Traffic fatalities linked to pot are up sharply in Colorado


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The auto industry is funding the legal pot movement. They have lost a fortune due to the war on drunk driving. Car crashes mean car sales.

Traffic fatalities linked to pot are up sharply in Colorado

aug 27 2017 DENVER (AP) - Federal and state data show that the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes in Colorado who tested positive for marijuana has more than doubled since 2013.

A Denver Post analysis of the data and coroner reports provides the most comprehensive look yet into whether roads in the state have become more dangerous since the drug's legalization.

It shows that Increasingly potent levels of marijuana were found in positive-testing drivers who died in crashes in Front Range counties.
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Every legislator who voted to legalize pot in CO raked in a huge bribe from the auto industry.
There were near record low traffic fatalities in Colorado a couple years after pot was legalized. Last year saw a spike, but still lower than in 2005. What's your explanation for what was going on in 2005?
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There were near record low traffic fatalities in Colorado a couple years after pot was legalized. Last year saw a spike, but still lower than in 2005. What's your explanation for what was going on in 2005?

Ancient history. THINK
There were near record low traffic fatalities in Colorado a couple years after pot was legalized. Last year saw a spike, but still lower than in 2005. What's your explanation for what was going on in 2005?
back before legalization they were not looking for pot in the blood,now they are,hence the number is up....
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Why was this moved to the conspiracy dungeon? Is it now conspiratorial to suggest congressmen take bribes!!!!????
There were near record low traffic fatalities in Colorado a couple years after pot was legalized. Last year saw a spike, but still lower than in 2005. What's your explanation for what was going on in 2005?

Obviously, nobody smokes weed before it's legalized. :rolleyes:
The auto industry is funding the legal pot movement. They have lost a fortune due to the war on drunk driving. Car crashes mean car sales.

Traffic fatalities linked to pot are up sharply in Colorado

aug 27 2017 DENVER (AP) - Federal and state data show that the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes in Colorado who tested positive for marijuana has more than doubled since 2013.

A Denver Post analysis of the data and coroner reports provides the most comprehensive look yet into whether roads in the state have become more dangerous since the drug's legalization.

It shows that Increasingly potent levels of marijuana were found in positive-testing drivers who died in crashes in Front Range counties.
/----/ And here I thought it was being pushed by the body & fender shops.
Traffic fatalities linked to pot are up sharply in Colorado

aug 27 2017 DENVER (AP) - Federal and state data show that the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes in Colorado who tested positive for marijuana has more than doubled since 2013.

A Denver Post analysis of the data and coroner reports provides the most comprehensive look yet into whether roads in the state have become more dangerous since the drug's legalization.

It shows that Increasingly potent levels of marijuana were found in positive-testing drivers who died in crashes in Front Range counties.

So the car industry, in order to sell more cars spent millions on this increase of 57 deaths per year due to pot in the state. 68 new cars?

And how are dead people upgrading their cars? No offense but when someone dies, you usually don't see them purchasing a new car. Actually what you usually see is that person no longer is returning to the car lot to trade in their car, or get maintenance done on their car. I'd say people dying in accidents is BAD for car sales since people need to be living to buy a car.

I'd say it was moved to the conspiracy group because you are making claims with zero proof and at best a poor correlation to tie them together.
And how are dead people upgrading their cars? No offense but when someone dies, you usually don't see them purchasing a new car. Actually what you usually see is that person no longer is returning to the car lot to trade in their car, or get maintenance done on their car. I'd say people dying in accidents is BAD for car sales since people need to be living to buy a car.

Hey stupid. The auto industry doesn't want people to die, they want cars to die. That's why they put air bags in cars. To encourage people to drive even crazier and have more crashes but survive and buy a car to replace the one they just wrecked.

Car crashes mean car sales. You are the only one too dumb to understand that.
Hey stupid. The auto industry doesn't want people to die, they want cars to die. That's why they put air bags in cars. To encourage people to drive even crazier and have more crashes but survive and buy a car to replace the one they just wrecked.

Car crashes mean car sales. You are the only one too dumb to understand that.

You are quoting a post of more fatalities tied to pot smoking. How do people in fatal accidents buy more cars? Why would you quote a FATALITY study? Someone killed in a car accident isn't buying another car.

And again, are any donations or lobbying money funding the groups that pushed for pot legislation? Or is this a conspiracy theory?

And why are they spending so much on accident avoidance technology? Things like blind spot monitoring, lane departure alarms, adaptive headlights, autonomous driving, and adaptive cruise control would never be making it to the market if what you said was true. The ONLY purpose of those things is to reduce accidents, and car companies are putting billions into that technology. IF what you said was true, car companies wouldn't be pushing these things. And these are in the cars that make a difference to new car sales. 15 year old cars are getting replaced soon one way or another. It's newer cars where the money is in replacing them earlier than their lifespan. And these are the exact ones being loaded up with accident avoidance tech. What you are saying is they are doing a little something to help their cause, while spending billions to shoot that cause in the foot.

And legal pot is a drop in the bucket, if you wanted to push car accidents, you'd be behind the smartphone push and other tech that can distract drivers wouldn't you? It's like ignoring a bag of gold to pick up a penny.

Those are the reasons your post is in the conspiracy theory. It has no basis in fact, you can barely even prove correlation, and it takes literally 30 seconds to find MUCH better uses of money than what you suggest and poke some gaping holes in your logic.

Which is why when I questioned it you decided to start name calling rather than defending the logic of your thread.
And how are dead people upgrading their cars? No offense but when someone dies, you usually don't see them purchasing a new car. Actually what you usually see is that person no longer is returning to the car lot to trade in their car, or get maintenance done on their car. I'd say people dying in accidents is BAD for car sales since people need to be living to buy a car.

Hey stupid. The auto industry doesn't want people to die, they want cars to die. That's why they put air bags in cars. To encourage people to drive even crazier and have more crashes but survive and buy a car to replace the one they just wrecked.

Car crashes mean car sales. You are the only one too dumb to understand that.
/----/ Hey if dead people in Chicago can vote, why can't they still buy a car?
So Colorado's traffic fatality rate was 704 in 2002- dipping all the way down to 447 in 2011- and climbing ever since.

Certainly worth investigating whether legal pot plays into the current rate.

But we know Shooter doesn't really care what the facts are.
Quote:"Traffic fatalities linked to pot are up sharply in Colorado"

So is getting back wrong change, getting food orders mixed up, and parents forgetting to pick up their children from school.

And why are they spending so much on accident avoidance technology? Things like blind spot monitoring, lane departure alarms, adaptive headlights, autonomous driving, and adaptive cruise control would never be making it to the market if what you said was true. The ONLY purpose of those things is to reduce accidents, and car companies are putting billions into that technology.

Are you insane??? The auto industry sells cars that do 2-3 times the speed limit!!!!! They also install internet access in the cars so drivers can play with that!!!

You are a blithering idiot if you think the industry wants to reduce crashes. And yes, they are crashes so stop calling them "accidents" you brainwashed moron.

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