Trackbacks list getting out of hand!

Mr. Jones

Senior Member
Jan 21, 2009
Hey guys/gals I notice that there is a list of web sites that are "track backs" and I have a lot of them and they take a lot of space on the page. Is there a way to delete them or minimize them. I sorta kinda know what they are but ???:confused:
awwwww, I'm sorry. But when one looks at the quotes on a page one is....awwww forget it. I didn't know you were new. How knew are you?

I am slowly working my way up the computer worlds evolutionary ladder. I would say I just passed the neanderthal stage. :lol: I honestly don't know if the trackbacks are supposed to be there or I can limit them in user CP or what the deal is,so you wanna help me out here? I'd appreciate it.
I am slowly working my way up the computer worlds evolutionary ladder. I would say I just passed the neanderthal stage. :lol: I honestly don't know if the trackbacks are supposed to be there or I can limit them in user CP or what the deal is,so you wanna help me out here? I'd appreciate it.

I don't know if you are using the view window I am.

If you are after you hit the

...your window should look like something similar this...


If after I hit the [submit reply] button after writing some text: "I don't know if you are using the view window I am."

I would get this here below with 2 quotes:

If I want edit out a quote---say my own...

I can get this:



do you see what I did?

I edited out some of the text starting with the bracketed quote
all the way to the bracketed
with the slash [ / ] before the word 'quote. --- [/slash] always goes before the word 'quote' at closing. the brackets contain code called "tags"

is an opening tag [/slash] is a closing tag go here sometime:
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