Top Democrat Impeachment Witness Lied Repeatedly Under Oath, Ambassador Yovanovitch Caught Lying on Burisma


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Another Obama Crime Syndicate Member, Another Crime Exposed...



Fired anti-Trump Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch spoke in front of the Schiff impeachment show trial in November.

During her opening statement under oath before Congress Yovanovitch said the Obama administration never raised the issue of Burisma or Hunter Biden with her.

But then during her testimony Yovanovitch admitted that during her confirmation hearing she was warned about Hunter Biden and Burisma.

Under oath before Congress is NOT the time to figure out you don't have your lies in order...

'Documents prove Yovanovitch was personally involved in the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s investigations and denied visas to witnesses who could prove Biden, Dem corruption.

'And now there is more information that former Ambassador Yovanovitch lied under oath about Burisma Holdings and Hunter Biden.

New documents show Ambassador Yovanovitch perjured herself in her impeachment testimony. The fired ambassador left out mention of Burisma meetings, numerous letters on Burisma.'

There are so many Obama Cabinet / Administration members being proven to have committed crimes that the Army Corp of Engineers are going to have to build a prison just for THEM, like how they had to build hospitals for COVID-19 patients....

Another Obama Crime Syndicate Member, Another Crime Exposed...



Fired anti-Trump Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch spoke in front of the Schiff impeachment show trial in November.

During her opening statement under oath before Congress Yovanovitch said the Obama administration never raised the issue of Burisma or Hunter Biden with her.

But then during her testimony Yovanovitch admitted that during her confirmation hearing she was warned about Hunter Biden and Burisma.

Under oath before Congress is NOT the time to figure out you don't have your lies in order...

'Documents prove Yovanovitch was personally involved in the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s investigations and denied visas to witnesses who could prove Biden, Dem corruption.

'And now there is more information that former Ambassador Yovanovitch lied under oath about Burisma Holdings and Hunter Biden.

New documents show Ambassador Yovanovitch perjured herself in her impeachment testimony. The fired ambassador left out mention of Burisma meetings, numerous letters on Burisma.'

There are so many Obama Cabinet / Administration members being proven to have committed crimes that the Army Corp of Engineers are going to have to build a prison just for THEM, like how they had to build hospitals for COVID-19 patients....

Haven't you figured this out yet???? Demrats can lie all the time and not be held accountable. the GOP could jaywalk the those demrat dirt bags will scream 10 years in prison.
If accountability would have been upheld years ago none of this shit would be happening now.

If legal accountability is not enforced now the criminals will be emboldened to continue to engage in their same crimes, and we will see this shit again and again and again....

I prefer to hold them all accountable...but one or two need to be made an example of as a warning to everyone now and in the future.

Brennan, for example, should be conceited and sent to GITMO. To hell with Federal Prison - what he did again and again and again is beyond 'criminal' It was treasonous and repeated attacks on the rule of law and the Constitution.
Without prosecutions and subsequent punishment none of this means anything. It's just a bunch of emboldened communists tea-bagging the American electorate. I'm hoping Trump is waiting for the election and then will spend 4 years putting treasonous criminal shitstains in cages. His timing has been quite good so far, so let's hope he's way ahead of us, as usual.
Another Obama Crime Syndicate Member, Another Crime Exposed...



Fired anti-Trump Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch spoke in front of the Schiff impeachment show trial in November.

During her opening statement under oath before Congress Yovanovitch said the Obama administration never raised the issue of Burisma or Hunter Biden with her.

But then during her testimony Yovanovitch admitted that during her confirmation hearing she was warned about Hunter Biden and Burisma.

Under oath before Congress is NOT the time to figure out you don't have your lies in order...

'Documents prove Yovanovitch was personally involved in the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s investigations and denied visas to witnesses who could prove Biden, Dem corruption.

'And now there is more information that former Ambassador Yovanovitch lied under oath about Burisma Holdings and Hunter Biden.

New documents show Ambassador Yovanovitch perjured herself in her impeachment testimony. The fired ambassador left out mention of Burisma meetings, numerous letters on Burisma.'

There are so many Obama Cabinet / Administration members being proven to have committed crimes that the Army Corp of Engineers are going to have to build a prison just for THEM, like how they had to build hospitals for COVID-19 patients....

Gitmo is almost empty, enough space for them there....

Maybe throw a few out the helicopter door on the way if the weather gets rough.

CONFIRMED: Judicial Watch Docs Show US Embassy in Ukraine and Crooked Ambassador Yovanovitch Spied on US Conservatives

Yovanovich was a noted Trump-hater who blocked Ukrainian officials from traveling to the United States to hand over evidence of Obama-Biden misconduct during the 2016 election to President Trump.

Yovanovich was US ambassador to Ukraine during the 2016 election when the Ukrainian government was colluding with the DNC and Hillary Campaign to undermine the US presidential election.

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko told journalists in March that Yovanovitch gave him a “do not prosecute” list during their first meeting.

Ambassador Yovanovich was monitoring the reporters digging into Ukrainian lawlessness.


Trump Country.​

President Trump made the right decision firing this corrupt liberal operative.

Democrats treated her like a hero. Now we know she was nothing but a crook.
"Not A Big Deal"? State Dept Docs Show Amb. Yovanovitch Directly Aware Of Two Burisma Bribe Attempts

"There are accusations that Burisma had a subsidiary dump natural gas as a way to pay bribes... mentions Hunter Biden..."

Always glowing in her Schiff-protected bubble of virtue-signaling safety, former Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch told Congress that she knew little about Burisma Holdings and the long-running corruption probe against the company now so infamously linked to Joe Biden's son Hunter, specifically testifying under oath, "It just wasn't a big deal."

Well, according to new memos belatedly released to Just the News's John Solomon, under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department, Yovanovitch wrote top officials in Washington that she feared Burisma Holdings had made a second bribe to Ukrainian officials around the time a corruption probe against Hunter Biden's natural gas employer was closed before Donald Trump took office.

Then-Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch's concerns were first raised in a Ukrainian news story about a Russian-backed fugitive lawmaker in Ukraine, who alleged Burisma had dumped low-priced natural gas into the market for officials near Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to buy low and sell high, making a bribe disguised as a profit.

The scheme was confirmed by U.S. officials before Yovanovitch alerted the top State official for Ukraine and Russia policy in Washington at the time, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, the memos show.
"There are accusations that Burisma allegedly had a subsidiary dump natural gas as a way to pay bribes," Yovanovitch wrote Nuland on Dec. 29, 2016, noting the story "mentions that Hunter Biden and former Polish President Kwasniewski are on the Burisma Board."

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