Top US intelligence agencies are warning that Iran and "russia" have obtained voter information, trying to influence voters in the upcoming president


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
I say bomb Nigeria with snow with Iranian oil- gas sanctions!


question: which side will take D. Trump this time, FBI or Ozero&KGB? With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher

"US officials say Russia, Iran have obtained voter information.

Top US intelligence agencies are warning that Iran and Russia have obtained voter information, trying to influence voters in the upcoming presidential polls.

Top US intelligence agencies are warning that Iran and Russia are trying to influence voters in the upcoming presidential polls. The directors of National Intelligence and the FBI say the two nations have obtained voter registration data.

Influence voters how? How many of you have been influenced by Russia?
Influence voters how? How many of you have been influenced by Russia?

All my Facebook friends are actually foreign agents?

old man , read this:
The latest in Facebook's dragnet: Propaganda from Russian ... › facebook-disinfiromation-russi...

Feb 12, 2020 — Facebook on Wednesday announced the removal of three networks of ... Fancy Bear, a Russian hacking group associated with the GRU ...
Influence voters how? How many of you have been influenced by Russia?

All my Facebook friends are actually foreign agents?

old man , read this:
The latest in Facebook's dragnet: Propaganda from Russian ... › facebook-disinfiromation-russi...

Feb 12, 2020 — Facebook on Wednesday announced the removal of three networks of ... Fancy Bear, a Russian hacking group associated with the GRU ...

All the political posts I see are from people I know, not some "fancy bear". How is this "fancy bear" posting on my Facebook and influencing me? How have they influenced you?

Who did they get this voter info from? Should we not know who is being so flippant with this info and do something about those entities?
Influence voters how? How many of you have been influenced by Russia?

All my Facebook friends are actually foreign agents?

old man , read this:
The latest in Facebook's dragnet: Propaganda from Russian ... › facebook-disinfiromation-russi...

Feb 12, 2020 — Facebook on Wednesday announced the removal of three networks of ... Fancy Bear, a Russian hacking group associated with the GRU ...

All the political posts I see are from people I know, not some "fancy bear". How is this "fancy bear" posting on my Facebook and influencing me? How have they influenced you?

Who did they get this voter info from? Should we not know who is being so flippant with this info and do something about those entities?

you are just too old to understand SM / IT power and Putin´s Hybrid warfare in general
" The United States has charged six Russian military officers with a ... campaigns "the most destructive and costly cyberattacks in history."

U.S. Charges Six Russian Military Officers With 'Destructive ... › us-charges-six-russian-military-officers...

23 hours ago — The United States has charged six Russian military officers with a ... campaigns "the most destructive and costly cyberattacks in history." ... Also on October 19, Britain's Foreign Office said GRU hackers had ... We condemn them in the strongest possible terms," British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said.
Putin is more pro America than Biden and the entire American Taliban Party
you are a traitor, move with your boyfriend to your favorite Nigeria with snow
View attachment 405060

The Cold War is over. Reagan won is. Russia is on the other side of the world and not an issue for US any more.

We should leave NATO.
we know what you want mr. Pootin, but you must know you are Nigeria in snow and you will end up like Saddam
Influence voters how? How many of you have been influenced by Russia?

All my Facebook friends are actually foreign agents?

old man , read this:
The latest in Facebook's dragnet: Propaganda from Russian ... › facebook-disinfiromation-russi...

Feb 12, 2020 — Facebook on Wednesday announced the removal of three networks of ... Fancy Bear, a Russian hacking group associated with the GRU ...

All the political posts I see are from people I know, not some "fancy bear". How is this "fancy bear" posting on my Facebook and influencing me? How have they influenced you?

Who did they get this voter info from? Should we not know who is being so flippant with this info and do something about those entities?

you are just too old to understand SM / IT power and Putin´s Hybrid warfare in general
" The United States has charged six Russian military officers with a ... campaigns "the most destructive and costly cyberattacks in history."

U.S. Charges Six Russian Military Officers With 'Destructive ... › us-charges-six-russian-military-officers...

23 hours ago — The United States has charged six Russian military officers with a ... campaigns "the most destructive and costly cyberattacks in history." ... Also on October 19, Britain's Foreign Office said GRU hackers had ... We condemn them in the strongest possible terms," British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said.

I may be too old but yet you are still unable to point out a single person who has been influenced and how.

Do you not think it important to know where they supposedly hacked this info from if true?
Putin is more pro America than Biden and the entire American Taliban Party
you are a traitor, move with your boyfriend to your favorite Nigeria with snow
View attachment 405060

The Cold War is over. Reagan won is. Russia is on the other side of the world and not an issue for US any more.

We should leave NATO.
we know what you want mr. Pootin, but you must know you are Nigeria in snow and you will end up like Saddam
View attachment 405064

I want America to look out for it's own interests. We have no conflict of interests with Russia, like we did with the Soviet Union.

We need to stop poking the bear, for no reason and pull out of NATO, immediately.
No country has weaponized its cyber capabilities as maliciously and irresponsibly as Russia, wantonly causing unprecedented collateral damage to pursue small tactical advantages and to satisfy fits of spite.” According to the indictment, among the many hacks by Putin’s select squad of engineers were various acts of sabotage against the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea. Why attack the Olympics? Allegedly, Russia wanted revenge after its athletes were not allowed to compete under its national flag. But why was that? Russia had been punished for the most widespread doping conspiracy ever discovered by international authorities in real time. They hacked the Olympics, in other words, because they got caught cheating. This layering of one crime on top of another is the definition of incorrigibility; it’s like the Mafia burning a store after the shopkeeper refuses to pay a protection shakedown. But Putin doesn’t stop there, the extraordinary indictment maintains. The same elite unit of the Russian army that allegedly hacked the Olympics — and, yes, the 2016 presidential election in the United States — has been on a worldwide rampage, federal prosecutors allege. Putin’s outlaw engineers stand accused of shutting down electricity for hundreds of thousands of shivering Ukrainians in bleak ... "


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