Traitor Chris Christie took victory from Mitt

Little late to the party.

We've already identified this excuse.

Hey I listened to people turn traitor.

Laura's is going for O'Reillys job. Out of the blue she starts to attack Romney every freaking day.

Bitch doesn't criticize Obama. Nah, every day she goes at Romney.

This is supposed to be a conservative talk show host? And same bitch pushes Christie?

That's all she has done for hours on hours. Day in day out. Since July. All I have is radio man. I know her like the back of my hand. She was pissed off like Christie that Ryan was picked,

So lets link it. Laura loves Christie. Who fucks over Romney at the end. Yeah it's called a circular firing squad.

There's a reason that the Democrats won't ever run someone like Nader, Kucinich or Brown for President. And those guys are not as radical as what the Republicans put up this time around. Romney was the epitome of an "empty suit" and he was the best choice out of the lot. More responsible conservatives were appalled by the pick. And said so.

You guys corralled this era's John Bircher society and made them "mainstream".

What you expect to happened?

Obama was favored to win NJ -- it's a blue state, dumbfuck.

HUH??? Can you read? Do you know what this thread is about.? What does NJ being a blue state have to do with whether Repub Christie took a bribe to defend a democrat?
There's a reason that the Democrats won't ever run someone like Nader, Kucinich or Brown for President. And those guys are not as radical as what the Republicans put up this time around. Romney was the epitome of an "empty suit" and he was the best choice out of the lot. More responsible conservatives were appalled by the pick. And said so.

HAHAHA.. You're calling Romney a radical??? That's the dumbest thing i ever heard. He's a middle of the road boy scout. Name one conservative who said they were appalled by the pick.
CC is the REPUBLICAN(!!!) gov of NJ and went on TV last week talking about what a super job Obama did when Sandy hit. Fact is Obozo didn't do anything - the feds are not first responders. Christie took a bribe to betray his own party. Bet the dems paid him like $20 million to say what he said. That's small change compared to the billion $ they spent on the campaign.

Obama was favored to win NJ -- it's a blue state, dumbfuck.


Obama was favored to win NJ -- it's a blue state, dumbfuck.

HUH??? Can you read? Do you know what this thread is about.? What does NJ being a blue state have to do with whether Repub Christie took a bribe to defend a democrat?

Wow, that really sums up your rabid wingnuttery.

Christie: I'm 'Waiting For The Locusts And Pestilence Next'
You are a fool if you think a pat on the back from a moderate republican, who's stated was in desperate need of federal assistance, to a socialist president made a difference in the election. It wasn't Sandy or Christie that made the difference in the election, it was the mainstream media that relies on perception above reality and made it seem as if the Hussein administration had a handle on the situation when in reality it was just a photo-op.
Little late to the party.

We've already identified this excuse.

Hey I listened to people turn traitor.

Laura's is going for O'Reillys job. Out of the blue she starts to attack Romney every freaking day.

Bitch doesn't criticize Obama. Nah, every day she goes at Romney.

This is supposed to be a conservative talk show host? And same bitch pushes Christie?

That's all she has done for hours on hours. Day in day out. Since July. All I have is radio man. I know her like the back of my hand. She was pissed off like Christie that Ryan was picked,

So lets link it. Laura loves Christie. Who fucks over Romney at the end. Yeah it's called a circular firing squad.

Seriously...what is this babble?
It's kind of sad that Republicans are this fucking stupid that they're going to turn Christie into a judas despite him being a decent politician. To think Obama won because of Christie is just retarded bitterness. Christie and accepting homosexuals should be the future of the Republican Party but they're going to continue to be in the dark ages for the foreseeable future.
CC is the REPUBLICAN(!!!) gov of NJ and went on TV last week talking about what a super job Obama did when Sandy hit. Fact is Obozo didn't do anything - the feds are not first responders. Christie took a bribe to betray his own party. Bet the dems paid him like $20 million to say what he said. That's small change compared to the billion $ they spent on the campaign.

You’ll likely be voting for that ‘traitor’ when he’s your nominee in 2016.
CC is the REPUBLICAN(!!!) gov of NJ and went on TV last week talking about what a super job Obama did when Sandy hit. Fact is Obozo didn't do anything - the feds are not first responders. Christie took a bribe to betray his own party. Bet the dems paid him like $20 million to say what he said. That's small change compared to the billion $ they spent on the campaign.

So let me get this you there's absolutely nothing wrong with how the GOP ran their campaign, their policies, their chosen candidate, their messages...nothing.

Did I get that right?

Yep. The only thing that was wrong was that Christie did his job and the president did his own job and, oh the horrors of it all, they did their jobs in the very same place. And that's why the empty suit plutocrat and his merry band of fascists lost.
CC is the REPUBLICAN(!!!) gov of NJ and went on TV last week talking about what a super job Obama did when Sandy hit. Fact is Obozo didn't do anything - the feds are not first responders. Christie took a bribe to betray his own party. Bet the dems paid him like $20 million to say what he said. That's small change compared to the billion $ they spent on the campaign.

Yeah, the dickhead wing of your party doesn't like when one of their own actually tells the truth. You probably don't even realize how petty and mentally challenged your sentiments sound like. :lol:

Come on you know me to be a straight shooter.... that doesn't sound good but move along. :eusa_angel:

Christie screwed every one over. There is no doubt about it. Just because Romney picked Ryan over him.

He gave it to Obama.

I know that you are a "straight shooter", I just disagree with you on this one. Christie is an emotional type of guy, he facing a calamity in his state, he has most likely seen the places he went to and enjoyed as a kid an as a father destroyed.
I still don't see the problem with him telling the truth that President Obama and his representatives and departments were right there to help them. In my opinion some people are trying to use him as a scapegoat to blame for their loss. Face it, Obama had the tri-state area won in the first place. Romney lost the state he was the governor in (MA) by a pretty large margin and he lost another home state of his in New Hampshire, he lost California and he lost another home state in Michigan....................

This is not Christie's fault, it's the republican's fault and the preference of the people that expressed it in both the popular vote AND the Electoral College. They didn't want what Romney/Ryan were selling. I heard some delusional dolt call limbaugh's show and state that Romney was handpicked by the "republican elitists"!! :lol:
No, he was elected by the people in his party during the primaries.
CC is the REPUBLICAN(!!!) gov of NJ and went on TV last week talking about what a super job Obama did when Sandy hit. Fact is Obozo didn't do anything - the feds are not first responders. Christie took a bribe to betray his own party. Bet the dems paid him like $20 million to say what he said. That's small change compared to the billion $ they spent on the campaign.

Yeah, the dickhead wing of your party doesnv't like when one of their own actually tells the truth. You probably don't even realize how petty and mentally challenged your sentiments sound like. :lol:

If was the petty whining that turned voters off of the Republicans.
CC is the REPUBLICAN(!!!) gov of NJ and went on TV last week talking about what a super job Obama did when Sandy hit. Fact is Obozo didn't do anything - the feds are not first responders. Christie took a bribe to betray his own party. Bet the dems paid him like $20 million to say what he said. That's small change compared to the billion $ they spent on the campaign.

Little late to the party.

We've already identified this excuse.

Hey I listened to people turn traitor.

Laura's is going for O'Reillys job. Out of the blue she starts to attack Romney every freaking day.

Bitch doesn't criticize Obama. Nah, every day she goes at Romney.

This is supposed to be a conservative talk show host? And same bitch pushes Christie?

That's all she has done for hours on hours. Day in day out. Since July. All I have is radio man. I know her like the back of my hand. She was pissed off like Christie that Ryan was picked,

So lets link it. Laura loves Christie. Who fucks over Romney at the end. Yeah it's called a circular firing squad.

Seriously...what is this babble?

Who the heck is Laura? And if she hates this Laura, why listen?

Does she mean that weird guy with the long blonde hair ...

Coulter. Yeah, that guy.

Its true however, the pubpots really have become a circular firing squad. Too bad not one of them seems willing to take responsibility for them reaping what the damn fools sowed.
CC is the REPUBLICAN(!!!) gov of NJ and went on TV last week talking about what a super job Obama did when Sandy hit. Fact is Obozo didn't do anything - the feds are not first responders. Christie took a bribe to betray his own party. Bet the dems paid him like $20 million to say what he said. That's small change compared to the billion $ they spent on the campaign.

Obama was favored to win NJ -- it's a blue state, dumbfuck.

What Christie did was decimate the base. I knew at that moment it got turned around.

He betrayed every conservative. Just because he was pissed off the Romney picked Ryan. Thats sad man. Thats sad.

Got that right. If christie thought he had a future in the GOP, it's gone now. Nobody likes a traitor.

Sane people put humanity above politics.

Two Righties on this thread would disagree.
You are a fool if you think a pat on the back from a moderate republican, who's stated was in desperate need of federal assistance, to a socialist president made a difference in the election. It wasn't Sandy or Christie that made the difference in the election, it was the mainstream media that relies on perception above reality and made it seem as if the Hussein administration had a handle on the situation when in reality it was just a photo-op.

No it wasn' this posts illustrates.

You folks sound like insane lunatics.

It's a downward spiral that started in earnest after the Bush perfect storm of wars and complete financial collapse.

You shot yourselves. And unless you realize that you guys have gone way to will be marginalized.