Top 3 Myths About the Great Depression and the New Deal

We are telling you what the people who lived the great depression had to say.

The ones who saw the improvements in their very lives.

You know , the greatest generation as some call them.

The people who built and worked us out of the great depression and fought and won WWII.

There are people in this country that now want those peoples insight into this issue forgotten by rewrting history.

The American people LOVED FDR and agreed his programs made their lives better by VAST numbers.

You people want their memory shut down and replaced with the money and power peoples take on it.

Why do you spit on the very generation who lived this time?
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Landslide re-election, 1936

Main article: United States presidential election, 1936

In the 1936 presidential election, Roosevelt campaigned on his New Deal programs against Kansas Governor Alf Landon, who accepted much of the New Deal but objected that it was hostile to business and involved too much waste. Roosevelt and Garner won 60.8% of the vote and carried every state except Maine and Vermont.[103] The New Deal Democrats won even larger majorities in Congress. Roosevelt was backed by a coalition of voters which included traditional Democrats across the country, small farmers, the "Solid South", Catholics, big city political machines, labor unions, northern African Americans, Jews, intellectuals and political liberals. This coalition, frequently referred to as the New Deal coalition, remained largely intact for the Democratic Party until the 1960s.[104] Roosevelt's popularity meant massive volumes of correspondence in need of reply. He once told his son James, "Two short sentences will generally answer any known letter."[105]
The American people LOVED FDR and agreed his programs made their lives better by VAST numbers.?

Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP) is a label for a pattern of behavior in which care-givers deliberately exaggerate, fabricate, and/or induce physical, psychological, behavioral, and/or mental health problems in others.

Because the parent or caregiver appears to be so caring and attentive, often no one suspects any wrongdoing. A perplexing aspect of the syndrome is the ability of the parent or caregiver to fool and manipulate doctors. Frequently, the perpetrator is familiar with the medical profession and is very good at fooling the doctors. Even the most experienced doctors can miss the meaning of the inconsistencies in the child's symptoms. It's not unusual for medical personnel to overlook the possibility of MBPS because it goes against the belief that a parent or caregiver would never deliberately hurt his or her child.

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

We are telling you what the people who lived the great depression had to say.

The ones who saw the improvements in their very lives.

You know , the greatest generation as some call them.

The people who built and worked us out of the great depression and fought and won WWII.

There are people in this country that now want those peoples insight into this issue forgotten by rewrting history.

The American people LOVED FDR and agreed his programs made their lives better by VAST numbers.

You people want their memory shut down and replaced with the money and power peoples take on it.

Why do you spit on the very generation who lived this time?

Oh, WELL, if we're going with anecdotes and claiming that "This person's opinion represents what EVERYONE back then thought, because everyone had the same opinion then", my grandparents both lived through the Great Depression, and they thought at the time that it was possible FDR was the Antichrist.
I dunno about hack, but he's certainly a prominent LEFTIST economist.

You have just been nominated for the "Oxymoron of the Month" award for your entry "LEFTIST economist"


Because you assume there's no such thing as an economist who isn't a leftist? You've just been nominated for the "Stupid Assumption of the Year" award. Congratulations.
We are telling you what the people who lived the great depression had to say.

The ones who saw the improvements in their very lives.

You know , the greatest generation as some call them.

The people who built and worked us out of the great depression and fought and won WWII.

There are people in this country that now want those peoples insight into this issue forgotten by rewrting history.

The American people LOVED FDR and agreed his programs made their lives better by VAST numbers.

You people want their memory shut down and replaced with the money and power peoples take on it.

Why do you spit on the very generation who lived this time?

Oh, WELL, if we're going with anecdotes and claiming that "This person's opinion represents what EVERYONE back then thought, because everyone had the same opinion then", my grandparents both lived through the Great Depression, and they thought at the time that it was possible FDR was the Antichrist.

I didnt say everyone, why are you lying aboutr what i said?

Are you going to pretend elections mean nothing?
I dunno about hack, but he's certainly a prominent LEFTIST economist.

You have just been nominated for the "Oxymoron of the Month" award for your entry "LEFTIST economist"


Because you assume there's no such thing as an economist who isn't a leftist? You've just been nominated for the "Stupid Assumption of the Year" award. Congratulations.

No, there's not such thing as an economist who is a leftist. That wasn't meant to be an insult.

Sorry about the misunderstanding.
When you people attempt to rewrite the history you spit on the people who lived it.

This generation LOVED FDR.

That is why the history books show so much supprot for him.

Because the people adored him.

They loved his policies.

Are you now going to claim that is not true?
When you people attempt to rewrite the history you spit on the people who lived it.

This generation LOVED FDR.

That is why the history books show so much supprot for him.

Because the people adored him.

They loved his policies.

Are you now going to claim that is not true?

Germans loved Hitler, and for the same reasons.
So now you say FDR was as bad as hilter?

wow that is a whole lot of Americans you are spitting on now
So now you say FDR was as bad as hilter?

Hitler and Franklin Roosevelt

In fact, there is a remarkable similarity between the economic policies that Hitler implemented and those that Franklin Roosevelt enacted. Keep in mind, first of all, that the German National Socialists were strong believers in Social Security, which Roosevelt introduced to the United States as part of his New Deal. Keep in mind also that the Nazis were strong believers in such other socialist schemes as public (i.e., government) schooling and national health care. In fact, my hunch is that very few Americans realize that Social Security, public schooling, Medicare, and Medicaid have their ideological roots in German socialism.

Hitler and Roosevelt also shared a common commitment to such programs as government-business partnerships. In fact, until the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional, Roosevelt’s National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), which cartelized American industry, along with his “Blue Eagle” propaganda campaign, was the type of economic fascism that Hitler himself was embracing in Germany (as fascist ruler Benito Mussolini was also doing in Italy).

Why Germans Supported Hitler, Part 1

The Hard Right here are fun to read, buncha loons. Their revision of history is not taught at reputable high schools or universities.
The Hard Right here are fun to read, buncha loons. Their revision of history is not taught at reputable high schools or universities.........

...........because they are afraid that by criticizing Uncle Sam they won't get federal "Research" they see nothing, hear nothing will speak nothing.

As always, Heil Hitler.

Because they know your revisionism is not actual or factual in your interpretation.
I just cant stand by and watch you people insult the American generation who faced the greastest evils this world has to offer and rose to the occation and changed the world.

How much do you have to hate this country to spew hate on one of our most beloved presidents by saying he was just like the evil he helped to defeat?

There is a reason why history like this should not be allowed to be rewritten by those who did not live it.

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