Top Priorities

What Issues Should the President Focus On While Others Can Wait?

  • Economy and jobs

    Votes: 41 80.4%
  • Healthcare Reform

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • Cap & Trade

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Free Trade Agreements/Relations with other countries

    Votes: 5 9.8%
  • Energy Security

    Votes: 8 15.7%
  • Education Reform

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • Student Loan Reform

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Hurrican Preparedness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Environmental Protection

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • Other (I'll explain in my posts)

    Votes: 13 25.5%

  • Total voters
Obama needs to ignore the republicans and do what he thinks is right. He allowed both the Stimulus bill and healthcare to be watered down with sections meant to appease Republicans who will not support it anyway.

Time to take off the gloves and press through your agenda
Yes...That would be sooooooo "post partisan"! :rolleyes:

And Hopey Changey to boot!
Because this President has proven to us that he has absolutely no leadership skills and doesn't have a clue as to what he's doing, his top priority should be to sit back on his ass and not continue to fuck up the country until he can be voted out of office.

His top priority is to swim in the bay. :eusa_whistle:
Because this President has proven to us that he has absolutely no leadership skills and doesn't have a clue as to what he's doing, his top priority should be to sit back on his ass and not continue to fuck up the country until he can be voted out of office.

I'm for him doing nothing but playing basketball and golf for the next 2.5 years.
Somehow I can't help but think saving the Democratic Party will be priority number one for the next two years and four months.
Because this President has proven to us that he has absolutely no leadership skills and doesn't have a clue as to what he's doing, his top priority should be to sit back on his ass and not continue to fuck up the country until he can be voted out of office.

I'm for him doing nothing but playing basketball and golf for the next 2.5 years.

Are you mad? He'll destroy professional sports as we know it!

Obama needs to ignore the republicans and do what he thinks is right. He allowed both the Stimulus bill and healthcare to be watered down with sections meant to appease Republicans who will not support it anyway.

Time to take off the gloves and press through your agenda

No, he did that to appease Democrats, who only then would support it and give him the votes needed to get it passed. So be pissed at the moderates in your own party.
So how many priorities can be 'top priority'?

How many issues should be 'top priority' and what can wait?

I'd say I have about 4-5 top priorities at work right now--things that are all demanding and getting my attention, often simultaneously, because I can't afford to not be working on any of them now. I'm not surprised that the President of the United States has a few more than me on his plate (though in fairness, he's much better staffed than I am).

Is this really a novel concept? This is why Congress uses a committee structure, this is why the Executive Office of the President exists: lots to do, usually in parallel.
Let's imagine that the GOP sweeps the House races this autumn. Do you suppose their "top priority" will be job creation, or subpoena power?

I dont think it will change washington very much. Just a slower roll down the hill.

We need new blood that dont subscribe to the republican/democrat doctrines.
Find the candidate who can run and win with that philosophy and you'll find yourself the the 1st congressional district of Oz!
Let's imagine that the GOP sweeps the House races this autumn. Do you suppose their "top priority" will be job creation, or subpoena power?

Why are you concerned about subpoena power? Is there something that might lead ongress to investigate obama for something?
I'm concerned that nothing will get done while political zealots gum up the works just to fight dirty politics rather than enact meaningful legislation. Watch Michelle Bachmann in the coming year. She'll make a non-stop campaign if she's in the majority. Daryl Issa scares me most though.
Let's imagine that the GOP sweeps the House races this autumn. Do you suppose their "top priority" will be job creation, or subpoena power?

Why are you concerned about subpoena power? Is there something that might lead ongress to investigate obama for something?
I'm concerned that nothing will get done while political zealots gum up the works just to fight dirty politics rather than enact meaningful legislation. Watch Michelle Bachmann in the coming year. She'll make a non-stop campaign if she's in the majority. Daryl Issa scares me most though.

I don't care HOW gummed up the works get in partisan bickering, just so long as the worst of the damaging legislation that is already passed is reversed. Then I want two priorities:

1. A business friendly environment with incentives for private businesses to get back to work unencumbered by any more government than is necessary.

2. A Congress focused like a laser beam to make itself as lean and mean and thrifty and non essential to American life except as necessary.
Let's imagine that the GOP sweeps the House races this autumn. Do you suppose their "top priority" will be job creation, or subpoena power?

Why are you concerned about subpoena power? Is there something that might lead ongress to investigate obama for something?
I'm concerned that nothing will get done while political zealots gum up the works just to fight dirty politics rather than enact meaningful legislation. Watch Michelle Bachmann in the coming year. She'll make a non-stop campaign if she's in the majority. Daryl Issa scares me most though.

Holy shit, you do realize you have just described the current administration.
Let's imagine that the GOP sweeps the House races this autumn. Do you suppose their "top priority" will be job creation, or subpoena power?

I dont think it will change washington very much. Just a slower roll down the hill.

We need new blood that dont subscribe to the republican/democrat doctrines.
Find the candidate who can run and win with that philosophy and you'll find yourself the the 1st congressional district of Oz!

So you agree that the majority of americans are too dim-witted to realize the 2 party system is a sham to keep us divided while they garner more and more power for the government at the expense of our individual liberty?
that is a nice roundup, foxfyre.

i think that many of the topics are interrelated to the first and foremost. they have to do with how the economy and job creation are approached, and what solutions for immediate and long-term concerns that exist within our economy.

from the national perspective, don't trade agreements impact the domestic job market? with healthcare as one of the biggest and fastest growing sectors in the country, isn't that an economic concern?
Our nation has a myriad of problems and a president must be able to multi-task. Clearly the economy is job number one, and for the economy to grow people need jobs.
If the Republican's take Congress in November, we will be assured that no action will be taken for the next two years. The R's will focus on capturing the White House in 2012 and make sure President Obama and his administration is incapable of growing the economy.
My question is, if the R's caputure the WH and hold both houses of Congress after Janauary 2013, what will they do? We hear nothing from their leadership save for negativity and platitudes. Will American be a better place if Grove Norquist gets his way?
I think voters need to study the Federalist Papers, 1 -5:

Federalist Essays No.1 - No.5 Summary
"Because of the failures of the current federal government (Articles of Condederation), you are being asked to consider a new system of government. There are reasons both philanthropic and patriotic that should cause you to support it, but I know that support will not come easily. As in all prior cases of great national discussion, the different opinions and angry passions will get loose.

"The supporters of the new document will be accused of favoring despotism and being hostile to liberty. It will be forgotten that the energy of the government is crucial to the security of liberty. You should be on guard, my fellow countrymen, for citizens that try to persuade you in your decision in any way other than through the evidence of truth. I will provide for you in these essays the reasons to support the new constitution, and will attempt to give you responses to all the objections to the new government.

"It is worth mentioning that the importance of the union is being questioned. There are critics that believe no single system can manage all 13 states. The only alternative to adopting this Constitution is to disband the union.

"Nothing is more agreed upon than the importance of government, and the necessity of giving up personal liberty to sustain that government. The question is will the people be willing to give up some of their liberty for a federal government or insist upon a government of separate confederacies?"

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