Top Republican calls Cruz "a fraud."

even FOX is backing off of the drums for shutting down the Government. I hope the Bagger loons in the House get their wish and the Government shuts down. It worked so well for the GOP last time.

whatever, no one is talking about it but your Dear Leader and you sheep and only to use it for FEAR MONGERING

don't how some of stand yourself being a hateful sheep who has to call people, baggers, ALL for a HATEFUL party

Go Baggers Go! Shut the Guvment down! It will help you in the Polls!

oh yawn us to death already...what a bore

can't win by not playing dirty politics with lies and fear mongering..

but, Obambam's approvals are in the 30's so carry on NOBODY is buying you losers...
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Who determined that Peter King is a "top Republican?" One thing we know about him is that he's a RINO - a fraud, in other words.

I think it says something when CNN writes a story about a Representative and tells you repeatedly that he's a Republican, but doesn't tell you what state he's from OR any committee positions he holds in the House. That's another way of saying, "He's a fucking nobody."

Cnn has become a joke for it's BIASED reporting...

some call it, The Commie News Network

with articles like this the name fits

this was from their BLOG anyway, so it mean's very LITTLE

Stepanie, multiple news agencies reported the same story about King's statement. The only one that I could not find to report it was your beloved and unbiased FOX. So who is being biased????
whatever, no one is talking about it but your Dear Leader and you sheep and only to use it for FEAR MONGERING

don't how some of stand yourself being a hateful sheep who has to call people, baggers, ALL for a HATEFUL party

Go Baggers Go! Shut the Guvment down! It will help you in the Polls!

oh yawn us to death already...what a bore

can't win by not playing dirty politics with lies and fear mongering..

but, Obambam's approvals are in the 30's so carry on NOBODY is buying you losers...

In the 30s? You listening to FOX polling again?:lol:
I'm sorry, John McCain currently holds the title of "fraud."


I mean, he was totally faking it when he spent 5 years in Vietnamese POW Camp.

Big faker.

Seriously, if you want to know why I walked away from the GOP, it's because THIS kind of shit flows from the mouths of guys like you.

Oh cry me a river. I know of very few people who aren't grateful for McCain's service and admiration for his bravery when he was a prisoner.

That was then. This is now.

Ever since McCain lost to Bush in the primaries, he's been running his own game down in Washington.

Take his "gang of ........................." .

McCain basically started a dictatorship within the Republicans in the Senate. Mr. Maverick.

That got a lot of people wondering how and why a "gang of x" had the right to dictate public policy to the others that had been elected to the Senate as well.

He currently has his nose firmly up Obama's ass now as a wannabe CIC. Hell's bells in an interview with Huff Po he even said he wished he could be at the WH every day to advise Obama *sigh*.

Made me want to bazooka barf. McCain is long overdue for retirement. He is only loyal to himself.

It has paid off for him though. He got Meghan her own reality show "raising mc cain".

I find it amusing that the "Gang of 14" Still upsets you wingnuts.

The Gang of 14 got you Roberts and Alito on the Supreme Court, guys the Democrats WOULD have filibustered. In short, you got most of what you want, and you still are whining about it.

McCain also got Bush's Surge in Iraq through in 2006 after Republicans lost the congress.

But yeah, he doesn't side with the "Let's Hug Putin because he's giving Obama a hard time" wing of the GOP. That's how batshit insane your wing of the party has become.

And until sane Republicans confront you, you'll drag them all down.

Me, I got off the crazy train some time ago.
You mean Cruz isn't a war mongering kosher kiss ass neo con moron?! Who knew! Hell anything that fat slob King said about me I would take it as a compliment he is actually worse than Cruz and Paul combined...and he is running for president in 2016.
If Ted Cruz decides to run for president. He will expose himself as a fraud since he is not eligible for Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution.

He won't run.

Go fuck yourself. You are really starting to piss me off. You aren't a conservative. And I know your game.

I know he wont run. He knows he isn't eligible. Actually I am a staunch Conservative but more a Constitutionalist.

Doubtless in the Jake Starkey mode of Republican.

You're a plant, no question.

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