Tory minister resigns over torture bill

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Conservative MP Johnny Mercer has resigned as a defence minister, Downing Street has announced.
Mr Mercer said he had been "forced" to offer to resign over the scope of a government law designed to protect veterans from unfounded prosecutions.
British soldiers who served in Northern Ireland are to be excluded from the bill, which MPs will debate on Wednesday.

Mr Mercer said it was a "red line" for him that they should be covered too.

Basically this is a bill that protects our soldiers from being sued for torturing darkies in foreign countries. Its a disgraceful piece of culture wars legislation that is designed to appeal to their bonehead supporters.

Mercer wants the legislation to be extended to soldiers who offended in Belfast during the troubles.

Like most of his ilk he is as thick as shit. The name of the bill is a clue - "Overseas Operations Bill " .

He basically wants to give our army carte blanche to torture British citizens. The fact that they did a lot of this is obviously pertinent to his cause.
Unfounded accusations are determined as such by a court of law, not by some get out of jail free legislation. Welcome to Tory Britain.
The guy is a grade A twat. Our MP is a military groupie and was well behind this crap. She has been very quiet this week.
Unfounded accusations are determined as such by a court of law, not by some get out of jail free legislation. Welcome to Tory Britain.
The guy is a grade A twat. Our MP is a military groupie and was well behind this crap. She has been very quiet this week.
I got that from "Conservative MP"

A former veterans minister has hit out at the government as "the most distrustful, awful environment I've ever worked in".
Tory MP Johnny Mercer told Times Radio "almost nobody tells the truth," and election pledges had not been delivered.

Is it worse than thatcher or Majors governments though. I change my mind every day on this.
Unfounded accusations are determined as such by a court of law, not by some get out of jail free legislation. Welcome to Tory Britain.
The guy is a grade A twat. Our MP is a military groupie and was well behind this crap. She has been very quiet this week.
I got that from "Conservative MP"

A former veterans minister has hit out at the government as "the most distrustful, awful environment I've ever worked in".
Tory MP Johnny Mercer told Times Radio "almost nobody tells the truth," and election pledges had not been delivered.

Is it worse than thatcher or Majors governments though. I change my mind every day on this.
Thatcher was a bitch, but never tried to hide the fact, Major was too nice to be a proper Tory. The Johnson is by far the worst PM we have ever had.

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