited:
2010 report says Bergdahl converted to Islam, taught bomb-making, according to Taliban captor

*Mid East Faces ^

A 2010 report by the Daily Mail quoted a Taliban captor of Bowe Bergdahl, the American soldier released in a deal announced this weekend in exchange for five Guantanamo Bay detainees, stating Bergdahl converted to Islam and was teaching Taliban fighters bomb-making skills. The report came after about one year that Bergdahl had deserted his post in June 2009 while based in eastern Afghanistan. At least six American soldiers reportedly lost their lives in attempts to return Bergdahl to his unit. The captor, who called himself Haji Nadeem, said Bergdahl taught basic ambush training as well as how to take...
5 Gitmo Terrorists Arrive in Qatar “With No Sign They Are – Under Custody”
The Gateway Pundit ^

The five Guantanamo detainees released by the Obama administration in exchange for America’s last prisoner of war arrived in Qatar today. As Brian Ross reported on ABC: “The terror group is calling their release a major victory. New video posted this morning on an Afghan news website shows the five former detainees arriving in Qatar with no sign they are under any sort of custody or guard.… They received a hero’s welcome.”