Toronto....they have extreme gun control, and their criminals just won't stop shooting people...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here we have an 8 year old boy almost hit by bullets during a shooting in Toronto...

‘Disgusting’: Police release surveillance video after boy, 8, nearly hit by gunfire in Rexdale

oronto police have released security camera footage of a “disturbing” incident that shows an eight-year-old boy narrowly escaping a hail of gunfire while on his way to buy a popsicle in Rexdale over the weekend.

Police released information about the shooting on Wednesday, describing it as “callous” and “disgusting.”

“It’s very disturbing – to us, to the community, to the family of an eight year old boy that was walking across the street – that bullets were whizzing by him,” Supt. Ron Taverner said Wednesday.
Here we have an 8 year old boy almost hit by bullets during a shooting in Toronto...

‘Disgusting’: Police release surveillance video after boy, 8, nearly hit by gunfire in Rexdale

oronto police have released security camera footage of a “disturbing” incident that shows an eight-year-old boy narrowly escaping a hail of gunfire while on his way to buy a popsicle in Rexdale over the weekend.

Police released information about the shooting on Wednesday, describing it as “callous” and “disgusting.”

“It’s very disturbing – to us, to the community, to the family of an eight year old boy that was walking across the street – that bullets were whizzing by him,” Supt. Ron Taverner said Wednesday.

Is that proof they need stricter laws because St Louis has more murders and looser gun laws?

I gave advice in the other thread about better angles.
We've had some record numbers, not to mention three terror attacks this year alone. Media is mostly silent, "things are good people, at least we aren't America!". On top of, one officer himself accidentally shooting a woman sleeping in her bedroom and the Chief of police of Peel Region (*hush hush, wink wink*) offering her a job in the future while she laid in the hospital healing her wounds.

Canadian police are only good at policing when they are manufacturing and entrapping. Otherwise, we have the most nepotistic policing culture on earth. Recruiting is a joke, we have no former soldiers as police officers which to me tells you that motivations for being police in Canada are not primarily about duty.

Oh, and there is legislation being put forward in Toronto AND federally to ban ALL guns. Let that sink in...
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The shooting capital of the US (Chicago) has extreme gun control laws.

Why would Canada be any different?
Here we have an 8 year old boy almost hit by bullets during a shooting in Toronto...

‘Disgusting’: Police release surveillance video after boy, 8, nearly hit by gunfire in Rexdale

oronto police have released security camera footage of a “disturbing” incident that shows an eight-year-old boy narrowly escaping a hail of gunfire while on his way to buy a popsicle in Rexdale over the weekend.

Police released information about the shooting on Wednesday, describing it as “callous” and “disgusting.”

“It’s very disturbing – to us, to the community, to the family of an eight year old boy that was walking across the street – that bullets were whizzing by him,” Supt. Ron Taverner said Wednesday.

Is that proof they need stricter laws because St Louis has more murders and looser gun laws?

I gave advice in the other thread about better angles.

St. Louis has more gun murder because it has been run by democrats for decades and allows known, repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail...what is Canada's excuse?

Also, as St. Louis tries to increase the prison sentence for violent gun offenders, the democrat party is fighting the effort with everything it has....

Rise in Murders Has St. Louis Debating Why

Jennifer M. Joyce, the city’s circuit attorney, or prosecutor, an elected position, complains that in St. Louis, the illegal possession of a gun is too often “a crime without a consequence,” making it difficult to stop confrontation from turning lethal.

At the same time, deeper social roots of violence such as addiction and unemployment continue unchecked. And city officials also cite what they call a “Ferguson effect,” an increase in crime last year as police officers were diverted to control protests after a white officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager in the nearby suburb on Aug. 9.


Now, an overstretched department is forced to pick one neighborhood at a time to flood with officers. Last month, Chief Dotson even asked the state highway patrol if it could lend a dozen men to help watch downtown streets; the agency declined.
When the police discover a gun in a car with several passengers, including some with felony records, but no one admits to owning the gun, criminal charges are often impossible, Mr. Rosenfeld said.

In addition, according to a 2014 study by Mr. Rosenfeld and his colleagues, a majority of those who are convicted of illegally possessing a gun but not caught using it in a crime receive probation rather than jail time. Gun laws and enforcement are stiffer in many other cities.

Violence down in St. Louis but homicides hold steady. Are tougher penalties for gun crimes the answer?

But many challenges remain, official said. The department is still down more than 130 officers. Witnesses to crimes remain reluctant to come forward for fear of retaliation, making it difficult to close cases. And a lack of state laws to deter gun crimes has forced the police to turn to federal courts to indict some suspects.

On Tuesday, Edwards made a new pitch: He wants to see the mandatory minimum sentence for armed criminal action raised from its current ceiling of three years to at least 15 years for nonfatal shootings, and 25 years for fatal shootings.


On Tuesday, Edwards made a new pitch: He wants to see the mandatory minimum sentence for armed criminal action raised from its current ceiling of three years to at least 15 years for nonfatal shootings, and 25 years for fatal shootings.
Some aldermen expressed concern over that proposal: over its potential effectiveness, if it would lead to higher numbers of incarcerated people, or if it would disproportionately target poor, marginalized communities. Edwards argued it would be applied “irrespective of one’s station in life,” and only to those who intended to do harm with a gun.

Here we have an 8 year old boy almost hit by bullets during a shooting in Toronto...

‘Disgusting’: Police release surveillance video after boy, 8, nearly hit by gunfire in Rexdale

oronto police have released security camera footage of a “disturbing” incident that shows an eight-year-old boy narrowly escaping a hail of gunfire while on his way to buy a popsicle in Rexdale over the weekend.

Police released information about the shooting on Wednesday, describing it as “callous” and “disgusting.”

“It’s very disturbing – to us, to the community, to the family of an eight year old boy that was walking across the street – that bullets were whizzing by him,” Supt. Ron Taverner said Wednesday.

Most of the shootings are done by black gangs who immigrated to Canada from some Caribbean countries like Jamaica. Jamaica is a crime ridden country and why Canada allows more of them to immigrate to Canada is beyond me. Most of them are living off of welfare in Toronto thanks to Canada's present day stupid immigration policy that is destroying a once great British/European Western nation and it would appear as though our politicians are trying to turn Canada into a third world shit hole. Just saying.
Here we have an 8 year old boy almost hit by bullets during a shooting in Toronto...

‘Disgusting’: Police release surveillance video after boy, 8, nearly hit by gunfire in Rexdale

oronto police have released security camera footage of a “disturbing” incident that shows an eight-year-old boy narrowly escaping a hail of gunfire while on his way to buy a popsicle in Rexdale over the weekend.

Police released information about the shooting on Wednesday, describing it as “callous” and “disgusting.”

“It’s very disturbing – to us, to the community, to the family of an eight year old boy that was walking across the street – that bullets were whizzing by him,” Supt. Ron Taverner said Wednesday.

Most of the shootings are done by black gangs who immigrated to Canada from some Caribbean countries like Jamaica. Jamaica is a crime ridden country and why Canada allows more of them to immigrate to Canada is beyond me. Most of them are living off of welfare in Toronto thanks to Canada's present day stupid immigration policy that is destroying a once great British/European Western nation and it would appear as though our politicians are trying to turn Canada into a third world shit hole. Just saying.

3rd World immigrant males are driving the violence rates in Europe and Australia as well....
I’ll accept Toronto’s gun laws and murder rate any day

But I would rather be in NYC with their strict gun laws
I’ll accept Toronto’s gun laws and murder rate any day

You say that now...but as their criminals become more violent, and the left wing socialists there fail to take real measures....their violent crime rate will continue to go up....while our violent crime rate continues to go down...since Americans have guns...
I’ll accept Toronto’s gun laws and murder rate any day

You say that now...but as their criminals become more violent, and the left wing socialists there fail to take real measures....their violent crime rate will continue to go up....while our violent crime rate continues to go down...since Americans have guns...

Of course NYC is even lower with their strict gun laws
I’ll accept Toronto’s gun laws and murder rate any day

You say that now...but as their criminals become more violent, and the left wing socialists there fail to take real measures....their violent crime rate will continue to go up....while our violent crime rate continues to go down...since Americans have guns...

Of course NYC is even lower with their strict gun laws

No...their murder rate is up 8% as deblasio and the democrats dismantle all the good police work Rudy Guiliani created....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Here we have an 8 year old boy almost hit by bullets during a shooting in Toronto...

‘Disgusting’: Police release surveillance video after boy, 8, nearly hit by gunfire in Rexdale

oronto police have released security camera footage of a “disturbing” incident that shows an eight-year-old boy narrowly escaping a hail of gunfire while on his way to buy a popsicle in Rexdale over the weekend.

Police released information about the shooting on Wednesday, describing it as “callous” and “disgusting.”

“It’s very disturbing – to us, to the community, to the family of an eight year old boy that was walking across the street – that bullets were whizzing by him,” Supt. Ron Taverner said Wednesday.

Is that proof they need stricter laws because St Louis has more murders and looser gun laws?

I gave advice in the other thread about better angles.

If gun laws worked, how can this happen?
Gun murder in Canada....a growing problem their gun control laws can't stop.....

As Toronto’s tragedies mount is gun crime in Canada spiralling out of control?

As gun murders go up, other kinds of murder can go down

Canada marked a dubious milestone in 2016. That year, shootings pulled past stabbings as the number one method of killing someone in Canada: 223 people were shot to death, 175 were stabbed and the remaining 213 were killed by other means, include beating and strangulation.


Criminals using guns is going way up, but most violent crime is still gun-free

Police keep track of every time a criminal pulls a gun, points a gun or shoots a gun that misses. It’s essentially a running tally of every time that a gun is used for a crime without anybody getting hurt. And this number has been jumping precipitously ever since 2005. In 2017 there were 2,734 instances of someone “using, pointing or discharging” a firearm.
Here we have an 8 year old boy almost hit by bullets during a shooting in Toronto...

‘Disgusting’: Police release surveillance video after boy, 8, nearly hit by gunfire in Rexdale

oronto police have released security camera footage of a “disturbing” incident that shows an eight-year-old boy narrowly escaping a hail of gunfire while on his way to buy a popsicle in Rexdale over the weekend.

Police released information about the shooting on Wednesday, describing it as “callous” and “disgusting.”

“It’s very disturbing – to us, to the community, to the family of an eight year old boy that was walking across the street – that bullets were whizzing by him,” Supt. Ron Taverner said Wednesday.
What’s Toronto’s murder rate?
I’ll accept Toronto’s gun laws and murder rate any day

But I would rather be in NYC with their strict gun laws

How about gun free Chicago?

Or Balitmore....or D.C........all run by democrats....

Oh slipped Baltimore in there...spoiler...

Baltimore is special....they have all the gun laws anti-gunners want, 600,000 people compared to New York's 8 million and the more gun murder victims than New York....
Here we have an 8 year old boy almost hit by bullets during a shooting in Toronto...

‘Disgusting’: Police release surveillance video after boy, 8, nearly hit by gunfire in Rexdale

oronto police have released security camera footage of a “disturbing” incident that shows an eight-year-old boy narrowly escaping a hail of gunfire while on his way to buy a popsicle in Rexdale over the weekend.

Police released information about the shooting on Wednesday, describing it as “callous” and “disgusting.”

“It’s very disturbing – to us, to the community, to the family of an eight year old boy that was walking across the street – that bullets were whizzing by him,” Supt. Ron Taverner said Wednesday.
What’s Toronto’s murder rate?

It doesn't matter...what matters is that their gun crime rate is going up....see, what a moron like you doesn't understand....the gun laws you worship are supposed to lower the gun crime know, criminals getting guns.....that they use those guns for crime, but don't use them to commit murder is a matter of personal taste for those criminals...

The point is they keep getting illegal guns no matter what laws you pass...
Here we have an 8 year old boy almost hit by bullets during a shooting in Toronto...

‘Disgusting’: Police release surveillance video after boy, 8, nearly hit by gunfire in Rexdale

oronto police have released security camera footage of a “disturbing” incident that shows an eight-year-old boy narrowly escaping a hail of gunfire while on his way to buy a popsicle in Rexdale over the weekend.

Police released information about the shooting on Wednesday, describing it as “callous” and “disgusting.”

“It’s very disturbing – to us, to the community, to the family of an eight year old boy that was walking across the street – that bullets were whizzing by him,” Supt. Ron Taverner said Wednesday.
What’s Toronto’s murder rate?

It doesn't matter...what matters is that their gun crime rate is going up....see, what a moron like you doesn't understand....the gun laws you worship are supposed to lower the gun crime know, criminals getting guns.....that they use those guns for crime, but don't use them to commit murder is a matter of personal taste for those criminals...

The point is they keep getting illegal guns no matter what laws you pass...
Of course it matters. The goal of gun control is to lower the homicide rate. What’s the homicide rate in Toronto?

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