Tow truck driver refuses to tow Bernie supporter

good He should be forgiven if he issues a public apology
Apology for what?

Exercising his freedom of speech by tell her to get another towing service? ...... :cool:

for advertising himself as a TOWING SERVICE------and leaving a young female
on the road after a car accident--------he is a disgusting bastard whose action should
haunt him for life------unless he seeks to rectify his stinking behavior
it was a dick move on his part but i feel for him. He'll probably lose his family. A lot of people on these forums don't understand how really dangerous the SJW's are.
The tow truck is just a good-ole-boy from South Carolina.

I have no doubt that he has a CCW permit and several weapons at home.

So called SJW's would be well advised to stay clear of him and his property. ........ :cool:
I'm pretty sure I mentioned just how bad Bernie was for business owners. There's just no point in running a business in a socialist government. If you make over $250k/y Sanders is cool with taking up to 90% in taxes...

You think a bunch of socialists refusing to use his towing service is going to hurt him? Pfft, I suspect half of them don't pay their bills anyway. 97% of Bernie's supporters I know are so broke that they struggle to find enough loose change to buy their video game subs - all the while bitching that they can't afford to pay their student loan that month. I'd laugh if it wasn't so pathetically irresponsible...
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

It is sad that political rancor has reached a level that people refuse to do their fucking jobs because of a bumper sticker.
Probably the stupidest thing I've heard of today. Someone in this economy turning down work (and money), because they don't like the political bent of the person needing his service.
Like all those entertainers refusing to entertain in NC?
it was a dick move on his part but i feel for him. He'll probably lose his family. A lot of people on these forums don't understand how really dangerous the SJW's are.
The tow truck is just a good-ole-boy from South Carolina.

I have no doubt that he has a CCW permit and several weapons at home.

So called SJW's would be well advised to stay clear of him and his property. ........ :cool:
There's heaps of stuff they can do.
He should have lined his children up to yell " fuck you" in liberal style!
He might be in for some harrassment actually. If someone recognises him a gang stalk may ensue. Its very real.
The radical loon leftists have already posted the address and phone # of the business on another Youtube video comments section. ....... :cool:
Good. I hope the asshole gets about 10 calls a day and when he arrives, the people say, "Oh, you're that guy. I just wait for another tow truck.".
He might be in for some harrassment actually. If someone recognises him a gang stalk may ensue. Its very real.
The radical loon leftists have already posted the address and phone # of the business on another Youtube video comments section. ....... :cool:
Good. I hope the asshole gets about 10 calls a day and when he arrives, the people say, "Oh, you're that guy. I just wait for another tow truck.".
Solved by taking credit card information over the phone like restaurants do. Unless they have AAA then just charge for it anyway.
Like all those entertainers refusing to entertain in NC?


Entertainers who discriminate in who/where they will entertain should immediately lose their entertainment licenses! Except that there are none.....not yet. Just as journalists who flaunt their biases should lose their journalism licenses. Except that there none....not yet....except in places like Cuba and maybe North Korea. Y'know, the places Nutty Old Uncle Bernie so admires.

In this he may have a point, wouldn't you who hate the tow-truck driver agree?
Good. I hope the asshole gets about 10 calls a day and when he arrives, the people say, "Oh, you're that guy. I just wait for another tow truck.".
...which is exactly the maturity level of a Bernie supporter. And why he doesn't want to do business with them. It all works out!
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.

Personally, I hope this lady finds some way to sue the shit out of him.
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.

Personally, I hope this lady finds some way to sue the shit out of him.
Typical lib response. Touts freedom of speech and dicersity then wants to sue the shit out of people that have different point of view. LOL.

There is no right to a tow service, jerkoff.
This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.
And yet your avie is a far leftist cartoon depiction of candidate Trump.

Hypocrite much?? ....... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.
And yet your avie is a far leftist cartoon depiction of candidate Trump.

Hypocrite much?? ....... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
oh, hell yes, he is a hypocrisy double dipper.
This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.
And yet your avie is a far leftist cartoon depiction of candidate Trump.

Hypocrite much?? ....... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Yes, because my avatar is a direct representation of whether or not I help people out or do my job. I mean, by that logic, you must be a nazi! Why? Well you have for your avatar a picture of the soup nazi...obviously indicating that you are in favor of Adolf Hitler!

Or, you could be an idiot without an actual retort. Either or.
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.

Personally, I hope this lady finds some way to sue the shit out of him.
Typical lib response. Touts freedom of speech and dicersity then wants to sue the shit out of people that have different point of view. LOL.

There is no right to a tow service, jerkoff.

You do realize that our court system is designed to met out justice right...if she's in the wrong it isn't like she will reach a settlement. However, in the likely case that this guy was doing something that is so wrong that we can judicially act upon it...would you really deny us the freedom to exercise our rights to settle our disputes in court?

Or maybe you just want to do away with the court system altogether...because, at this point, you seem to think that using the court is somehow AGAINST freedom of speech or diversity...instead of actually put in place to protect those basic rights.
If she had a Trump sticker instead, the tow truck driver would be heroic.

Democrat is not a protected class. Yes it is an indication of just how divided we are. We are a diverse nation with lots of different opinions and we don't like each other.

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