Top 6 Reasons For Trump to NOT CONCEDE


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is a good summary and pretty much the same as what I am thinking.

1. Trump won a landslide of votes legally cast by the end of "Election Day." Then came the as-yet-undetermined number of mail-in votes that were not authorized by state legislatures were arguably postmarked after Election Day and may not have been signed by certified voters.
2. He told Bartiromo: "There was tremendous cheating here. If Republicans allow it to happen, you'll never have another Republican elected in the history of this country, at a Senate level or at a presidential level." Why? Republicans would have essentially enabled cheating. Could we ever trust them again?...
This is a good summary and pretty much the same as what I am thinking.

1. Trump won a landslide of votes legally cast by the end of "Election Day." Then came the as-yet-undetermined number of mail-in votes that were not authorized by state legislatures were arguably postmarked after Election Day and may not have been signed by certified voters.
2. He told Bartiromo: "There was tremendous cheating here. If Republicans allow it to happen, you'll never have another Republican elected in the history of this country, at a Senate level or at a presidential level." Why? Republicans would have essentially enabled cheating. Could we ever trust them again?...

You forgot Lucky #7

7) "It's not fair that the legal system will be coming after me for my corruption for the rest of my life. I mean, NO ONE should have to deal with that!. How can you indict someone like me? I was a great President!".
This is a good summary and pretty much the same as what I am thinking.

1. Trump won a landslide of votes legally cast by the end of "Election Day." Then came the as-yet-undetermined number of mail-in votes that were not authorized by state legislatures were arguably postmarked after Election Day and may not have been signed by certified voters.
2. He told Bartiromo: "There was tremendous cheating here. If Republicans allow it to happen, you'll never have another Republican elected in the history of this country, at a Senate level or at a presidential level." Why? Republicans would have essentially enabled cheating. Could we ever trust them again?...
Yeah why not keep lying? It’s what trumpscum do
Biden will be a one term mess if he gets in...and everything he does will have to be undone by the next president...all the dems did by cheating in the election was to tarnish their party badly....they will be very sorry they did this...

I agree, Biden will be a one termer. The best thing about it, you will have four years to pull your head out of your ass.
This is a good summary and pretty much the same as what I am thinking.

1. Trump won a landslide of votes legally cast by the end of "Election Day." Then came the as-yet-undetermined number of mail-in votes that were not authorized by state legislatures were arguably postmarked after Election Day and may not have been signed by certified voters.
2. He told Bartiromo: "There was tremendous cheating here. If Republicans allow it to happen, you'll never have another Republican elected in the history of this country, at a Senate level or at a presidential level." Why? Republicans would have essentially enabled cheating. Could we ever trust them again?...
Yeah why not keep lying? It’s what trumpscum do
  1. Because he's a poor loser
  2. He's the world's biggest narcissist
  3. He's deranged conspiracy-believing loon
  4. His adoring cult is also
  5. He can milk his adoring cult for all they're worth
  6. See #1

I think number five is the big one. And I have to ask, what kind of great businessman seeks to get millions of dollars by panhandling. Because that is what he is doing. His actions here are no different than the guy at the intersection with the sign claiming he is homeless and needs money. The fat sorry ass is BEGGING. Past time this nation kicked this worthless piece of shit to the curb. He has done so much damage to this country, he has certainly failed to "Make it Great Again", which is really insulting in and of itself. When did we not become great, when we elected a black president? I mean that is the real underlying message in his stupid meme. His followers are racist and stupid. He is a master con artist, and continuing to fall for his con only reveals a person's total ignorance.
This is a good summary and pretty much the same as what I am thinking.

1. Trump won a landslide of votes legally cast by the end of "Election Day." Then came the as-yet-undetermined number of mail-in votes that were not authorized by state legislatures were arguably postmarked after Election Day and may not have been signed by certified voters.
2. He told Bartiromo: "There was tremendous cheating here. If Republicans allow it to happen, you'll never have another Republican elected in the history of this country, at a Senate level or at a presidential level." Why? Republicans would have essentially enabled cheating. Could we ever trust them again?...

I can think of two other reasons that need to be added.

7. This election is not like any other election before in mankinds history.It is not the normal individual against individual this time.It is about justice being done,If they allow Biden to be sworn in,then you think this wont happen again in future elections? if they can get away with it once,why would they stop there?

8.This election is about having a capitalist future vs a socialist future.One is for the former,one is for the latter. If this election goes the way the elite want it then a coup de ta will have taken place.It will be november 22nd 1963 all over again where a transfer of power took place where America ceased being America where instead of having a president that was returning us to the constitution,the one that replaced him was a warmonger globalist who trashed the constitution and instead of the people having control over the government as we are suppose to and having the government serve us,corporations control the government now and we serve the government instead. that is EXACTLY what is taking place now and why this cannot happen.this election is way bigger than trump. THAT is what is at stake here. it is identical to what happened back then happening all over again.
Biden will be a one term mess if he gets in...and everything he does will have to be undone by the next president...all the dems did by cheating in the election was to tarnish their party badly....they will be very sorry they did this...
I see that you're at Stage 3 of Grief...Empty Threats and Pouting.
That's're working your way through it.
This is a good summary and pretty much the same as what I am thinking.

1. Trump won a landslide of votes legally cast by the end of "Election Day." Then came the as-yet-undetermined number of mail-in votes that were not authorized by state legislatures were arguably postmarked after Election Day and may not have been signed by certified voters.
2. He told Bartiromo: "There was tremendous cheating here. If Republicans allow it to happen, you'll never have another Republican elected in the history of this country, at a Senate level or at a presidential level." Why? Republicans would have essentially enabled cheating. Could we ever trust them again?...

I can think of two other reasons that need to be added.

7. This election is not like any other election before in mankinds history.It is not the normal individual against individual this time.It is about justice being done,If they allow Biden to be sworn in,then you think this wont happen again in future elections? if they can get away with it once,why would they stop there?

8.This election is about having a capitalist future vs a socialist future.One is for the former,one is for the latter. If this election goes the way the elite want it then a coup de ta will have taken place.It will be november 22nd 1963 all over again where a transfer of power took place where America ceased being America where instead of having a president that was returning us to the constitution,the one that replaced him was a warmonger globalist who trashed the constitution and instead of the people having control over the government as we are suppose to and having the government serve us,corporations control the government now and we serve the government instead. that is EXACTLY what is taking place now and why this cannot happen.this election is way bigger than trump. THAT is what is at stake here. it is identical to what happened back then happening all over again.

and i know i hit the nail on the head sense langley shill toto is pissed about this truth.:auiqs.jpg:
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Biden will be a one term mess if he gets in...and everything he does will have to be undone by the next president...all the dems did by cheating in the election was to tarnish their party badly....they will be very sorry they did this...
I see that you're at Stage 3 of Grief...Empty Threats and Pouting.
That's're working your way through it.
so because he tells facts you dont like of bidens corruption you claim he is pouting and in grief? grow up.
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This is a good summary and pretty much the same as what I am thinking.

1. Trump won a landslide of votes legally cast by the end of "Election Day." Then came the as-yet-undetermined number of mail-in votes that were not authorized by state legislatures were arguably postmarked after Election Day and may not have been signed by certified voters.
2. He told Bartiromo: "There was tremendous cheating here. If Republicans allow it to happen, you'll never have another Republican elected in the history of this country, at a Senate level or at a presidential level." Why? Republicans would have essentially enabled cheating. Could we ever trust them again?...

I can think of two other reasons that need to be added.

7. This election is not like any other election before in mankinds history.It is not the normal individual against individual this time.It is about justice being done,If they allow Biden to be sworn in,then you think this wont happen again in future elections? if they can get away with it once,why would they stop there?

8.This election is about having a capitalist future vs a socialist future.One is for the former,one is for the latter. If this election goes the way the elite want it then a coup de ta will have taken place.It will be november 22nd 1963 all over again where a transfer of power took place where America ceased being America where instead of having a president that was returning us to the constitution,the one that replaced him was a warmonger globalist who trashed the constitution and instead of the people having control over the government as we are suppose to and having the government serve us,corporations control the government now and we serve the government instead. that is EXACTLY what is taking place now and why this cannot happen.this election is way bigger than trump. THAT is what is at stake here. it is identical to what happened back then happening all over again.

You are absolutely delusional. Socialism, by definition, is when the government owns the means of production. Can you please tell me, what "production" is the government seeking to own. I mean you have no idea. Socialism is when you come in to your office, at the business you built from the ground up, and someone is sitting at your desk and tells you that you don't own your company anymore. The government has "Nationalized" your company. Again, tell me what company is slated to be nationalized?

Kennedy was killed for one simple reason. Rarely, but occasionally, you get that reason if you pay for something in cash and get back a five dollar bill with a red seal. But Johnson was actually the greatest president in modern history. I mean there is no debate. His great society programs improved living conditions for millions of Americans. And true to form, boomers more than anyone else, have no understanding of just how much they have been helped by those programs.

And I got to admit, I don't understand how you can support Trump on one hand, and then complain about corporate control of the government on the other. Can you please tell me what single act Trump has done to change that corporate control? I mean just in the past day, the whole Coronavirus loan program has been shown to grant millions of dollars in forgivable loans to businesses owned by Trump and his son-in-law. The corporate tax cut was stupid, resulting in more stock buybacks than raises and bonuses. And the short term idiocy of refusing to attack the coronavirus with full force and worry about opening businesses has possibly set our economy back for a decade or more, not to mention resulting in thousands of deaths that were not necessary. Trump will go down in history as the most incompetent president ever. And his supporters will go down in history as the biggest idiots, ever.
Biden will be a one term mess if he gets in...and everything he does will have to be undone by the next president...all the dems did by cheating in the election was to tarnish their party badly....they will be very sorry they did this...
I see that you're at Stage 3 of Grief...Empty Threats and Pouting.
That's're working your way through it.
so because he tells facts you dont like of bidens corruption you clain he is pouting and in grief? grow up. haven't moved past Stage 1...Impotent Anger.
That's OK, you're just a little slow.

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